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okay so again welcome to liquid margins and today we have a couple of wonderful guests beasley knost with roger williams university
and will mahajis from covering it sorry well mahajus from alongside and at this time i'd like to ask our guests to say a little something about
themselves so beasley why don't you take it away um well i teach at roger williams and also um i usually do one class at the university of rhode island i teach writing and
um the course that i've used annotations with is um this summer it combines literature and philosophy it's a required course a freshman level interdisciplinary course that all students are required to take five
such courses to graduate i think i mean if i'm just talking about myself i think that's that's probably it okay hi everybody i'm i'm wilma hodges i'm the director of training and e-learning
initiatives at long site and i'm also the sakai community coordinator for perio so i kind of have two hats that i wear on my community hat and my long sight hat i do quite a bit
of training documentation and we've been alongside has been talking with hypothesis about partnering on maybe you know developing a more tight integration with
hypothesis um and so i've been doing a little bit of you know checking out how the lti works in sakai so um if you have like technical type questions about
how to set it up um i'm the the person to ask on that front so i guess that's pretty good for for now okay thank you um we also have nate angel from
hypothesis nate would you like to save it yeah and i i wanted to let you guys know i'm taking over from my colleague jeremy dean uh today to moderate the discussion here um
i uh i'm super happy to be uh at this show in particular because as some of you know i have kind of a long history with sakai i see many old friends in the guest list welcome to everyone
um i haven't been working with sagai much as as much lately but uh it's a big part of my past and i'm a big supporter and so i'm really really excited to do this show today with beasley and
wilma um and so i'm calling in from beautiful sunny portland oregon where it's not sunny which is not too surprising because that's actually how it normally is
and i wanted to kind of start off uh the show today by asking our guests a little bit like how things are going because we're here we are probably staring down
uh the face of another academic term and i'm and we're in the middle of a global pandemic and if you didn't notice um and then there's a lot of other stuff going on in the world too and i'm just wondering
to ask like you know beasley how are you doing and are you do you feel ready for fall and how is it how are things going in your neck of the woods i i i'm feeling fairly ready um
you know because i it's sort of at the last minute we offered um an online summer course for incoming first-year students so i just had a small class of five so i've been
teaching you know yesterday was the last day of class and um it sort of helps me feel like i'm not relearning i'm just going to be transferring what i've been doing
um roger williams has worked really really hard to make sure that students can live on campus and we're doing um flipped classrooms and we'll never have an entire compliment in the room at once um
so yeah i've the biggest challenge for me will be like learning the dance when i'm in the classroom you know um but you know i've got to tell you i don't know if this is the the best time
to say it but but using a hypothesis or the annotations in the summer class was really helpful um because i had five brand new students
who'd never taken a college class and they were never gonna they're not gonna meet face-to-face till you know for another month so and um for them to be able to ask questions and for me to be talking to them
in the reading i think was really valuable it created a sense of being together that um we wouldn't otherwise have had that's a that's a really great point
because i'm glad you brought that up now and my colleague jeremy um often talks about how um we can think of the reading as a place to meet more like a place instead of a a book or a thing um and it
sounds like you really had that kind of sense of community this summer when you were using it that's great what about you wilma are you uh how are you feeling about the fall well i'm i'm fortunate
in that my work is usually virtual so um this hasn't been a big change for me but we've certainly been hearing you know stories from people in the trenches and all the institutions that we support um
you know kind of gearing up and and sort of planning for all sorts of different scenarios whether it's fully online or hybrid or or some mixture um and you know moving
start dates and end dates around so um so yeah we've definitely gotten a sense of you know kind of the uncertainty that's out there for everyone um and we've been doing everything we can to kind of
help make at least the the hosting and support piece something that they don't have to worry about too much but there's always you know that that you know training aspect of learning new tools and incorporating new tools into
classes that maybe people aren't used to teaching online so um so that's definitely something that we hear from a lot of our clients and um you know we try to help where we can
are you hearing a lot of that where folks that are either new to online teaching or are using tools that they haven't used before well we've been getting questions about tools that
are maybe new to an institution so maybe they're setting up things for the first time like hypothesis or other tools to enable different types of interactions with students
because you know a lot of the the teaching that went on early in the pandemic was sort of this you know hurry up and just put a bunch of videos out there you know kind of you know live zoom
sessions as a stop gap and now that people have at least a little bit of lead time they're really trying to incorporate more uh interaction more kind of dialogue in their teaching um because at least
