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Mike Zackrison: Hello, everyone. Welcome to today's webinar. We   will give it just a few minutes  for everyone to filter in here. So, we'll start at one minute after the hour. So hold tight. Okay, I think we'll get going. So, welcome everyone to today's webinar.
We're going to present "Accessibility Made Easy", our introduction to UDOIT Cloud 3.0, the latest   version of the UDOIT accessibility checker tool.  My name is Mike Zackrison. I'm co-founder and CEO   of Cidi Labs. I'm going to do a real quick  introduction and set today's session up and then   turn it over to my colleague Jennifer Malkovich  who will go through a demonstration and she'll  
also introduce our additional speakers who will  join us at the latter part of the presentation. So real quick about Cidi Labs, I know  a lot of you who are on this call   are either customers of ours or already know us  pretty well but for those who are new I'll just   provide a little bit of an overview here. At Cidi Labs, we provide tools for Canvas   that help organizations scale their online course  design and delivery practices. We do this through  
a model where we collaborate with universities  and institutions who are developing tools in-house   on their own to solve important challenges of  their own and we partner with them to make those   solutions broadly available and fully supported  through what we call our SAS sharing model. So we'll partner with we have two partners right  now Utah State University and the University  
of Central Florida who we've partnered  with around the solutions that we offer. We are a company that started in 2016 so we're  five years old at this point. We have a small   team but a growing team. We've added several  team members over the past couple of months. Collectively we have over 100 years of experience  people years of experience in K12 and higher ed  
instructional design and the LMS space and around  Canvas. I myself worked for Instructure from 2012   to 2015, so we're well versed around the Canvas  community and building courses and all that   kind of stuff. We've had the good fortune  of working with over 350 clients now with  
with all of our solutions. We have four tools  that we offer. DesignPLUS is probably the one   that most of you know. That's our most popular  solution and the first one that we started with.   We have also added to the mix UDOIT Cloud which  we'll talk about today, TidyUP, and ReadyGO. DesignPLUS is our course design tool set for  Canvas that makes it really easy to rapidly build  
courses that engage students without having to  know a lot of HTML and CSS to make that work. ReadyGO is a tool that was  developed by Utah State University   in-house to help the instructional design  team go through their quality checks and   their preparations before the beginning of a new  term or new semester. We also offer TidyUP which  
is a utility to help you efficiently identify  and delete unused files and content inside Canvas   and then finally UDOIT Cloud. This is our  course level accessibility checker tool that   scans and reports and helps you fix successfully  accessibility issues and the first version of   this tool was developed in-house by the our  friends at the University of Central Florida.
So today's session we're going to focus on the new  version of version 3.0 of UDOIT Cloud. We've spent   over a year now working on this version of  the product. It includes a new user experience   which we hope you'll all appreciate and enjoy.  We also did a kind of a ground-up rebuild of   the infrastructure of the tool in order to  kind of re-architect things so that we could  
add in some API layers to make it easier for us  to interoperate with third-party libraries that   we may want to include in the future or to plug  in other video repositories or even potentially   to extend UDOIT to work with other LMS systems.  So there was a lot of architectural work   behind the tech stack and  then a lot of effort went into  
creating that new user experience. In  addition to that there's also some new   administrative and reporting capabilities  that we've added to the tool as well. I want to just throw out a big thanks to  our beta partners who helped us beta test   the product and get us to the point where we're  prepared to launch this within the next couple   of weeks here. The American College of Healthcare  Sciences in Oregon helped us, Brown University,  
our friends at the University of Central  Florida, and also the University of Minnesota,   and the University of Wisconsin Systems. They  both played an important role in helping us   validate and vet and refine this product. I'll  also mention the University of Minnesota has been   there they were one of our very first UDOIT Cloud  customers several years ago and a lot of their  
feedback helped inspire a lot of the use usability  issues that we've fixed and addressed in this   in this iteration of the product, so a special  thanks goes out to that team there as well. So   with that introduction, Jennifer i'll go ahead and  turn it over to you in order to do our demo today. Jennifer Malkovich: Thanks Mike! I will bring up my screen does that  look okay Mike?
Mike Zackrison: Yes and I just realized we didn't do any housekeeping around questions, if you have  any questions for us today feel free to enter   those into the Q&A tool that's available in zoom.  We'll keep an eye on that stream of questions and   we'll have time at the end here to address some  of those publicly and we'll also address a few  
of the questions privately as well, but go ahead  and use the Q&A tool if you have any any questions   for us. You'll notice it's being recorded we  will share recording at the end of this as well. Jennifer Malkovich: Great! Alright so let's jump in. I'll  start by just explaining a couple of   the basics for those of you who have not seen  UDOIT Cloud even in prior versions to date.  
