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and welcome to liquid margins and this is uh social annotation and teacher education i'm going to introduce today's guest and then i'll turn it over to our guest moderator we have lysandra cook she's an associate
professor of education at the university of virginia matt yalk he's an instructional specialist at infohio i like saying that in ohio it's fun
probably said it wrong um and charles logan a doctoral student in learning sciences at northwestern university and raymie callier he's assistant professor of learning design and
technology at the university of colorado denver he's also our inaugural hypothesis scholar in residence and with that
i'm going to stop sharing and raymie i'm going to turn it over to you um and maybe you could ask the guests to introduce themselves and talk about their backgrounds a little bit
thanks so much frannie and greetings everyone who's joining us as as i look at the list of attendees it's lovely to see some familiar faces and also many folks who are new um and i'm gonna really step back and get out of the way and so if
our three invited panelists can tell us a little bit about their professional background and briefly a little bit of what they do as teacher educators supporting educator
learning or how they work in the field of education we'll go around and maybe um lysandre will we'll begin with you sure um thank you very much um like they said my name is lysandra cook and i'm actually i'm an associate
professor at the university of virginia and the um coordinator for the special education program so i'm a special education um faculty member and i have been here at uva this is my third year before that i was
at the university of hawaii for 13 years and i teach method courses predominantly for future special educators as well as future general educators that are of course going to have
students with disabilities in their classrooms so we try to integrate as much as possible i would say that uh we're still working on that in terms of fully and collaborating at the university level um
do you want me to i know isn't that a crazy move from hawaii to here so that was it's been a it's been tough um brief introduction now and then come around to how it is
thanks alessandra yeah that's great we'll come right back around about a little bit more about our teaching practices matt welcome so much say hi thank you so much for having me uh so my name is matt yuk i am coming from columbus ohio usa and i'm
currently a instructional specialist at infohio which is basically a giant digital library for all ohio educators we offer a bunch of openly licensed materials things that
are more sort of premium and provide them at no cost to ohio's educator so one of my roles is actually rolling out a new platform called remote edx which is going to basically combine a lot of different research
different strategies tools and just stuff for remote learning and hybrid learning for all ohio educators so i'm excited about that and to be doing that work so thank you so much for having me that's brilliant matt thanks charles
welcome thanks so much for having me everybody uh my name is charles logan as bernie said i am a first-year doctoral student in the learning sciences program at northwestern university
prior to starting graduate school again i worked at the ohio state university actually with matt i was an educational technologist in the college of education and human ecology
and then prior to starting work in higher ed i was a high school english teacher for about nine years so i'm excited to be here and to think about the ways social annotation
can support uh teacher education brilliant well it's really lovely to have all three of you here and so we're going to really just open up the conversation now with a question that concerns as actually as charles just mentioned social annotation of course and i'd love
to know a little bit from each of you about how you first encountered social annotation but beyond encountering social annotation why has it why is it stuck why is it for you
a valued practice as a teacher educator as someone who supports educator learning and then of course as alexander mentioned a moment ago to them ultimately support educator practice with their own students what is it about social annotation for
you as a teacher educator that is valuable i'll take a first down with that it's a pretty broad question i actually first heard about hypothesis on twitter so i i tell a lot of my doc students
like twitter is a really great way to connect with other educators and even those educators that sort of overlap with what you do so you're not just completely siloed so i saw it on twitter i was really
frustrated with um when i moved to uva from hawaii i had to teach online asynchronous for the first time in a while and the discussion board posts were just
it was really hard to kind of facilitate deep thinking but also social connection in those courses and i saw it and i thought i'm going to give it a shot and um it was maybe the fall of 19 and
oh my gosh the hypothesis team was so amazing in terms of answering my questions it was before we had the integration with canvas they were great at the beginning they were so helpful in terms of getting it to work
and the students responses there were a couple that had tech issues but the students loved it and loved being able to kind of compare their ideas and thoughts with their
peers in a way that was easier than regurgitating it into a discussion post and trying so it really helped them right there in the meat of the article to be able to engage in a way and have discourse around
certain topics and i think over the years i've not that many years but over the years i've gotten better at picking specific articles to annotate for specific outcome objectives and matching those a little bit better for me that that was a learning curve
but that the social aspect but also kind of the reading comprehension checks have been have been really beneficial from my perspective yeah so i could speak a little bit about
