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i'm nate angel from hypothesis uh i'm here with uh some colleagues and some some folks from the annotated community yes let me first say the annotated
community what is it so this is a really broad uh group of folks from different institutions i'm sure you these logos are probably too small to even see um but these are um representing the
institutions that are um kind of working uh with social annotation in in deeper ways and so we have uh representatives from some of these institutions here today to talk about what they're doing
uh with social annotation and then we're going to try it out ourselves the rough shape of the agenda today jeremy's going to spend my colleague jeremy's going to spend a little bit of time uh just at the beginning making sure everybody understands what we're talking about
around social annotation then we're going to hear from a few practitioners um about just some short stories about how they use it in their uh in their context and then we're going to get to the highlight of the day which
is going to be we're all going to annotate together and socially read together um a text that our special guest flower darby who's keynoter at um olc accelerate that's happening over the next couple of weeks has picked
out for us oh that was a really complicated sentence um and so um we'll we'll both make sure you understand how you can annotate and then we'll we'll start to have a discussion um over that text uh that flowers picked
out um during the second half of the show um so without further ado i'm going to pass the baton to my colleague jeremy uh jeremy dean vp of education here at hypothesis and he's going to get us all on the same
page okay take it away jeremy thanks nate uh thanks to llc for having us back we love our partnership with online learning consortium and uh thanks to nate and his team for
putting together a great a great program for this morning it's exciting to hear from practitioners and then get to practice ourselves i'm gonna give a general introduction and then pass the baton as nate said i'm jeremy dean from
hypothesis i'm a former english professor by training actually so i come from the academic space and at some point uh not in relationship to online teaching relationship to the face-to-face teaching i was doing during getting
while i was getting my phd at ut austin i got in the practice of handing out this poem by billy collins on the first day of class alongside the syllabus we've all seized the white perimeter as our own and reached for a pen if only to
show we did not just lays in an armchair turning pages we pressed the thought into the wayside planted an impression along the verge for me as a student and as a scholar and as a teacher annotation had been a sort
of fundamental and critical practice to my success and so i believed that you know encouraging my students to annotate would contribute to their success in my courses i believe that was so such a fundamental piece of the whole
project that we were working on together that i would hand out this poem to try to inspire them on day one and of course there's nothing particularly radical about this idea of annotation or innovative about my suggestion of
the practice to my students it's been around for quite a while actually probably since before the invention of the book um as a means for helping readers engage with their content better
comprehend content that they're reading and begin to think critically and develop their own ideas and voice around reading and and content um and so there's nothing particularly new about the idea of annotation
at all but it's interesting that as we do move our teaching online and as we move reading online we actually lose this practice in a lot of context we aren't able to
claim the margins as uh as billy collins suggests that readers should do we lose this fundamental critical practice and literacy practice and we lose it at a time when actually it's it's even more urgently needed than
in the analog uh world right because uh education researchers have uh shown us that students and really everyday readers that that read online aren't as engaged they're not retaining as much
and so we need annotation uh more than ever uh when we're reading online and that's part of what a hypothesis is about is bringing back the margin but there's a lot more that we can do with this traditional practice of annotation
as it moves online i've been sharing this quote a lot especially since the pandemic began to try to encourage folks about to give heart to folks that are teaching online for the first time imagine this
audience is not new to online teaching and learning but but nonetheless i think that um annotation can be a powerful part of the toolkit for online teaching and learning and i love this quote from jennifer howard
uh at the chronicle of higher education several years ago online a book can be a gathering place a shared space where readers record their reactions and conversations and so this is actually a little different from the
traditional notion of marginalia or you know uh annotations which are kind of a private practice uh between an individual reader and and you know the margin of a page that they're reading uh because one of the more powerful
things that can happen is social to annotation as it moves online is that it becomes social um and i've been sharing this since the pandemic because i think it it really emphasizes the communal aspect or the communal potential
of sharing the margins as a space to engage with each other and engage uh with text so this is the vision of annotation that we have here at hypothesis
as we bring margin alien to the 21st century any website i guess do we have to stop doing that it's sort of i guess the first decade of the 21st century you could sort of say that and it was radical but now it's like 20 minutes in 20 20 years in it's no longer you can't
say that anyway how about we just say annotation 2.0 or marginalia 2.0 and borrow that kind of phrasing any website article ebook document a piece of multimedia can have
multiple layers of annotation so you can still have that layer of marginal notes a private marginal notes but there are other layers uh that can be added as well so there's a public layer which i
suppose we'll be engaging with today right nate as we annotate flowers chosen readings together right we're going to be sharing our notes i mean we could take private notes but we're also going to be annotating publicly together
seen each other's annotations and because it's a public layer others could come to that text you know tomorrow next week six months from now and see those annotations because they're part of a public layer
we could also if we chose create private groups for reading and annotating and circumscribe the community to a particular set of of individuals say a classroom or a group of colleagues so
there's a public layer private note layer then something in between a sort of private group for reading and annotating and this is what the hypothesis tool enables readers
to do i'm going to share three top level takeaways that i've gathered from students and instructors over the years about their feedback on the use of hypothesis
and social annotation in the classroom the first goes back to that kind of nothing new aspect of annotation that hype you know annotation or hypothesis makes reading active um i'm sure the idea of active
learning is is not a new concept to most of the audience here that's at an olc conference but this is about you know the active reading sort of uh piece of that active learning uh space
that we might try to create with our classrooms um and i do like to point out when i share this slide that one of the neat things i think this is true about you know a lot of the digital tools that we use in the classroom uh not just hypothesis not just
annotation is that the ways that students can be active the ways that they can be engaged the ways that they can demonstrate their learning and their increasing expertise on a topic are really expanded i believe
in the online context so just as an example here you can see students engaging with a poem using memes right not just written text but images video uh uh hyperlinks and
other things so this is a multimodal uh writing that can take place in an annotation like as in other online contexts and i actually think nate has said it best uh in another context that really every annotation with hypothesis is like a
little mini website right so depending on your course and how you're leveraging the tool you could be basically doing a mini lesson in web design for every you know for your for students in their annotations again you don't have to you
can also just keep it at the textual level but all those you know rich multimedia possibilities are available to you as different ways to be active different ways to engage with content this uh
feedback is i think is a new aspect of annotation because of course marginalia for much of history notes uh in books for much of history except of course if you're sharing books or coming across a book and then billy collins actually talks about this you
know taking a book out from the library and finding somebody else's annotations in it so they've been social to an extent and visible to others um but there is a increased visibility with um with social annotation
right and so this idea that hypothesis or social annotation makes reading visible i think is is pretty powerfully new of course when i handed out that billy collins poem um i you know didn't tell my i didn't check that my students annotated and tell them
best practices for annotation they didn't talk about how to harvest their annotations for some summative uh assessment um i graded a paper uh three or four weeks later right um and of course contained within
that paper within the written exercise that i was grading um was is the result of a lot of processes reading comprehending uh commenting annotating critical thinking
that are developed over the course of those weeks before the summative assessment and part of a process is constituted of that summative assessment that was largely invisible to me back in the day when i was teaching in the classroom at ut
and now that process can be visible you can see first of all you can see that the students have done the reading right because their foot fingerprints are over all over and you can see their their early ideas you can see how they're engaging you can see where they're confused you can see where
they're inspired and you know help them along with a particular line of inquiry this can inform of course your understanding of where a student is at in your course um and and then you know reaching
certain uh learning outcomes um it also can help you you know think about how you design your course or how you prepare for your your class meeting because you have this this this body of evidence in their in their annotations and you know where
even where they didn't annotate might be interesting uh as lee scalaroppacetas has said when she's talked about hypothesis that the the gaps where people haven't annotated can be just as interesting sometimes is where they have