It's a tool that can be installed and made  available to all courses automatically   and it's the tool that appears in the left-hand  navigation here or when you install it choose to   allow individual course users to turn it on  themselves through the navigation settings.   That's really a decision that you can make at your  institution. Also when you do the install which we  
do with you; you can choose to name the link  in the navigation something different perhaps   that makes more sense to your users or perhaps  is a name you use internally or things of that   nature. Also, I'll point out that the tool is not  visible to students. We get that question a lot. Once a course designer clicks on the tool,  they will for the first time they enter  
that the course content is being reviewed and  they will come to a welcome page which provides   some good contextual and sort of orienting  information. I'll also point out that again   based on some great feedback that we received  along the way, this page is customizable by   your institution so if, for example, you have  resources that you like to link to from here or  
guidelines for users that you want to ensure to  read to reiterate when they start checking their   course for accessibility issues you can customize  this page to include all of that information,   but we include just some default information  about what the tool is. Also, we include   details around what UDOIT looks for so there are  both errors and suggestions that we sort of look  
for and report on as you'll see in a minute  but under each of these you can see more of an   explanation for what this issue is caused by and  how you may get around it. Really this becomes a   very educational tool just right at the outset and  and we hear that a lot that not only is it helping  
course designers make their courses more  accessible but they really end up learning a great   deal around what accessibility means, why it's  important, and how to really build courses more   accessible from from the get-go. As I  mentioned this screen comes up by default,   but for anyone that knows what it is and doesn't  want to see this again you can always click skip  
and it won't show it the next time. I also want to  mention the message that said that it was scanning   the content appeared only briefly and that's  because this course has been scanned recently   as I've been in here you know throughout the day.  Each time a user comes in to UDOIT the system   will automatically scan the course content in  automatically so if you've used UDOIT in the past  
you know that it was a process that you had to  kick off manually and sort of make some decisions   around what exactly you wanted to scan and that  can be a little bit you know overwhelming for   a new user coming in they're not even sure what  it's going to do or what is what they should or   shouldn't scan. So, we've enhanced this version to  make that happen automatically in the background  
and it's smart enough that each time you come back  to the tool it keeps track in the background of   new content that has been added or content  that has been changed can only scans that.   In that way it's very efficient and very  performant so it should work much faster.   You could see again that it scanned very quickly  the first time takes a little longer but certainly  
you know on the order of typically  seconds not several minutes. Once we   get past the the scanning message and the welcome  message we land on what we are now referring to   as the home page. In previous versions you  saw a report just a long list of issues that   the scan found in your course. One of the things  we really took to heart from as feedback from our  
customers that have used it in the past is that  that can be overwhelming especially for faculty   who might not be as familiar with accessibility  and it can be daunting to see a really long list   of issues, so we've really tried to simplify this  landing page this home page the sort of bird's-eye   view of what is happening in your course in terms  of accessibility. You can see here that there are  
33 errors and 39 suggestions and we will list  here the most common, the ones occurring in the   greatest numbers, here. It will also show you in  a prominent way how many you've fixed, as well as,   resolved and reviewed. We'll get into what the  difference between those are in just a minute.   Probably most importantly on this kind of  home page or I think of it as kind of the  
bird's-eye view of your accessibility issues  we've provided some ways to get started.   These are both aimed at helping new users just  know where to begin versus again having to figure   that out from a long list. Also, this is a way  to help even experienced users because they can   search, for example, just by a  certain issue type. Perhaps, you know,  
you're going to come in and work on just caption  type issues or media type issues. You can   become familiar with the different  issue types and and just click on those.   It's also possible to just focus on all your  errors or all of the open issues. Occasionally,   we find that users want to potentially  focus on one type of content in a course so  
perhaps all of the html files for example  and so that's a way to start as well. So every   link essentially on this page is just a pre-built  filter. We have done the work of sort of guessing   what are the most common ways that different types  of users would want to filter this list of 60 plus  
issues that they have to get through and and  how can we give them kind of shortcuts to those.   Let's start out by looking at those that are  easiest to fix. So we picked a handful of error   types that we know are really easy to fix even  for those who are new to accessibility and really   get in there and give them an early feeling of  success. You'll notice when I click "Get Started",   I am now in the "UFIXIT" area. This is the area  where we really roll up our sleeves and start  
working on the issues. I'll just take a minute  to orient you to this page and kind of get   you familiar with how this works now. Again, this  is this is quite different from previous versions   where you just really went through kind  of one issue at a time from the home page.   You can see here there's a this is a filtered  list and these are listing the existing filters.  