the my background with with annotation and i used to be a classroom educator so i taught business and technology for a number of years at the middle school and high school levels and it i actually found out about this website
called rapid genius from a student who was competing in a marketing competition and he had apparently worked on this site and helped develop it and promote it and when i finished that competition i
was judging it at the time i went on to it and i was just floored by the possibilities that annotation could provide and in this case rap genius was basically trying to make sense of the lyrics that
were i i think more maybe exclusive i felt like i wasn't just a part of the club i had no idea what you know those things meant and this site basically provided context and meaning for lyrics and i thought that was just a brilliant brilliant
idea and in that sense evolved into just genius.com now but when um i started to work in more of like the ed tech realm and i eventually made my way to ohio state as an instructional designer and then
eventually the academic tech director for the college of education and human ecology my role started to shift a little bit and in how i can basically prepare other teachers and and help
others sort of make sense of all of the stuff that they have to teach with all of the competing demands and i i guess stumbled upon um hypothesis because i was looking for ways for commenting features basically like rap genius
that's exactly what i typed into the search and eventually made my way to hypothesis um so i kind of felt it was the same i had the same feeling actually when i first started using hypothesis
i remember you know first starting off in higher ed reading in high right i mean you know my undergraduate degree even i remember reading research articles where i felt the same sense of um maybe just disconnect i didn't have
the full picture i didn't have the full story of what people were talking about i often found myself going back and forth between the references and where people were talking about something and i i realized that wow annotation can actually help this
and actually provide meaning right there uh in front where it's just in one view and it's it ended up becoming like a more sort of rich discussion almost with the text it wasn't just me reading it it became
uh this sort of life form if you will so um i first discovered hypothesis also on twitter um and at the time i was teaching 9th and 10th grade english and so as a
teacher i used it as a way to think about breaking down rhetorical moves in that authors were making in op-eds in order for students to identify you know
how to do that in their own writing um and then when i moved into higher ed and became an educational technologist and i was working with faculty on developing their own pedagogy and how that related
to technology uh i would often lead professional development experiences and so one of the things that i think is powerful about social annotation with teacher educators
is especially as we moved online um is to think about uh you know we would annotate an article um on how to build an online community at the same time we were building that
community with um social annotation and so there's a way it sort of functions as sort of like a meta technology and thinking about the meta discussions of you know here's let's talk about this article but
then let's take a step back and think about how would this technology help me as a teacher and so i think um combining those two conversations is something that i think social annotation
allows you to do um with your you know with students who are becoming teachers is how you know read this thing we'll talk about it but then that that other conversation of how does this technology actually support your
pedagogy or how how might it um you know further your goals as an educator charles i appreciate it first of all thank you you know everyone for giving us a bit of that kind of personal history with annotation i always enjoy
hearing kind of where people learned about not only particular tools but also communities and practices you know as you mentioned charles you know there is a kind of meta quality when perhaps pre-service teachers or
in-service teachers or faculty educators are engaging in social annotation activities there's often that kind of almost reflection on one's practice as one as simultaneously engaging in the practice of social annotation and
yet while that may indeed you know be a true characteristic it also perhaps varies by discipline or perhaps by pedagogical goal and you all represent
very different disciplinary homes and perhaps have different discipline specific either methods or really kind of goals for working with educators and it may be illustrative for all of
our guests today to hear some specific examples or some specific stories of the ways in which you've set up and facilitated social annotation activities to really support a discipline specific
practice or a very particular type of learning either experience or outcome for your students what does that look like in your classroom with your learners who again
are also educators i can go first this time um so i think um going back to sort of the designing the reading experience um with the notion of
let's let's discuss what we're reading but also to model how you might use this in your own classroom so um you know a common practice with social annotation right is to seed the uh the reading with questions
um ahead of time in order to generate um you know some maybe more focused discussion so again with this piece um is by jesse sommel about you know six different theses for an online classroom
it became you know see those questions or see the reading with questions about you know how how would what you know jesse is saying here relate to uh your own classroom or what
questions you have about how would i do this in my own classroom um so at once it's a discussion about the text itself but then you know i think what the challenge often i think with
with any technology that's happening in a digital realm is then how do you bridge that with your own practice and so i think offering people an avenue or pathways to say here's how