we've had a little bit of of preparation for what might be to come so um so i think we're seeing a lot more of that of incorporating and leveraging tools that maybe you know one or two people on
campus have been piloting but now they're kind of spreading it out to a wider group of folks um so it's it's actually kind of nice to see that sort of distribution of the educational technology and have it
meet um you know a real need for folks so i i think that's kind of exciting if that's a silver lining anyway to expose more people to the tools that they have at their disposal yeah that's interesting the silver
landing inside the dark clouds of the pandemic right yeah well so this is kind of an unusual show for us because we have um you know beasley and wilma are really you know have different kinds of
practices and work you know beasley is a teacher and i'm sure wilma does a lot of teaching in her work as a trainer and so forth but you know has a more technical aspect to her work and so we have you know both um kind of
a pedagogical teacher viewpoint here and a more technical viewpoint and i want to take advantage of that and talk a little bit later about um kind of the technical integrations between hypothesis and zakai but i wanted to start out by
um talking with beasley a little bit um more deeply about how you've used annotation and so it sounds like you used it in the summer course and then you're planning to use it again in the fall could you describe a little bit more
detail about those courses that you're using and how big they are and what kind of readings and sort of annotation activities you either had in the summer or plan to use
in the fall and how those worked for you yeah um so for the summer i tend to give them because 18 year olds don't i try not to ask them to absorb many pages of
say plato or or um hegel so i tend to give them like one to three pages of like foucault's panopticon that's like three pages and um
but they come from very different sort of backgrounds and it was really helpful to have annotations so that i could insert little background notes but also learn what they didn't understand it didn't
even occur to me that they wouldn't know that plato was and i should have known this it's the kind of thing i would just rattle off in the classroom but um they didn't know where
plato was and where socrates was we did the euthyphro and they didn't know that was ancient greece and um so i was able to answer that question and um
see how well they were understanding um especially with the um we got to hegel i mean one sentence can be very tricky and it's so i'd see how they were reading it and then
i would respond to that and clarify and um very very useful um yeah so i mean at this point i wouldn't imagine assigning a reading
that wasn't in a book you know that they had to buy without using annotations um especially for that the literature and philosophy course but then this fall and i've been contributing to
the planning for um the department-wide online course well it's rooted online we'll have this you know hybrid classes but um the course for
it's the very um introductory writing course the main text is going to be the letter from birmingham jail and first students are going to write a summary and then they're going to write a rhetorical analysis then they're going
to choose a 21st century text that's on a related topic and do a rhetorical analysis of that and so
you know i i'm just going to urge that we we all use hypothesis with that and i think you know when they're they're first just understanding it the first read through and writing the summary be good to have one copy of the
text and then when they get to the rhetorical analysis give them a fresh copy because the person won't be so full um yeah that's a that's an interesting question actually about when a text gets
sort of full of annotations i think that's the right word um and so uh obviously one way that that can be uh sort of handled is um
let's say that this letter from the birmingham jail text that you plan to use is in pdf form i'm not sure if it is or not but it might be a pdf and it's uploaded to many different course shells in sakai presumably
um the way that the hypothesis integration works with sakai each one of those courses the students in that course and the teacher will be annotating in a private group and so their annotations
won't be visible to all the other course groups that are using it um in sky now of course i could see that you might actually want a kind of cross
class dialogue to happen um you know where where people from one class are you know annotating together with people from other classes on the same document
and so to use the lms integration you could set that up um if i think this would work and well we could probably um let me know if you maybe had a a sakai class or or project site or
class site that where everyone in all the different classes or sections belonged and you could assign that reading there then they would all be able to comment it on there and then they could move
back to their their sort of smaller class sections when they wanted to um to annotate just amongst their own group so there's a little bit of trickiness depending on like what community you
want to be annotating on the text you see what i'm saying okay yeah yeah and i'm i'm a newcomer to how to do all of this i went to your your workshop
what in in may or june uh with the online learning consortium maybe yes yes i think so and um and that's what you know decided me um
yeah i would like it also if small groups like groups of four or five had their own copy also so i want to explore how to to set that up is that possible in sakai well that's
something that we could maybe explore a little bit later with with wilma too i see that she muted so she might even have something about right now well i'm just i'm just i haven't actually tried it but um i would imagine there's a there's a
lot of places in sakai where you can restrict content to certain groups so if you place the link in a location that only that group can get to that would effectively restrict it to those folks so you could do that in
