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started here so welcome to the second episode of liquid margins where we're going to be talking about annotation in the composition classroom and we have some really exciting guests here that
we're looking forward to talking with a little bit's in a second but as everybody gathers I want to just cover a little bit of housekeeping so one thing
that we we don't like about the setup here is that zoom webinar setup really doesn't make it that easy for participants to kind of join in the conversation and that's really what we want this to be about but there are so many folks that we sort of have to use
this mode and so one thing that we invite people to do is you you really can't see who else is here but we invite you to use the chat to introduce yourselves if you wish and kind of let other folks know that you're
in the crowd and then you can also use that as a way to have a vibrant conversation in the background but just note that in zoom you probably all know this already but you have to pull down that little menu to chat to all
participants and not just to the panelists otherwise you'll just be sending messages to the folks of us that are here on stage so please you know let us know who you are where you're where you're calling in from today and and
what your what you're kind of doing at work and I really like the way Jeremy introduced this the last time we had him on the show when he talked about the communication tools and zooms as a way to annotate the meeting itself or chat
kind of acts as a sort of informal annotation a kind of back-channel on the conversation whereas using the Q&A tools more like a formal annotation that you're submitting to the to the teacher for consideration so at any rate feel
free to use either in both of these communication mechanisms after a little bit of discussion we will be getting to some questions and answers with the books that we with the guests we have
today and so I also want to do a small plug for next week's show where we're going to be talking about annotating in the history discipline today we're focused on composition next week is history we're doing a discipline every
week I just and so these slides are available at the bitly link that you see in the corner and the this RSVP link is on them but
you'll also be getting because you registered for this week you'll be getting an email invitation to register for next week do so so don't worry about that so without further ado I wanted to introduce the folks that are going to be
with us today and some of them are you know cotton some various contingencies it's they may be popping in sooner or later but we are going to have animals from the City College of San Francisco
Chris Julliard from from Macomb and Nima Keon far who is already here walking with us and my colleague Jeremy Dean the VP of Education here at hypothesis and
so I wanted to start things off by just having each one of our guests introduce themselves by telling us a little bit about where they're from and what they what they do as educators and how it
involves annotation and because a name is already so warmed up I thought I might start with him Nemo do you want to introduce yourself sure sure hi I'm McKee umpire I teach at Contra
Costa College and for me annotation obviously it's you can't purposefully reap or actively read without having
some kind of designed to your reading strategies some kind of purpose to your reading endeavors and I think in the past what we've all done is just use you
know certain guidelines to have our scholars annotate their texts and Composition courses but with with hypothesis for me that takes it to a
whole new level where we can have those same principles apply but have them apply on a more interactive communicative and shared basis that's what I would do yes each outside
of teaching composition and rhetoric and literature and creative writing and things of that nature we can all only get into an itty-bitty later great and all about while you're on the move is
well commendable well I see Chris is here also and Chris is gonna need to keep his camera off today so that's cool so you'll see a black screen when he's talking probably just but could I invite
Chris to kind of say a little bit about who you are and where you're from I mean what your relationship to using annotation in composition is yeah so I my name is Chris Gillard I teach
composition at Macomb Community College in Michigan and one of the things I've been doing lately anyway is using hypothesis to show my students how I
read a paper you know and how I grade a paper so that you know I've had students who were kind enough to provide their work as an example and then I'll go through them very carefully and kind of
point out here's a thing that's working well here's a here's a way that might be improved like here's how I look at this if I were grading it things like that and early returns on that it seemed to
say that it's been pretty helpful so that's one of the ways I use it that's great thank you Chris so thank you so much for being here I know you invited
you kind of at the last minute so I was really appreciative that you can make it I see Anna is also with us here our other guest today Anna we didn't have time to check out if you're connected with with audio and such um would you
like to say a little bit about yourself and your relationship to where you're falling in from and your relationship to using annotation in the composition context sure I'm at City College of San
Francisco and I have been teaching annotation for a long time but I've been running around the classroom and sort of flipping through student papers to check that they're doing it and this has been at anime
improvement on that you know because of because it really makes a better foundation for writing as a conversation and it makes a better link to the
reading process because I'm able to skim their annotations ahead of time before the discussion so I'm not wasting class time on checking that off and I can get
a much better sense like I can pause and read it and see what their reactions are where they're confused and I can use that to feed into the discussion and then there's just all these layers
