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so welcome everybody i'm nate angel from hypothesis and uh today's episode of liquid margins uh annotating world languages really excited to have some great guests here today
with us um georgia and corey and we're going to ask them to uh introduce themselves in just a second but i wanted to uh welcome everybody to the show and uh
invite everyone to participate as as deeply as they want in the chat as we move along um so i'm hoping that georgia you could start off by telling us a little bit about yourself and how you got interested in annotation and
why how you came to be here today you'll need to unmute though also because you're muted in the background wonderful thank you um hi everybody corey erin and nate thanks a lot it's good to be here
um i'm associate professor of spanish at st edwards and we have a population that's about 40 percent hispanic and that really impacts the spanish program so that's
something i think that'll be important later when we talk more about using hypothesis i came to learn about hypothesis from the um from the office of instructional technology
at our university that is kind of overseen by rebecca frost davis and she sent out a call for people who wanted to pilot this so i said sure and um with along with another
colleague in spanish actually she also volunteered we both used it and were really impressed with what we were able to do and the students reaction to it as well um so that's
really how i came to get to know hypothesis great that's so great to have you here georgia and rebecca is a great champion for collaborative annotation as well so kudos to her
corey tell us a little bit about yourself uh who are you where are you calling in from and how did you get to know about hypothesis and start using it i'm i'm corey i'm the director of the keck center for language study at koi
university which i'd like to say is located on unseated land of the hodashioni people and we my position here
is i work with all the different language departments although my specialty is in uh spanish and and some portuguese or portugal uh it's probably more accurate of my portuguese
uh but i do work with all the different language um language faculty um my interest in collaborative reading and annotation has been
existed long before i knew about hypothesis uh so i remember in grad school seeing a simple tool built by the folks at the scholars lab at the
university of virginia called prism and it was a simple tool where you could choose three different colors to highlight the text as a group it was really built on it was really um
it was a digital version of a an analog activity that a an instructor used to do where she would have students put a transparent you know a projector transparency over a poem
a paper poem and then they'd underline with different colors different parts they found out important and then she would physically stack all of their transparencies together and put them on the projector and see look this is what we all thought
um and so they basically built that into a digital version that you could you know highlight things and then you could see the heat map and things of how people were annotating so that was my first introduction and i thought this is great
and i've been looking i've been looking for something for years of that could be more robust and so it was um in talking with our academic technology specialists here at colgate they're the ones who pointed out
hypothesis as a tool and started using that and i've used it in some classes some language classes also some culture classes and also in a bilingual class that i
know i pioneered and that was really useful so i've i've been really uh impressed with how hypothesis the the amount of stuff that we can do together as a class and the way students
have responded to using it especially in the language classrooms that's so so interesting that uh it kind of built out of this uh analog kind of tradition which i think i mean annotation has been around as long as
there have been books to write in right and that's right one of the points here well okay let me take this opportunity then to hand the baton over to my colleague aaron barker um aaron could you say a little bit about yourself and leave the discussion from here thank you so much
for coming yeah thanks for having me i'm erin i'm the customer success specialist for hypothesis and as such my job is to make sure that all of you know how to use it well and implement it in
your courses and then you're successful using it my background with languages is actually i was a spanish undergrad major at southwestern university in georgetown texas studied abroad
in valdivia chile at universidad austral de chile which is my background currently i thought i'd bring some culture into today's discussion um and actually attended grad school in spain
uh multiple times so that's a little bit of my background i taught spanish immersion um in k-12 middle school so language arts and social studies in spanish and have some of my own annotation
practices teaching reading in a world language or a second language for students so that's a bit of my background i'm nate are you ready do you want to get started
yeah let's do it okay take it away well so i wanted to start first corey and georgia talking about how your courses have changed in the time of coved and we know that language courses really
need a lot of interaction and um are based a lot on our our physical expressions and our facial expressions so how have you changed your teaching style
if you have gone remote or if you've gone hybrid so georgia or cory either of you can start sorry hey corey i'll go ahead and start um
well at st edwards we are all online now so that was mandated about two thirds of the way through the summer i am not currently using hypothesis just because