assignments you could do that in lessons or discussion forums wherever you wanted to place the link so if i can just cut in so aaron who's also with us um she had a response
to that and she said you can do this with digital fingerprints creating individual copies for each group and she offered up a link in the chat yeah
i mean we're a little bit down in the weeds now but um it's it's sometimes funny how uh hypothesis's um features also sometimes get in its way and one of those features is that when
you're annotating on a pdf um even if people have copied different copies of that pdf in different places the annotations on it will find each other um and it uses that it's able to do that
because each unique pdf has a fingerprint on it a digital fingerprint which is what aaron's mentioning and so if you if you want people's to annotate the same text in a pdf form
but not see each other's um annotations on that pdf you have to take one extra little step because it's designed to kind of bring things together and so if you want to break them apart more you have to make
different copies of that pdf that have different fingerprints um but i suggest we don't get too down into the technical weeds here because um our support team is ready to handle anybody with questions
who wants to get into that more including you beasley and um there is a link there in the chat and so we can follow up on that later rather than dwelling too much on those technical details um but i will say that um i think the thing that you're you're hitting on beasley
this idea of um sometimes you want very broad-based annotation right a whole community maybe all all the incoming students working together on a single text and kind of
building that community and then sometimes you want that a very small group of people to be focused on a given text even something that i know wilma is interested in just a single teacher and
student annotating together on top of a work which could be the student's work for instance in the sense of giving feedback on student writing or on a student selected text and so one thing one i wanted to bring wilma into the conversation a little bit here
because you know because sakai is so highly configurable um i think that there are possibilities of using hypothesis and sakai that we don't see in other learning management
systems um where there might be the possibility for instance of like almost said that there's so many places in sakai where you could restrict access to content
so i'm thinking that there might actually already be the capability in sakai of having a student upload a reading that then can be shared with either a small study group or perhaps
just the teacher and i wonder will ma you may not have had a chance to explore this idea very much because i'm kind of throwing it at you right here but um does that resonate with you do you think there's some possibilities there
yeah i do think that um that that would be possible um because again if if the student is uploading the work um usually with the lti connection it doesn't actually the the people don't
show up in there until they access it so if a student uploads their you know draft of a paper and the only other person that can get to the link of that draft is the instructor then
it should just be a private annotation between the two unless there's some other way for other people to to access this you know uploaded assignment um i know that the um
the ability to annotate back and forth between a student and an instructor is one that we've heard from folks that they'd like to be able to do that more whether it's iterating on a draft of something
or just grading a work and having the students be able to respond to the instructor comments so that's definitely an area that we are interested in um being able to provide more
functionality in that space yeah and that's something that i think hypothesis and long sites really want to work together on is you know exploring all the different affordances that that hypothesis and annotation could
have inside sakai and uh and amblero had mentioned that maybe student pages could work too and i think that that's true because you know web pages they're essentially web pages can also
be annotated with hypothesis and uh you know one issue is it could be that only the teacher has permissions to make hypothesis assignments
um and so that it might be that the student provides the text and then the teacher kind of assigns it back as an annotation assignment just to that student um anyway there's some details to work out there and i think that's something
that um alongside and hypothesis we'll be exploring so stay tuned on that um yeah jennifer we are gonna um take a moment to have wilma's show uh show how uh
how hypothesis integrates with sakai too and i just wanted to before she we have her do that i just wanted to ask beasley one more time if so this um in the course that you're teaching in the fall is that also this um sort of uh writing and philosophy
oriented course like you had in the summer no this is like um composition it's the the basic composition course um students can opt to take it the required one is sort of the next
step um but a lot of students opt to take this one that makes sense and um and so that's that's probably a course that has many sections
uh across the school yes yes that would be really great to see even just one uh annotation exercise be brought into that like in the birmingham jail example
or something like that so that everybody was um kind of building that in from the beginning because uh i think there's a way in which a student can kind of build reading and
digital literacy by using annotation especially in conjunction with you know a teacher like you beasley who's helping to guide them through this act of reading so yeah and i think
because they're first semester first year students too and we're not going to be as present with them in the classroom that something you know like annotations really makes a difference
in terms of getting them relaxed and and um involved yeah a lot of that is used to use to the idea of reading and feeling relaxed and and and brave about it right too to to
