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as it seems like it's a foregone conclusion that we will have AGI within the next year or at least really Advanced AI plus robotics whether or not you define it as AGI it is time to start
preparing and adapting so today we will go over how businesses governments and individuals can prepare for the coming change so for the sake of this video I've had a few people ask what do I mean
when I say AGI now my personal prediction is that any definition have of AGI will be satisfied within the next year so what I mean by that is the compounding returns of multimodal AI plus robotics research plus everything
else going on means that basically anything that people any definition that I've seen of AGI um with the exception of a few like really extreme ones uh will be satisfied within the next year
so but what do I mean by that so what are what are some of the examples so first uh multimodal we're already we're seeing models that are trained with uh image text embodiment data all kinds of stuff
uh so basically every kind of data we can throw at models they're being trained with uh and maybe there's even going to be more kinds of modalities uh greater than median human uh cognitive abilities is another thing that we
should expect already depending on how you measure it uh the IQ of some of these models is far above most humans uh particularly when you consider how fast they work uh now of course some people
argue well it's not even and it's like I'm not going to get lost in the cuz that's a red herring like you know like look at its functional capacities look at what is it what it is able to achieve and what it is not able to achieve not
saying like well it's not human therefore it's not thinking because those are just semantic word games and they're not actually helpful um and it's to me that looks like just a defensive mechanism just some some coping um
anyways so another aspect is going to be autonomy so uh the rumors are swirling the that open Ai and others are training autonomous AI uh and they worked very very hard to make chat GPT not
autonomous they made they worked very hard to make it passive uh like I am a helpful assistant um so okay sure whatever uh another thing that we should expect to see is continual self-improvement um once we get AGI and
so this is kind of something that uh is debatable because the thing is is these models already have the capacity for in context learning so that means the accumulation of information that it can just use in real time still counts as
learning however uh what we want to see is also the ability to update its models update its underlying models and software as well and of course uh you know GPT models already have the ability
to code they already have the ability to synthesize data so there's no reason right now today there are no barriers to having uh architectures that can modify themselves except maybe the context window
and the level of sophistication of some of these models but all we need is the architecture and it is there uh and I suspect that we will have all of this within the next 12 calendar months so what we're coming for is a paradigm
shift and what I mean by a paradigm shift is that the impact of AGI is going to have a greater impact than both mechanization of the Second Industrial Revolution and the digital revolution of
the third Industrial Revolution combined this is basically inventing all of human history and doubling that um it's going to have a huge social impact it's going to have a huge economic impact it's going to be a technological Leap Forward
it's going to have huge geopolitical ramifications and finally it's also going to impact the government AGI is literally going to impact every pillar of society across the entire
planet and the biggest threat here is normaly bias so the I guess the primary purpose of this video is let's address the normaly bias in the three main pillars uh on an individual basis on a
governmental basis and on a business basis and so what is normaly bias normaly bias is a cognitive bias where you just basically say uh well the status quo is things are this way today
and I'm looking at the past as uh as an anchoring and so I'm going to say okay well because of the past and the way things are today this is how it's always going to be and you always see this normaly bias in any kind of forecast and
a lot of people fail to take into account just how fast AI has advanced just from a year ago so I I like pointing this out so think about where we were a year ago and think about where we are today and then extrapolate that
out another year forward a year ago we weren't even talking about multimodal models and now we all have or at least most of us have access to multimodal models um a year ago you weren't even aware of chat GPT cuz it didn't exist
yet we still had only gpt3 now we've got GPT 4 V Vision we've got mgpt we've got all kinds of other things out there we've got Google's RTX um like guys I
can't tell you like how fast things are going so the reason that I bring up normaly bias as a major risk is because I'm seeing a lot of normaly bias out there in the world like obviously if you're watching this channel you are
probably ahead of the curve because like you watch me you watch AI explain you might watch Matt wolf and a few others so like you're aware of The Cutting Edge is but as many of you comment a lot of
people don't and I actually just saw a news article that only two out of five teenagers even know what chat GPT is so we're still in the minority um which is really crazy considering how much is
going to change in the next year so this kind of complacency is a huge risk and this is why I'm making this video so like share this video or use it to you know get familiar with how to change people's minds whatever all right all
right so first government what can the government do to adapt to the coming AI wave so there's two primary problems that I see in the government and this is
not just me observing the news um some of my clients and other people that I work with either are government contractors or government employees um and so the the the the the first aspect