of the selection of courses i have but i was using it in the spring and we had kind of shut down in the spring after spring break so i had already set up a few assignments with with hypothesis
and we were reading mexican women writers and i use um a primary text lection de cocina by rosario castellanos and it's a it's a
difficult text for students so i think hypothesis helps to kind of break the reading down and scaffold it as well as allowing students to comment on an ongoing basis as we were moving through
that text and then i used it for an academic article which they don't have a lot of experience reading in spanish but as i mentioned before
we have a probably 80 percent of the students in our upper division spanish classes are spanish speakers with a high level of proficiency so i thought this is a good way to
challenge them with this kind of language because they're not going to voluntarily read an academic article so we used an article talking about the history of misogyny
in different um spanish language texts literature juana was the text that one of the texts that we were looking at and i it was a really good experience for the students and for me because they felt a sense of
accomplishment they were able to read these articles where as in the past when i tried to do something like that nobody read that i had to end up summarizing the article for them
which is okay but it's not the same it's not the same experience for them so being able to scaffold a reading break it down and have them comment on it i would have them comment on vocabulary that they had had
to look up um and give definitions of words that they looked up as well as trace trace the development of misogyny through the article and how the author was
bringing that forward and critiquing that idea so it was it turned out to be a really uh beneficial tool for the for the students and for me because it was satisfying to see that they were
working with the reading grappling with the difficult concepts and and doing it on their own um and i will mute myself now yeah for us the change in in in teaching
over the last i guess several months now it has been pretty drastic colgate has uh we we do have our campus open right now we had students on a two-week quarantine and now they just
got off last week so this is our first week of in-person classes but still all the classes are are hybrid to some degree and have to be available for students to take remotely at any time
should they need to be remote so all of our classes are being prepared to to teach remotely in some way and for me the biggest change in that is and what i've been trying to
impress upon my colleagues is that when you're teaching in in a hybrid format of any kind no matter how well you prepare for class you're going to lose some of the in-person time to
little things you know just setting up this or you know sharing your screen here or just little technical things everything you know takes away and sometimes it's just 30 seconds sometimes it's a minute sometimes it's two minutes
but over the semester those things add up and they add up and they add up and you end up losing really valuable time with students so we've been thinking and i've been trying to think with colleagues about all the different ways
that you can offload a lot of what you you're doing in class to be done before class and outside of class so how can we move the synchronous to the asynchronous and this is also and i think uh
um uh the vanderbilt center for for teaching uh stacy margarita johnson is a great follow if you don't know her um a great follow on twitter uh and has some great resources on twitter and on her blog
but she talks also about this being a you know an issue an issue of equity right that we need to think about the fact that not every student who's remote has the same access to the synchronous sessions as others
and it could be the quality of their feed it could be you know the situation they're in it could just be how many of their you know their family members or housemates are on the on trying to use the same internet
connection at the same time so a lot of factors could make what happens for the synchronous sessions be less useful for certain people depending on their locations so as we move things asynchronous i
think that really helps students get some more equity and allows them and then it also frees up time in the class so how can we do what are the things that we do in class but really we could have students doing before class and then coming to class
more prepared to do the things that are the most important class and so for me when i was teaching uh last last semester and we had this drastic change i had already been using hypothesis for the class it
was a fourth semester class which is kind of this kind of bridge course to the literature courses from the language courses and we had been focused quite heavily maybe more heavily than
others would on the literary piece so hypothesis had been very helpful because the students need a lot of a lot more structure a lot more scaffolding as georgia was saying to get into these texts that are a little more difficult at their level
and when we moved in to to being remote for the semester a lot of the things that i was hoping to do and a lot of the assignments i had planned for them kind of became unfeasible because they
required a lot of in-person uh activity and so i decided to put a lot more emphasis on those readings and the use of hypothesis so making those discussions and the things that happen
in the hypothesis offline more robust and and kind of thinking of that discussion is more important for the for the course because of course because again i wasn't sure what the situation was going to be for students to be
