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in the beginning we spoke turning thoughts and things that others could hear then we wrote sharing our thinking forward in time and outward in all directions
knowledge began to accelerate to accumulate we printed and in just 60 years over 20 million copies of books and texts were produced an explosion spread across Europe into the farthest
corners of the world in 1945 scientists invent Ivar Bush dreamed of an early web and browser he foresaw trailblazers that would connect the world's information
almost 50 years later in 1993 Marc Andreessen and Eric bina both collaborative annotation into mosaic the first graphical web browser so that every page would be the launch pad for
discussion of its content and then they turned it off over the next 20 years more than 50 projects tried to bring this vision back to life but they were
hindered by early technologies short-term thinking a lack of control over spam and poor design a small group of dreamers started to ask why couldn't we do better they imagined a
revolutionary new capability a new layer over the web based on open standards controlled by Internet citizens instead of website owners with a vision of serving all of humanity
they imagined the ability to point and sell anything pages documents pictures video and even data the ability to contribute your own thinking anywhere
without restriction even when the comments are disabled the ability to link into and share ideas and preserve these links and connections forever they called it open annotation out of this
dream a tiny nonprofit called hypothesis was born to bring this vision forward working with others around the world and to build software and services these dreamers and vision are more clear and
honest world where comment is free and where peers evaluate each other not on terms established by those in power but on the merit of their words and deeds
the world that's edgeless cross-disciplinary and emergent by design a world that listens when you have something to say join us in making a better world
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