i'm doing this but being also very intentional about that going into it as a goal as a you know instructional designer as an educator of educators is one thing to consider
and how i found to yeah have maybe more rich discussions that don't just are not just limited to the text but can sort of um spread out from there yeah and i i'm sorry sorry um
you you asked like you know what disciplines i think would be would be good for this and i i would say maybe all all of them um i think we're all kind of in the same field of we're we're always teaching
someone something i don't care what like field you're in or what career path you've chosen most likely you have to teach someone at some point in your career and i think with that comes um
answering questions and sort of this idea of like correcting maybe misconceptions or elaborating on certain things and i think annotation can can help do that so i think a practice that probably applies to any field or any
area of study is the idea of having a conversation with the text that normally wasn't possible before um you know you let's say you're an online teacher or teaching online students at this point
and you are assigning a text a common question that we always got as like instructional designers was how do i know that students have done this or how do i um know that students understand what i'm
presenting here because a lot of classes they are really text heavy a lot of research articles a lot of websites and you know i would say that you know annotation is a very quick and easy way to number one is find
what people are thinking about the text to know that they're doing it but i think more importantly expose like how they're thinking about it and where they're at um in their learning so in a way it's uh it's very it's a very like easy to use
formative assessment um by basically presenting it in a different form by sorry presenting an article in a different form uh it becomes this entirely different um almost like an assignment or
practice that's it's not one-dimensional anymore so i would say that's like the nice and easy way to to get going with it definitely i um i think drawing what charles has said
i have used it in a way that they are um coming back and making connections because i'm always trying and the discussion throws try you know try to connect this and this and that if you find the right kind of article
that lends itself well it can be that piece where they are annotating and saying how they connect to this piece especially i teach classroom community and behavior management and um it's really nice to bring in some
kind of equity or social justice pieces and have them specifically say some of the very explicit routines and practices that are research based about what you should do in your classroom how those directly lead to equity or
social justice in ways and it's taken me a little while to kind of find the great a piece for each of my courses that um allows that kind of summarization and connection but i've also
used it really well i teach collaboration and methods for special educators and speech pathologists and we take general ed curriculum and i give them kind of a set of iep objectives they go through and try
to align like here's rate where i could be hitting this you know standard for the gen ed setting and embed this iep objective and it allows them to kind of be a collaborative team
on the curriculum and embed specific things and then also um i go back we go back through that same curriculum and then say well what would the pre-teaching or intensification for students with disabilities look like
before this lesson and they can kind of talk and collaborate about that and it's been a really useful tool for kind of a different service providers trying to look at curriculum that would be used in the gen ed setting and say how are we
infusing specific specially designed instruction or speech pathology objectives within that and it's been a pretty helpful tool for that because those curriculum tend to be really big and overwhelming but it it's
the one place where i can give them a large pdf and then consistently across the semester sort of keep going back to it and delving deeper and it's been a really nice
nice tool for that um so thank you thank you so much again charles do you want to jump back in please yeah i i think one thing i wanted to add i think that connects to what folks are talking about too is thinking about
the ways in which disciplinary thinking can be made explicit so what does it mean to read like a science educator like a middle school you know math teacher that um as more experienced educators we
can model that um in our own annotations ahead of time again and then again as sort of a scaffolding and then you know be taken away over time but i think you
know someone who's reading a lot of peer-reviewed research these days and just is like go and read this um you know i think there's a way of of thinking and reading as an educator
that social annotation can then make explicit and that the students can then also share their own thinking as you know a social studies teacher than than allows for both their peers to see how they're
thinking but also as you as their as their teacher to see and comment onto so there's a way of you know metacognition and feedback or operating as well so i think there's um again
another i think powerful way to use um social annotation charles i really appreciate that matt please i i just kind of wanted to uh yeah piggyback off of what what
charles just said there and yeah totally agree like the modeling of it specifically is super important for educating educators because you know we don't want to just throw random tools at them and just expect that they know how to integrate it into
the classroom the course i teach which is uh both intro and advanced software for teachers and trainers um how i constructed the lessons that use annotation um it's basically embedded
and it's setting it up correctly it's you know providing the um the documentation or the video on how to use it first and then and actually modeling the same behaviors that i would expect of them