able to participate in our zoom discussions all those ended up being very good and very lively i think that because we had put so much effort into doing this stuff on a hypothesis and having that discussion happen
and really having students interact with each other in more meaningful ways on hypothesis um and then it just became you know those discussions became much more rich and really i think for me the saving grace of those few months uh
those first few months of quarantine it was to have you know a time where i got to sit down with students and have a good discussion about literature i think mentally that really saved me in a lot of ways so i was really grateful to have that
you know students were all prepared and i knew how well they were prepared because of what they'd done before class i wish i was just thinking i wish i'd had something like hypothesis when i was doing my upper level undergrad courses
in spanish literature it would have helped me tremendously uh so when a student is presented with these difficult texts in another language
it can be quite overwhelming right there's so much to take in there's the the litter literary piece there's the vocabulary piece there's the contextual piece all of this right um so i i'm curious how you might
introduce using hypothesis or using annotation with these texts for your students do you give them specific things to look for are they asked to
highlight different themes what are you asking them to do with these literary texts and georgia you can go ahead sorry i know i'm zoom it's so funny because you have to call out the specific person okay
um so what do we what do we do with the literary text we had i had as i said before i used a critical article and then an essay so the the assignments were different
but in each assignment in the very first assignment i had included a link to um hypothesis tips for annotating and as well as another uh link to i think it was
um another university washington state i'm not sure but that had a good description of how to annotate what you're trying to achieve with annotating and then i gave them my own instructions which for
for the first article was i asked them to make comments a couple of comments before from between pages one and ten and they didn't have to read all of that
material and then that they had to make an equal amount of comments on the second half of the article and they should they should bring up five vocabulary words that they had looked up
and then um also trace the meaning of misogyny and what it meant for these different authors over time and so their comments were
really directed at analyzing the article itself and i was able to see what they thought i was able to see what kind of words they looked up which were surprising to me because a lot of times it was vocabulary
that i would have thought they knew but it just it just kind of reinforces how difficult it is for them to transition from shorter text to longer texts and then you know
academic texts so that i think in itself was a good experience and then seeing that they all completed the task the the first assignment 100 of the
students completed the task because they were held accountable for it um and i don't think they would have done that in the class if i had just said read this part of the article and then come in and we're going to discuss it
they they would not have read it so like corey said before by the time we got to class we were able to have this discussion and talk about it and then and then you have other obstacles because actually
verbalizing those thoughts um that deal with complex subjects are also difficult so i think i'll stop there um but that that was the
the way i approached it and i changed it the for the second um essay that they had to annotate so i think it may depend on the assignment what it is you want to do
corey yeah i think um when i think about like the wh why use hypothesis for these literary texts i think of a discussion i had with a colleague so um he uh he and i are both specialists
in don quixote and the golden age literature and uh he had assigned for his class to read a you know he has like this very limited uh
or an addition with very limited annotations very limited gloss right and i i'm used to this this edition which is the student edition which has footnotes and it has you know every you know hard word and it's a fantastic
addition it's what i read as an undergrad it's what i would assign and i said well why don't you use this this version that is it makes it so much easier for students to see things he said well i don't want it to be easy for them i
want it to be they need to do that work right to get through and to me then i i think that that just is going to inspire students to just go get a translation and read something in translation right
but i understand the point of it is on stu we do want it to be on students to figure out when they're learning a language it's not just about understanding the words but learning how to understand more words right
i think for me one of the great moments of learning a language was when i realized and i was also in in chile like you uh erin realizing that i didn't need a dictionary if i could just describe what
i was trying to say to somebody else and they could tell me what the word is right if i could just say what do you call that right all of a sudden i don't need a dictionary i can just ask any of these people they all know the words so i'll just ask them so getting students that point is really
useful and hypothesis for me is kind of the bridge you know kind of like an intermediate step between i'm giving you nothing and i'm giving you everything right so now i'm giving you some or really you're