is potential widespread unemployment obviously many governments around the world are experimenting with Ubi so that's good um but there's many people within the government that uh that are
just not aware of what's coming they're not aware of the narrative or their their current narrative is it's just a new technology um the second thing that governments can can do to adapt is to just start adopting AI services for
themselves and I've got examples for both of these but the first big thing is and this is what I've talked to some government researchers about all over the world I've talked to um government uh policy people in Europe Australia not
as many in America for whatever reason but the basically one of the things one of the problems is that convincing people inside of governments of what is happening is really difficult because they look they like they have that very
much normaly bias where they're like well I'm not hearing about you know massive unemployment from AI so what are you talking about it doesn't physically exist right now so I don't think that it's a thing and this is a cognitive
bias that most humans have um so they're not doing much to prepare for post- labor economics they're not even studying it because the current economic Doctrine is neoliberalism which says you should aim for around 3 to 5%
unemployment but otherwise let the free market you know make up its own decisions and so we're basically going to have an entirely new uh economic Paradigm that's coming that many people are not preparing for now the fact that
some governments are experimenting with Ubi uh tells me that maybe they're trying to hedge their bets but they're not talking about it um and as many of uh you commenters have pointed out in the past the current system breaks down
once you get above like 20 to 30 uh% unemployment I think what there's like a there's a predicted threshold I think it's like 35% unemployment once you get to that like you're basically like Society collapses or something now
obviously it'll take a while to get to get there and right now unemployment is very low so post- labor economics as I'm talking about this this is basically it's not just automation it's not just
saying okay well machines are able to do a couple things and they're going to display some stuff but humans are just intrinsically exceptional and or intrinsically different uh no post- labor economics is a fundamental shift
in the way that labor is done and so there's I've characterized it into a couple of subcategories so it's a it's more than just automation automation is actually like that's one way you can
characterize it but your basically automating almost everything away so one thing to keep in mind is human preferred jobs so this is a demand side look at it which is like okay supply side so if you
look at Labor Supply labor Supply is what are the workers that are out there what is their training what is their capabilities and so on but if machines are able to satisfy all Supply if they're able to do uh work better faster
cheaper and safer than humans then the supply side is fully uh fully occupied so then you have to look at the demand side which the demand side is what are people willing to pay for and so there will always be a few jobs that humans
will just want other humans to be doing like influencers and content creators um if you're watching me and not watching one of the you know AI generated channels then it's like you prefer a
real human so there will always be some some uh human preferred sectors there uh and what we're going to be seeing is a very skewed labor market so basically uh
as as machines are able to do more human jobs companies are just going to prefer to use machines to do those jobs why it makes economic sense and that push for Innovation is actually part of neoliberalism so if you're a government
employee or government contractor and you're watching this what you need to understand is that neoliberalism is a push for efficiency it is a system that is put in place that incentivizes increasing efficiency that's exactly
what we're aiming for and so if you also in the government and you are trying to say like okay well what are we looking for you're going to look for high unemployment and you're also going to look for declining total labor force
participation rate so if you look at charts total labor force participation rate has it peaked in America at around 66% and it has never recovered since the Great Recession I think is when it it kind of peaked um and then it dropped
even further during the pandemic and it is kind of slowly recovering but I think that we are permanently on a downward Trend where toal total labor participation Force rates are just going
to be slowly deflating from here on out and I think that unemployment is actually not going to be the best metric because some people are just checking out of the economy for good we're going to need a new social contract so what is
a social contract the social contract is basically the uh the unspoken or spoken agreement between all the pillars of society so in the past the pillars of society might have been the church and
the monarchy and The Peasants and whatever else today the three pillars of society are government business and the people so the power the balance of power is going to be disrupted uh because
labor force is going to be on the decline uh labor power is going to be fully disrupted by this and so worker power is going to be completely thrown out the window uh or by and large turn
out the window and you already see this with some of the Union stuff so the like the the Hollywood writer strike that is an early example of people kind of rebelling against the inevitable change
um towards AI Hollywood writers like yes human writers are still better than AI in some respects although if you watch some movies coming out of Hollywood it's like yeah AI could do a better job than this so like fight it as you as you
might but if we're going to have uh you know personalized movies and books and AI generated content all over and yes some people will still prefer to see Hollywood actors but many people won't