because then there's a layer of while I can put up my discussion questions there as as my annotations so they're responding to the discussion questions they're interested in right there in
connection with the part of the text that they that they need so they don't have to go find it and it's also empowering to them because I'm annotating not just you know this is
what you should be thinking about student but I'm annotating where I have where I'm confused or where I'm questioning the meaning or where I'm having reactions you know sometimes I don't want to shape their their response
too much but but I'm showing them my process as a reader so hopefully that's empowering and then they're seeing that each other's reactions so I had I went back and saw one moment that was really
cool where one student had commented on a piece about feminism and she was commenting on how it had missed out on talking about women of color and another
student chimed in and was like right it's never as inclusive as they try to make it so it was this kind of moment of empowerment where they were both speaking back to the text together and I thought that was that was a pretty neat
example so I'll stop there I could say more but you know is gonna be about today so glad to have you here thank you for coming and uh hey and so last but
not least on my colleague Jeremy Dean I who's gonna actually lead the conversation with these three fine folks so Jeremy would you like to say a little bit about yourself and then kick off the conversation yeah I'm thrilled to be
here today with y'all I talk composition for many years when I was a grad student in UT Austin in English and taught rhetoric and Composition there and I discovered the idea or the tool the
technology of collaborative annotation at that time and immediately started integrating into my into my teaching there so I'm psyched that we're here to with these folks and I'm psyched that we're talking about specifically that sort of composition or writing context
for this technology I wanted to start by asking a big question that Ana sort of hinted at and that's just sort of to help me riff on the title that we came up with for this session good writing
starts in the margins and I just kind of want to hear different people's takes on on why we're talking about reading if what you teach is writing what is the connection there and Ana maybe since you sort of hinted at this you said the link
to the reading was important in terms of what annotation was providing maybe we can start with you and and then go to Chris and Nima in that order but help me think about this idea why does does good writing start in the margins is the
hypothesis marketing team correct in their title of the claim of their title I mean how how does it start in margin why what's the connection between reading and writing I think it
absolutely does and I think you know most composition teachers you know love this idea that we're teaching writing as a conversation and that often that
begins with reading and responding and that where we're joining that conversation we're not just coming up with our ideas out of a vacuum and so you know we're forming our ideas in
response to other texts in response to what other people have said and we need kind of a free space to do that where we're not we don't have the pressure of coming up with a finished product an
annotation is that you know that that's the pressure is off there are a lot of different ways to respond there are a lot of different styles of annotation but they're all about finding finding a voice finding some words in
response to another text and that's the kind of writing that I think that we we mainly teach there's always some sense of we're responding to other texts were responding to a conversation in process
so I think it's a perfect fit with with that idea that we're always sort of saying writing as a conversation and it starts with reading and there's a big connection we're always kind of preaching that but I think that the more
that we can demonstrate that in kind of an active process the more that actually means something to students and and yeah I mean I used to teach discussion or
kind of blog posts and say you know this is your free space to to find your voice but I'm thinking that the annotation might actually be a better way to do that because students when they're
looking at that that sentence on the page and they're responding to the text and they're not thinking about I'm gonna form this beautiful paragraph they're actually more free to keep writing and I've seen some big beautiful paragraphs
in the hypothesis annotations that are you know just as polished as anything that students were turning in for their discussion posts yeah that's great
thanks Anna Chris any thoughts about the connections between reading and annotation and writing yeah I mean one of the I think unfortunate things about how lots of folks write not only
students but people in general are taught to think about writing is that it's some solitary activity and I mean
even in my own experiences as of written a few things in the past few years it has become you know even more clear how
much it's something that you write is an interplay of lots of different voices and lots of different feedback and you know I think that showing students that that
and helping helping them engage in that you know that sort of disabuse those people of the notion that you sit alone at some device or whatever and you know
genius pops out of you you know that instead like so much of the writing that is done is it's a sort of combination in collaboration and so to that extent you
know not only when you know to the extent that they're reading and commenting on other sources but having people read and comment on their own stuff but they're developing I think is really important and something that
can't be overemphasized because I think there's again a pretty serious and unfortunate misconception about what it means to write and who doesn't how it's
done and how many people are involved thanks Chris MIMO your thoughts yeah should just build off on what Chris and Anna were saying this idea that writing