and then finally the idea that annotation or social annotation hypothesis makes reading uh social this is the thing that students take away as we as we can gather from the surveys they complete
um that you know the the social aspect is what they really appreciate and enjoy and find valuable the number one takeaway they always say is that they learn from their peers um using the social annotation
and of course the sort of testimonials we've heard from students over the past eight months are particularly uh dramatic just given the fact that many of them don't have a lot of other social outlets to connect
with their classmates because of the pandemic and because campuses have been closed down or reduced in capacity that they found this is a way to stay connected with classmates when they don't have the hallways the classrooms
possibly even the dorms and other spaces to have those connections all right i'm going to speed through if i have time nate just six provocations uh and then pass it off to uh to uh
hear from our practitioners which really as nate has said is the highlight uh one of the big highlights of the morning yeah go for it cool um so six ways to annotate uh for and with students
at first and i've said this already but um it's it's not just about reading it's not just about annotating it is about community again i hear again and again from teachers who have come to hypothesis because they want students to
engage deeply with reading who come away from their use of hypothesis praising it for the sort of way that it has helped build and maintain community uh in their classroom which again uh all the more of an
urgent need i think today is so many of us are teaching and learning online uh as raymie my colleague agreement i'm not sure if he came up with this idea but it's something that he has propagated for sure this idea of
annotating the syllabus and i think can be extended to annotate in a lot of other ancillary materials from a course and i think has added emphasis in this time of the pandemic when we're not handing out the syllabus on day one and
it's online but opening up your course materials your ancillary course materials like the syllabus to annotation by your students is a very powerful way to get them to just practice using the tool to show how the tool can be used in
different different ways and to get feedback on your course definitely i've heard from instructors who had their students annotate the syllabus and made some adjustments as a result of the uh feedback of
students and so that idea of co-design uh of a course enabled by hypothesis is is a powerful one so of course you can just turn on a hypothesis for students and and see
what they do with the as the marginal space is kind of reclaimed for their teaching and learning maybe they just use it for private notes maybe they choose to ask questions of each other form little study groups to talk about the reading
i do think the more that you are guiding students or the more that the annotation is socialized uh the more powerful and so some instructors do um a lot of annotation themselves uh they'll create signposts uh in
difficult readings first to help guide students through uh through a text like uh like uh virgil guides dante through uh through you know hell and and heaven and in
in the inferno that's what that image there is there um you can pre-populated text with questions we see a lot of this happening where a teacher will go in and essentially ask discussion forum type questions in the margins for students to respond to
but of course students can ask questions themselves right and every student's question can be the blooming of a or the blossoming of a discussion forum that is student driven right rather than a top-down
teacher-driven kind of discussion and i think the seminar style asynchronous seminar-style discussion is the strength of hypothesis today you're going to be annotating synchronously if you're new to hypothesis of course as we work with flower
to annotate together and it can be done synchronously um i think our synchronous time is precious especially today uh and so i think you know and it's perfectly reasonable to use hypothesis synchronously but i think it's also very powerful to use it asynchronously
and have it inform your synchronous time together um and so that's largely how it's used as sort of asynchronous seminar style discussion um and something along the lines of sort of
sitting on the grass together with the books open and that kind of cheesy brochure image of what it's like to go to uh certain kinds of colleges at least and then finally this sort of loops back to
number two any any artifact from a class lecture notes a slide deck that can be turned into a pdf with recognizable text can be annotated right so for larger classes we do see this sometimes happen a teacher will
you know turn their lecture notes into something annotatable and um and have students annotate that with questions uh where they're confused about maybe the lecture or connect can make connections to sort of popular
uh coverage of some of the topics uh that might come up in lecture and things like that and that i believe is my time and my portion of the deck and i will hand it back to the master
ceremonies nate angel thank you sir great thank you so much uh jeremy i wanted to give people just maybe take a moment and breathe we've it's been a it's been a really um you
know i think probably for everyone on this call if you're especially if you're um attending the olc conference um you're probably a person who's been working non-stop since the pandemic
started i mean i'm sure everybody has but folks uh folks like us who work to support education you know have really been working non-stop of course there's all sorts of other things going on in the world that are really trying and i think it's
just it's important to just take a pause and i'm stretching i'm taking a deep breath and just saying okay it's okay to just relax for a minute and get into what we're doing right now and
put aside the worries of the world for a little while um so uh jeremy jeremy has let me know that i look a little bit like steve jobs today and i'll just say i do have my um my
vest on here because in oregon it's actually a little bit chilly um here in the early morning um winter is coming as they say really appreciate um jeremy kind of uh getting us all on the same page
uh about social annotation and sort of the powers that it has um and now it's my uh pleasure to um uh introduce a couple of uh other people that are gonna um give you some
understanding of how they think about and use social annotation in their work um and i'm really uh really happy to have these folks here today some of them i met just recently and gotten to know um
and some uh some i've known for a while um but uh they're all people who have really made deep use of social annotation in their work and are kind of just gonna give you a brief
understanding of of how they use it um and then uh we'll actually have them around and we can ask them some questions and stuff before we get started on annotating ourselves so um without further ado i'd like to start out
first with um mary klon from university of california san diego among other among other places and mary are you uh you want to check your mic you you came in a little bit late so you didn't have a time to check your audio
hello yes yes we can hear and see you great um and so um mary is gonna go first and then we're gonna hear from matt um who uh is really interesting um because
he uses social annotation in the context of math which many people don't even think about um so that's really cool and then finally we'll also be hearing from um remy collier who uh it was just uh named
the scholar in residence at hypothesis and is doing um kind of uh leading some uh formal research around social annotation and its use in in uh different educational contexts
so um i'll i'm gonna stop sharing uh mary i don't know if you have anything that you want to share um but if you do you could take over the screen and if you don't that's fine too
uh you could just talk to us so it's all yours take it away mary thanks um i'll start off by just talking i guess i um well just wanted to i guess share a little bit about how i came to
hypothesis and then how i use it now um so i uh started using it in my undergraduate history classes so i teach at uc san diego
and at san diego miramar college which is a community college here in san diego so i have a bunch of you know different levels in terms of the types of classes i teach so intro survey all the way up to like an honors
uh seminar kind of class um and i use it in all my classes and i started using it in um 2018 so i was a really really new instructor and i came to it
as um someone who had tried to make my students uh do these readings like secondary source uh journal article book chapter type readings um and then answer questions that were multiple
choice that i made up from the readings in this reading quiz it did not go well at all so very grateful to the students in my very first class at miramar who told me that they weren't understanding the
readings they were too challenging and they just stopped doing the quizzes and i was like well okay there we go um i knew i had to try something else and hypothesis is like basically um what i
really wanted to do with the readings was to get them to start to analyze these concepts and engage with each other and start to do some critical thinking and there's not really a lot of critical
thinking you do with the multiple choice test about the reading that i have spent my valuable time trying to create which is another whole thing so the questions probably weren't even that good um but the hypothesis really changed the
game so i started doing um reading guides where i would post questions in advance and they would answer them in the annotations then i even moved to as jeremy was saying pre-annotating
putting questions into the text itself so they would just reply to me um it was uh uh like really a game changer in terms of how they were not only just doing the readings in the first place
but also like actually engaging with the material and engaging with each other um and so hypothesis has been a really critical part of how i've moved all of my classes online
i um i started teaching online before coven so maybe it was already like a little bit more comfortable with some of the digital pedagogy stuff and the tools than some of the other folks i've been talking to because i work a little bit in faculty development
as well my many random jobs but um i uh so what i've done now is i've taken all of my lectures and instead of delivering them as a video or a synchronous zoom session
i just put it all into a blog and i have the students annotate the blog so they're basically interacting directly with my lecture notes um and i'm corresponding with them throughout the week to answer their questions and to
you know tell them that they're doing a good job and all this stuff so giving them some sort of reaction and it's been really awesome like to see the actual engagement a little bit more fluid than what i was doing