um so that that uh that is evidence of the erosion of worker power and so what we're going to need to do is negotiate a new balance of power which is how do we uh reshape the government and business
and everything else to ensure that we don't end up in a dystopian hellscape uh next up is government AI adoption so I mentioned this and that is that uh you know the government will need to adopt
AI products and services and actually um I have a a connection on LinkedIn um who who runs a startup and this startup he has a really great track record of
basically accelerating government uh programs and so in this one case uh he he had a contract with the Veterans Affairs office the VA and they were able to clear a three-year backlog of medical
paperwork in a matter of weeks using generative Ai and so this is an example that I've been wanting to share for a while because what I want to do is show that like yes AGI is going to change
everything but AI today can start changing stuff now and so this is why I created this graphic I was like imagine that the government is as lean and fast as a Ferrari but the idea is that uh
sticking your head in the sand and ignoring Ai and keeping the government in the current status quo is a bad idea what we need to be doing is adopting AI so that the government becomes leaner
faster less corrupt more transparent more representative of people's actual best interests the story from ask Sage is really good one I was able to chat with um with the the founder for a
little bit and he said oh yeah like everything that we're doing none of it was possible just a couple of years ago because that's how fast AI has has advanced so first mover
Advantage uh one thing that has uh been more and more talked about is Ubi so Universal basic income but also Universal basic services and what I realized after talking to a bunch of people is that we already actually have
a a decent model of basic services in the form of K through2 public education so you know obviously like there's also roads are maintained by the state and there's there's lots of other things
that are maintained by the state but uh the school system is the only thing that is universal we literally have a federal mandate that every child is entitled to an education and we figured that out we run the school system now obviously when
you look at problems like um inequality and blooms to Sigma problems uh you know our public schooling system is not perfect um but it does serve every single child and so this is actually a a
decent enough model for Universal basic services so how is this going to look now obviously a lot of people say like yeah good luck living on $1,200 a month from the government and I agree that's pretty slim
uh I I would not want to live on only $1,200 a month from the government uh now however there are many levels of government there is federal there is State there is County there is Municipal
and so what I anticipate actually is that we will have a multi-layered set of safety nets that are a a combination of Ubi and UBS and so we might have a
federal Ubi basically you know federal taxes tax the companies that are uh churning out trillions of dollars worth of value with AI That's that would be
appropriate um you tax and redistribute that uh then you also do the same thing at the state level but then also at the state and County and Municipal level you provide basic services like hospitals you provide basic services like power
food uh maybe even housing in many cases and so uh this is one thing that that really gives me a lot of uh encouragement is because many of the experiments going on around the world
about Ubi are actually being run by cities or states or counties or provinces they're not being run at the federal level and so you combine AI efficiency with some of these multi-layered approaches and I think
that what we're going to have is H this this multi-layered safety net of Ubi and UBS and I think that we're actually going to end up in a much better place than we are today certainly here in America because in America it's like
you're on your own scrub get good okay so let's move on to businesses what can businesses do to adapt to AI well first and foremost you have to recognize that this is the most significant uh
paradigm shift in all of human history uh both economically and technologically this is nothing short of the fourth Industrial Revolution probably the biggest one yet this is going to change
the competitive landscape which basically means if you're not adopting AI your competitors are so if you're not adopting AI good luck um I've actually heard I don't have any clients obviously if someone comes to me they want AI but
I've heard of people out there that are like no AI is just a fad it's just a hype cycle we're not going to invest we're going to let it blow over and I'm like okay we'll see how that plays out uh now another thing about this this
changing landscape is some businesses I think are going to see thinning margins and that is just because the marginal cost of using AI to do some things is near zero which means means if you know if the if your margin goes from 50% to
1% you can't skim anything off the top for yourself and so I think that um and we've already seen this with some sectors collapsing such as the creative sector such as uh customer service jobs
and then also HR we've seen a lot of layoffs in the HR departments and and I think it was Sachi Nadella one of the CEOs or maybe it was um what's his name at IBM anyways he predicted that back office workers are going to be the first
to go those are white collar jobs and so any companies that serve HR purposes any companies that serve customer service uh uh positions any companies that focus on copywriting and image and images and
that sort of stuff they're all gone and so that's that's what thinning margins results in is companies collapsing just because there's no room left to scrape out this can also be called creative destruction where it's basically an
entire sector is just invalidated by a new technology either way there's going to be a lot of companies that collapse uh and then investing in AI both in in terms of products and services and developing AI Talent which will unpack