If I wanted to filter further, I have this  pullout bar here menu filter menu so I could   still further refine by content type or perhaps I  want to see the issues that I've already fixed.   Give me again that feeling of progress.  Also I could hide my unpublished content. I just  
want to focus on that which is published obviously  more important that we get those errors fixed   first. Really just a number of different ways  that you can again hone in on the list of issues   that you want to fix. I can also search for a  specific issue type so if I wanted to just look   at all the ones having to do with alt text,  I could type that in and you can see now here  
the list is only issues that  that have the word alt in it. Whoops. Okay, so also I invite you to watch this  bar at the top which is a summary bar that   essentially keeps track of the number of errors  suggestions as well as all the progress we've made   as we're working through the issues and again  really keeping the user with a bird's-eye view  
of the progress that has been made as they go. I  like to sort by issue here and sort of focus in on   one issue type at a time. In that way, you kind of  get used to how to fix it and then you can really   go through it much more efficiently. If  we just pull up our first error here.  
When we start working on issues we're brought  to this new window where it really provides a   wealth of information to help fix the issue. First  there's more information about the actual reason   why this is a problem so you know here it explains  that you have to have a brief description because   it will propose a problem you know for a screen  reader you can there's a link to go read more  
etc. At this point even if I don't know a lot  about accessibility or about alt text I'm in a   much better position to fix this. Why don't we go  ahead and fix this in line and I think I will just   shorten this to mention who is in the picture   and I'll go ahead and save that. Now, you can  see my changes were saved and also this issue  
is marked as fixed. Another thing that I wanted to  point out and I'll do that when I go to the next   issue so without having to even leave this screen  I can go to the next issue right from here and now   I can see I'm on issue number three because I  had started on issue number two because issue   number one was already fixed. One of the other  great things that we can do here is, if I am a  
more advanced user and I want to really just take  a look at the html behind this I can do that here.   Also, this provides a preview of the image so  I'm not just trying to remember what it was, but   if I needed further context I could click  on this link and it takes me in a new tab   to the exact place in my course where this image  appears, and now I can really see in context  
you know where this is and perhaps that  will better inform what I need to write in my   alt text. For this one the the issue is pretty  straightforward but it's that you shouldn't   use the file name as your alt text. Here  we can just edit this and update our image   and save it. We could keep going through these  issues you can kind of see how I could really get  
in a groove here of now this is the same exact  issue type so it's saying that I can't use the   file name so I could quickly go through and fix  several of these issues at the same time. I'm   just going to show you a couple other issue types  so you can get this sense for how UDOIT provides   help to the user in fixing these  different issues. Here you can see that  
in this one we are using color to emphasize text  and that we shouldn't use color alone because   again it poses a problem for screen readers.  So here there's a number of just different   suggestions but I could make this text italic and  now you can see you know the issue has been fixed.  
So we just look at maybe one other issue type  so here we can see this one is really...once   again addressing an issue that can pose a  problem for screen readers in that we are using   styles such as color to convey document  structure. It's basically helping us  
understand that we need to add a heading tag  which we can do again right from within here.   You can get the sense of how much time that  saves me and even expertise it saves me for   having to go in and edit the html or things that  I may not be familiar with or comfortable with.   The other thing I wanted to point out is if we  perhaps go back to the home page and so this is  
really how we envision users kind of interacting  with this version is really again using the home   page as the the bird's-eye view and the jumping  off point in order to be able to decide what   types of issues to tackle. I'm reminded that  now I've fixed six issues if you recall at the   beginning I think it was only two so we just  quickly worked on four issues which is great.  
