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hello everyone and welcome to a really complicated game you will enjoy immensely yeah it's uh from the match ukraine versus norway that we covered a few days ago but this is the one game that eluded us and even though a lot of
you guys have requested it but now let's uh check it out as it does deserve to be shown uh it's magnus with the white pieces against the ukrainian grandmaster 20 year old kiroshvchenko like i said brutal game uh let's uh let's dive
straight into it so magnus has the white pieces and he opens with d4 we have knight to f6 c4 and now c6 going for the sort of a slav indian defense
combo uh bishop to f4 by magnus and now queen to b6 so not really a london system but uh this could be considered somewhat of a defense to the london system uh so it's
uh it's a very interesting one it uh brings the queen out into the game early and you're already putting pressure on that b2 uh uh b2 pawn so magnus defensive queen to d2 and then now
knights to e4 attacking the queen here queen to c2 and now d5 uh we have e3 now and here comes bishop to f5 now threatening all sorts of nasty discoveries uh and here uh there is a
game where queen to b3 was played that just offers a queen trade but here we have bishop to d3 and it is now as of move seven that we have a completely new game uh so let's see how uh black can uh
go about this so first d captures on c4 of course we want to get to the bishop out of that b3 square uh bishop captures an e4 and now bishop captures an e4 queen captures an e4 and queen captures
on b2 so here shivchenko is going after the rook on a1 but not really as you'll see so here bishop captures on b8 by magnus and then now comes queen to c1 with check
if you play queen captures on a1 right away then queen to c2 and everything is perfectly fine black will have to play c3 just to try and get the queen out of the game as for the moment the queen is pretty much stuck on a1 so instead after
this bishop captures on b8 we have queen to c1 with chuck uh king the e2 this is the only move for magnus and now comes rook capture sun b8 and now we have knight to f3
attacking the queen and pretty much offering a full rook on h1 but if uh black declines the rook for example if some like queen to b2 we're just going to continue developing and we are up a full piece of course this will be
completely winning for magnus so here uh shivchenko has to accept this uh seemingly free gift but a few things in in in life and in chess are free especially when you're playing
against the magnus so here magnus uh gives up the rook queen captures an h1 is played and now queen to e5 attacking the rook on b8 we have rooked the d8 and now uh the star move uh knight to e1 so
the queen on e5 uh who was played not only to attack the rule but also to guard the h2 pawn and now the knight on e1 guards the g2 pawn and there is no way for the black queen to get out of that h1 square so uh what does this mean
for our game is the game over is magnus just up a queen now how how uh how can schweichenko go about this position uh well he starts with h5 of course uh he will not just resign he wants to bring his rook into the game
and we've seen the game where uh young pragernanda had his queen trapped for pretty much the entire game and then he ended up winning so of course you you have to try knight to c3 now comes rook
to h6 and now rook to b1 magnus goes after the b7 pawn so b6 defending and now comes uh pawn to h3 and even though it seems like there's no way for the black queen to get into the
game uh it was uh uh necessary to play rook to d1 here uh because even though the d4 pawn seems to be protected uh not really as you'll see in the game so here h3 was played and now the queen no
longer has to keep an eye on the h2 square now the g2 pawn defends the h3 pawn but you still need your queen on this diagonal if you move your queen away from this diagonal then black can just play queen h2 and bring the queen back into the game so here rook to e6
attacking carlson's queen and now queen to c7 we still uh have to keep an eye on that h2 square otherwise the black queen just goes back into the game g6 uh preparing to bring the bishop into
the game and now comes uh queen back to g3 now to understand queen to g3 we first have to uh see what happens if magnus just plays rook to d1 and you can see that there is no way for white to put any pressure on the black king even
though the black queen is completely out of the game uh black's plan is very simple he's gonna play bishop to g7 and now you don't really have a move with white what are you gonna play if you play something like rook to b1 we
can play c5 and now after something like d5 okay you can attack the rook now the rook comes to d6 and this is basically what we uh wanted to have now uh the queen no longer guards the h2 square we
can bring our queen into the game and we don't really need to worry about anything if knight comes to e4 we just capture on d5 and then we completely bust open the d file and then we are completely winning so here magnus said all right i can't play something like