before which was just putting up slides in canvas having them answer a discussion post um so everything was sort of like separate disjointed and with hypothesis i've been able to put it all together um and it's uh it's been really
great um and then there's something else i do that i wanted to to put in um in this conversation and i'll i guess i will share my screen i'll show you all
flowers annotating my talk in the chat box that's awesome jeremy has a good riff about how chat and zoom is a form of annotation um so i will um give you a little preview of what i want
to show you all so i i made this website this summer my field of expertise is native american history so i um i'm teaching a class right now at ucsd called native americans in american politics
and i um i the there was this huge supreme court decision this summer the mcgirt versus oklahoma decision which was a jurisdictional issue and so i put the text of the opinion
supreme court opinion into a website on squarespace and then i embedded hypothesis into the website oh because i'm so fancy now that i can copy and paste the free code hey you can you should be able to share
now too if you want i found this setting yeah okay thank you so much oh you're like a tech quiz i am so fancy seriously no i am not at all but i'm a historian
so this is what it looks like um and it's a so the annotations are basically embedded in the um actual website itself so i have my students who are who i assigned this as a reading
basically they annotated the text but they i encourage them to do it um in the public channel so there's a whole lot more annotations in the public so this my idea with this is that it could
be like a cross-institutional cross-class conversation so i teach at multiple institutions so having students from different areas come together into one particular um source
is really exciting to me because you get these uh conversations that will come up and then even like assigning this again next year and seeing the different conversations that change based on the um the where we are at in the political sphere and people can
respond to previous classes annotations which i think is really cool um and exciting and i i like that idea of just sort of expanding the scope of the conversation um and i can stop sharing my screen
right now but uh i'll put the link to the website and there so one thing i did do this semester quarter um because i'm bond both systems
at once is um i took my uh hypothesis use outside of canvas which is like um i was really into the lms app for a while and then i ended up taking it out because i thought that
there was a little bit more things i could do if i could like take it away from that just that one class environment and then i like the um the function that hypothesis has where they'll send you a little note if somebody replies to your annotation
um so that's really kind of um essential for the way that my class is set up so that i get a note when somebody replies to my annotation and then they get a note when i reply to them and so the conversation's really sort of
sped up or i'm prompted in that way which i really like um yeah so that's all i have to say for now and i can answer questions about my website i'll just do a little self promotion throw my website
in the chat so you guys can also oh that's really great and um mary let's and if people do have uh follow-up questions for mary let's take him now too because i know she has to go in a little bit but um i wanted to start out um and as i
mentioned in the chat my background is a little bit in history too so that's why i'm always so excited to hear about you and your work um although i never got my doctorate unlike some people so there you have it
but anyway um one of the things that um you know you brought up here is this difference between using hypothesis in the learning management system environment versus sort of out on the public web the way you've done it which is a really i think
exciting and powerful use case especially when you're um trying to scaffold your students toward that kind of public engagement you know um uh you know doing the intellectual work in public
um and i think there's a important space for that as well as a space to do it um privately um as you sort of build toward that more kind of public action but i'm i'm curious
um uh do you think that uh in your work that you would continue to find um a need to use both kind of hypothesis in both environments or do you think that you'll mostly be
using it in the public environment oh um that's a good question so i i always give them like at the very beginning of the of the class i give them the option to use a pseudonym in their hypothesis
username so as long as i know who they are that's all that matters if they're as i say we're going to be learning in public i mean to an extent i'm not sort of like driving traffic to my blog or anything although i am kind of trying
to drive traffic to my the mcgirt website but um well now you're going to get new new visitors as of today right so um i i give them that option of if they want to remain
anonymous if they're uncomfortable with that um it's been like 90 of uh people that i've uh that have are comfortable with sharing their name and sharing their sort of um uh you know assessments of the reading in
public um but i yeah i do think that there is a place for just annotating like within the lms as a class um especially if you're doing something
like the syllabus or like these um specific uh tools that are that will shape the way your class plays out um that there's no real need to put that out into the public sphere
right like to get students to really respond to you i think but um other than that i don't think they i don't think they care i mean they i really have a lot of really honest um annotations and real honest questions
and reactions and they're just sort of out there putting their thoughts out there which is which is really cool i think i like it yeah and maybe that comes from me too because i put emojis and like i swear a little bit and all that stuff like i just put my personality
into the annotation so yeah and so it's kind of demonstrating how one can act in public right i know another um deep annotation practitioner amanda la castro who um
has been at stevenson university and i think she'd be okay if i said this is moving to university of pennsylvania um to take up a new position talks about how she um helps move students she starts
students out in the kind of private annotation space um just to kind of like gear up and get used to the idea of annotation and what it what it's like and then she kind of brings them toward a kind of public annotation
as they advance um so she kind of moves people across the boat system you know um erica asked in the chat mary um how you uh if you assess annotations and how you go about that
yeah um so usually i it's a very low stakes assessment i sort of treat it as especially now as class participation so if they're annotating they're getting the full points there's
no like i don't go in and evaluate the quality of their annotations just because um depending on the size of the class it would be too much too much work i'd rather spend my time actually responding to them and sort of
trying to draw them out if they're just annotating like one word i give them like a guidelines or benchmarks for what i expect so i try to say like if you're going to comment on something that you find interesting tell me why you find it interesting if
you want to comment on something that someone's already highlighted reply to them so that you're trying to like engage them in conversation rather than just saying your thing and then moving on um
this quarter semester i tried uh ungrading so which is like i've drank the ungrading kool-aid everyone you should all do it it's amazing i don't um have to worry about entering the points
because they do self-assessment they just um put in a little quiz did you do the annotations this week yes goes to the great book and i trust them and it's awesome so that takes it away and i just really
spend my time like actually reading what they have to say um i was finding that i do a lot of these like low stakes things in my classes and i was spending so much time with these like little things entering in points points
points and i was like what is the what's the use of this i was getting behind overwhelmed so um i tried to just i just burned it all down you know i always thought when i was teaching that i loved giving feedback but i didn't like grading
oh yeah and there's such a big difference and i think it sounds like your practice that you do with annotation is really about not just feedback but just getting involved in the conversation with the students um that's really great would you be um i
don't want to put you on the spot but but would you be willing to share um your sort of guidelines um that you give to students about um um yeah that might be a useful thing for other people no rush you could put it in
the chat whenever you have it or show it to us yeah either way um because i do put the benchmarks in canvas um so everything is linked through canvas because i use the via proxy that's the way i get them too
that's all we can explain what that is later but it's a way of it's the complicated system of getting people to the document they're going to annotate right so i um i i do that just because
there's it takes away a step sorry i'm trying to multitask and get that's all right i can't talk and and click actually you already saw it takes away a step for them like so i i'm trying to make it so that they don't
have to download the extension although sometimes that ends up being what they have to do depending on what they're annotating or depending on where like their system that they're using but um it's been it works pretty well like i just
linked to it and then since they've already created their username it just um just loads right for them um let me show you yeah and again while mary's doing that i'll just point out that this is you know another one of the tensions between
using the lms app versus annotating out in the wild um you know in the lms app you don't have to create an account you don't have to worry about getting the extension and so forth and so there's some scaffolding there just around the technology which can be a good way to
get people started annotating and then later move to the public if you want yeah um i definitely find that the app in canvas is so useful especially to like introduce people to the whole
the whole process um and i was using it before and i just sort of moved away some part of it was because my institutions are very slow to want to get the like join the program yeah i gotta
just do it myself not your problem not your fault hey would you be willing to copy and paste some of that into the chat sure so this is kind of my basics um so they're really kind of general like because i copy and paste this every single week but i'll change it based on like um