Let's say that you know I'm a more experienced  user and I know that I want to work on you know   some of the media issues for example. Let's look  at this one here so here's a video in my course   where I'm being told that the captions were  auto generated and the explanation here is that  
typically auto generated captions are not really  accurate and are not reliable you know for meeting   the accessibility requirements. This is not  something that we yet have a magic button to fix,   but it is number one calling it to our attention  so we know. Let's suppose that I sort of went and  
checked my file and read through the captions  and decided that they actually were great they   were right on and so we feel comfortable saying  that this is not an issue anymore. Rather than   having this issue keep coming up each time because  we can't automatically fix it. We now have the   ability to mark this as resolved so that's kind  of the difference between fixed and resolved as we  
mentioned at the beginning resolved is something  that the user independently determines is resolved   and again it's sort of like don't show me this  again. It's all set. Here we can see it's resolved   and now we can close this and we should see  our count went up. The great news is our error  
count is going down. Our number of issues  fixed and resolved is is going up actively.   The next thing that I wanted to show was this  other area that you would typically visit   maybe after fixing all the the issues reported on  the home page but basically it's it's an area that   we've dedicated to reporting all of the files, or  sorry, displaying all of the files in your course  
because we know that often files are not optimally  accessible. While we don't yet have the ability to   scan for accessibility issues and report  accessibility issues on files we are providing   them in a list here so that you can see all the  files in your course and when you go through them,  
one at a time, you can do a number of things.  You can view it again in the LMS so you can see   remind yourself where it is and what the context  is you could download it if that was important.   You can drag a new file here to replace it  and perhaps provide a more accessible version.   Here, we use the term reviewed so for files you  know it's it's not always a matter of fixing them  
or you know marking them as resolved but we  wanted to provide a way for you to keep track   that this has been reviewed. When we do that you  know again here we can just keep going through   the files don't need to close this and go back  to the list each time, so a very efficient way   of going through a number of files we can always  see where we're kind of at in the list and how  
many more we have to go. When we do finish our  work here you know we can quickly see how many   we've reviewed and how many still need to be  looked at. Again, I don't know if you saw me do   that but I turned off the filter so if we wanted  to just focus on items that we need to review we   can hide the reviewed ones and here again we  have the ability to hide unpublished files.
Okay, so that was a quick tour of kind of the  whole experience of seeing what issues exist   in a course and fixing them and reviewing them.  Now, I just want to show you a couple of other   things that the course level user would have  access to so we have this reporting area where  
you can see a history of all of the  different times you've accessed the tool   and what the state of accessibility was in  this course at each time the tool was accessed.   You can see you know when I first started  out there were 37 errors after coming in a   few times and just chipping away at it  you can see that number is down to 29.  
It also sort of shows it here it's a little  gradual but how these bars are are obviously   shrinking because I'm there are fewer and  fewer issues and suggestions to report. That's   another nice way to kind of keep tabs on what's  happening as far as accessibility in your course.   The last thing I'll point out here is that maybe  two last things. You can also manually  
if you just went and changed a bunch of files  in your course and you for some reason wanted to   rescan your course we we left that option in here  but again each time you come in the scan happens   automatically so that's why this option is sort of  in this menu, it's not something we think anyone   really needs to access very often. Also, you can  download a PDF of the issues in your course so  
at any given time it will show just a long list  of what issues appeared throughout your course,   and some details around you know what the content  was that it the issue was pertinent to and so on.   Now that we've taken a pretty in-depth tour of  how the course level user so an instructor or a  
course designer would use UDOIT Cloud. I'm going  to shift gears over here and take you into the   admin tool so if you are an admin  in your Canvas instance this tool   can be enabled in order to provide you  visibility into a few different things which   it's really important to point out it's context  sensitive. This will show all of the courses  
in the domain that you have admin permissions for.  If you're a sub account admin it will only show   the courses in in your sub account, for example.  That's a question we get a lot too so I just   wanted to point that out. Also, if you were like  most typical instances of Canvas have you know   different accounts as well as obviously multiple  terms you can filter here this is our demo our  
you know sort of staging instance so we  don't have a lot of term data in here, but   there would be a quick and easy way to filter the  this by term. Also you could do a quick keyword   search, so if you were just looking for all the  courses that pardon the irrelevance to you but had   the word demo in it but you could imagine it could  be the word biology, right? You could quickly  
filter and just show a subset of the courses so  what's really important and valuable here is that   from this list the admin user can actually  kick off a scan of the course. If they   see that perhaps you know something hasn't been  scanned for quite some time you know we can   see these weren't scanned since last week which  isn't terribly long ago but we could kick off  
a scan from here and we could scan any and all  of the courses that are in our account. Also,   the administrative user in this area has access  to the same reports only covering all of the   courses that of course are in their account.  So here, you can imagine the numbers are bigger  