giving it to each other as a group right so i'll tell you the tools to use so um like george was saying i want you to look up the words you don't know but you don't have to look all of them up because your classmates are also looking them up
right so now you're depending on some of your classmates and you're depending on yourself so you're kind of working together to get that similarly i like to have them put in some context for things so um in the course i was teaching last semester it was a lot of we were reading
a lot of short stories by different authors um and i intentionally didn't give them information on who this the authors were so that they could do some of that research on their own and we talked about you know what are the sources that you would go to get this type of
research you know how reliable it can be um and and different um things like that um and then uh the other thing i really like to have them do in the annotations
is how do they make can you make connections with the other things for reading especially reading a lot of different texts um and i how can you find those different connections and then getting them to reply to each
other i think is always tricky and maybe if we talk later about grading i think i we there's some tips that i got from some colleagues that help with that but getting them to interact with each other in meaningful ways i think it's also important
because that again gets that out of class discussion happening so that when we get to class we've already kind of started to talk about things we know where we're going to go with the discussion i love that you brought up that book because
uh reading anxiety in language classes is a real thing is for our students and i can tell you that as an undergrad if you had given me that version of don quixote that you just held up i probably
might have sunk into the floor and maybe not showed up the next day in class um because i was not a natural second language learner um it definitely took some immersion for me to learn
the language but um so that said i want to talk about reading anxiety uh and you've addressed this somewhat in terms of creating context and giving students a platform uh to express their questions
and their connections to the reading this is more of a general question but how do you address reading anxiety in your courses with some of these difficult texts such as the one you just held up corey
i like i'm feeling undergrad anxiety right now just looking at it so how do you address reading anxiety with your students and if you use annotation that's great
but i'd love to hear some of your ideas um i think one of the things that i like to do in classes is the students work in groups and we'll break the reading down into different
sections and each group will have a part with a certain number of questions and they'll discuss those questions and go over it and then they'll present that part of the reading to the class
and because there are certainly students that because of their level of spanish probably don't experience language anxiety but there are many that do even though they speak fluently they are not used to reading
spanish like that it gives them a lot of confidence i think a lot of students come into class and when they're when the first assignment in in a literature course is a reading
and invariably i have students come to me and say i don't i don't think i'm ready for this class i really i've never really read anything like this before and i can't do it i'm like well you your
your test scores show that you should be here and you can do it you read what you can and then we'll talk about it and we'll go over it in class and you can talk to me in office hours if you still don't understand so
i agree that it's a real thing i think i do think if students will hang in there they over the course of the semester they get better and they realize that not everybody understands everything and there's an infinite amount of
information in any one text that we're never gonna delve into all of it but um they do get better over time and more comfortable over time but i i think especially early on it's
important to break the text down so that they can learn to read and hypothesis is one way to do that and also in face-to-face classes it's it's easier and then on
zoom it takes like uh corey was saying a lot more time to go back and forth into breakout rooms and use chat and that kind of thing but there are there are a lot of ways to alleviate the anxiety i
think and i'll stop there yeah i think uh everything georgia said is right on giving them some kind of pre-reading uh questions to follow along right some kind of
guiding questions is usually helpful um i also like to kind of give you know if we're going to do a reading for the next class maybe spend the last five minutes of the of the previous class uh just say here's a
little intro to this text that you might want to know here's some things and then i found the hypothesis useful or uh to you know either precede with questions or
things that i know are going to be hard to kind of highlight and be like pay attention to this right or you know maybe give some context i think they need to know that they wouldn't get anyway um for me it's been really it's really helpful um
in terms of uh geographic locations that they might not know are significant um and and that anybody who was from that place who read that would know when you say this place you
it means something right um and if you're not from there and you weren't part of the history you might not that you might just gloss over that is just another another place name so pointing out those types of things i think are really helpful at
helping them feel more connected to the text and starting to get more more uh deeper into it but um like georgia said i think giving them some time to um either you know do that that basically you know think pair