depending on if there's a special thing on that reading for that week so this one is about the magert decision um so then i just say engage with the majority of the texts connect with classmates but then the real kind of guidelines come in the actual annotations when i'm
asking them questions they can reply to that are specifically related to those readings um but i'll copy and paste those general directions so you um you then kind of pre-annotate the text
like the margaret decision um yeah i try prompts yeah i um and i do this especially with my survey classes so the intros where i i'm giving them readings that are much shorter but they're usually all primary sources so they're kind of
tough to read depending on where they're coming from so i'll give them direct questions and then usually people just answer the direct questions and then sometimes they sort of reply to the replies and it becomes a little bit of a conversation there
um and that i feel like is helpful to help them figure out how to analyze a text because sometimes what i was noticing is that basically when you're taking notes if you don't know how to take notes which is a very it's a skill that you sort of have to
practice um you kind of just either write those short reactions or you write like a summary and i wanted them to really start to analyze so that's where i started to do these reading guide questions and i think so much of the annotation
can be um used as a tool to model scholarship and you know in for students or with students um you know you know like you say analyzing primary text a basic
a basic uh sort of activity for historians right among other people as well but all kinds of just like modeling reading scientific articles for example which which is a skill that has to be learned i mean i myself can barely read a scientific article um
without my eyes going buggy and so annotation can really slow that down and break it up in interesting ways well i i would i could talk to mary all day um
but um and she's i thank you so much for sharing what you've shared uh i really appreciate your coming and i know that you have um some other things you have to do today um is there anything else you wanted to say before we shift over and talked to madeline
um no i'm excited to hear about the math so i will stop talking uh yeah i'll have to duck out in like 15 minutes but i'll i'll stick around for a little bit longer okay well that will i will give you time to hear
most of what matt has to say i think so great well so um thank you mary and now it's my pleasure to introduce introdu i can't talk introduce matt salamone i think i got that right um
and uh for because we've met before and um he is um math faculty and i believe chair at bridgewater state uh bridgewater state in um in massachusetts um and is we're
really excited by his work because he um he annotates in math and i just that's not um as widespread at practice outside of the humanities to do annotation but growing uh by leaps and
bounds we see a lot of stem folks now getting involved so um i'll let matt take it away and uh let us know how he uses annotation in his work sure thanks nate um thanks also to
jeremy and franny for uh for having me here today and for putting this together um so yeah i do want to say a little bit about how i use social annotation in my classrooms but
before i get there i always feel like as a math faculty member that i have to make the case for why why it's a social enterprise we're asking students to do in the first place
why we should prize reading skills and um you know sort of discussion based discourse in mathematics so i actually i have a couple of little slides and stuff that i'm just going to share through my camera
um if that's all right and nate i don't know if you want us i don't i don't think i'll need to because i'll still be talking so probably everyone can see my video but you can also spotlight it if you need to um okay we'll do yeah we see you okay
great so one of the things that we're always doing as as math faculty members in college is we end up teaching a lot of students particularly in general education
for whom they're having kind of their last formal exposure to school mathematics um that we would like for it first of all not to be their last we'd like to be able to make the sales pitch for them to continue their studies mathematically
but second of all you know students come into mathematics with a lot of beliefs about the nature of the subject and the sort of the epistemological foundations of the discipline that are not particularly productive to collaboration
into social discourse and one of the things that i want to do particularly if it's a student's last mathematical experience in the formal classroom is to kind of convince them that it can be an experience that leverages the skills
that they already have can give them uh you know an experience of being social and collaborating and constructing knowledge as part of a community because what people think math looks like right is that they think that it looks like
this sort of received wisdom uh handed down from on high on stone tablets and they think that the process of doing mathematics is very solitary and involves a lot of staring at blackboards with no
actual english words on them right um in fact you know the the classic story about plato's academy is that there's an inscription over the door of plato's academy in in the original greek
uh roughly translates to let no one ignorant of geometry enter right and so there's this belief that mathematics is this gatekeeping subject and functionally that is how mathematics has operated historically in education um
both k-12 education and in higher education that it's a subject that has been used to set up barriers it's been used to exclude a lot of students from the educational enterprise
um and so you'll notice another thing too that is true about these what you think math looks like slides is that these are all you know white dudes standing in front of this sort of mathematics and so a lot
of students really do struggle and if you're watching this webinar maybe you have in the past as well to sort of see themselves as part of the discipline right where do i fit in mathematically
and so the first thing that i have to do with my students is just to try to convince them that that you can you the student can be a part of math because in reality what mathematics looks like when it happens in
in my college classrooms in an increasing number of college classrooms and and more to the point what it looks like when mathematicians practice mathematics as as professionals it looks very different right it is
inextricably a social enterprise we do mathematics together as part of a community um you know we're involved in a peer review process you know we a theorem is not true because it's sort of handed down to us from some authority
it's true because you know our peers have reviewed it and said yes this this meets our criteria but that it's all a conversation it's a collaboration it's inextricably social and students want that moreover right
they want their experience of math learning to be more collaborative they want to be in conversation with one another they want to have as we as we think about in you know sort of humanizing online learning they want to have both a cognitive and
instructional presence they want to interact with me but they also want to interact with one another they want to learn in community they want to be able to plug in their language skills into mathematics but that's a struggle for a lot of students because a a lot of
math courses have not historically asked students to wrestle with actual close reading and critical reading and using that their own vernacular right and also that that's you know kind of a
it's a skill that you know not only has it not been valued because it's not been valued by their previous math classes it's something that we need to work on them to help to develop those reading skills as nate was saying right learn
reading a mathematical text and extracting information from it it's like reading a scientific journal article right it's a it's sort of a domain specific skill um that i want my students to come out
of my classes having developed and having had an experience of so here's a little bit about how i do it um so sometimes i do it in the lms sometimes in canvas as mary was saying before sometimes i've done it outside of
the lms it really kind of it depends semester to semester how much i'm actually using the lms or not but i sort of provide students with some reading question guidelines sort of what what i find students are
doing with the social annotation a lot is that they are asking questions um and saying hey i read this passage didn't really understand it can somebody help me out um and i just try to you know give them a framework that helps them to make
those questions as specific as possible sort of let us know what kind of feedback are you looking for that kind of thing um and i also do a lot of encouraging my students to share other helpful resources uh inside of
these annotations right to go out and research on the internet to find other resources that speak to the same material and kind of say oh i found that this was really helpful so my students do a lot of sharing of
videos and other links and sort of rich content inside of the annotation space to really add value to what's already in the textbook and particularly now that there's a lot of relatively new and
really high quality open educational resources available around especially introductory level college mathematics that you know it's really the material that's out there
is more than sufficient for any student who needs to understand a particular area of math to find what they need if they don't find it in the textbook i've assigned them they go find it somewhere else and they tag it right into the annotation
so i like to think of it as there's a framework that benjamin dickman he's a math teacher who's currently developing a social justice oriented algebra ii curriculum for high school which is a fascinating project you can find him on twitter
at benjamin dickman but the framework that he likes to think of mathematical discourse is happening in his classes is called notice feel wonder and act right these are the things i want my students doing when they engage with mathematics
material i want them to notice things i want them to sort of acknowledge and experience the feelings and emotional part of doing mathematics because let's face it particularly with a lot of students who
come into my classes with math anxiety and math avoidance that they have a lot of uh sort of emotional they have an emotional discourse that happens with with a subject and not just an intellectual cognitive discourse and so we want to
give space for students to feel certain ways around math as well and i really want students wondering right i want them to try and anticipate the next steps and say well how does this connect with this other thing where is this going i want those
kinds of questions happening in the annotation and then fourth action so how is what i'm reading in my math textbook going to help to inform what i do next uh whether that's something i do in my life or whether that's something i do
