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uh good morning to those of you who are here welcome and it looks like people are still filing in i see that number going up so uh my name is franny and um
i'm your host of liquid margins welcome to the fourth episode of liquid margins today it's called experimenting on the margins annotating science i'd like to introduce
our guests now we have allison kolazar from colgate and jennifer blake mahmood from also from colgate university
and then jeremy dean not from colgate university but from hypothesis and with that i'm going to let jeremy take it away thanks hi everybody i'm super excited to be
part of this conversation um my parents work at the national institutes of health i have a brother who is a phd in neuroscience a sister is an md
and uh she's worked in an emergency room at mass general my little brother majored in chemistry in college and my wife is a phd in uh animal behavior uh but i
am a phd in english i'm a humanist um and so i'm out of my league here i'm uh you know i come from a discipline where close reading of text um is you know the foundation of the
discipline of english and literary studies um and so i've oh and i've always been interested in impressing my parents and siblings and wife about how a annotation could be used
outside of the sort of traditional you know uh area of uh you know annotation and close reading um and so i want to start by asking the panelists sort of that like you know how is
annotation not just for the human for the humanities right because and i get that question from a lot of institutions as well um why is annotation why is reading why is close reading um
important uh in the sciences as well and maybe we can start uh with you jennifer so i think that a lot of times people come into science thinking oh we get to be independent and we get to just do our
own thing and i think that's often the perception of students as well but that's not really how it works right so collaboration around text is something that happens in
lab group settings um it happens informally uh over lunch and over coffee right so we're used to reading papers and gaining information in that way
reading the the science of our uh of our field and then talking about it with others and i would say that texts are foundationally important for what i do as an ecologist and plant biologist
that's super interesting jennifer i especially like how you started off with saying you know people think they can do their own thing in science and i i certainly frame it the same way when i talk about uh annotation in the humanities right it's not just it's there's
there's a conversation that precedes you right um and no construction of knowledge can uh can begin without some attention to that conversation that proceeds and engaging with that conversation that precedes you so especially like that piece of what you said
alison you have anything further to add yeah i absolutely agree with jennifer that that it's science is very much collaborative um and i think that annotation collaborative annotation is a really great way to show
that to students um to show the the collaborative nature of this um i also think it's just absolutely wonderful for um i guess demonstrating to students how the the it's totally normal to sit down
with something to sit down with a scientific paper and to have that discomfort of i have no idea what this is about um and that discomfort is normal and and that's how it's supposed to be when you're reading a new paper otherwise there wouldn't be a reason to read it if
you already knew everything and so i love being able to use the collaborative annotation process as a way of showing students making that confusion visible but then also using it as a way to collectively
work through that confusion but it's okay to have that discomfort and here's how we can work through it here's how we can get stuck on something and not understand a concept and and that that process of working through it and making sense of it that's
normally very invisible and very solitary i love how this sort of allows us to to do that collaboratively or collectively wow we're going to steal some of the lines from that
response for our marketing materials i love the uh making confusion visible um working through that confusion this idea that you're uh you know you're not alone it's not necessarily a solitary uh practice um
let's let's dig in there a little bit um because you know part of what i you know we do in the humanities when we're close reading and annotating um is developing certain literary literacy skills
right so uh if i'm teaching a poem i'm going to be asking students to really break down the component parts of that poem understand the devices and concepts and illusions that might go into
um into the creation of this work of art um and so in the sciences and maybe we can start with you and go the other way this time allison you know what are the you know where does the confusion come up what types of you know what is what is that what are
the objects or the artifacts within a document um where confusion comes up and where certain literacies need to be developed for um for students that are you know entering college-level science uh courses yeah i think that
honestly the the most obvious answer here but the one that really comes up a lot is jargon right there's we you can call it jargon you can call it terminology um it's the the it's really common in
scientific literature um and even in in the sort of pop science articles i use a lot of those at um at sort of intro level courses it's really common for students to for any reader to stumble across something that you just you don't have
the background knowledge this isn't something you're familiar with um and so it's it's i think really helpful to um be able to annotate through that jargon um and to indicate how you where you found
your information when i have um when i ask students to make those types of annotations i always have them cite the source for where they got the information and so it's also a way of showing the using your external resources but then also in science it's always important
that you you cite your sources so students are citing sources and annotations yes they have to if they're if they're adding they're adding information to an annotation that comes from elsewhere that's not just their personal knowledge
