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hi this is craig hockenberry from the icon factory i'm here to show you a quick demo of our new app world wide web for ios and mac os a pretty simple app it
basically runs a web server on any one of your devices in this case i'm showing you here it's uh running on a mac there's just one window on this and
there's two parts to the window there's the website folder which is where you get your html css and javascript content and then there's the web server which presents it to the browser
so we've got this new little site that i've been working on here it's in my icloud drive and i am going to get that website to appear in in my
browser on the right here so the first thing i do is i open the folder you can see that this is in my icloud drive in a folder called runestone
i'll explain why it's there and a little bit later but for all for now all you need to know is that we have a folder here called test okay i'm going to choose that you can see now that this actually shows
up in my list of recent folders and i can start the web server so it shows me that the web server is running and hasn't had any requests now i'll do is they open the browser and
there's the website that that i'm working on you know i can come up here and you know say world wide web product
website save that file refresh it you get you get the idea i'm going to turn that make that's too long a title so i'm going to
undo that change and refresh again so real simple it lets you build websites using html and there's the css
for this website you know again i could make a change here in this file come over to the browser and refresh it this is you know not rocket science
but where it gets interesting is this web server url here that is a a bonjour address that lets you access that website from any other
device so i'm going to show you how to do that what i've just done is launched the world wide web app on
my ipad here and it's gone into what's called the browser section what will happen is whenever you start a worldwide web server
on another machine that version of the app will announce itself via bonjour that there are some websites available so i'm
going to start a this test website they were working on previously on my mac and it will appear
at the top of the list here at baracho.local which is uh my max name on port 8080 so if i tap on that
the the website that we were working on just a second ago you know i obviously can you know test it for you know portrait or landscape you know
i could launch the app on an iphone and you know test out looks on my iphone but basically the site looks okay on the ipad so
looks good okay now we're in the split screen mode on the ipad with world wide web running on the left hand side and an app called runestone
which is a text editor for ios running on the right both of the apps are going to be working on the same folders and the same folder of html and css
that's in my icloud drive you can see on the right hand side there's a folder called test in the runestone folder of icloud drive so what i'm going to do is i'm going to
go over to the web server section now and open that website folder okay you can see that i'm on my icloud drive there i've got the runestone test select so i'm just going to hit done select that folder
and you can see the name appears underneath the open website folder that's my hint that that's the the folder i'm working with right now so i can start a web server using that folder
so now i have a web server running on my ipad my ipad's name is pro baby so it gets the url probably.local
so now when i switch over to the browser section i'll see that appear in the list it's the same website as i was looking at on my mac but it's on a different machine probably.local
and there it is that my ipad just served up the the file and displayed it on my ipad to show you that there's no smoke and mirrors here i'm going to open up the
index page on in runestone i'm going to change the header for world wide web to the world wide web uh this is
real okay then i'm done with making that change i can come over to the right hand or the left hand side here and refresh the page and there you see that that change i
just made on my ipad was served up by the web server make sure to check out the product manual that comes with the app
there's an about world wide web section that explains the name shows some of the features and gives you more information on how to use the app uh there's a knowledge base that
that will keep up to date with common questions and our answers to those and [Music] this app uses the swifter http server engine so
if you want to know more about how that works there's a link there that you can try it out that's it enjoy making html and css
on your ipad without needing a server other than the one that's running on your ipad thank you bye
End of transcript