in my course to help me to learn later on um so what i'm going to show you were just a couple of snippets and screenshots from my pre-calculus course that i taught using social annotation last spring
and so this is a course that was populated with mostly freshmen and sophomore level students because it's pre-calculus most of them are in the sciences and mathematics i got a few students from the college of business but mostly these are stem
students who often come in believing themselves to be sort of strong agents of mathematics but not necessarily having command of language and reading and writing and so forth so i like to think that this was also a way to help
to to build those skills with them as well so on the notice side what i saw students doing is that they'll sort of consume a theorem and say well is this i noticed that this theorem means this
thing to me this is how i'm reading it is this how other people are reading it and experiencing can i understand it in this way um one of the things that's true about a lot of mathematical and scientific writing i think mathematical in particular
is that you know a lot of authors are very terse they'll say in one or two sentences what probably would take a paragraph or two to really fully explicate and so the more we can get students to notice what's in the writing
and to add to it in the margins the more that they begin to understand what it is to read a mathematical text and to unpack the large amounts of meaning that are hidden in small amounts of prose
one of the feeling things that i noticed so this student says something interesting i've always found the vertex formula for parabolas amusing um i want more of my students to find mathematical ideas amusing uh the way that this the student did but
she found it amusing because of the different connections she was able to make between this particular part of it and the other ways of understanding so her sort of mental scaffold was filling in she was making connections between different parts of the material
and that that was that was a good feeling for her right and so i want her to be able to experience and validate those feelings but i also want the other students in the class to see hey you know
mathematics can be a an experience that's full of positive emotions in addition to the ones that you might have brought into the classroom so the feeling step i think cannot be short change should not be short changed in the process
then there's the wondering element this is probably my favorite one of the four because this is really i think the most what what i feel mathematics research is for me when i you know do scholarship as a
mathematician is it's full of this sort of wonderment right where you have a mathematical idea in front of you and say well i wonder if it works this way i wonder if this thing is true um because the fact is as a mathematician you know the the theorems
that we discover and we prove right we we get this gut feeling that they're true long before we actually have a proof that they're true and so most of what i do as a mathematician is wonderment and then from that wonderment trying to chase down whether whether or not my
my suspicions are actually true or not so this student says well what this definition i'm reading of a function also apply for an inverse function does it also work this other way right so kind of pushing beyond the boundaries of what's in the text
um to other ways of interpreting our next steps that students might go to and then there's the action step so i thought this annotation here was a good example of an action-oriented one so this student reads this paragraph
about about transformations sort of gives some practical strategic advice for how to do a particular mathematical task student says well you know should i just use this as my strategy is this is every example going to work this way
so that i don't have to you know expend a lot of cognitive load trying to figure out what framework to fit the next set of examples in can i take this to the bank and run with it right to me that's kind of an action oriented
way of experiencing the text so that's as much as i want to say and i want to leave some space for for questions but i really find that the experience i want for my students to have of
each other and of the material and the experiences with me are collaborative they're conversational they're social because that's how i experience mathematics as a professional is how i want my students to experience it as students as well
um so yeah thanks for having me so so great matt you know every time you talk i'm like oh my gosh i wish i'd continue to study math more because you really uh inspire me i was too late i went
i went through calc 2 and then i just gave it up and so uh that was i felt like humanities were for a better fit for me but um i one question that i had and i think i brought this up last time we talked is i
had a math teacher um in high school actually who made the argument that he thought math was taught backwards in the sense that uh students are taught all the boring hard stuff first and then you don't get to the
interesting mathematical questions until way later when you're probably sick and tired of math and have decided you hate it for a lot of people at any rate and i'm wondering what you think about that this idea like almost like introducing the concepts of calculus and
geometry and stuff at the beginning and then let the the arithmetic and algebra come when necessary yeah and it's funny because i feel like a lot of sort of more specialized higher level courses in math are often taught
in that way high concept right that we sort of see hey here's the here's the end point that we're working towards and then now let's try to backfill everything that we need in order to to get there right so you at least give students a sense of of where you're going
before you start embarking to go there but i think that there's another way that i can interpret uh what you're saying and that is that mathematicians as such right those of us who you know go into a math major and they
do sort of higher study in mathematics what you find out is that the enterprise of mathematics becomes increasingly more creative and open-ended the higher that you climb up in the curriculum and i want students to have that
creativity experience sooner right i want them to have that right away right um there's a classic text in in mathematical circles called the lockheart's lament it's written by a mathematician in paul lockhart which is really great reading and it is
it is a sort of a lamentation of a mathematician that why are we teaching k-12 students in particular in these ways of mathematics that are very doctrinair and they're very sort of you know put into a box and
compartmentalized why are we not encouraging more creative exploration why are we snuffing out students creative sparks in the math classroom so i really think there is something to that because one of the things i love
about my discipline is how creative it is to do research in mathematics and that is not the experience that a lot of students have with it particularly in the earlier grades and so no wonder that they don't see themselves in my discipline if that's how they're experiencing it
yeah and i think i mean that's maybe more true in math and in some other subjects but it's kind of true in every discipline right that a lot of the um you know a lot of the creativity and interest is saved for the end after you do all
the hard work of of like you know um getting getting footnote format right and and things like that that are actually not like the most necessarily the most important or exciting part of say history for example
i can marry this one well do folks have um other questions for for matt i i again uh just love talking to him myself so i kind of forgot everybody else who's here you can put them in the chat if you have other questions or if any of our other
panelists have a question they wanted or a observation they wanted to to mat i think people have been commenting on your great uh sharing setup which so i i'm going to actually have to look
into this doing it with zoom because i actually don't do it with zoom i do it with a separate software package um that does not like compositing but um yeah so i'm gonna i'm gonna look up this this might be a better way for me to recommend
this strategy to my colleagues something that's a little easier or maybe yeah i i really appreciate how your setup also um does automatic um you know text captioning yeah i'm just using google slides for
that which i noticed you do too but yeah yeah and i hadn't flipped it on i have had different experiences with how well it works but yeah it's better than nothing right right great oh it's uh
so what they're talking about it's uh it's beta and zoom interesting yeah we should all try that out because it um i definitely think it makes for a more more effective presentation style well thank you so much matt um i really
appreciate your being here and if uh welcome to stick around obviously um for the rest of the day it's so great to have different perspectives here at the table i do want to spend um just a minute um
uh to invite another uh practitioner up here on stage and that's um raymie clear from university colorado denver um as i mentioned before raymie we just brought raimi on and hypothesis is our first scholar in
residence to head up some work on um formal research into social annotation um and so raymie if you're here i know we didn't have a chance to do a sound check with you
good morning good morning yes you're here okay i'm here yes welcome to see folks and colleagues and friends i hope everyone is doing well yeah so take it away tell us a little bit about what you're up to
yeah let me keep the high level in short um first of all it's really um been a really a pleasure to hear from marion from matt this morning and thanks again to hypothesis colleagues and also everyone who's watching this morning i just really appreciate
the energy and the enthusiasm around social annotation and how social annotation is being used to support student learning in a whole variety of disciplines and contexts briefly day to day i am a assistant
professor of learning design and technology at the university of colorado in denver but really have the great honor this year of serving as the inaugural scholar in residence at hypothesis and
i think a link has been shared in our chat kind of introducing that program and the goals of this new initiative and the really the guiding rationale behind my
my role now with hypothesis as the scholar in residence is to further promote and further investigate the important relationship between social annotation and learning if you're joining this webinar session if you're
hearing from folks like mary and matt and others there's at this point no doubt that social annotation productively aids student learning that there is very little uh at this point