they have to indicate where that information came from it doesn't have to be a formal citation but a link or something like that but so they're sort of uh practicing scientific literacy and performing
scientific literacy simultaneously that's that's cool um jennifer anything to add here about sort of what is it that we're annotating in the sciences what kind of literacies are we developing
so one of the things that i add or some kind of meta textual information about what's actually being done in the paper at the different points so sometimes when you read a paper uh in science it can be practically
unintelligible right and it seems like there may not be method to the madness so trying to call out to students okay you know this is what they're doing here they're trying to set the stage or they're trying to highlight gaps in
knowledge information like that i also use a hypothesis to provide encouragement along the way because there are some parts of the paper where you read through it and you think oh my
gosh that was horrible right like that made no sense whatsoever so uh i will seed annotations with like i know this is confusing skim this keep going you know or read for the big
picture here and keep going because i think there are some students who get to those really tough places and they do one of two things they either double down and they spend 45 minutes reading two
paragraphs which is not helping them or they get to that spot and they think oh my gosh this is horrible i'm done and neither one of those are helping us kind of practice the process of science
so just kind of encouraging them to get through the tough places i think has been helpful so what are we actually annotating here what are we attaching hypothesis to in your courses what types of documents
jennifer let's start with you what are students actually annotating it depends on what type of course i'm teaching so for upper level courses like juniors or seniors uh we're actually annotating peer-reviewed
literature um when i taught a freshman level course that's supposed to be interdisciplinary um in what's called our core program we were i think we did one scientific
paper there we were reading other things sometimes chapters out of books sometimes pop science sometimes news articles and i use hypothesis for anything that i thought the students would need some
extra support for whether that be encouragement from their peers or things that might be a little bit confusing what about you allison what are they actually annotating many of the the same types of
readings that jennifer has listed here um so scientific articles um and and as she said you know i think that the with scientific articles and upper level courses it's incredibly helpful for helping students work through the how do we read one of these papers
um but also at the at the the intro level courses it's really helps to make them more accessible by preceding them i also often use news articles and pop science articles that are some
application of whatever technical details we were learning that week a way that an environmental issue is coming up in the news an editorial something like that um this semester so this isn't something i've done yet but i'm really excited to um this fall
semester i'm going to be using an open access textbook and so i plan to since we'll be teaching remotely since i'll be teaching remotely i'm actually hoping to to use the annotations to deliver a lot of the
asynchronous course content and so much of the course content will be living in the margins um so i'll be annotating with the information that i would normally be providing in a lecture so links to videos of demos me doing demos
explanations of things links to other sources places where they can watch a short visualization of something so the textbook piece will be new to me this semester but i'm excited about that i've also used use this for governmental
reports like the ipcc reports the intergovernmental panel on climate change helping students work through those watching students work through those i keep saying helping students but really in many cases it's not me helping them
it's them working through it together with each other well that's cool i like the idea of annotating uh government reports uh with students um i want to just follow up on that allison because i think you know maybe you know people in the
margins of the of the uh video uh conferencing here in the chat uh might have annotations to add to the conversation i don't know if people can unmute but um this idea and first of all what textbook do you know what textbooks are
using what the source is because um you know people might find that interesting if they're interested in bringing in open textbooks open resources and uh following this lead but you kind of made a shift there right because
previously we've been talking about student annotation and this new assignment you're thinking of is instructor instructional annotation preceding uh you know preceded into a textbook or content
before the students arrive which sounds like a brilliant idea what textbook are you using um and maybe talk a little bit more about the kinds of content you're thinking about inserting in there to guide
students as they encounter this text yeah so um the the course that i'll be teaching this fall is a course called sustainable earth and it's an intro level geology course and it's um to be honest finding a good textbook for this course is something
that i've struggled with for a couple of years here now because it's sort of an environmental geology course but it has um also a lot of the sustainability emphasis that's not always covered in those textbooks so i've often had to cobble together
a couple of different resources um and for better or for worse that's that's actually going to work pretty well here by doing an open access textbook i'm pulling chapters from a couple of different ones um and so some of those are physical
geology textbooks in the beginning of the semester where we talk about setting the stage earth's cycles plate tectonics how that drives climate um i'll be using more sort of traditional physical geology textbooks for that but
then moving more into the sustainability side of things and some a number of different sustainability textbooks so um sorry this is a long answer to a short question not just one textbook um but by doing it this way i can sort
of pull chapters from a variety of different ones and you anticipate going in and helping uh you know like elucidate a concept with a video that kind of thing yeah so normally um