share uh model i think helps them kind of get over some of that anxiety and i find at least for my students less anxiety about the reading and much more about the speaking about it after so i so many students
that i have that i know have great thoughts um and i think that's what the annotations help bring out that they can put their thoughts down on in in writing and then i'm telling them this is a great thought can you explain
more to the class and so it's putting them in a i think at a starting out as a positive instead of i don't know how good my thought is do i want to really share that say no i know that it's good so now you
can speak with the class i think that's that's what's been helpful for me the effective filter is live and well in language classes um so this is kind of a follow-up
question have either of you used images and annotations or had your students use images in annotations i i haven't but i was going to let corey go first anyway because i think i feel like we got to go back
and forth with who's going first so if you want to go for this one yeah sure i mean i have i also haven't done much i've done some stuff i've wanted students to do it and i've tried to like model it but i think they just they don't seem
as excited to do it as i do i put in some videos you know and but they haven't been as uh as excited to do it so i don't think they have very much i guess i a couple times i've seen them do it with you know more with links i'll see a lot
of links people will link to the websites for where they found information especially especially if there's some context there but like i was saying about the geographic places that's where i'll use at least i'll use the images and say
this is what this place looks like and why you might not know it's important okay well no i haven't and and thank you for introducing that idea because i can
immediately see a lot of applications for that especially with kind of a cultural studies approach when you you want to you're looking at the concept of i don't know i'm thinking about colonial latin america and the castes
paintings and you want students to look at that and break it down and relate it to the concept of colonialism or imperialism or something something like that i mean i i can see a
lot of applications for that which would uh really help them also build their confidence because they can do it on their own and then share it at a later date so i think that's a great
idea i was just thinking in terms of location because corey you brought up these ideas of locations and places and um just just like you know my my zoom in images that i change on the daily
if we could give students visuals so this is a question i get from professors daily and i want to i'd love to hear about it in a language context as well
is how do you grade student annotations and what are you looking for when you're grading student annotations um and corey i'll let you start this time all right yeah um i am indebted to the
way i i changed my grading especially after the uh the we went remote last semester um and i'm indebted to my colleague uh alison kolazar here at colgate who i think has also
been on a liquid margins um broadcast before so you can look up hers um but i was you know my first thought with doing it was you know the okay do x number of annotations and uh but i gave them kind of like a breakdown
of like these are the different things you can do you know you can give contacts you can answer somebody's questions you can pose a question so it wasn't you know uh it wasn't you know you have to do x of each of these but it was you know
for me easy to kind of go through and ask that you know but then it just becomes you know pretty you know you know annotating to annotate right and when i get to five i got the five
right um but what she was doing and what i started doing was when student instead of giving them you know you did x number you got x points she didn't tell them how many to do she kind of gave some guidelines on the
types of things she'd like to see but then for the first couple annotations gave pretty detailed feedback to the students on you know here's how well the annotations were for you here's what you could have done better
and did that for the first couple of annotations um which takes some time but you tell them i'm only going to do this for the first couple annotations after that i'm just going to give you the grade
and that's uh that was really useful so when we when i wanted to make the annotation part more robust last semester we switched i told the students okay from now on the annotations are going to be more in
depth here's what i'm looking for and then the first couple i did i took the time to give them really breakdown details of what what they were doing well what like what i'd like to see more and then from there on they picked up
pretty quickly and the discussions really really change and improve from there and then in terms of the technical side of things we've been integra we've have our hypothesis integrated with with our lms
which is moodle for us and that has made the grading part really seamless and easy so um the folks who put that together i think it's been it was really helpful to have that because you're not trying to like
you know count things for different places and and figure it all out it's all integrated which has been really really nice um i would say we ours is integrated with canvas and it has for for me it was seamless
and it worked really well because it takes you right into the speed grader um and you can you can see each student's comments and you can comment on their comments so that was really
useful i thought um and i have um i had about i think i had 22 students in this literature class and we are an institution with the 4-4 teaching