and but it's a good way to kind of get a  sense of what's happening across the different   dates you know across the weeks and how many  things are getting fixed and sort of what   progress is being made. Also there's an area  for users where you can you know sort of see   who's been in and when they last logged in  and so on and so forth. This area you know  
again is something that's new to UDOIT and we  think will end up providing a lot of value.   That concludes the demo. I'm going to shift back  to the slides here and just say a couple of words   before I turn it over to the next two presenters.  First, if you're an existing UDOIT Cloud customer  
hopefully you liked what you saw and you're  excited to get this new version. A few things   we wanted to point out, one is that it will  be available for install starting in July   so we are super excited to be able to offer  that starting next month and it will require   a new install much like the the one you did with  us the first time you installed UDOIT. It will be  
performed by our technical team at Cidi Labs on  a call with you again as it was the first time.   If you want to schedule yours please just complete  the install form on the cidilabs.com support page.   There's a specific form for UDOIT and I think  what's implied here and what's important to   point out is that we won't be flipping a switch  in the Cloud environment and where all existing  
UDOIT Cloud accounts are automatically updated to  version 3.0 you will have the ability to decide   and determine when it's appropriate for your  institution to move to this new version. Also   when you do move to the new version, you will be  able to run, for as long as it makes sense,  both versions in parallel. So if there's a transition period where, you know some of your  
newer users for example, you just want them on the new version but some of the,   you know, people who have been using the older  version need it for a little while longer for   whatever reason, you'll be able to do that. The last thing that I wanted to share was, as Mike   mentioned, our team has grown this year. So we're very happy to have a number of new developers  
on our team that can help work on UDOIT Cloud and so, with that, we are building a robust roadmap   to reflect some things that we've heard from beta customers and from existing customers things   that are important and things that we really have on our radar. I want to make it clear that   we're not sure yet exactly when or in what type  of capacity. We will be releasing all of these  
features, but I wanted to let you know that it's  things that are, you know, high on our list and   foremost in our in our thoughts in terms of  what's coming after this version. The first   thing is really just around more capabilities for  scanning those documents those files such as PDF   or Word files that maybe in a  course and we know often pose  
accessibility issues so we'd really like  to provide the ability to actually have   the system scan those files and then following  that to provide some options or an option or   for remediating those files with issues. We have  a few different options for what we might do here   whether it's you know potentially incorporating  a third-party technology to automatically convert  
files you know to HTML or even audio we're just  really still in the exploratory phases of this and   if you have any feedback or thoughts around that  we always love to hear from you and beyond that   we also want to expand on that admin ability to  scan courses so rather than just being able to  
go in manually and scan any course in or courses  in the Canvas account we also want to be able to   automate that further by being able to set up  schedules. So, you know, on Fridays scan all these   courses or next week scan all those courses.  Just have that really be an embedded part of   sort of the the process of preparing  courses. Then we also want to  
expand on our reporting capabilities so we've had  some feedback on additional reporting, you know,   items that would be useful as well  we've been requested to provide a   download or a export of the reporting data  so that it could really be kind of sliced   and diced or more easily analyzed or shared.  We'll be looking to provide that soon as well.  
Last but not least again these are hitting just  sort of the major items we would like to expand   our video scanning capabilities by potentially  integrating with other video repositories, such   as Kaltura. That's something that we often get  asked about as well. So these are just again the  
things that are sort of at the top of our roadmap.  As always, we will keep you posted on when we   know more about when some of this stuff might be  coming but we are excited to continue working on   this. As excited as we are to get 3.0 available  to you next month, the work won't stop there.   At this time I am super pleased to be able  to introduce to you two of our customers and  
specifically our beta customers who offered to  join the webinar today and really just share   a few words around what this new version means  for their institution and their accessibility   efforts and we just always figure that you'd  love to hear from them as much maybe more than   you love to hear from us. Without further ado I  will introduce Kristina Cibuzar who is from the  
University of Minnesota and she'll speak first and  then Kristina if you can pass the floor over to   Dr. Regina Nelson from the University of  Wisconsin-Platteville after that. Thank you. Kristina Cibuzar: Alright, are you gonna leave the share screen  up? Will you? I don't have slides or anything so. Jennifer Malkovich: Okay...yeah why don't we do that. Kristina Cibuzar: Well, I guess, hello my name is Kristina Cibuzar  as Jennifer introduced me I work as an Education  
Technologies Consultant which is what I tell  people who don't know tech. My official title   is actually Academic Technologist. I work with a  lot of faculty in the College of Liberal Arts at   the University of Minnesota which is the largest  college we have. I want to say like roughly,   I don't know, 10,000 students in there and we  have probably about 2500 classes every semester   and I am on a team of four and we're the only  people who help with academic technology within  
CLA and I'm the only one who really focuses on  accessibility. So, you can tell we've got kind   of a scale problem when it comes to instructional  design and accessibility and UDOIT has been   super super helpful for figuring some of this out  so I don't actually go in and do a lot of scanning   and fixing for my faculty and instructors. I  teach them how to use UDOIT directly so I'm really  
