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I had a slide thing computer science is an oxymoron software engineering of an oxymoron doesn't turned into a pop culture because it's a pop culture that
is in curious about the past and actually in periods of application roman curia is about establishing one's own identity by doing little bit image on the wall it's not interested in missing
any real science like physics would throw out anybody who didn't know what he did and very much have a use in the Galileo kind of start up 40 and 50 years
ago but almost nobody who is a practitioner today actually understands in any detail even to criticize they don't always good or what's bad because in the brook the phrase I made up is
they're too busy trying to reinvent the flat tire used to be that we used to get after people for reinventing the wheel my doubts I will have no Chanel's own
home over there now we love for the computer people today to reinvent the wheel clicking is reinventing you for God's sakes but don't be invent a flat tire because we're actually taking us
back like the browser removes with you later hardly anybody complain but in fact it went back to a load of editing
and thinking about things that's 1955 them before hardly anybody complain hardly anybody sophisticated enough to have perspective to complain so so I
believe a phenomenon that has pretended what had happened to the MLS ideas over over the years eventually a wider phenomena it's
grounded in a much simpler much weaker conception of life and
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