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foreign over 40 years my empirical work was in near a sense of learning and memory in the beginning of 80s
we identified genes that are involved in establishment of long-term memory they became known as immediate religions we found that they are necessary for formation of
long-term memory and since they are ubiquitously expressed during various forms of learning we designed different approaches to use
these genes to map the engram circuits memory circuits in the brain using a molecular biology tools Optical Imaging whole brain mapping
brain atlases Etc but with all these approaches uh you finally approach the question
and what is me in the brain and actually what is me and focusing on this question
I started developing a theory which is called the neural hyper Network Theory cognito I started doing this about 10 years ago
Gerald Edelman once told me that in his experience to shape a theory like that takes 15 years so there is still five years in in the
future but I will briefly present an outline oversimplified outline of the of this
framework approach in this I will build on three yesterday talks of Anil Seth of Stewart hamerov and Nicholas Humphrey
taking the message of anal Seth which is also the question of being you I will propose that the theory which we
are developing makes a shift from focus on consciousness to focus on mind which is shift from process to structure
I will explain it in a few moments the second shift which I would like to take is to pick up the message of Steward that Neuroscience
need a revolution but while Stuart goes deeper at the bottom for this revolution
I'm using this phrase of Richard feyman to tell that there is plenty of room at the top and going up so the second shift from the current
Neuroscience thinking is shift from micro to macro and finally Nicholas talk on evolving sentence which I think is very important point for
understanding of consciousness I will modify it saying that what is important and what the theory of Cognito addresses
it focuses not on philosony but more on antigeny that is shift from evolutionary to developmental emergence of mind and consciousness
so summing up these three premises the theory proposes that Consciousness is not the right entering point for the science of Consciousness mind is a
proper one the addressing the question of mind has to be first comparable to addressing directly the question of consciousness second
that the brain at its maximal existence that is cause effect potential uh should be understood not as physiological neural network connectome
but cognitive neural hyper Network cognito and the third one that mind and Consciousness originate not through Evolution per se but through rather
evolution of individual development and learning and this is the place where these structures and processes originate
so I will explain in more details all these three premises the first one is that consciousness according to the theory is a specific process
while mind is a specific structure and if there is no such structure there is no such process in this structure I
will use a metaphor to explain this idea we can identify mind with Organic structure like for example the Sun
and then Consciousness is a process in this structure so we need this structure for this process to take place and viewing the Mind as a structure has
a number of advantages for example we can start asking questions what is the nature of the structure how is it built and how did it originate
furthermore we can start asking the question how can we map this kind of structure and finally we can start studying
processes that are specific only to this structure like mental processes including consciousness shift number one from mikra to macro
to understand the structure we have to move from studying the brain at its physiological level to studying it at its cognitive level of
organization which is according to the theory not a neural network but a neural hyper Network so in these
diagram we have the brain composed of Cox but what exactly are these cogs and how can we formalize and understand
this complex structure comparable to known approaches in the network neuroscience Theory suggests that each Cognito neural hyper Network
consists of two type of elements vertices and edges vertices are called cogs or cognitive groups the term cork has a
double meaning in the theory in English it is a subordinate but integral part of the whole system and in the theory it is also a unit of qualitatively specific experience
carried by these groups of elements of neurons so it is a separate element in the mental system uh these Cooperative groups of neurons
which are distributed and sparse in the nervous system and formed during development and learning are starting to go encode the relations
of the organism with its outer and later on inner environment so they become cognitively specialized in terms of cause effect power that
means that activation of this group of elements means that at the previous moment the distribution of probabilities in the environment was not uniform but was
corresponding to particular aspect of the relation of organism to in the environment and activity of this group of elements means that the future of the relations
of organisms with the environment will be also not uniform in probability but will change according to the effect power of this group of elements in this
sense it is information in and information out or since it is stored as a group of elements in memory it is a knowledge of our organism the element of
the low ratio of organisms cogs have different size they are of different forms there is a whole zoo of such cognitive groups
in details I I cannot go into the into details of this classification but in important part of the hyper network is that these groups are linked by
relations and the relations are not the same like in networks like in neural networks the link between two cognitive elements is not the connection of
accents of one group of neurons to another group of neurons the link is the neural elements themselves overlapping Elements which
belong to the first cognitive group and the second cognitive group which means that this element becomes neurons specialized in the Cog number one
and if it is being activated it can potentiate the retrieval from memory of number 203 depending on the number of other groups to which this common
unit with a superposition belongs so and locks and briefly the theory says that such
cognitive system consists therefore of cognitive specialized elements elements which within the organism being a part of
organism in court the knowledge of the whole organism the particular aspect of knowledge of the whole organism about the environment first outside and second with an
internalization of inner environment these elements are concentrated in the central nervous system and they form a cognitive organ of the body it's cognito
it has specific structure and cause effect power which can be mathematically and I cannot go into details here approximated by the mathematical concept
of hyper Networks so the Mind according to theory in most useful understanding of its term is organic structure which
is identical to this higher order hyper network of the brain and its specific causal properties whenever the brain or nervous system
develops such hyper Network it considers the maximal level of existence of the brain and the organism so simplifying it into Thick questions
we can say that to the question what is the brain it can be said that it can be described as is done today by the network Theory as a neural network
but the mind at the level n plus one can be also described as a network cognitive Network and the mind-body relation a relation of n to n plus one according to
the theory can be described as a cognitive hyper network of the physiological brain Network I would stress once more
that according to this approach mind is a neural network organized into hyper Network so it is not a virtual system it is organic
structure being built by development and experience and learning we were not able in Neuroscience to visualize and study these type of structures because they
consist of clouds of neurons which are distributed and active only during performance of particular behaviors so there were no sufficient tools until recently