excited about this new version because a lot of  the feedback we gave back in, I want to say, like,  in 2019 I think is when we started giving  feedback to Cidi Labs, has really been put into   production and it's really exciting. The speed is a  huge one. This new Cloud version is so much faster   especially when you have people who have hundreds  of errors in their courses. Maybe they don't want   to see the results that fast, but I like  getting results back that fast. And, with  
that, the filtering is a huge deal. I personally  like to use the filtering in very particular ways   that I don't advise my faculty to use necessarily  but, what Jennifer was saying earlier, focusing on   particular issues is really how we are telling  instructors at the University of Minnesota to   focus on accessibility because, you have a course  that has 900 errors, that's really overwhelming.   What we say instead to do is say "yeah, you have  this many errors but only focus on alt text  
for now and just clear out all the alt text  and then when you have more mental bandwidth   come back and fix all your links." Being able to  filter is going to make that so much easier than   the old UDOIT, which was great, but also this you  know this is a big improvement on that we think   and we really think that that will be very helpful  and will encourage more people to use it at the U.   Then another one that was really commonly asked  for in our pilot data and when I train people   is the mark is resolved especially with captions.  We are really cracking the whip at the University  
of Minnesota on captioning and making sure people  know that it's the law and you have to do that.   And, being able to mark that as like, yep it's done  and you can forget about it is great! We also like   that you can go in and review what has been marked  as resolved in case you have an instructor who   sort of goes rogue and starts marking things  resolved that aren't actually supposed to be   resolved. You can get in there as an admin and  see what's going on there which is really great.  
And then a big one for a lot of our people  is seeing that progress that you make through   using UDOIT. So let's say you have that  course of 900 errors and 150 of them   are about alt text. Being able to see that you've  made progress and it's not just. oh you still have   900 errors so you only have a little tiny  bit and there's some great graphs in there   to visually represent what's going on that  is super super important to our customers  
to our faculty because a lot of them aren't  numbers people, liberal arts, right a lot of them   aren't numbers people and don't really understand  tech that well so anything that we can give them   a really great visual representation helps them a  lot with understanding why or how they're making   progress and why they should keep going. Overall  it's just been a very enjoyable experience using   this new version. I got to do the alpha testing  and the beta testing and I could see even with the  
alpha that significant improvements were coming  and I was very excited to use it from the get-go.   I guess that's my perspective from working  with faculty and at a course level so I   will pass it off to Regina for more of  the UDOIT admin side, right? Regina Nelson: Yeah and I think I can echo everything that  Kristina said about just the user experience   on the new tool. For individual faculty, it is an  easy to use and everything that she just said.  
My perspective, being one of 14 institutions in  the University of Wisconsin System, I'll tell you   the story briefly is that with the first version  of UDOIT you do a 2.0 I was really excited about   all of the things that were there. I'd heard that  there were some reporting options and I'm thinking   okay, you know, being similarly staffed as Kristina,  in this field we just don't have a lot of people  
to help the faculty so we need to be strategic and  I said surely I should be able to pull a report   from my institution and see you know what errors  are happening more often. Unfortunately, because   the way that our we use Canvas and the way that  Canvas is set up at our at our institution, UW   System is the root level and then all of  the four institutions are sub accounts. 
Immediately, I could find the errors for the entire  UW system which wasn't going to help me do much.   I started to nag a little bit with our admins  in the system and they said well, you know, UDOIT   in Cidi Labs, they're working on this beta testing  and, you know, maybe some of the problems could   be fixed with reporting and, I tell you, I've got  to thank the crew at UDOIT Cidi Labs because I  
didn't think that would happen this fast that, you  know, something would happen with reporting because  people tend to be really quick to change the user  interface, what the end user sees all the time,   but the effort put in on the admin on this,  the reports and all of that, have just been,   you know, beyond anything I've seen before. So  I do have to give kudos to the team for that.   So why do I want that and how can I use that? Well  it's benchmarking. You know, imagine now that I can  
look at my entire campus and see, or what are  the errors that are happening the most. Well   we can target our accessibility training on some  of those errors and then making sure people know   what they should be doing at the beginning. We  could even have contests to motivate people across   different departments now that we can do some  of those things. And, you know, I think captioning   is also going to be something we're cracking  the whip on here a little bit, and you know  
we could use the way that we can filter  this data to provide much much finer details.   A department could do just the things for their  own department and we can bring more partners in.   I was really disappointed because I knew, even  at the first UDOIT, what we had the potential to do.   To see that they have made all of those steps  and continue to do more. I mean, when we can take  
the data out and put in an Excel file  and slice and dice as Jennifer said,  it's just those simple changes, will at the end  of the day, increase accessibility across our   entire UW system. The students are going to get  a better experience because at our level we can   help the faculty just create better  courses because we can see the data. So   thank you. And, you know, I'm gonna let Mike finish  up with some of the details at this point.