and um basically setting the stage for how to use it in their own classrooms so hopefully that's providing a little bit more context of of how they might be able to integrate it and in some cases how easy it can be to uh
to do that i really appreciate these comments thanks so much for remembering just riffing now on you know these ideas of making thinking visible and the value that students have whether those are
younger learners or again educators of making thinking visible to their peer cohort but then also as teacher educators we are committed to making our thinking as charles was
saying in a kind of disciplinary lens visible in a particular way all of which requires on our heart as teacher educators to you know really be aware of our own teaching practices and
to then be also kind of maybe critical and very reflective of of what we're also learning about our practice listener you mentioned actually if in your introduction or one of your introductory comments that you've learned now over a number of semesters
that perhaps certain readings or even setting up certain readings may be more useful for certain students in certain ways and that got me thinking i'd love to hear from all of you about some of the lessons
that you're learning as teacher educators about how to again really effectively support your students learning again other educators learning through social
annotation what have you all learned about what either has worked well or maybe what didn't particularly work well um that then may be of value to whoever may be watching this webinar
other educators but certainly maybe other teacher educators as well what are some of those lessons i think it's similar to um anything we're doing in education is sort of remembering what is our outcome
objective what are we trying what are we working towards and then are there potential barriers to get there and designing the you know experience to meet our outcome objective and i think at the beginning i chose some readings
that were probably too complex without supporting the students enough to get there and i found in some courses um the connection what i was hoping to get
was that kind of deeper connection piece and then in other courses i'm actually using it as a reading comprehension tool so it depends on the objective to match the reading to that objective and for the students where
they are in the in the semester um but that took a little bit of time i think the first couple times i thought this is such a cool tool i'm just going to throw it at them and then of course like anything you do for teachers it's not
about the tool it's about how you use it what your outcome objective is and so that took a little while to figure out and it's okay to use this very flexible tool for different objectives
but being clear about what your purpose is at any given time is is definitely the um lesson that i have learned yeah and um so i think and this is complete credit to both charles and and
you raymie um using uh a syllabus and having students annotate it um that so charles had shared the idea i think it was it was your thread or your article um that you had written
and immediately realized the power of using that in the classroom because right away i got um questions about the course i got things that were maybe just a little bit confusing uh things that maybe need a
little bit more clarification or things were just outright wrong and the points didn't add up and things like that so i would say just as a practice something that i've learned is be very open to student input
and the value of like sharing the construction of your course as you go um it doesn't have to be one size fits all and i think that's positive because not every student is going to be exactly the
same and not every educator is going to be teaching the same content in a lot of courses that they might be going through so be open to that sort of shared collaboration um just outside of the annotations but in the course itself is helping change and
adapt to where they are too um yeah outside of like just exposing the student thinking um i think this is a community that has more than others been very open and sharing their ideas and and
just sharing practices um so i think that's another important thing to mention is the amount of collaboration that you see just within twitter or just within the hypothesis sort of sphere if you will that you can just learn and share
and grow from um one thing that i find very overwhelming is trying to uh synchronously annotate with more than like two people
um i've i did that once but as a participant and other it just i can't focus and i mean it's sort of like in zoom two you're like oh this chat's going on this you know so i guess if you're thinking
about doing um synchronous annotation you know one strategy that i found you worked well was to assign like one group annotate one thing and then another group annotate another and then swap um but that is just like a
social annotation 101 charles thing um i don't know if others feel i just i don't like a lot of people annotating it once i feel like i don't know what to focus on all right because i've had student
feedback that it was really good but i had what i did was i had it was a synchronous class i had 18 people and they went with a partner into one breakout room and we're
discussing and annotating together but everybody was on the same document but they were also able to sort of chat with the person in their breakout room and they were very positive about it but um
again i think it was more of a checking and connecting so they really were familiar they had a lot of background knowledge and i think that helped then it was more of a conversation and they
they told me that they really liked being in it was like i think pear share kind of a thing as best as i've figured out on zoom because it's zoom has been frustrating but they did enjoy it in that place but i haven't used it synchronously
other than what that one one time you know this is so wonderful to share your reflections and lessons learned so first of all just thanks for being both like very transparent and almost vulnerable about about our practices as teacher educators