you know doubt that when students are annotating when they're reading together when they're making sense of discipline specific texts when they're collaborating by reading and writing together through annotation they're learning and they're learning in
some pretty dynamic and very interesting ways and there is now a real wealth of scholarship specific to hypothesis and also specific to other social annotation technologies that really does evidence that
productive relationship between social annotation and learning and so my role briefly is to help not only to promote that work and make that work more publicly accessible but to also start new research projects
and new investigations into how specifically those types of productive learning relationships can exist and so we're beginning to now launch some new research projects at a number of universities and with a
number of other educators and researchers who are really eager to help really move the field forward but also of course at the end of the day support student learning and student success so i'm happy to again either share a
little bit more about that program i of course have my own history using social annotation and specifically hypothesis in my own courses with my own graduate students i also am involved with a number of
other projects that help to support the broader kind of open infrastructure around social annotation whether that's through professional development opportunities or through online tools whatever that may be i'm
very eager to help build a robust open ecosystem of educators and technologists and researchers who are all contributing to the field of social annotation and how that supports student learning
so i'll keep my short comments there but i'm happy to address any questions that come up or just you know hear people's thoughts and reflections as this discussion moves forward this morning thank you so much raymie um
uh i put a link in the chat to a blog post we made when when raymond joined a scholar in residence and that has a link on it to a different page which is i'll also share which is um kind of talks about the research program
that um he's leading in general um and you know what we're really excited about here is to set up a kind of um repeatable practice around
um kind of formal research into social annotation um and uh we'll be kicking off the kind of first formal projects like maybe said uh in the spring term winter spring term uh and so we're
really excited about that and then there will be opportunities for i mean there's just research now popping out of the woodwork um one of the things that miami's also been working on is a collected bibliography of different research works we have the
start of that as well it's linked to from from the links that i put in chat so you can start to explore that but that will continue to expand as things move forward as well so at any rate i mean you know one thing that's clear i mean even just from
listening to mary and matt like remy said is uh you know we we can already tell how powerful social annotation is we don't we don't necessarily need quantitative research in order to prove that to ourselves but
it's also an important thing to do to explore more deeply on the different ways that that it can affect us uh so um i i want to thank you so much for popping in raymie and um i now i know that we've
been talking at you all for a lot and um this is a workshop and so one of the things that we wanted to do is get um get interactive and spend some time um actually doing some annotation ourselves um
and so uh before we start the second half of our show here i think it's time um if anybody needs to like pop out and get some more coffee um get some water you gotta stay hydrated um if you wanna um
go to the bathroom or do any of those human needs now would be a good time to do it i'm just going to get us set up to start annotating with flour as we like to say
by reminding people how they can make sure that they are already enabled themselves to annotate so i'm just going to talk about that for a couple minutes um uh so if you step away and you are
already set up to annotate hypothesis you don't you won't be missing anything because you're already set up um yes marie we we we will be saving the chat um or at least um sharing out in that blog post that you signed up for you know all the links and interesting
resources from it um maybe take away all my dumb jokes um but so the good parts of the chat will be will be saved and published and you'll get an email and that's um published with the recording from today this is a page
um that kind of uh just describes briefly what we're about to embark and do which is um we picked a text and all flowers picked apex thank you flower and we're gonna um annotate it together much like
um you know mary and matt described how they do it with their students um as an exercise and kind of our own professional development right and so um flowers picked a text that relates to the themes of her keynote um
uh at olc accelerate and we'll have her talk about that in just a second but first i want to make sure that people who maybe haven't annotated with hypothesis before are are set up and so one of the first things to do
um is to uh equip yourself with a hypothesis account you actually won't need to install anything like an extension or anything today but you will at least need
an account in order to um to join in the annotation part so if you haven't done it yet um take a few minutes moments to follow that link in the uh that i just put into the chat um and
make sure that you're signed up for a hypothesis account so that you can annotate in the wild on what we say in the wild across the public web um and uh we'll you'll that's an account
of course that you'll be able to use for annotation for any purpose um ongoing and just to underline again it's a little bit different than what happens inside the lms context when you're using hypothesis there because that's a single sign-on
environment with the lms so this is sort of like equipping with yourself with hypothesis to work outside the lms right um so i want to make sure people get a chance to do that in advance and
then uh um just to be really clear here right the active annotation um as we'll be demonstrating for you is you highlight something and that pulls up an opportunity for you to
decide if you want to just highlight it privately for yourself or if you want an annotation to share um that annotation could be private also just to yourself as a note to yourself or it could be shared um like mary
mentioned either publicly or privately um and then of course each annotation exists as the beginning of what could be a threaded discussion right so if somebody else has annotated something you can reply to it as we've
seen and so that's part of what we can be doing today is not only making new annotations ourselves but also replying to other people's annotation and so um i'd like to
be quiet there for a sec and um before we actually dive into the document itself and i'll pull it up on my screen so you can watch what i'm doing too but i'd like to give flower a chance to introduce herself say a little bit about who she is why
she's here and kind of give us a preview of the text that she selected why she picked it out and what she's thinking about it welcome flower hi nate thank you so much for having me here today and thanks to everybody who's made the time to be here i really
appreciate it sorry do you want me to just go ahead and talk a few minutes about what we're doing why i chose this text yeah okay see we're very authentic here that's what i like about this event today
rolling with the punches so um so right my keynote that i've prepared to deliver on monday for olc accelerate is um focused on the power that we have when we use
really innovative technology and when we pair that with really effective teaching how much we can empower students to engage and learn i my own personal experience working in ed tech field and instructional design
i think many of us although i'm gonna say maybe not those of us who are here today but many of us working in this area really do focus a lot on the technology and the tools and what can we do and to be fair this is a workshop about
a technology tool that we can use but i think sometimes the conversation doesn't focus enough on what we're doing to actually teach our students and i was quite inspired by matt's comments about we need to kind of change the
conversation and the experience that students are having so um so anyway in recent months that's basically the gist of my of my talk is how do we empower students through really great technology like hypothesis
and also through really great teaching my thinking has of course i hope like many of us like all of us it's been really impacted by the events of the last six to eight months and so i have a focus on how do we use
technology to teach equitable and inclusive classes as well and um supporting the students that we know had faced more challenges in the big pivot online and then uh whose situations are
compounded and even more complicated and complex as a result of black lives matter and the sort of the renewed energy around racial tensions and such that we've experienced after the death of george floyd so those those issues together that's
where i want to really think deeply about how do we teach well how do we use tech well and how do we address the systemic inequities that are oppressing so many of our students and what can we do to support them
so this text that i selected i will be referring to it briefly in the keynote certainly won't be in as in depth as we'll get into here it's hearing from the students themselves and i think that's another overleaked piece or sorry i should say
overlooked piece when we get together and we talk about here's the things that we can do and many times faculty are not necessarily thinking about the students lived
experience again i'm going to qualify that right now and say well not those of us who are here but uh in general i think we could do better to listen to more from the students themselves and so
i like this summary report of research that took place with 13 different focus groups of students all around the country from underrepresented underrepresented and marginalized student groups just to see
what what are they saying they need and how can we therefore help so that's a little bit of an introduction to why i'm here in the text that i chose that's a great flower and um i really um
i know that it's kind of a tricky situation to say hey before you give your keynotes how would you like to come on and like talk about it and give all the interesting tidbits away no just kidding um i'm sure actually um sort of like
other educators use reading to set up more interesting discussion in class i think the work we hear do today will make us like better participants in your keynote um when it happens on monday right
yeah so for folks who are attending um olc accelerates on um flower will be giving both a keynote and a plenary closing session um and i believe at least the closing plenary is