you know in a traditional teaching face-to-face setting there would be some technical reading before class and then and then in class time i would be talking about these concepts in more detail and and i always have students do
something in class it's not just me talking about stuff and so they would be doing hands-on demos we'd be looking at short video clips we'd be talking through stuff together they'd be pouring over a big piece of paper and sketching stuff out together
um and so the the prompts for those types of things i'm hoping to have them live in the annotations and the little as you're reading through a section the piece that i would talk about in class instead i'll put in an annotation
with a little video of me talking about that or like i said doing some demo and showing something or a link to another resource um to to sort of supplement that in animation or something like that very cool and i'm seeing something in the chat
that i kind of want to bring in here you're talking about creating multimedia annotations for your students in the margins of your textbooks that's awesome um do either of you ever use ask students to do anything besides write with text i
mean you mentioned links alison but jennifer have you ever thought about images or video or do students use images or video or links in different ways and annotations for your uh
course well they're a pretty tech savvy bunch so some of them figure out along the way that you know they can do a lot more than just write so in the past i haven't explicitly asked them to use multimedia
but i think i will be talking it up more this coming fall to encourage them to do that because we do a lot of things in the course that are image based and i think this would be a way to connect back to some of that other content
as well as other things that they're running into anything to build on that alice and you touch upon this a little bit but do you ever have students explicitly use images and video in their annotations or see them doing it naturally themselves
i've encouraged them to do so and every so often a student will throw in an annotation with sometimes a song or i've had a student throw in like a music video that had something that was that was tangentially related and
i just really love the idea as we're reading through things of going down wormholes frankly um and i really encourage students to do that in their annotations i think that it it's um i think that there's this uh
tendency to kind of compartmentalize science right science with sort of capital s to compartmentalize it and not see the applications of it and so i really love it when students use annotations not just with text but
with multimedia to really find these different connections and find these different wormholes i've had some students that have annotated with memes which has always been enjoyable as well well that's so awesome i love this idea
of like go you know going down a wormhole and almost making that like an explicit instruction like find a wormhole in this article and and go down it you know some create a meme for it or find some pop culture reference to
to the concept you know i i thought about uh that we should be playing that they might be giant song science as real as the at the beginning of this little podcast whatever we call this the show i think is what we call it internally um
i i'd be remiss if i didn't give a shout out to my wife here in this conversation a multimedia annotation because she uh long ago when i was working at rap genius uh with collaboration and experimenting with the science classroom she had students annotating
academic science articles and i'm going to drop in a link to a an assignment she wrote a long time ago um that was for genius and sort of has been divorced of its uh the specificity of the tool and also the specific specificity that this originated in
science but she had soon zentained scientific articles and she's a expert in frog song so she had students annotating an article um about uh you know frog localizations
um and you know part of what the students did and i i think it was built into the assignment was to um uh uh you know add images of the frog right or
the youtube videos of the frog song and i remember the funny story from that anecdote is that at some point somebody found uh the the frog song the frog calls remix to like panamanian discotheque
music because it was a you know panamanian frog um so anyway that kind of stuff i don't mean to it sort of brings the brings the text to life and brings science to life in in certain ways i think
um but i love that idea of of wormholes um could you each talk about how you introduce uh you know an annotation assignment i'm a student in your course
um i have a reading and do you give students either at the beginning of the course to talk about uh the role of hypothesis generally or you could think about a specific like when i do this particular article these are the you know this is the
prompt can you talk get sort of drill down into how you introduce students annotations or um a particular annotation activity uh that you've uh had students uh perform
and let's start with jennifer since allison talked less so um i actually start with an activity that i believe i stole from allison which is i have them annotate my syllabus so
um i give them a syllabus and i say you know we're going to be using this annotation software um throughout the semester so please go and check it out and annotate the syllabus you know make some comments just so they
have a low stakes way of experimenting with things and seeing seeing what it's like um and then from there we start going into annotating annotating papers but
it is it's something that i kind of frame as part of a larger building of a scholarly community within the course so i try to have a lot of inter interdependent work that happens um
and build in community there not just via group projects right like okay there's one group project that you have to do during the course of the semester but really building a community of scholarships so i talk about
annotation as being part of how we do that that's great and of course we have uh scholars and scientists outside of uh formal
uh you know teaching contests that are using hypothesis for lab groups and for collaboration uh across uh you know scientific uh publications allison anything to add here
