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last this is one specific around technology and this is again another topic that we can go on about but I'd like for you to consider how you actually do product demonstrations most of you probably have products that you
often demo to people and if you think about those opportunities when you have to demo to someone chances are it looks a lot like this you come in introduce the team everyone looks around the room shares you know who what's your role what's your role and then up on the
screen comes the presentation or there's a first slide of the presentation that's up there and then one of your sales people or someone stands up and they go through a presentation about the company and the product and the features and whatever and they tell you all about stuff and then you cut over normally to
like a demonstration so you the tech person plugs their computer in takes over screen control and then they they do their talk and they talk about the products and features that you were just told about that actually is a very inefficient way
of doing and carrying a conversation and carrying a story um if you think back to your younger years in school and many of you may have said in a classroom like I did where a teacher has a large illustrated book
right and she opens it up and she's looking at you but the book is open like this so you can see the pictures and she's reading the story and you're watching the pictures and you're seeing the pictures and she flips the page and you see the next thing which is the
giant or whatever and she's telling a story and you're engaged because you're seeing the pictures that you're listening to her right how much of a different experience would that be a teacher instead turn that book around where you couldn't see the pictures read to you every word in the
book and then turned around and said Remember the giant I talked about there's a picture of the giant remember that and they showed you the pictures how much less of an experience is that and yeah that's what we do every day
with our customers and so I would encourage you to consider a concept called a technology Illustrated story and I've actually walked into customers with this before where I take the person who happens to be my technology person
and they have their computer and it's all set up with the with all the software and all the screenshots and all the websites and everything we need in order to show in the dashboards and whatnot and I actually introduced myself and say hi I'm Louis and for the next 60
minutes we have a pleasure of actually just sharing some stories with you I'm the Storyteller and over here I have Bob and Bob is my technology illustrator I don't say he's my sales engineer I don't say he's my technology he's my
technology illustrator and so Bob throws something up on the screen and he knows as I'm talking about things I'll be talking about well you know one of the challenges that many other people have is that they are lost in spreadsheets what would be like if you were able to
see everything at once and while I'm saying that Bob's showing on the screen our dashboard or whatever that product feature is that I'm talking about now this gives me an opportunity to say for instance here's an example and I can actually talk to it but I don't spend a
lot of time in other words this is an illustration of what I'm telling you and so you're not hearing it and seeing it you're actually hearing it and seeing at the same time and that is a much more compelling thing to have happen in fact
when I've done this and it's by the way it's easy it's easier on the technology person because normally they're trying to speak and and demo at the same time which if you know if your product has a complexity to it that could be kind of nerve-wracking instead you're saying
this person by the way they're not mute they actually will add commentary and whatever to the story they're part of the story team as well but when that happens it just is a beautiful thing it's easier for everyone it's better for
the audience because often the audience and think back to the times you've heard seen presentations that you know a demo is following the audience will actually say let's get to the demo let's get to the demo because they want to see it you've incurred you want to see it this
way they get to see it as you talk about it so again if that Sparks your interest um let's talk more in fact on that note those are the 10 things and we've spent a short period of time together but I'd like to encourage you because you've
actually invested in taking this time listening to this I've first of all I thank you for having the interest and I appreciate you investing that time and in doing so I would also offer that I'll be more than happy to talk to you as well you can find me at Lewis creativity
crisis.com that's my website or you can find me on LinkedIn and when you do so if you message me please just note that the fact that you were at this conference and that you saw this particular talk that would give me a bit of a frame of reference of what you know
thus far and where your belief is and then we can talk about what you want to do from there and there may be aspects of this you say Louis I'd like to talk to you more about this it might be Louis I disagree with you in which case I'd love to hear it in fact if you disagree with us I'd love to hear this if you
have better ideas I'd love to hear those as well because I'm still learning as hopefully you are so again thanks for taking the time reach out and find me and enjoy the rest of the conference
End of transcript