and you know it strikes me that it may be useful to remind again anyone who is now or will be watching this webinar that that actually reflecting on teaching practice is is pretty rare uh if i might say so myself
and particularly in higher ed i don't mean to you know give hired a bad name or or speak fully of my own educator colleagues writ large but it's actually seldom for educators to reflect both critically but also kind of
creatively on their own teaching practices and so to hear for example you know the enthusiasm around a you know a genre like social annotation and then more specifically a tool like hypothesis and he said yeah i want to use this and
it's just going to be great i'm going to do all these things with it but then to hear again as you said a few moments ago i started to say well hold on a second here this is a very flexible kind of a repertoire of literacy practices
and it can be used in a whole variety of ways and it can again align with certain objectives in particularly generative ways and it may also not be useful perhaps
under certain circumstances actually charles i i actually really agree with you sometimes i find it overwhelming to have all of these you know kinds of to actually see so much of other people's thinking so quickly
i love the kind of asynchronous rhythms that slowly unfold as i may be reading a densely saturated annotated text again i just think this is a really helpful reminder for educators and specifically teacher
educators to just remind us all to think again critically and creatively about how we choose to pick up and make use of a particularly generative social practice like
social annotation i'm going to stop rambling because you all know i could just keep going i think we're kind of at the point where i'm i'm trying to keep an eye on the chat here there's a lot of really interesting conversation and questions
that are surfacing so i'm gonna step back again and i think that on the tech side of things we're gonna have some folks step forward and ask some questions of of everyone hey greetings i've been lurking in the
background on chat i've made angel from hypothesis um and we we have been having a vibrant discussion there in chat and some questions have really surfaced um including um one from anthony dunn um that i
thought was some particularly interesting anthony did you want me to um yeah so i'm gonna actually he says he's willing to come on on screen here so um i have pressed your
button that makes that allows you to talk and if you want to come on video too i can promote you to be a panelist sure go ahead
i think that did it can you hear me yeah we can definitely hear you all right awesome uh well thanks for uh fielding my question um so i've used a hypothesis on an
oops sorry i right right as anthony was talking i hit the promote to panelist button anthony right when you were talking i uh hit the promote to panelist button you missed the first part of it so if you want to start over
uh sure yeah um so i've used hypothesis just a little bit right before the kind of the pandemic hit and while we were in class so new to it as in using as a teaching tool i teach history
at pitt community college in north carolina first year students my real question about this is because as we're all kind of building our online classes and really more and more trying to make them very
valuable experiences rather than yeah i mean like we're really starting to hit online instruction at a very elevated level now right i mean over the last decade so we're all working hard to get our
quality matters certifications and all of these different things um and one of the things is is that i've been struggling for a long time with is how to facilitate valuable learner to learner experience in an online
model and i completely abandoned discussion boards i've i abandoned tests like i mean i use my classes all written very instructor student mentor guided things but i want to facilitate
learner-to-learner instruction i do like i really want it to and i think hypothesis could be a valuable tool the limitation and lysandre mentioned this was in a discussion forum sometimes it's
very superficial you know we're all very busy they're very young students in their first year of college and it's like oh i got to do this post i got to respond to two people and you're trying to get a robust
discussion how do my question ultimately to the panelists is how do you facilitate a deep discussion or maybe some tips pointers challenges pitfalls in hypothesis that social
annotation to avoid some of that kind of like well just annotate two things reply to two people and get that kind of minimal discussion
i think modeling is a big part of it um and my kind of plan is to drop little nugget annotations that are pre-loaded as examples but still what are your kind of thoughts on
avoiding that or or dealing with those challenges and thank you very much yeah i i'd be happy to start if uh if you all don't mind
um thank you for the question anthony and i think like this is true of discussions it's probably true of annotations as well is setting requirements for it it it feels false because that's not what happens in the real world if you
were to pick up a book that has been annotated by someone else you're not gonna like only do the thing two things you're gonna do all of the things that you that you like and and um appreciate so i would say start with the instructions
start with you know um i encourage you i invite you i um yeah like it basically it's a very encouraging it's a very open practice it's it shouldn't be um sort of a
transactional it shouldn't be like you know do these two things and you get a grade it's more of like the quality and and engaging in the process um so you mentioned like learner just or i'm sorry student to student interaction
i i actually see this also as like a learner to content which is rare to get in um a lot of different tools so yeah i would start with just being positive about the instructions framing it in a certain way and then
when you mention modeling i try to be as positive as possible and as excited about contributions as i can um and if if it's possible maybe it's not uh totally authentic or realistic to do but