uh well i'll just i'll say here that um the annotating the syllabus i stole that idea from someone else i think that was a uh remy clear has a great um great writing online about that and um so that wasn't that wasn't
something that i came up with my own um but i really also love that and i start every semester with that with annotating the syllabus um and uh as jennifer said i think it's a great sort of entry into the the process of annotation
i also really like it because students flag things on the syllabus that are either if there's any sources of confusion on there but but more interestingly to me is when they flag things that are interesting to them topics that they're already a little bit
invested in or topics that relate to again the wormholes right they're pulling in other courses that they've taken things that this reminds me of something else that i've seen and so i love being able to have that at the beginning of the
semester because then i can kind of view i know which topics they're already invested in um and so building from those syllabus annotations has been really helpful with then um kind of not necessarily choosing the topics but choosing the direction
that we might go with some of the topics based on um comments that they've made i want to double down on my question though because i love the annotation the syllabus assignment but you know what am i what are you asking students to do
are there things you're asking them to look for when you're reading scientific literature whether it's pop or scholarly um you know what practices are they meant to be in acting how are they supposed to ask questions
are they supposed to define terms what kind of direction do you give them in terms of like what am i supposed to do with the annotations this is a cool tool i like being able to comment on the syllabus what am i actually supposed to be doing when i'm reading this article and
writing annotations that you may or may not be grading um uh alison let's start with you okay yeah so so you asked you know were they supposed to write questions are they supposed to the answer to all of those is yes they i encourage them to do all of those things
i the the guidance that i give i give them a couple of examples um of of annotations from other courses from previous previous annotations um but i encourage them to an annotation should
just add it should add something substantive it should be additive it should be constructive it should be substantive it should be additive it should be whichever of these modifiers you'd like to use um and so that can often be a explanation
of here's a word i didn't know what it meant here's a link i found it or this was interesting to me and i wanted to know more about it i went here um it's it's it's sort of it's adding content
um in any way that they feel is additive i guess that's a little recursive sorry no that's great jennifer anything do you define additive in any way
or direct what additive means in any way or do you have another way that you prompt students in terms of what am i supposed to do uh professor in my annotations on this reading so i agree that the the answer to your
question was yes all of the above um i tell them that i'm looking for something that shows me they have meaningfully engaged with the text so for some students who want to check
boxes this can be frustrating right because it's like well what do you want um but i think one of the strengths of the annotation software is that there are multiple ways to approach this and to be
successful um in the annotation right there's not just one way to do it and that they can do a variety of things right and they don't have to do the same thing every time right like if they
if they're primarily a question asker on one text they can be a question answer on the next right it doesn't mean that they have to play a specific role the entire time so like allison i give them examples right and then in class um
if we meet face to face then i will pull out questions or points of confusion or really good observations that were made uh in the margins and then talk about that in the class
if you're all online then i try to come back after the fact and make some comments about things that students have written but i do try to wait a little bit on that so i will often precede an annotation but
then i will let the conversation kind of evolve because i don't want it to be here are these interesting things that people have said and then i as the professor come in oh yeah great here look at this check this out right i want the students to actually be having that conversation
amongst themselves so i will give them you know sometimes a couple of days sometimes you know over a week before i come back in to kind of mop up and resolve any any issues that might be
still lingering there i love that um well i don't know if either of you have sort of something that you were hoping to share that i haven't been able to draw out with a question or
if uh franny has seen anything in the margin of the video chat that uh that we want to surface here for the group um i think this is amazing it's been amazing conversation and provides a lot of you know
help to folks who might be starting with an annotation in the science classroom um any friend is there anything you want to bring out there's a recent question how do you get students to return to the annotated text later to see what others have added i
think that's an interesting question to ask um allison if you want to start sure yeah so that was that was actually uh one other thing that i i i think is always interesting when i
hear about other people using hypothesis um i i like to hear you know what they have the students doing but then also like what do you do with what the students do what do you do with the annotations after they're there and you know jennifer just talked about sort of coming in afterwards and i
like the idea of the the mop up afterwards um but one of the courses that i taught this past semester um it was a small course and so what i would do is their annotations at the end of the week
um friday's class was basically going through a usually a pop science article some application and using their annotations to kind of guide the story arc of our class so working our way through the article with the the story arc created by
their annotations um and so with that i would have the document pulled up in class and we would work through them together and so in that case the students were returning to the annotations collectively all of us together and then