that i have to go back queen to g3 i really have to keep an eye on that h2 square but now i've pretty much given it up for you but just in case uh i haven't uh feel free to pause the
video here and try to find the absolute winning idea for uh shivchenko here while i give you a couple of seconds so for those of you who were able to do it congratulations on realizing that we
have to win this diagonal over for us and for those of you who just want to enjoy the show of course the move is h4 so congratulations to everyone who spotted this uh in the game magnus captured on h4 but uh other moves aren't
all that all that much better if you play queen f4 we just continue with the g5 and then of course if queen g4 we've uh uh won the one the h file for ourselves or queen captures on g5 for that matter so there's no way to keep um
uh to keep control of this diagonal and if queen back to c7 then is the very simple let's so let's say we just move the bishop and next whatever white plays we're just gonna play queen to g1 and now okay we have this insane pressure on
the on the e3 pawn we're just going to start capturing and that's it there's no way for whites to defend this so after h4 magnus captured on h4 but now uh now we have queen the h2 and the black queen
re-enters the game uh g3 magnus says but not so quickly we're still going to keep the queen on the h2 square but now bishop to g7 uh we have knights to f3 attacking the queen queen to g2 uh and
here uh it seems like uh magnus has a way of keeping the black queen on the on the g2 square uh for example if knight back to e1 uh how do you uh how do you save the queen here if you go
queen h2 we just repeat knight f3 then you go back we go back knight to a1 uh if you go queen to g1 again we repeat knight to f3 queen g2 and knight to the e1 however and that's why i said that the d4 pawn
was extremely weak even though it's defended by the pawn and by the queen there is rook captures on d4 and that's why uh the repetition is not possible now we're attacking carlsen's queen and
there is nothing useful that white can do here we can capture on d4 but now we just trade down bishop captures on the e4 knight captures on g2 bishop captures on c3 and
after rook to c1 we're going to move the bishop let's say rook captures on c4 king d7 defend the c6 pawn one more time and you get this end game where it's a bishop against the knight black is up one pawn but the game is completely
winning for black black has a past c pawn and it's a three to one advantage on the queen side uh also the bishop can play on both sides of the board the knight really can't and this will be um
this will be impossible to hold so magnus of course spots this and he plays queen to h7 but now uh here just rook to f6 and he was in this position and move 23 that magnus carlsen resigned the game
and a wonderful wonderful victory for kiril shivchenko uh who uh grabs a valuable point for the for team ukraine uh but since we already covered this match you guys know that ukraine won every match for for four rounds were
played and all four rounds were won by ukraine uh i believe it was uh three to one uh then two and a half one and a half then again three to one then two and a half one and a half or maybe not in that order but those were the those
were the points and uh that they've won by uh by a very nice margin but yeah here after rook to f6 magnus resigned and uh that's just it there's no way to defend uh the knight is hanging if you move the knight then the f2 pawn is
hanging and even if you try giving up some material we're just going to capture and after let's say kink to e1 we're just going to play king f8 defend our bishop and it's i mean there's just uh too much material for
black well white is down a whole rook uh so yeah after rook to f6 magnus resigned and a brilliant brilliant victory for um uh 20 year old ukrainian grand master kiroshenko who takes down the world champion uh but
again just a very very very impressive game uh i mean the the just uh this is move like this is uh the bishop captures on b8 is move 10 already on move 10 there's a rook hanging you can play
queen to c1 uh there is so much stuff happening and then this idea of just knight to f3 by magnus it's a brilliant idea and uh maybe with uh you know uh uh maybe with absolute
precise uh you know uh engine play maybe you can hold this but uh shivchenko proved that the queen was never really trapped and it was only a matter of time before the queen gets out of the cage uh so yeah that's the game hope you guys
enjoyed it many of you have requested this one so there you have it another example of a trapped queen breaking free uh i would like to thank uh uh michael mcconnell nagarjuna ponogoti suresh k uh paul hunnermund uh and michael calvera
for a contribution to my channel thank you a lot i really appreciate it as usual you can check to all my previous videos here thank you for watching and i will see you soon continuing to check up on your wonderful suggestions such as this one and whatever else happens in
the chess world so thank you all i will see you soon and have an excellent rest of your day
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