more right now so the first thing that you need to know as a business is adapt or die uh this is the same as companies that you know that were late to adopt uh electrification and the internet uh many
of them went out of business and those that were able to Pivot and adapt some of them are still around like IBM what you might not realize about IBM is that they started as mechanical time clocks
um and so obviously IBM now working on Quantum Computing they have pivoted several times which is why they've been around for more than 100 years uh many of their competitors no longer exist uh
another example is borders borders failed to Pivot to adapt to the internet and so what were they replaced by Barnes & Noble and Amazon again we do have living memory of companies failing to
adapt to the internet and therefore collapsing uh so I'm here to tell you AI is not hype it will change everything and even if you look at like well it's not capable of stuff today look at what
it was capable of last year which in comparison AI was not capable of hardly anything this time last year and now it's like well a lot of us use AI every day all day to do our work and so this
time next year you're not going to be able to get away without using AI so you you will adapt or you will die it's that simple and I'm also here to tell you that like this is kind of bad news but
AI is going to destroy a lot of jobs and a lot of businesses and there's not much we can do about it uh another thing that we're that we're already seeing is an AI Talent crunch so the beginning of my
career back in 2007 was as the tech industry was recovering from the.com Revolution and crash and so you know there was I remember growing up hearing like there are 50,000 unfilled IT jobs so I was like okay I guess I'll get an
IT job and it was really easy because there was such a huge huge vacuum there was a huge need for it people it's like oh hey you can program a home router great you've got a job it wasn't quite that easy but it was close uh and so
we're seeing the same thing with AI Talent right now ai is the new it AI is the new software engineering uh I remember my mom's boyfriend back in the uh like early 2000s like he came back
from the Army got a Microsoft certification and immediately had it like back then man it was easy you get one Microsoft certification in instant job that pays 50,000 a year uh you get a
handful of certifications 80,000 a year uh and your companies would pay for it too uh most of most of my training at the beginning of my career paid for by my company because there was so little
Talent um now one thing that uh is not necessarily possible because a lot of the training programs don't even exist yet is you need to focus on your internal Talent Development so for the
last 10 to 15 years we've had this glut of in the labor market in the technology space where pretty much any anything you need you know if you need a databased administrator you need uh you know C developer there was someone out there
and so companies have gotten really lazy about Talent Development like I said 15 years ago at the beginning of my career all of uh all of my talent development was paid for by my company because it wasn't there in the last 10 years
companies have gotten really lazy and so what I've had to do with some of my clients is say hey the thing the the skills and experience that you want to hire for isn't out there you need to develop it so like one of my clients was
basically saying like Hey how do we find someone who is a director who understands like cognitive architecture I'm like you don't because the only people who understand cognitive architecture are a few of us lunatics out here and then like phds that have
been studying it since the 80s but they're not looking for a you know director of technology job so I was like what you do what you need to do then is you hire for personality and the two primary traits that I recommend that
people hire for is hunger I don't mean like physical hunger I mean people that are hungry for AI and uh and and hungry for the job and then curiosity um because those are two inborn traits uh
and then then you backfill in with the talent and skills and other things that can be trained in because you can't train someone to be hungry for their for their job you can't train someone to be curious those are just fixed personality
traits so you focus on those two things and develop your own internal Talent companies that that go all in on AI people that companies that focus on the AI Talent people that develop their own
internal AI Talent they're going to have a much better uh chance at surviving this coming AI wave than those that don't and mark my word there are plenty of companies out there that are
basically sticking their head in the sand and ignoring uh the AI stuff so if you uh if you're watching this I know that there's a lot of uh seite people and Senior vice presidents and other
folks that watch like if you're watching this you are ahead of the curve now I'm not saying that it's going to be easy CU like I said there are macroscopic economic macroeconomic forces at play
here that could just cut out your legs from underneath you so I know that's a really Grim Outlook but like that's how it is and that is how every industrial revolution has happened up until this point and this one's going to be no
different in that respect okay so finally on a personal level how can you brace for impact first and foremost is emotional adaptation it is Perfectly Natural to
have a very wide range of emotions as you contemplate these changes just last night it took me like an hour and a half to get to sleep because I didn't know what I was feeling I was like am I angry about this am I hopeful am I worried
like it was just like just this poper of random nebulous emotions because I'm like man like because I was making the slide deck last night and so I'm like you know I need to take my own advice here anyways this is all natural um when