Mike Zackrison:Excellent. Thank you Regina and thank you  Kristina for your thoughts and for all   your efforts as we were beta testing and alpha  testing the product with you. We appreciate that.   At this point, we are going to handle some  questions that have come through. I will start out   with a few kind of general ones and, you know, looks  like we've got ten minutes or so to do this. 
There were several questions that came across  around the cost and whether or not... I think there   was some confusion as to whether this was part of  other Cidi Labs products or if this is a separate   thing so, real quick, to that point, that UDOIT Cloud offering is a separate offering   of ours. It is distinct from DesignPlus which is  a product that many of you are using of ours.  
There is an additional cost involved to license  UDOIT Cloud. If you're already a subscriber to our   UDOIT Cloud Service there will not be any extra  cost for this version that we're releasing now   So the the the pricing will be, you  know, in line with whatever your price has been   up to this point. In the future, as we add more  capabilities where we have to incur costs  
to provide them, for example document scanning  often relies on proprietary third-party libraries   in order to perform those functions, you know,  we're going to have to incur costs in order to   add some of those kinds of features down the  road. As those future roadmap items become   present and available to them, we will likely  end up having, you know, sort of a basic version  
that will kind of keep the cost structure  similar to what you you're experiencing today   and then some of those more advanced features will  probably be included in a more update, you know,   more advanced version of the product that will  have a higher price point. Related to that,   there are a number of questions that have come in  around how does this compare to Blackboard Ally.  
If you think about it Blackboard, UDOIT, what  you saw here in the UDOIT demonstration UDOIT   really came at the accessibility problem within  Canvas from the HTML side, so scanning pages   for errors and issues related to the html that  sits on a Canvas page. Whereas, if you think   back to the origins of, Blackboard Ally, its core  strength was scanning files, the PDFs and Word  
documents, those kinds of things, and alerting,  you know, automating the process of having access   to different file types and and alternative  formats and so forth. They kind of came at   the problem from a different angle and some of  you have remarked here in the questions that,  you know, it appears that we're trying to kind of  close that feature functional gap. The  
short answer is yes, we are. You know, we see that  as an opportunity for us to, you know, to add some   of those capabilities that are more file oriented,  where Ally has its strength. At the same time the   Ally road map, I know, is focusing more and more on  scanning for html issues on the page as well. So   both products are sort of working to that, you know,  that spectrum of capabilities, if you will. I think  
that our approach will be a little bit different  than Blackboard in the sense that we probably   won't ever get into the mode where we're just  programmatically automatically having this stuff   happen in the background. I know with Blackboard  they with the Ally tool there's scanning going on   and the presenting of alternate formats as links  available on each file in the system. Our approach  
will probably be to empower faculty or course  designers with the ability to kind of make some   more decisions around which files actually need  remediation which files need alternative formats   which errors and so forth to focus  on as far as the HTML on the page.   We do have quite a cost advantage to Ally.  We're significantly cheaper than Ally today.   We anticipate maintaining a you know cost  advantage even as we close the gap with  
regard to adding file scanning and some of  those more advanced capabilities that will   make the tool a little bit more competitive with  what you experience with Ally today. There was a   question... So hopefully that addresses kind of how  we're positioned vis-à-vis Blackboard Ally in the   marketplace. It's a great tool. You know, Ally's  great. If you want the Cadillac solution then,   you know, by all means, you know, go get it. It works  very well, but we do feel like there's a more  
price conscious alternative that we can  continue to evolve and offer to the market. There was another comment, some questions,  about open source. Many of you know that   the original version, there's still a version  available open source that University of Central   Florida maintains. There were questions about  version you know 2.7, 2.8, which is what our current  
Cloud offering is based off of, we're in the  process of pushing this code into the open   source repository. For the usability updates,  so the UI screens and the usability that we   presented today, those will all be available  in the open source repository version 3.0.   Where you'll see some divergence with our Cloud  offering and the open source code base down  
the road is, as we start adding in external  services that are integrating with that API   layer that's new. So the big difference is that  the code base is different for version 3 versus   previous versions. We've even made  some enhancements to the underlying   Ally or what's it called PHP Ally which is the  engine that's running the scans and actually  
doing the accessibility checks in the background.  We've made some additions there that have been   pushed into the open source as well, but the big  difference is between earlier 2.X versions and 3.0   is the underlying code base, the architecture one,  and then the usability the new user experience   both of which will be pushed into open source  3.0. Again, where we'll diverge those as we  
add file scanning or additional support for you  know video platforms and those kinds of things.   Our strategy is to have those be part of that  product offering where we can recoup some of the   additional costs for the investment that we're  making in tying up the tool with those   external services. Hopefully that makes sense.  There's still more details that we will work out  
in the future and communicate, but for those of  you who are currently running you know the Cloud   version from us today, you'll go through the  update process. But as far as the licensing, you   know, your current license will cover this initial  set of features that we're releasing today.  