be able to make some comments well i know people are we could continue to talk about the interesting pedagogy side of this and that's of course where i love to dwell but i think people are interested in sort of
seeing some of the kind of uh technical underpinnings too and so why don't we um wilma if you're ready to do this now why don't we give you a chance to probably want to share your screen and show us around a little bit inside
sakai does that make sense sure yeah let me go ahead and do a screen share okay so you guys should be seeing my screen now correct
yes all right um so i'm logged in as the administrator typically your admin will want to install it at the system level if it's something that you're using
across campus so i'll show you that part um just real briefly um i've actually already got it set up on this instance of sakai so we'll just kind of
preview some of these settings but um when you go into the administrator workspace there's an external tools tool that you can use to set up all sorts of lti
tools for your instance and so if you were installing a new one you would go to this link and configure it i've already got it on here so i'm just gonna search for it
and let's see we'll go to this one because i know i named it so i could find it with lti at the end um so when you install it there's a bunch of different settings and i just want to call out a
few of these because they're the ones that are sort of important to make sure that it works the way you want it to so the tool title is what it's going to show up as in the list of tools that
faculty choose from so you just want to have it something that faculty will recognize so if they know the tools called hypothesis then that would be your tool title that's kind of the generic name that's going to
show up in the tool selection list but one setting that is important and we found this out recently it's really important to allow that tool title to be changed because that's what allows the
instructor when they're creating an assignment in their course to change the title of the link so that it's a unique title for grading purposes
so that makes it talk to your grade book correctly so you want to make sure that that's allowed now some of these other things are optional like if you wanted a custom icon if you want to let people change the
icon those are you know up to your admin the button text is one that i usually allow people to change because again you want to be able to modify that title so that it
appears with the correct title when it shows up as a button the tool status would be enabled and this server i have it stealth because i'm only using it in a couple of sites so if it's something where you're
rolling it out to just select people you might want to stealth it and then just add it to those courses specifically in terms of know making it available as opposed to having it just there for anyone to
select but if you're rolling it out to everyone at the institution you can go ahead and make it visible for everybody and it'll show up in that tool list this information the launch url the
launch key and the launch secret those are all going to be provided to your institution by hypothesis so you'll get that information from them and it's unique to your account
so that information will vary you know depending on your your um individual subscriptions um scrolling down a little bit again there's a lot of settings in here not all of them you need to worry about
um but i do uh want to make sure that you check these um send user names uh and send email addresses that's how it knows you know who the people are that are in the tool and can create
those accounts and you do want to if you expect to grade it you want to check these boxes next to the grade related items as well as the roster
so i usually just check all four of those things under services and this first box here allow it to be launched as a link that's typically true so that's a safe
one to select some of these others you don't need to worry about too much but this last one here allow the tool to be one of the assessment types this is actually a new thing that's in
the newer lti changes that have just been implemented in sakai and if you select this option particularly in sakai 21 and up it will actually let you make it
an lti assignment type using the assignment tool and i can show you that if you guys are interested right now this server that i'm on is running 20x so this is not sakai 21 that we're
looking at right now but i i did record a short video clip that shows what it looks like in 21. i didn't want to trust the qa server to not go down on me because they they
restarted about this time of day so um share the link to that video well then people could take a look at it in their free time
yeah i haven't uploaded it yet okay yeah that'd be great i can do that um so launching a pop-up usually i will let that be something that people can change because sometimes people like to have it
launch in its own window so that you get just the um the editor you know or just the annotator sometimes people prefer to see it framed in assignments or wherever else
they are in the course so i usually leave that up to the instructor and allow that to be changed the rest of the items you don't have to worry about you don't need to worry about lti 1.3
so those are all the settings that are really important when you're setting it up from the admin area now once it is set up then individual instructors will be able
to just select it when they choose um when they choose a tool or when they um install something and actually you know what let me just i'm going to make it unstealthed so i
can show you guys what that looks like in the list thanks this is really helpful wilma um just this kind of like basic walk through especially because you know sakai so well it's been
so long since i've actually worked with it day to day that i fumble around a lot more so i really appreciate this no problem all right so now that i've made it unstealth this makes it
available for anyone to select and i'm going to go into a course here so you would find it in site info this is where you choose the tools that