open to the wider public as well i'm not sure about the keynote we can double check that in the background but um if if you aren't just a little plug for olc if you aren't attending already you can still register and the cost of
it is very low this year it's all virtual all online environment there's all sorts of really exciting things happening there including more interesting stuff um uh with social annotation uh as well as like a host of
other things so it's it's worth the worthy conference to get involved it goes on for the next two weeks believe it or not i don't know what it is about about uh the pandemic time but it's i guess we've decided that conferences that used to only last a couple days or a week are
now gonna be extended over like a whole month so um so at any rate um without further ado i put a link there and chat to the document that um that flowers
picked out and i'm gonna just go ahead and share my screen again for a second just so that you can see see what it looks like for me and so first of all just a couple of things oriented to
right the document is here on the left it's a pdf um mike flower said uh and you can see it has uh i think it's about 30 some odd pages long 33 pages long right
um and there have been a couple annotations made already on it um so i i made this first annotation just to the very top to kind of orient everyone and make sure there was something on it and um and let me actually refresh the
screen um and then flower has added uh an annotation of her own two you can see there um she's got um a video embedded in her annotation just to show how that's
possible and then she started to add some other things as well and um another thing the link that i shared in chat just so you know every um document on how to when you're annotating publicly
like this um you'll you'll have this little button of the little box with the arrow in it and that provides you with the link that leads you to that document with annotation enabled on top of it
so even for people who may not already have their browser equipped with hypothesis or whatever you can share a link like this with them and they will be able to get to the document and start annotating without going through any other steps as long as they
they have an account um that that is also true for every annotation so every annotation is kind of an addressable space on the web so for instance if you wanted to share flowers annotation here with the video
right there's that same little box with an arrow icon on that annotation and that pulls up a specialized link that will lead anyone directly to the document um and with flowers annotation sitting
right beside of it and they could get started interacting in reading or or responding to or annotating themselves so i just wanted to point that out like when jeremy said that each annotation is like a little mini web page it's literally as a web page in
the sense that it has a web address um each annotation is kind of an addressable space on the web like it was its own little web page and so you can um share links to them so i just want to make sure that people see that and know about it and so um
i'll give flower another chance to weigh in here too but um now is our time to actually go through this relatively um uh rich document uh it has a lot of
really interesting information in it and um start to uh have a discussion on top of this document um by means of annotation and so you could start that out um right by replying to one of
the existing annotations so if i wanted to reply to what this video that flower shared out here i could you know begin a threaded conversation right below it or i could move through the document
myself as i'm reading highlight some text and that will bring up a little interface here where i can choose to either annotate or highlight highlights would again just be private to me but if i hit the annotate button
then i've got a little space where i can say what i want to say about the text that i've selected so let me give flower another chance to if she has anything else she wants to say before i uh shut up and let people read in in
peace um but also um if people do have questions um we could certainly uh we could certainly address them if anybody's brought up anything in chat i'm just pulling it up for myself did you want to
say anything else flower thank you nate i don't know that i had anything else specifically to adam i am curious to people's reactions um about people's reactions to this reading
and i'm curious about how we talk and read at the same time so yeah and i mean that is going to be one of the interesting things about this workshop right is um like jeremy was saying we're going to do some synchronous annotation right and so
basically i'm as soon as we can get me to shut up i will be quiet and then just allow everybody to start reading and start adding annotations i do want to draw your attention to one other little thing in the interface here and
that's um when there are new annotations that have been added to the document that you're not seeing yet there will be a little red icon will appear up here at the top and um if you click on that little red icon it will
load the new annotations that weren't there already into the into the side panel so you don't need to keep refreshing the page to get new annotations as soon as you see that little red icon that means there's no annotations so so far no one has added any yet
because i don't have that little red that little red indication um but if anybody has any sort of questions about the mechanics or technical side of doing this annotation
feel free to um to put it put a note in chat and we'll address that um but otherwise i'm just going to be quiet and i myself am going to start doing some reading and annotation i'm going to leave my screen shared so you
can see what i'm doing if you want but you might want to just follow the link in chat and go pull up the document in a different space so that you don't aren't distracted by my reading if you will and so we can all do that
and we'll spend um maybe about let's go about 15 minutes or so doing some reading and then we can come back again and start talking about what we've all been reading
hey everyone it's nate again and we've been spending a little time reading and i want to apologize um that not the entire document and doesn't have selectable text in it as we've been discussing in the chat um it's interesting because it did
yesterday um so i kind of worked hard to do some extra backflips to make sure that the document was fully annotatable and um seems to be reverted in the night so uh my
apologies for that um we'll look into it but as we've been discussing in chat obviously one of the key things here is that um this is a rather complex pdf with a lot of images and so forth and
it was produced in such a way that it uh actually all the text wasn't um embedded into the pdf as selectable text the publishers did take some extra steps to make it
accessible like to screen readers but the steps that they took didn't also make the text selectable on the screen in all cases we thought we'd worked around it but apparently we didn't fully so i apologize we're
only able to annotate um sort of the first section and that's why our annotations are kind of um kind of concentrated in that so my apologies especially to flower for that um because it's a really rich text and a
lot of that a lot of the really interesting points in it are in those later pages i think so um and um if anybody is sort of begging the question like why can't we just annotate images well that's a feature that um hypothesis
doesn't have built into it yet it's something that we want to do and it has to do with the difference between anchoring annotations on an image versus anchoring annotations on a text selection which are sort of different anchoring sort of
problems to solve on the technical level but it is something that we we do plan to do um in the future so this will become less of a problem then in the sense that one will be able to annotate images but that doesn't take away that the fact
that images in general aren't fully accessible and so um something to think about um as you know uh and this is something to think about whether you're annotating or not right if you're using pdfs um as you know as class readings
you know ensuring their accessibility is as an essential part of part of signing a pdf and there can be um hitches along the road as we're experiencing today um yeah so um
so i see uh dee beeman has asked about sharing the document outside of the context of hypothesis so uh yeah we can share a link to that but just so you know you can also share the link
uh with with anyone uh with the hypothesis embedded as well um but um i will navigate to it for you um it's published by every learner
everywhere and so this is their page um that publishes the document and then you can download the pdf version of it right here um and again we we were
in conversation with every learner everywhere about um trying to make a more fully accessible version of the document um but maybe i'll invite flower if she uh
feels okay about this to come back uh on onto audio here and share a little bit about how the sanitation experience has gone for her so far yeah thank you nate it's been very
interesting and i uh i'll go ahead and confess that this is my very first opportunity to annotate socially with hypothesis i've heard about this in fact i've actually written about it um
but uh had never actually tried it myself and so i i knew that it was a good thing sort of intuitively and experiencing it here together as the conversation i think has so much potential and power even
with the limitations that we kind of experienced today and i i i thought that was the case nate you said it was fully accessible yesterday and i and it was i don't know what happened overnight but yeah i don't
i'm going to blame the either there we go let's let's oh let's blame the pandemic yeah that's the pandemic for sure [Laughter] but i think all all um experienced
instructors need to know how to sort of improvise and go with the flow when i mean it here's another lesson right teaching with technology something is bound to go wrong that is just you just need to plan for that and anticipate it and so it's been
really interesting to see how the conversation has developed and flowed even even though we couldn't uh fully access all of the parts of the text so this has been my inaugural experience with hypothesis and it's really lived up to my expectations i'm
thrilled with how this has gone i really appreciate people's engagement with it as well yeah and just everybody's point i mean engagement doesn't need to stop here right so um we will be uh you know kind of sharing what happened at this workshop
more widely too and so other people will be able to visit this document see your annotations respond to them and also make annotations themselves um uh and then as we were
discussing with d beam in there in chat um there's a link to go get the document yourself and here is the kind of amazing thing about hypothesis that i still feel
is a little bit like black magic but if you download the pdf and open it up on your in your browser and you have hypothesis enabled in your browser locally on your computer um right now that's only possible in