you're facing a huge paradigm shift it is natural to have the occasional existential crisis like this dude at the bar being served by a robot bartender uh the best analogy that I have is it's like you know that there's
a big storm coming you can prepare for the storm you can brace for the storm but eventually the storm's going to get here and all you can do is ride it out um and so yeah like that's that and you have to acknowledge these emotions you
have to accept them work with them talk about them and so back when I was still hosting AI meetups like a lot of people were like giddy like it was really validating to have a bunch of people like 20 to 30 people like at the bar
together like talking about like yeah this is so exciting and so like it was actually very normalizing for us to like feel sane like yeah we're not making this up right like so many of the conversations were like we're checking
in with each other like are we crazy or are we just like have the lunatics taken over the the assignment it could be a little bit of both but it was really validating to get together with a bunch of other people and say like hey this is
happening right yes cool okay now what so and that's why I have an existential coping uh channel in my Discord server another thing you can do to prepare is start moving towards a
forever job and so a forever job this is the other side of post labor economics which is there will always be some jobs that people just want other people to do now I'm not saying go start an only fans
go start you know your YouTube career um I don't know what kind of jobs are going to be forever jobs but this is why I'm here on YouTube is because as long as there are humans I suspect there are going to be humans that want to see my dumb face talking about AI or whatever
it is that I ultimately talk about um so but yeah so be be thinking about and talking about like okay what are some things that will stick around forever and these are the demand side jobs now obviously not everyone can become a a
content creator not everyone wants to get into into child care and so that leads to another part which is um redefining how you achieve social status so I've been reading this book uh it was recommended to me by a good friend and
Mentor called the status game by William store and this book is the single most profound uh book on human psychology I have ever read it explains so much about
The Human Condition um it blows sapiens out of the water um and I know that that's like heretical to say but like this book is so well researched and it is so practical and it is so useful so
the basically the tldr is that all humans across the entire planet all care about social status Above All Else everything else that we care about flows
from this Central foundational desire and it makes sense we are a social species your survival is predicated on your social status and your success and happiness in life is predicated on your
social status so I strongly recommend you read this G this this game read this book um but basically there are three kinds of status games that we all play um and these status games are also rooted in our ancient Evolution because
we see them in bonobos we see it in chimps we even see it in um in in lions and other social uh mammals so there's the success game which is uh often material success or financial success
and so this is associated with career and conspicuous consumption and one piece of evidence for this and everyone has seen this is that even toddlers are possessive so our Instinct for private property is inborn why because if you
possess the neat things you have higher Social Status and this goes way way way before capitalism way before neoliberalism this is deeply embedded in our DNA so material success the the
possession of cool things the nicer house the cool shells uh you know the fancy car this is an evolutionary artifact that is deeply embedded in us now obviously if careers go away like
okay you're not going to have financial success through your career but there will still be ways to have that kind of material success next up is the dominance game so dominance game is you know uh showing your muscles uh
intimidation fear physical prowess sexual prowess that sort of stuff part of the dominance game you see this more often with um militaries Sports um and you know people that like to pump
iron and get on the beach and you know winning right you know dominance is all about winning it's about conquering your enemies um and then there the the third game is the virtue or Prestige game which this is more about like um people
that are either spiritual or intellectual or emotional um and so there's depending on which kind of Virtues you prefer this is something that uh like I guess what I'm trying to
say is like say for instance you are a very religious person part of your virtue is how well you adhere to your religious Doctrine that's another way to get social status or if you're an academic if you're a researcher part of
the virtue or Prestige is about intellectual contribution so that's another example of the status game by recognizing that that your social standing comes from multiple Dimensions because everyone plays a little bit of
all three of these games everyone does cares about some material success everyone cares about some dominance and everyone cares about some virtue or Prestige it's just a matter of which one you prefer and what your particular
social tribe prefers as well but everyone does all three and so recognizing and learning about social status is one of the number one ways to prepare for and adapt for the possibility of post- labor economics and
no longer having a career after reading this book I'm like oh man nobody needs a career there are so many other ways to establish your your social Rank and to um make sure that you have social standing in your tribe um yeah no we're
going to be fine there another thing you can do is as you have more time because either you lose your job and there's plenty of people that I talk to some of the folks that have volunteered for some of the open source projects that I'm running they lost their job six months
