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when using library search to look for books articles videos etc you'll get the best results by first logging in then doing a keyword search
and finally filtering the results by logging in you'll have immediate access to all the resources that are available only to uq staff and students including online full text and streaming
media there are three ways to search the basic search which is the default option will do a broad search of all our print collection and much of our electronic collection
under the search option ensure that you're searching all of the library the basic search can often return a lot of results the browse search produces alphabetical lists of subjects
author or title which begins with your keyword the advanced search option offers the greatest range of tools with which to target your search this includes the options of exact phrase or starts with
applied to selected fields this is the best option for more sophisticated searches as you can build complex queries using word combinations within multiple fields after doing either a basic browse or
advanced search you will have a list of results that are a mixture of publication types dates sources etc these results can be expanded by using the option to include results not available online this is a
way of expanding the results to include extra resources in the library collection and also resources that are held beyond the library collection which can be requested using the document delivery service
to reduce or focus these results you can restrict by content type publication date subject author slash creator and other limits next to these limiters are counts of how many results fall
within that restriction this helps you to decide which of these filters to apply and how many to combine if the combination of limiters reduces the number of results below what is useful
simply remove one at a time to increase the number for more information about how to get the most out of all the resources available to uq staff and students check out our other guides to improve
your search techniques under the research tools and techniques menu on the library page
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