to identify these groups of neurons to study how they appear during experience and how they shape the behavior of the organism but these tools are appearing now
the theory in its development consists of three stages or three parts conceptual model which I described a little bit formal model which is
mathematical description of neural hyper networks and neurobiological model which brings these principles to neural mechanisms of formation of this hyper Network
now I move to the third shift from a field journey to onto Jenny or from evolutionary emergence to developmental emergence where mind and
Consciousness originate during individual development in a sense this is the way to approach the vital question what is me or who are
we genetic time scale this is the famous painting of gogen which addresses the questions where do we come from what are we and
where are we going and goggin explained that to read this painting it is necessary to look from right to left from the group of women giving birth
whether to a child to various functional activities of adult people and finally to that old gray woman
sitting with a deep thoughts where we are going so the neural hyper Network Theory
addresses this question also in this line of uh of Dynamics it asks what is necessary minimal and sufficient
for the darwinian organism to develop mind in onto genetic development we know that this type of development
reproducibly occurs to all the organisms which bear mind and comparable to evolutionary approach or evolutionary question it is much easier also to study this
emergence experimentally in the development Behavior learning and memory so the theory suggests that three simple
basic biological principles are necessary and sufficient to for the system to build the mind why biologically because none of these
principles involves any cognitive or mental terms that means that these are ground principles of biological system which does not possess at the moment
any cognitive properties these principles are generative functional systems deep integrative Network and cellular associative memory
to explain a little bit the first and the major principle of generative functional systems and also to go back to the higher order mind brain identity
thesis which was proposed by the theory I have to return to some of the historical development which is the background for this Theory
the approaches which were taken in the Russian Neuroscience so the last century and a half in the search of the neural basis of the Mind
uh Ivan paulov was of course with his conditioned reflexes looking for the physiological basis of mental
activity the question he posed at the beginning of his study of conditioned reflexes how does the matter of the brain give rise to subjective phenomena his solution to this
was a direct mind brain identity he believed and stressed many times that Association
as known in psychology is a fundamental case which can be identified with the principle of
so that fire together wire together which was popularized later by HEB by temporal connections between different parts of the central nervous system
representing a conditioned stimulus and unconditioned stimulus so that was the idea of uh direct mind brain identity it was held also by a
number of other Russian neuroscientists who started this commission at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century but something interesting and important
happened in 1920s when Marxism came to Russia in a form of historical and electrical materialism in the middle of 1920s to
scientists two young scientists in Russia took this idea of emergence in historical and dialectical sense to the study of the mind brain problem
and understanding of the social nature of the mind that were left vergotsky with his work the historical meaning of psychological crisis and Peter anarchin
with his work dialectical materialism and the problem of mind so what was uh developed then as a functional System
Theory in the work of school of pkn working can be described in a nutshell avoiding the terms of materialism as a
deep macro realism which I suggest as a coin size principle of functional systems theory it suggests that the macro level is
different from micro level because it has different specific structural and organizational properties which can be studied scientifically and understood
experimentally macro level is real because it has its own cause effect powers different from micro level and its cause effect power
the third point is most important it is not present in the classical British emerged emergent in them for example but was present in the electrical
materialism approach that macro level is deep because micro level in macro systems is transformed and Carries these macro properties that means that the macron properties are not
overlaid over the existing maker properties but the whole system from top to down is being transformed according to the new structural level of
organization what it means for a neurobiological mechanisms that leibnizmil argument which was suggested him as a
criticism of mechanical materialism the famous idea that if we will imagine the brain as a large meal and enter into it we will see different moving Parts in
this mean but by examining its interior we find only such mechanical parts and never anything in which by which to explain a perception or any mental
properties started in the School of functional systems in 1970s 80s
showed that experimentally in animals which learn new tasks in a complex environment the activity of neurons in the waking
brain is become specialized in relation to certain functional systems behavioral functional systems that they performed that means the elements of subjective
experience of experience which they acquire in the experimental situation neurons of many brain structures was shown are simultaneously involved in
such functional systems being synchronized and in the waking brain neurons exhibit anticipator activity determined not by stimuli but by goals
and intentions which are retrieved from memory so as an example for example here the neuron showed with uh
in a rabbit which learned to either to pull the trigger or to press the pedal to obtain food different neurons in the brain can be
specialized either to Performance of this behavior on the left and right side with the two levels or two rings or only by doing
pressing the pedal or pulling the ring or any combination of this so these are elements of new experience Rings pedals which will never existed in the
experience of animals and the neurons are being specialized in a sessions of learning to this we are studying this
specialization Now using different Optical recording methods and find for example that uh this specialization occurs very rapidly upon the entrance of
the animal into the new conditions from nearly the first trial being stabilized later on so what is suggested in the theory
of neural hyper networks is that if we will take the rules of natural selection working in the organism without nervous system they can be viewed as algorithm
where combination of independent principles of one two and three being present together and extended by the cumulative effects of
genetic memory though being very simple in hundreds of millions of years can give a
surprising structural complexity and diversity to append it with the rules of learning and memory in the
developing organism which are simple enough and each of them is not containing any cognitive principle can give the similar algorithm which
works on the genetically and due to the long-term memory in the nervous system can build a neural hyper network over
the existing neural network supplying the organism with the individual and complex cognitive properties so addressing both the
equation of the complex design of the mind and diversity of individual minds or minds of individual species depending on the experience
they have in the nature so final question what is consciousness in this framework
Theory suggests that it is a global percolation the process of penetration of activity over cognitive group through the cognitive reaching access to
the rest of the cognitive groups or Cognito as a whole or me or self this is a work in progress and thank you for attention
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