chrome to do this uh to read a pdf locally um with hypothesis but you just have that the file on your desktop and you open it in chrome and enable hypothesis the annotations that we added here today will appear
for you locally on your computer as well which is it's kind of amazing because what it really is underneath everything it's the same pdf file and the annotations are hooked to um
something that's embedded in that file called a fingerprint sort of a unique um kind of fingerprint for that pdf file and so no matter where that file is annotated the annotations find each
other and can appear so there's the possibility of um of annotating this in other environments as well so this link to it here um which is
embedded in the slides that we shared with you and we can share the slides again if you don't if you haven't been already getting to him will always lead you back to this this version of it where it's enabled with hypothesis and you don't need to get your browser all equipped and everything
um or you can download the pdf and and use it in other environments as well um and i'll continue my conversation with eli about uh about making more fully accessible
yeah you're so right flower so have so you've had to roll with some uh some um some surprises in your teaching do you have any thoughts about uh how you approach that oh
yeah sure so um again both in my teaching and in my work supporting faculty as an instructional designer as well i have learned that you need to have plan b when you have you know something that you're going to do when you're teaching with technology
but it's also a good idea to have plan c d and e and uh just be ready um i've really come to value this idea of improvisation in our teaching and in fact i've begun
engaging in improvisational exercises as a as a sort of a personal creative practice because good teachers respond to what's happening in the moment there whether that's the people who that we're working with right in front
of us or whether it's something that we're having to respond to in terms of the technology or or maybe it was maybe it wasn't even the technology maybe just the plan that we made for class that day just bombed and it went terribly that happens to educators all the time
um if we're honest about it so learning how to roll with those punches and be able to respond i think is a really key element for for instruction and it again it
demonstrates that kind of compassion that we were talking about where we recognize that something is not serving our students well and when we modify our own approach we're we're willing to change we're willing to admit maybe something didn't go wrong
there's a there's a degree of humility and vulnerability that goes into really great teaching as well so yeah and i mean for instance like something might be happening in the wider world that is happening in the moment of class that
one has to uh sort of at least recognize as maybe affecting people's lives sorry go ahead no it's fine i i've been thinking a lot about this because um the new project that i'm working on right now is responding
um part of it is about responding to the emotional climate and i was really intrigued by what matt was saying earlier about how people feel about math and and sort of giving them space to work through that but i've been reflecting on an experience that i had
uh teaching in 2001 september 11th um i was teaching that day and as it happens people may not know this about me but i also teach dance and i was teaching a really high energy dance class that day and i didn't know
what to do with the with the tragedy that was happening in the entire country and the weight and the oppression that was everybody was dealing with and i in that moment and to be fair that's almost 20 years ago i'm wiser now
but in that moment i was like okay we're just not even going to we're just not that's not even happening we're here in class right now and and looking back i don't think that was right i think it would have been better to respond to in that case what was a national
tragedy and the fact that it was impacting everybody in the room and i was trying to pretend it wasn't and that wasn't really effective so responsiveness flexibility adaptability i think these are really important things to to be okay with even if it's a little
uncomfortable yeah so it's like um in order to be more sensitive to the situation that our students are in we need to give ourselves the space to be more vulnerable and open as well
right one yeah 100 and even right now in this particular moment we have faculty all across the country trying to learn how to teach more in this kind of a format that this was not really a thing before
march 2020 the synchronous online teaching and zoom this kind of thing and i know many faculty maybe some who are here today are frustrated are struggling or tired quite frankly um and i've i've been working with faculty telling people uh
whoever will listen to me let's let's give ourselves some grace let's be patient this is new we we didn't set out to learn how to teach this way this came unexpected i do believe with practice we get better with whatever the the experience that
we're trying i was listening to both mary and matt and kind of listening to how they've evolved their practice with hypothesis in ways that you know they're doing things now that i bet they didn't do the first semester they started teaching with hypothesis and i would argue we'll
be doing the same thing right now in this moment if zoom teaching continues to be a thing and i i suspect it will in some form or other uh to some extent or other i should say um you know we need to give ourselves
that grace be willing to admit that we're learning and and the students really respect that that that uh when they can come into our learning journey with us that really helps as well yeah and i know we're like oh sorry go ahead
sorry i was just gonna say i know we went a little off topic i'm just waxing philosophical now about my my opinions about great teaching and how do we support our students well i think i mean that's part of the reason why um you know we wanted to have
you as a part of the workshop was because that is your focus um presumably you're going to be talking about that in your keynote it's obviously part of your written written works as well and you know one of the things i think in the background
here is i know a lot of the students that i've interacted with have complained about the zoom the move to zoom in the sense that it seems like everything now is just like let's have the synchronous meeting right
when there are so many other things that could happen maybe asynchronously to set up more valuable experiences when you're together yeah that's that that was resonating now i don't quite remember if it was mary or matt or maybe they both sort of said
something uh but maybe it was jeremy come to think of it but the idea of using that asynchronous everybody the whole the whole conversation how we use that asynchronous interaction and how that's actually richter because look what's happening here nate we're
having a nice conversation and these kind people are willing to hang around and listen but we're kind of talking over each other a little bit i think that's one of the most awkward things about zoom is that it doesn't handle that audio talking over each other thing but
in that written form we can more fully you know develop our thoughts and we can add that richness with those videos with those links to other resources with those memes i loved that screenshot of the students placing memes into the comments i was
trying to be clever enough today to do that and nothing really came to mind but uh maybe later i'll go back to the document you have to be in the right mood right yeah you know and so i wanted to um
maybe this is a good spot too because we're getting close to the top of the hour um i'm gonna put another link in chat here and so one of the ways that we got to know both mary and matt was through a show that we produced called liquid
margins we invite educators on to do this kind of exploration and conversation just generally there's actually another one coming up yet today that is again um specifically focused on this question
of how to create what um the presenters call hospitality in a course environment and so um this liquid margins episode that's coming up later today um is with mahabali miyazamura
and autumn keynes um and i see flower knows their work um big thumbs up right i've also found myself doing that a lot because of zoom it's like a lot of gestures [Laughter]
right kind of scary sometimes but um so i invite anyone who's interested i don't want to take you away from the other stuff you may be doing in conjunction with olc or whatever but we do have that other uh if you haven't had enough sitting around watching interesting things about annotation on
zoom today um there's that like window environment coming up so um you know we are just about out of time and i want to give flower a chance to to have the last word here um uh is there any you know as you look ahead
to your keynote um is there anything about this experience uh today that you think might change what you're gonna say you may have it all locked and loaded well no i it's a good question and i'm
going to punt and say i don't know yet um so you you know in our preparations for this event you mentioned that previous olc keynotes have sort of brought in some of this interaction into the keynote and that's the advantage of doing this before
i don't know yet it's certainly not all locked and loaded there's still time for some uh updating so i thought if nothing else i might put the hypothesis logo on a slide i might do that that's too much to ask for don't don't worry about that we're not we're not in
it for the promotion at all so um i want to reflect on the on the experience that we've had here i'm definitely a reflector right so let me let me give that some thought over the next day or two and we'll see on monday um
how how yeah no well no pressure no pressure yeah it was actually uh mahabali who will be at the liquid margins who was the previous keynote who brought the brought into your keynote but she was doing a kind of
experimental keynote to begin with that was kind of crowdsourced in a in a kind of a strange way so interesting anyway well thank you uh flower so much for being here for picking this text um thank you everybody who attended
uh thanks back to matt and mary and jeremy also for speaking with us really appreciate it we will be um we've recorded this obviously we'll do a kind of edited version because a lot of it was just like watching nate's screen probably not that interesting but we'll
edit it up um we'll gather all the links that were shared in chat and everybody who attended or was a panelist will get an email um with links to those resources it'll all be hosted on that same uh blog post where you first signed up for this so
um really appreciate everybody being here thank you flower thank you nate thanks everybody
End of transcript