i try to hit as many people as possible um to basically catch them doing something good catch them doing the thing that i would love to see and and that hopefully helps spur the discussion more yeah that i think building on what matt
just said um what i found in my online asynchronous courses is i have them in a home team across the whole semester so they are really a small group of like six that really
get to know each other some of the activities that they have to do are because it's say my teaching reading first for special ed course they have to do some practice teaching each other do some reflections
the annotation pieces are part of it but it's not every single modules kind of application activity so there there's variety and i found a couple of sort of
short enough but dense enough pieces that talk about the science of reading that they can keep coming back to so it's sort of like here's your beginning thoughts about this okay now you've done these other modules you've
really got more background information what is it you've what do you think about this now now you've practiced this teaching together what do you think about this again so they keep coming back to it but they're with the same kind of group and by
building that it's like the discussion is not about your grade it's about deepening your learning and your students learning and so they keep coming back to it as a way and there's there are students that maybe would do
more posts if i had you have to do these and at least respond to three but they wouldn't be as deep so there's you know there's still some people that are probably not getting as much out of it but the
people who are really invested in it are getting more out of it because they i've gotten them to buy into this is helping your learning helping your peers and they keep um but also having the
variety so that the annotation isn't every single um module they've seemed to come around quite a bit about that but it takes some community building at the beginning and they and then requiring them to do things
offline with each other and then come back i mean it it takes work and the other thing that i've been doing in canvas that i love with the hypothesis annotation is every once in a while
i respond via video so canvas has that in the in the speed grader where i can say oh matt that comment that you said and somehow i think just as he said it's matt it's really important to recognize what they're doing well to
give that really personable video feedback even though they're annotating and it's a text base they love getting that they feel heard that way and then you can see like even an increase in their participation again
so it takes a lot it's a lot online teaching is a lot the only little things i would add i guess are one is to just give folks choice um so you may have
types of prompts uh and they may be specific to the text it may be something you know connect this to your own life connected to something that we talked about previously in the course in another course um rather than that mandatory you know i
identify the thesis and like the evidence whatever it might be um i think there's also we've really touched on this but um social annotation doesn't just need to be text based like students can respond with a meme
or you know use hyperlinks so there's like a really there's a power in the multimodal nature of um social annotation that i can i think can also sort of add to the conversation that's
happening um i think it would be hilarious and amazing to see like an annotated just with memes or you know like just with gifts like i would love to see that um
so yeah that's what i got gif gift only conversations i love it nate i think we may have uh wanted a few more questions perhaps yeah well i mean you guys have started to touch on this already but um
uh there's been a little bit of conversation around grading and motivation really in the chat as well and i mean i know you guys have started to already kind of touch on that but um
it have you found um like through the use of grading or rubrics or other kinds of um more structured scaffolding uh for motivation if you will um that that's like an effective practice i know that you've already
spoken a little bit to some of the more informal practices how does assessment fit in so teaching is tough and teaching online is even more difficult teaching during a pandemic is even
harder still so what i've had to tell myself is focus on the things that matter and to me the act of of annotating the text
it doesn't matter as much as let's say you know the the culminating activity the the the uh thing that is gonna showcase multiple skills multiple pieces of knowledge that they have to sort of synthesize and put together
um they're gonna show what they know in that activity so i i tend to stay away from uh providing a grade on the annotation itself um knowing that you know their thoughts are gonna come out and that
that them doing it or not doing it is gonna show later on um so that's an effort for me to reduce the amount of grading for one but then also it kind of frees people up to to i think personally engage more
authentically and not have that sort of transactional i'm going to do this many posts i'm going to reply to this many people that that kind of removes that barrier um at least hypothetically so
i think there's a way that you could ask students to reflect on their growth as an annotator as a reader over time in a course in which they have to return to their annotations
and put them in conversation with one another and even with other students i think that type of reflection is probably i well i yeah it's gonna be a more uh a better sort of window into their own
thinking and growth for you both for the student and for for you rather than um you reading you know 50 annotations um i don't think that's a good use of time
um so i think there are there are ways of sort of stepping back and taking a look at growth over time and in which the students are using their annotations as evidence or even encouraging them to use one another's um