ago and like they don't know if they're ever going to have a job again and they're trying to find their way back in um but uh as we pivot to post- labor economics as people lose their jobs or
only have gig work or whatever um one of the most powerful Frameworks for living happily on a day-to-day basis is um Dr Walsh's TLC therapeutic lifestyle changes it is a it is a framework of
eight behaviors that you can engage in on a daily or weekly basis that really really helps you feel better but basically it's like okay so a TLC specialist is going to say all right let's fix your exercise let let's fix
your your diet and nutrition let's fix your relationships let's make sure you're spending time in nature let's make sure that you're doing your recreational stuff your fun your hobbies let's make sure that you're getting some relaxation um and Stress Management
let's make sure that you're engaging with your religious or spiritual side and then finally let's make sure that you are um engaging in some kind of community service or giving back so I learned about TLC many many years ago
way back on the days of stumble upon which doesn't even exist anymore um but this framework is super helpful and it's just like a checklist you can just go through this every day and say like hey can I invest some time in this cool and
you do this and you'll feel better I promise another thing and this has been kind of uh personal insight as I am acclimating to this change that we're facing is forget about tomorrow and you
know you you might say like Dave you're always predicting like you know into the future you're obviously not forgetting about tomorrow and what I mean by this is no I'm not forgetting about tomorrow like not in that sense but I'm not worrying about tomorrow it's like okay I
see everything that everyone is doing like I go on archive on a regular basis and I see that there are literally like thousands upon thousands of scientists hundreds of labs and universities all
over the world working on AI alignment and bias and safety and and I'm like okay the collective brain power of those like literally tens of thousands of students and researchers so I'm pretty
sure we're going to figure out safety like this is a solvable problem and we will solve it uh and then on the on the other side there is the geopolitical and governmental side there's the business
side and it's like okay well you know as I've covered in some of my recent videos all the halls of Power are talking about AI the EU the UN NATO America like a Cen
like literally every International Organization on the planet is aware of AI and they are doing something about it now I might not agree with their closed door meetings I might not agree with exactly how they're conducting it but
that's why I'm commenting on it but the fact of the matter is there are adults in the room and they are working on this stuff and so it's like you know what I'm doing everything that I can so I'm going to let go of the worry and I'm just going to forget about tomorrow and enjoy
today so like adopting a carpedm uh mentality and just trusting that it'll work out and I don't mean blind trust I'm I never one to uh to argue for blind trust I keep my ear to the ground but
it's like yeah I think generally things are going in the right direction and then finally simplif your life this is something that I realize that I've been doing uh lately which is just you know the rat race is ending um you know the
the the competition for a better job and you know the the fancy house on the culdesac like yeah we can still want those things but the current American dream has like it's it's it's on its
deathbed and it's just circling the drain and it's going to go any minute now and like yes the status game will be forever you know so we're going to find new ways to compete but this this
workaholic treadmill that we've been on that's what's going away and like the the question that my wife and I have been asking each other and asking ourselves for the last few months is how do we want to live with with all this
cultural baggage of you know middle class America and you know and all that stuff it's going away it's dying and so we're like well how do we want to live instead and so you know we we have been
kind of critically re-calibrating our own lives and so one thing that I do is like when I'm done with work for the day sometimes I'll go to see a movie some sometimes like we love going to Panera after we go hiking and it's just like we're engaging with life on our own
terms and obviously like I recognize not everyone can do this yet but I certainly recommend that everyone try uh you know like whatever your dream is like why not start now if you can um and look forward
to that in the future uh and this is why like I'm trying to to thread the needle when I talk about post- labor economics and preparing for these changes because if we all work together if we work hard
to make sure that AI is implemented in the ways that are best for everyone if we work with the government and the businesses to make sure that you know it's not you know heavily skewed or lopsided and you know keeps everyone in
a cyberpunk dystopian hellscape like then there's no re I don't see any reason no physical reason no economic reason no Game Theory reason that we all couldn't live in a much more harmonious
way uh that would be closer to our preference very soon and I mean like within the next two to five years I could see some of these major transitions happening which you know the like call that accelerationism call it
whatever you want but like it's not a foregone conclusion that it will work out that way but I don't see any reason that it can't there's no fundamental reason that this is not the natural flow of things except of course as some
people will say like the billionaires are greedy and they of course want to make sure that they control everything and I'm like I think maybe some do but I I don't know I I see it playing out
really well anyways thanks for watching I hope you got a lot out of this let me know what you think in the comments are like how are you preparing is there anything that I missed so on and so forth have a good one cheers
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