load so i usually have three different preparations so long detailed comments are sometimes more than i am willing to
do so i i use brief comments my rubric is set up so that you it's the quality of your comment and obviously that's subjective based on what i think and they do learn that because i do make
comments to them over time and then the quality of the language are they paying attention to the mechanics of the writing this was an upper level class actually i probably wouldn't care about that if i were if it were spanish four
and just trying to get them into the text so i would take doc the minimal points based on their language usage and the thoroughness of their comments
but other than that it was it was kind of a borderline completion grade for me because i was trying just trying to get them to do it but having the rubric there um and letting him know what the
expectations were i felt like pushed the level of the language a little higher and of their comments and i had students that wouldn't often speak in class but provided excellent and thorough
comments on the on on the readings that they were doing so having expectations i think is is helpful from the beginning just georgia makes a good point there because i was teaching a lower level
and so what i wanted from them was i wanted to be more again to reduce that effective filter of writing so i told them i'm not grading your
your your accuracy in the language on these annotations i did give feedback and i did that kind of as a general uh thing for the class so it wasn't individualized but i would say you know you all don't know how to use gustar or
you know here's your problems with these this tense right and we could use that as kind of you know grammar uh talk when we needed to at certain times but i wanted them to feel like this is not a place where you're getting
you know really reviewed for that you're getting reviewed for the content so as long as you i can understand what you're saying and your classmates can understand what you're saying and that's communicative you know you can communicate what you're trying to say
that's fine i i think that it's a different question um if you're like georgia at a higher level you want them to be able to to communicate clearly and accurately but at the lower level i thought it was good to have it
um less you know try to reduce that effective filter no i i think we're on the same page there and and just to clarify i was very lenient but i was like you
know sentences begin with a capital letter you have to use punctuation and you have to use accent marks like if if they're turning in uh a substantial paragraph of an annotation that's a substantial
paragraph and they're no accent marks i might take off a point for that segment of the rubric it's not it's not super strict but it's just to remind them that you know hey this is important here this is part
of the assignment is the writing part the ideas of students annotating but then they might not say something in class um you know they're still producing we've got the production level of language where they're writing
um and maybe the speaking comes later as a late speaker of language i can relate to that um i apologize for the noise in the background i do have two children doing remote schooling right now
um so i wanted to head on over to some questions from our attendees and michael has a question about facilitating students annotating after the fact so have you given um
instructions to students on what to choose to annotate like i guess what is annotatable before giving the assignment and i'm not sure if you can see his question in the chat uh he might have explained it
better than i just did but so corey or georgia you are either of you are free to answer that i have to say um i don't have the name right with me but it's one of the resources on the hypothesis website
um that there are some uh and maybe it's what's linked here um it's probably is there tips for students but i copied somebody else's information about you know what are the
what are the types of things that you might want you know what is an annotation and what counts and i added to it because um as georgia noted for us in the languages looking up a word and
giving the definition it's also important as well right um uh i will say i also tell them when i ask them to to look up words i teach them how to use the spanish to
spanish dictionary so i don't want a translation look up the word and give me the definition because again that's another skill that you know reading a definition and understanding the word helps develop that skill of you know
figuring out what a word means by looking at other words in the language so it's much more beneficial than i don't want you just tell me this means x and the same thing we do in class right i don't when i when you ask me how to say a word i'm not gonna tell you
you know i'm not gonna you know what does this word mean i'm not gonna tell you the word in english i'm gonna we're gonna figure it out together in spanish so doing that in the text is helpful but yeah i think there's a lot of resources maybe that's what's uh i think that's what's
linked in the in the chat um they kind of talk to students specifically about what are you getting what can you entertain how can you annotate and what do we can what counts as an annotation i also had a link from hypothesis about
tips for annotating and tips for from another university and i linked that and then i i told them the specific sections of the article
and the essay that they annotated that i wanted them to annotate in one of them it was it was having to do with misogyny and tracing the history of misogyny so they they that was some guidance i