Chuck or Jacob is there anything you would  like to add? Hopefully I characterize the   you know the differences or you know contrasting  the open source project with the work we've   done here. Hopefully I've characterized that  properly. Is there anything you would like to add? Jacob Bates: Yeah just really quickly, I did answer this in  the Q&A but we will be continuing to develop   UDOIT as an open source tool and like Mike  said there may be some features that Cidi Labs  
wants to add as something that's just for their  customers but the core product will still   continue as an open source project and we are  looking to get more people involved in the open   source development of it and because you know if  you have any developers that could contribute to  
it we can make the open source, well, we can make  the whole tool better for everyone so that's it. Chuck Crandall: That's great! Excellent. Thank you!  I don't have anything to add to that. Mike Zackrison: Alright, there have been a couple of questions  related to how UDOIT compares to the accessibility   checker that's built into Canvas or the  accessibility checking capabilities that  
are built into DesignPlus. Both the accessibility  checker in Canvas and DesignPlus, those are page   level checkers. Those are tools that operate on an  individual page and surface issues on that page.   The advantage of UDOIT Cloud or UDOIT, in  general, is that it's a course level check   and, as you can see, as we add the the additional  administrative features on top of that it's, you  
know, down the road, it'll become more and more  of a an account level check if you need to,   you know, run checks across the entire  account. That was a big driver for why   we at Cidi Labs wanted to partner with UCF  to bring UDOIT into our portfolio as a Cloud   offering because we did see the advantage for our  clients to, you know, have the tool, a tool that runs  
at the course level. We saw an advantage of,  you know, being able to kind of move up that   checking activity to the course level as opposed  to having to go page by page through your Canvas   courses in order to remediate those issues as they  come up. Hopefully that answers that question. Let me just scan real quick here. We're  quickly running out time. Jennifer, maybe...
Jennifer Malkovich: While you're scanning for other themes or  questions, I noticed there were a few around   and Kristina mentioned large courses with lots  and lots of files in them. I'll go ahead and put   in a little plug for TidyUP which is a separate  product that Mike mentioned at the beginning but   we know that some of our customers actually  use TidyUP very successfully in conjunction   with UDOIT. So they will run a TidyUP scan  and identify unused files in the course  
or antiquated files. I remember the University  of Minnesota sharing stories with us about   you know after you've upgraded from different  LMS the clutter really builds up, right?   We all are familiar with that problem. So TidyUP  is a great way to really clean out the course and   much of the content so that you're only scanning  for accessibility issues, the content that's really  
relevant and in use in the course, and  making that scan faster but also the job of   addressing issues and sorting  through everything much much easier. Mike Zackrison: Excellent, thank you Jennifer. There  were also a number of questions,   from existing users, related to how some specific  behavior from the current tool may or may not   carry forward in the new tool. So if you have some  you know some of those specific questions that we  
didn't get to today, feel free to submit a support  ticket to us and/or you know request a quick demo   and we're happy to do a personalized demo with  you and give you a little bit more insight into   some of the things that have changed. Going forward, like that whole concept of scanning a course in   the current tool you have to go in, open the tool,  click scan, it runs a full scan of all the content  
in the course, changing to an incremental scan  model really kind of changes that whole scanning   behavior. Not only does it speed it up but it also  you know make sure that you're not revisiting   errors and issues over and over again  that you may have previously addressed.   So yeah, if we didn't answer fully some of those  types of questions I encourage you again to   reach out to us and we're happy to give you more  detail about how it works. I think with that  
we're at the top of the hour so I want to respect  everyone's time. Thank you again for taking an   hour out of your day to join us today and I hope  what you have seen is exciting and we're really   happy to be able to offer this new version to the  market and just reach out and let us know if there   are any additional steps that we can do to kind  of improve your journey through accessibility as  
you're putting plans together to tackle that at  each of your institutions. So again, thanks for   your time and thank you for our guest speakers who  joined us today. We will talk to you again soon. Thanks everyone.
End of transcript