you want in your course so if you go into manage tools here any lti tools that have been installed system wide like that will show up under external tools so you
can see there it is the hypothesis lti and i've got it in here a couple different ways because i was testing some stuff but um so you it would appear here some of our clients actually like the lti tools to appear in
this upper list and that can be done with some properties settings that would be specific to that institution so that's a minor thing that we could customize for you if you prefer to see it in this list
up here otherwise it just shows up under this expandable list of external tools so once you've selected it if you select it here what it does is it places it
in the sidebar of the course so it's going to show up over in the navigation menu so that's one way to add it is you can have it be one of your tools over here on the side so you'll see this one the
external tool this is one that was added in that manner that's usually not the preferred way though most people prefer to add it in lessons so if you go to lessons
that's where people will typically put the assignment right within the flow of their content so there is an external tool here as well so when you add content here and you
choose to add external tool you'll see any external tools that are already set up and you can choose the one that you want and here is where i can change those settings that i left allow editing
so i want to call this let's call it i don't know report and i don't want to debug it that's just for testing purposes
i'm going to let it open in the frame i'm not going to launch in a pop-up but i can always change that if i choose so let me go ahead and just pop that in there so then it's going to take me back to my lesson page
and i see my link to the hypothesis assignment and if i click here it's going to take me right into that setup process so this is where you would select
the web page or pdf that you want to annotate now you can currently select from google drive or you can enter a url so
if you wanted to use an item that's in resources you can do that by pasting in the url of the resource so if you actually select something from
resources in your course uh i probably should have had the resources tool active in this course i didn't think about that ahead of time um let me just turn it on real quick
all right so resources is where you upload your files in sakai and let me just upload a pdf and then we'll go grab the url for it so
let me upload a pdf file and i'll drag a file around me just find one yeah sorry i should have had a file
ready to go i didn't think about it let me i'll go into a course that has a file let's do that that'll be easier um no problem at all i just wanted to invite people to ask questions in the chat or the q a
yeah all right so here's here's some files that are already in resources and i'm just going to look to see okay you want to make sure if it's something that you're sharing across courses which is
what i'm doing right now that it's something that's public if it's within the site the people in that site should have access already because they have rights to see it in the course but i'm
making this one public because i'm sharing across courses so if you go in to edit the details for an item you can grab the url
here and this will allow you to link it in hypothesis so if i go back to that report that i was working with and that was on my lessons page
so i go in here [Music] and i'm going to paste in the url that i got from resources
so then it places that item here and allows folks to go in and annotate on top of it now what we would like to do in partnership with hypothesis is make it so that you don't have to go
find that url you can just browse and select so we want to make that not a pain point that you have to go and you know copy and paste so that's kind of on the road map
we're not there yet but that is something that we want to to work on making much more smooth so that instead of just the two options that you'd have a third option to browse and resources and select from
there but that's how you would add it on a lesson page and then the the other place that you can add it in sakai 21 as i mentioned is within an
assignment so but i don't want to take too much more time so i'll take questions so if anybody has any questions and as as people get their thoughts in order thank you for doing
that wilma and we apologize for how pesky it is um wellness showing there how to um get a file that's in sakai resources we will make that we will work to make that easier um so um the one thing that that woman didn't get
a chance to show there was also the gradebook integration and i actually wanted to throw it to beasley to ask did in your classes so far are you actually grading um uh the annotation exercises
that you've had people do or do you think that you would i haven't done that yet um i'm not sure i i think i would look at level of participation i always
hesitate to to grade things like asking questions and giving your your thoughts on first reading or something but yeah i could you know if
that would actually be a useful contribution to a participation grade so sort of more like uh the same way that cl in class classroom discussion might sort of count
yeah yeah especially you know if if half your classes is online and they're not physically there just to make sure that they um are doing the reading and and making some comment
yeah i lost my mute button there for a minute yeah that makes sense and we've heard a lot of other teachers kind of uh come to the same kind of conclusions that um you can use annotation
as a way to kind of make the students reading of the text visible in the sense that if they leave a trail of breadcrumbs about their reading it kind of makes that that the fact that they did do some reading kind of visible
and then also engages with them with the reading more and each other um but you know um turning it into a kind of perfunctory grading exercise where you're like you will get 10 points for each annotation or something you know