think you're you're probably maybe talking something more about a deeper like lesson devoted to what's that i i didn't do that because i assumed that they had a certain level
of knowledge about annotation which is probably not a good thing to do so i can see where that would be a point but i did there is some guidance available and you can just kind of link your assignment to
to those tips that are offered i feel like the history of misogyny is something that could be studied for quite a while um that could take you down a lot of places uh so a couple questions in the
chat um so nate asked i wonder if annotation activities might change at different levels of study and what you would think about that in georgia we'll let you answer first
this time okay um i between my colleagues and i we've kind of come to this agreement that certain levels um are able to read or should reach be able
to read certain text types and practice writing short texts or longer texts so we try to keep the levels appropriate so we we have given thought
to that the say fourth semester the bridge courses um we're usually doing very short texts and the same for writing and then the upper levels where i am it's much longer
text um so just text keeping the focus on the text type i think is is important for students yeah i can also talk about a course that
was kind of experimental we have in our core uh curriculum we have students that can take a course where they actually choose it's based on a geographic region and i've taught it one on latin america
and uh i got permission to last year to teach it as a bilingual course so students had to we were reading texts in english and spanish although it didn't count as a spanish course
it wasn't you know counted as their core course and so they had to speak spanish to be in it which we had enough spanish speakers to do which is something you can't do with a lot of languages on a campus um but it was uh for that you know it
was an entirely different situation than if we were doing it as a class because although all the students were pretty proficient in spanish it was definitely very different ranges of spanish
in the class it was a smaller class but still even within that small class a lot of different ranges from one student who at the end of the semester told me he didn't know that we were going to be doing spanish in the class even though it was pretty clear on everything
and we talked about it a lot at the end of the semester to a lot of heritage speakers who also have a very different uh relationship with brit especially with written texts um and then
uh to you know spanish majors who were already starting in their upper level um spanish classes and so we're much more proficient at both reading and writing in the language so in that regard we were doing
annotations in a very different way because we were trying to use the annotations to help level the playing field for people so those who needed more help on the more basic things
could get that kind of help from the annotations as they were reading especially when we're reading texts in spanish and we decided in that class if if the text is in english you can annotate in english if the text is spanish we
annotate in spanish right and the same thing for our class discussions we did class discussions in spanish on spanish days in english on the english day so it was kind of back and forth but a lot of the students the lower levels the students with the with less
abilities were the ones who depend a lot more on those annotations i think so yeah the level is uh is definitely key to what they're going to be able to produce for the annotations
both of you alluded to this idea of different proficiency levels which aligns to you know the actual proficiency levels which i'm sure you're aware of and i um i'm i like how you
are using annotation to address the specific proficiency levels of individual students so almost individualizing the curriculum and the expectations based on what each student's able to do at that point
i think that was really cool so carlos had asked about using tags in annotations um and then i think we're gonna wrap up after that question unless there are more questions in the chat because we're over time at this point
uh so do either of you use tags and annotations and if so how have you used them i can be brief i have not so i'll i'll let corey talk if he's had that experience no i haven't either but
just seeing the question i was thinking about you know what georgia's doing with misogyny you know maybe having themes that run through the course because i always you know when you prepare a course it has a theme that runs through it and maybe starting to use that seems
like a really good way to use let's use the tags throughout the semester to tag and then as as carlos mentions let's let the students come up with what those tags are let's see if they can pick up the threads to the class as we go through
it'd be nice to see what they if they can figure out what if you know they come to the same conclusions i do it's what the threads are that tie the class together it's funny i think tags are often that thing that are you know the next level and annotations that people start to
think about nate i'm going to turn it back over to you i want to say thank you to corey and georgia um i learned a lot about using annotation in the language classrooms today muchismas gracias
um no sublamos pronto gracias yeah and i really want to again extend our thanks to both you what a great discussion um also from the attendees in the chat
there um i i really liked how carlos connected the study of language out to the studies of languages like science um and this idea of of asking students to come up with
their own tag vocabularies as an exercise in and of itself that's a great great exercise to add to maybe any discipline so thank you all
End of transcript