annotations in a paper or in a presentation or things like that where like the annotations i think there's a question from chris maybe about like where how else are the annotations hacking returned back to them how can you make
annotations live beyond just that text and i think there are ways in which you can encourage students to think of one another as you know as as scholars who are you know drawing upon the the sort of collective knowledge that's
generated um so it's not just you know annotate this and move on but how can those annotations live on um throughout the course you know i i was just gonna say i don't
grade them either it's but they do have to um at the end of the semester submit kind of a professionalism um self-assessment and that and all the discussion threads and things are if i use the
discussion threads or other kind of activities are included in that but it's more trying to get them to see this is i think like matt mentioned there's this other assessment over here this is going to help you prepare for that and so
it's not graded individually and um the students it doesn't seem to matter whether you're graded or not at least my students here so i'm lucky that way they they there are always a few students that you're
pulling teeth to try to get them to be involved and others that are super involved and so i um don't grade the those kind of activities yeah i'll just say actually i'm thrilled to hear from so many teacher educators that that
that actually not grading annotations is a useful means of an encouraging collective thinking for then other types of assignments for example that that that may actually be graded um i would just also you know echo that when i do
work with educators you know in a more formal teacher education context like a class i'll do a kind of similarly reflective assignment at the very end of the semester where i'll say um because again these are all digital artifacts
these can be easily linked and extracted you know show me ten threads for example or a handful of threads that you contributed to where again some student or again a pre-service in-service teacher is having exchanges
with their peer cohort and then comment upon this thread and again a very kind of you know meta-reflective way how did this contribute to our course's understanding of or our courses
of learning about some particular topic and i'll do that during a week or a cycle of learning perhaps when there are no new readings but it encourages again educators to return to
that social activity and reflect upon a kind of collective learning experience and how that was valuable to the group i know that we're just butting up on our time here and so i just want to say briefly
uh how thankful i am that we were able to have lysandra matt and charles join us um i know that there are some a few more kind of like formal housekeeping notes that i think frannie wants to throw into the mix but i just first of all want to
thank the three of them again um and thank everybody who's been able to to join in the webinar so far but again frankie let us know what else is going on well actually i'm just going to echo what you said which is um
we are past our the time we normally end but this is such a great discussion and if you all can stay and go on for a bit and if attendees can stay great and if anyone has to leave
that's okay too but i mean i'd like to keep the discussion going and keep the recording going you know there's a side of me that um almost wants to bring rosario oh there there's one of the little helpers that charles warned us
about um this is eleanor oh hey eleanor greetings hi eleanor wave to eleanor everyone that's such a great name
um i was just thinking i just saw a really um so anybody who needs to leave including the panelists if you need to take off no no shame at all um feel free to just um disappear um
but uh you know there's been a lot of vibrant discussion in the text and a lot of it has actually come from rosario who uh i'm really pleased to have here because um i know she's been doing a lot of great work done in mexico on social
annotation and i'm wondering rosario would you be uh would you be open to um unmicking and coming on stage here to uh to uh kind of
emphasize a little bit of what you've been saying in the chat hola wow it's really nice to be with you no i i wanted just to share the things that i've been working with hypothesis since um two
years ago when i found it through twitter and i just started to i don't know to to start to look how it works and then i started to use it with my students here in in mexico but at the very beginning i
had a lot of problems because there aren't any or very few information or of this tool in spanish then because of that i started to make some
resources in spanish uh just to help my students then i i recorded a tutorial with the things that i i realized because this is the first time that i'm
i don't know talking with the people who who are related with this tool and then i identify some ways and then i i i made this um tutorial in spanish
and it was it was so fun because there were a lot of professors here in mexico and in latin america that they asked me to to teach them how to use hypotheses
but i'm not an expert on that but you know i started to find and but my my students really love this one and the thing that we
um that we have been thinking here in in in latin america is that it's a shame that there's a very few information in spanish of this because there are a big community that are interested
in use it and and then for me and for my for for there we are i don't know four or five professors that we are using this and um
the thing that um we uh we started to do is uh you know because of the pandemic it's very difficult for the for the students to go to the library because it is so dangerous then the
thing that we started to do was and to um um open and open and open group in sotero no and all the the bibliography we put it
there and then my students they think that they look in the um in the open group group of zotero and then they they link the information all of that in open
access because it's very very difficult um because probably you can find this information in um in a subscription a journal but no not all the students can reach