at the end of the semester because we were surprisingly online and um i wanted to do something very different for the final exam i like the idea of a finale rather than a final and so i had them return to their
annotations um to each annotated article for their final exam and find an annotation and respond to it in such a way to demonstrate how their how their understanding of something has evolved over the course of the semester and so
um in that case they were returning to the annotations at the end of the semester and going through all of them that way cool and before jennifer jumps in on talking about how to you know bring students back to the uh to the text i will say
thanks to anna for asking a question in the q a part of the uh zoom that's a great place to surface because you know nate is in the chat talking about mickey mouse which is distracting me so if you really have a question for the panelists
um you might put it in the q a and then that'll be easier for us to surface it uh jennifer any strategies um for bringing students back to the text
so when we made the pivot to online i explicitly asked them to go back and re-engage with a couple of questions that i had flagged so after students would read the text before
class uh i would go in and i would mark questions that i thought were especially provocative ones for which there's not a clear answer right um that people could really go back and
forth on so then i marked those and then the students were um asked to come back in and you know pick two questions and kind of follow up with those uh another thing that i did with these
to kind of encourage students to to go back and read the annotations was that students were responsible for being kind of in charge of a paper right so presenting that in some way to their peers helping lead discussions
and they were instructed to use the annotations so as a group we decided when the annotations would be due right so you should be completed by you know 5 p.m the night before and this would kind of be like a brain
trust for the students who were presenting and they could rely on those annotations for the discussion questions if they needed to or for understanding the paper so that there was kind of this iterative process because i agree that i think it
is hard especially for the students who are maybe really quick to go in and annotate you know you don't want them to always just be the first person and the first voice right you want them to be able to come back
and see what's going on and what has developed since they read it oh that's great thank you um we have a couple more let me just follow up on that real quick with jennifer for a second franny um so jennifer you mentioned this a
couple times i'm just going to be a literary snob for just a minute and needle you and this is a straw man thing but i want you to uh sort of perform this for our listeners um you've mentioned conversation or discussion or debate
right and a couple times and sort of students going back and forth and and debating something and you know so obviously that happens in art and in literature like why does that happen in science and what
context does that happen in science right i mean it's science right you should wear a mask that stops the virus right end of conversation there shouldn't be a debate like so like what what if what are folks going back and forth about what is that debate discussion
talk to me about the discursive aspect of reading scientific literature so that's a great question we actually debate things all the time in science and um
i was talking earlier about kind of meta reading of text and i think that this is a lot of what happens in the introduction of papers so in higher level courses i talk about this explicitly right that we have this
conversation between what has happened historically what are the different ideas about why something happens or how it happens right and you have you know this view that says it works like this and another view
came came along and we said no no it works this other way and this kind of back and forth is really integral to the process of how we do science so i think talking more about that um is
important is important in the classroom because i think that a lot of people do have this idea right that you said that you know it just is right science just is but it really is this long conversation over time
it is um it is truly a process um i think i think it was carl sagan who said that science is a way of thinking um much more than is a body of knowledge so trying to model that thinking
in the margins i think is an important thing for our students that's awesome allison anything to add there no i think that i think jennifer summed it up really well you don't want to
upstage carl sagan no i don't i'm not gonna nope not gonna not gonna try that one uh franny sorry to interrupt you before but i i sensed an opportunity to have an interesting conversation there about that no problem at all no i'm always for that
and we do have a couple more questions and we have a bit more time so um i want to get to those um and thank you to those of you who actually answer other people's questions that's great
um can you talk about your assessment process for annotation assignments do you give students a rubric for number and quality of annotations
so um i do not give a rubric because i don't really want box checking um right like okay i asked a question i defined a word i'm done um but i do try to do
to give a variety of um of feedback and grades on annotations so uh to begin with i just had if they didn't if they only did like one annotation that was not really worth
much um they didn't get a lot of credit for that now i'm i'm starting to make that a pretty low a low grade but something there because zeros can really bring down averages
right so i pretty much have like a check plus check check minus type of system that corresponds to numbers um and ideas if you go in and you do kind of you know a mediocre job but
you've engaged with the text you know that would be the equivalent of a check if you've really like obviously done some deep thinking about things or pulled out some important parts then i give that a a check plus and if
you clearly did not have enough time but you did try and you put an annotation or two you know that would be a check minus and i found that that gives room for improvement for students but also tries to um reward you know engaging even just a