um might make it more sterile and sort of the same way we see discussion forum grading sometimes kind of degenerate into that sort of you know pro forma you must must make one annotation and respond to
others kind of thing um yeah go ahead there they're um i was just now thinking though in the writing classes when they're doing peer review
that might be a way to grade the um the extent to which they really look at thinking about and comment on a classmate's grade
yeah there could be you know some some kind of rewards for peer peer interaction or something and i mean it sounded like it happened so somewhat organically in your summer course for where you built that that sense of community with annotation
and i wanted to ask you another question easily did you ever um make use of the annotations capability to have videos or images or equations which may not have fallen into your class
purview but uh rather than just texts where students were maybe making other kinds of annotations with media in them no and i didn't know that we could do that i would have done it though i mean i have
um they were reading something about um the theme was coolness and they were reading about uh west african um sort of philosophical ideas related to coolness
and there was it was written by an art historian so there are references to the rumba and and um i could have put films where they could see the the kind of drumming or
dance and music that was being um discussed in the text right there so you just put a link to like to youtube in the um yeah youtube and vimeo and now
flip grid are all you just embed by just pasting the url to one of those resources directly in the annotation and it will embed automatically um and then for an image the image needs
to be available on the web somewhere so it needs to have a url so it's not so much uploading it from your own computer although you could put it in sakai resources like wilma just demonstrated um but so adding images can be a little
more tricky unless it's something that you've already found on the web and then you can just get its url and paste it in with a little image tag well i'll definitely be using that yeah it could be great for a kind of literature exploration too
to enable students to think about imagery related to the text instead of words right yes well i know we're running a little late on uh long on time here and i could see
frannie is getting nervous in the background there um frannie did you have any other questions you wanted to surface so i just had one uh question for beasley um do you find that more
students you know when you're using collaborative annotation in the classroom do more students quote and quote raise their hand especially i'm thinking of those shy students who typically would sit in the back of the classroom do they feel
emboldened to speak up yes i think that they're they're more comfortable asking what does this mean they and they one student started out asking what does this mean and then begin
looking at definitions and putting them in the the annotations themselves which was a nice sort of progression there but yes i do there was one student who has asked them at the beginning of the class
what they thought was most successful from their um spring semester online experience just to get a sense of what kind of learning they all preferred and one said that she really
liked having synchronous meetings where the teachers told her what was going on and explained everything and that student i was the one who said i asked them to
to tell me their impressions of the annotations because i told them i was going to do this and she was the one who said it really um helped her to to read and think about what other people
in the class are thinking i think she was just the more most insecure and least likely to launch into her own thoughts and um yeah it made a real difference
the other comments were that it was really helpful it was cool and it works great makes a lot of sense those are the things that they they gave me to pass on to you oh that's great i love it
yeah i mean i would think it would build community and just as you know that shy student might see somebody asking a question that maybe isn't that brilliant isn't as brilliant as they might have
thought everybody else in the class is because you know everyone in college feels like a fraud so maybe when they see everyone else is sort of a fraud too not really but you know that it emboldens them
cool that's great thank you well um as nate said we are running out of time here we're actually a little bit over so thanks everyone for hanging out for a little while um we'll keep this um
recording running for a bit so if you have questions ask them in the chat one of us will answer in the chat and then all of the resources this recording um and the chat and the slides will be available
um after the fact and this was such a great show i want to thank our guests and i want to give them also a chance to say goodbye so beasley if you would start
and then wilma follow thank you yeah well i said thank you for asking me i mean i'm a brand new user and i've learned a lot about what i can do today and um yeah i think it's it's so handy
i'll definitely keep using it thanks a lot um i'd also like to thank you guys for inviting me and um and for some of your great questions and you know if you think of another use case
of you know how you want to link it or what you want to do with it you know let me know because it's actually one of the things that i like to do is kind of figure out how to how to do things
that maybe are sort of edge cases so if you're interested in exploring something that isn't immediately obvious feel free to reach out and let me know and we'll see if we can figure out a way to make that happen
for you great thank you um i also want to thank um nate angel and everyone else from hypothesis
who was here um and also a huge welcome um i mean thank you sorry to our um attendees and come back next week um when the show
is going to be talking about um going back to school and how we engage faculty um to use collaborative annotation
so again thank you everyone and come back next week you
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