that information probably this is a problem and then uh but my students love it and then they started to tweet and then to look for the authors in twitter but there there are very few authors
that answer the comments or the annotations i don't know probably because they don't know what is it you know and uh and the other problem that we have faced is that in my university we use the teams microsoft a learning
management system and i really don't know how to link the the teams uh platforms to hypotheses and thank you very much for for letting
me talk with my very bad english oh no your english is it is great um and i was just so excited to see you here because you really have been a super big um proponent and an
evangelist for uh i'm a big fan of hypothesis hypothesis yes um and especially on twitter and twitter does seem to be one of the big uh themes here like so many people uh seem
to have come across this uh via twitter um so thank you all for thank you mostly first of all for all the work you've been doing in spanish um and just um i'll just say that um it is one of hypothesis goals
to um you know make the resource completely available in other languages but i will point out that the annotation layer as it exists now um is fully language capable even different character sets right
so when even though the interface is in english when you have people annotate as i'm sure rosario has experience the annotations themselves can be uh produced in any language um including
even um right to left languages and things like that so um there's a lot of flexibility in the annotation framework itself to do that and we can talk about the microsoft team stuff offline because
that's a really specific thing um i want to throw it back to uh raymie in case there was something else just as the moderator that you wanted to make sure we uh we got across here no i just i think that the kind of the last
point i'd like to make is just an appreciation for the enthusiasm that educators have about this as a social practice that is useful for learning um you know right now and this echoes a number of comments that
have been made you know we are teaching and learning in a social and dare i say also kind of political context that no one alive has ever experienced before
and the circumstances that have been buffeting education whether we're in mexico like rosario or we're online wherever we happen to be educators and parents as we just you know saw
some some little little ones running through the room and my little one might run through here at some point you know we're all just teaching and learning in such incredibly challenging circumstances so to find rewarding and meaningful
opportunities to connect with other educators to connect their students and to do so through a digital and online format i just find to be particularly inspiring again in this particular moment i also just want to say without getting
into you know too much of detail that there are as i think many on this webinar either now or watching this will know that there are many examples that we can point to of particular technologies actual tools or
organizations that build tools that are not let's uh say respecting um the the kind of well-being of educators and students um in a variety of ways i'm not going to point fingers or specific examples but i think that we could all
kind of dig out our special you know our our favorite target which is all just to say that um again hearing the enthusiasm that educators have again for in this case a particular organization and tool
that is very respectful of student privacy for example um that in particular in the case of my work as a scholar in residence is approaching research from a very strong ethically oriented standpoint um and to then speak with educators who
i believe are making instructional decisions i think again we heard today from from lysandra and matt and charles as well as those who are asking questions you know these are all questions about instruction that is at heart
respectful this is about teaching and learning that at its core is really about supporting other educators and then having those educators support their students in a way that really honors not only the
dignity but also just the current circumstances of what we're all going through right now and it just makes me very appreciative to be in conversation with educators some of whom i'm meeting for the very first time today
who are so attuned to the moment and who are also aware that this particular community of practitioners and this particular genre again of of literacy practices
is is in alignment with this very again ethical equity oriented and respectful approach to teaching and learning and doing so right now that is just for me very heartening um and that's that's what what i wanted to say um i have to run at
the top of the hour so i'm going to just kind of leave it there but just extend it again my thanks to lysandra and to matt and to charles for just being such stellar um contributors sharing their wisdom and experience with us and
so much to again the team and hypothesis for bringing us all together today thank you thanks everybody thanks everybody thank you thank you thank you thanks it's a great discussion um everybody
uh i want to give our panelists a chance to say goodbye at this point raymie why don't you go first since you're gonna have to everyone thanks again i really appreciate it i mean goodbye everyone i hope you have
a lovely day or evening wherever you are thanks for coming yes awesome it was very nice to be here and thank you very much for the invitation and have a wonderful day
everything that raymie said and bit by bit change the world help each other out we'll get through everything well thank you so much those are such nice
heartfelt words um this concludes our show uh come back next time um i'm not sure what the next date is gonna be but we'll let you know um as soon as we can
everyone out there in the community and this recording will be available um later today or monday so uh i just again thank you for coming to liquid margins
and we'll see you all next time
End of transcript