little bit which i think is important especially with covet and all the things that can be going on in students lives i so i um i struggled with the same same types of things um and jeremy you
referenced the the flybys right the students who just come in annotate and then never look at it again and and you know jennifer you talked about the box checking in the first i think the first year or two that i used hypothesis i had given them a recommended number of
annotations per week maybe three or five what i call meaningful annotations and i found that that led to a lot of box checking and flybys and so the past year i've removed the number of recommended annotations i have
still given them a rubric but the rubric instead is of how to demonstrate meaningful engagement with the text right so um it may be that somebody only puts in one or two annotations but it's really obvious in those annotations that they
have meaningfully engaged with this text this person in this text they have bonded they have had deep thoughts about it they've grappled with it and they show that um and sometimes maybe the the annotations don't do quite such a deep
dive but the student does sort of more more coverage of the text and annotates in many different ways um and so i i do still give them a rubric but it's more qualitative in showing
that meaningful engagement and then in the first two or three weeks i give them very very detailed feedback on their annotations and on the grade that they received as a way to to hopefully set the bar high and give them something to strive
for that's great thanks i like that quality over quantity um so um there's a couple more questions i really like this one um it's about visiting annotators
so do you have ever have anyone like say the author of an article come in and annotate their own article or that could be an article that you wrote as well
you know that you're annotating i have not but that sounds like a great idea uh i would love to do that so i'll put that on my to-do list for the fall because i think that could be really
uh really meaningful for folks yeah sounds great thank you i agree that's not something i've done yet but i really i do like the idea of that i think it's um it's a really that'd be awesome yeah yeah good luck getting carl sagan into
uh colgate moodle but uh outside the lms certainly that's a very cool idea yeah really neat um okay and then let's see um
so is there an ideal group size for annotations that balances active engagement by individuals with critical mass and range of perspectives so i've used hypothesis in classes as
small as it was an independent study with two students um uh and then i had a small course this past semester with six students and i've used it up to courses that had 25 or 26 students honestly i really loved the way that it played out in the six person
class last semester um the students were they knew each other well by the end of the semester there was a lot of dialogue happening a lot of conversation um and and i really liked that a lot um but i haven't always had the luxury
of being able to do that and um i found that even with 25 or 26 students um it's i still feel like there's meaningful engagement that's happening there and meaningful interactions between them
i've done this with small groups of about 10 or 11 um maybe up to 12 i'm considering splitting it in half because i think that'll promote more accountability
and then maybe shuffling those groups halfway through the semester so that people can work with different folks um but we'll see i haven't i haven't yet uh worked all that out logistically
okay um great and then i think this question we did talk about it but it keeps coming up so maybe we should talk about it a little bit more when assigning primary literature do you have them annotate the html or the pdf
version or does it matter i've always preferred to go with pdfs just because i've had too many issues with html with links breaking you know we set up everything at the beginning of the semester and then by week 14 of the semester something has
moved something has changed and so i prefer to use pdfs for that reason but i um i used to host the pdfs online but now with the lms integration i host the pdfs on moodle
and have it run through there same here i do the pdfs okay great um and we still have a little bit of time does anybody have any other
questions um including uh our hypothesis people here today jeremy and nate and i suppose if i could think of a an intelligent question right now i
would ask one myself i did want to address sorry this is nate jumping in i did want to address one uh question that came in a lot earlier or it was really an idea and a suggestion
which was that it would be great if there were a collection of annotation assignments and exercises and practices um the person who put it in uh suggested in biology
but i just i answered in chat but i wanted to make it clear that um we see this as a real need and so hypothesis is kind of in the final stages of preparing a way to collect annotation practices across all the disciplines
but then also be able to view and sort them by discipline and so because you registered for this webinar we'll send you an email that is if you don't mind us sending you an email about uh when that collection uh is
ready and so we'll both invite you to to populate it with your ideas as well as you'll be able to browse and search other people's ideas so that's that's coming up and i just want to add that if there are folks here
who don't yet haven't gotten started with hypothesis yet uh and are you know interested in using hypothesis this fall please reach out to us at education at hypothesis and
we can help you get set up um there may be a bit of a process if we're working to get it into your uh lms at your school but we are offering a free pilot of the lms integration through um the end of the
of the calendar year so it's a great opportunity for you and your colleagues and your institution to to get involved in exploring hypothesis and collaborative annotation for teaching and learning i also just want to give a quick shout
out to my mom and dad um and my brothers and sisters again they're all scientists and so i'll probably send them the link to this at some point i just want to say hi mom i just want to say this has been such a great show and
thank you to our guests thank you to everyone who attended and to jeremy dean and nate angel
End of transcript