is a solitary craft certainly we can we can write in the vacuum we can write for ourselves but we're still communicating with somebody we're communicating with our own self but for me when when we
write we are usually writing for greater purposes and when you're annotating same as what Anna was talking about this idea of conversation writing in itself is a
form of conversation on a different plane breathing is a form of conversation because you're conversing with the writer and as I've said before with two mice to my scholars when we're
we're annotating in the old school way in the traditional way of taking pen to paper or you know note making on a PDF you are you are in conversation with the
author and the author is not a distant figure or an authority figure of any kind outside of say limitations of human beings we we can question we can
interact we can communicate we can challenge we can react and make connections so forth and so on and I think by having the ability to take that
sort of annotation process live emphasizes the value or the ability to actually see it as a conversation that writing and breathing are so intertwined
that they essentially grow out of each other continuously and when we have our scholars work within the margins and work within the margins using hypothesis
we're able to actually highlight that phenomenon and show that your reactions your connections your conversation with this text is very similar to the way in
which you community with your friends when you're talking about something you're listening but you're not just listening passively you're listening actively where you respond to what they're saying you do a
WTF for you you freak out or whatever the case may be but you are literally responding in real-time to the words that are coming out of their mouths and
I think actively reading is something of that nature on the page and now in hypothesis it's something of that nature and a shared forum where we can all sort
of react similarly and then we react to each other's reactions continuously that's great Nima thanks this is sort of
a sub question I think you guys have already sort of sort of debunked this theory but I get pushed back quite often when I'm presenting on hypothesis to
instructors that are concerned about the idea that a student would arrive at a text and see a bunch of other voices or comments in the form of annotation and
thus be biased in their reading and I'm wondering if you guys can just help me I mean maybe you agree with that or maybe there's a time and a place for that but I often push back and say I think along the lines of what you've said I mean
it's not to say that hypothesis would never develop a feature to enable this but but that you know college reading and writing especially is all about dealing with that bias and I appreciate that
thanks Chris you could send that one to to the attendees I think you just went to the panelist but I see Chris Gilyard our panelist bias in quotation marks ah so yeah talk to me about this because I always push back on this right because
you know any I don't know what an unbiased reading or writing that it really ever exists but if you can help me formulate some some ways to talk
about the importance of I'm dealing with that bias really of surfacing it and and how that's a large part of the work that we do as scholars and I'm a
conclusive than that in the term that you're using and the way you're using the term Nima including your students as scholars which I deeply appreciate can we start again with you an email sure this idea of bias for sure this when we
talk about we'll be talking about bias for we're when we're thinking about ourselves as critical thinkers we recognize that all of us are biased we we entered we approach attack
we may have respect for an author that respect automatically jeopardizes in certain ways the freedom with which we may actually approach that text or the
the release that we may have interacting with that text so bias will always be part of our reality we're we're all victims of our individual perspectives and I think with something like
hypothesis if if for instance people are freaked out about seeing other people's notes on the margins well he'll just um put push the eyeball and erase
everything or or or not rather not a race but hide everything from view and approach it in a blank slate but if we can show how other people's perspectives
are not set in stone other people's perspectives are in fact invitations for your perspective they open up the conversation it's like sitting in the room again this idea of a conversation
and people are sharing their ideas that doesn't necessarily mean that those ideas restrict you from sharing your ideas your ideas could add more to the conversation so if we begin to view it
in that sense but the more there's on the page the more marvelous the experience can be because now we're no longer living in black and white or grayscale we're
actually living in a multi Farias environment that is just seeping with colors and perspectives and I is from which we can find certain angles
or certain connections or certain branches with which we identify completely not so completely partially or we don't identify at all we're like dude what are you talking about I've never heard this before
could you expand on this and Beth to me it's like damn this is great and if we had a world without bias I don't know if that would be a world worth entertaining
thanks Nima Chris ah bias yeah I mean Jeremy I know you can't just dismiss these people outright like kind of what they deserve to be honest you know I
mean but one of the things I like to think about is that I often um I often think about how we as scholars and
academics and people who operate in the world League a lot of times I think we kind of might model our practices and encourage students to think about those so like so imagine right if I if I'm on
Twitter or if I email you or something like that and said hey this articles really interesting and you should pay attention to this part right like this part where the author says this right like if you email me back and said you
know well now that you told me that I really can't read this you know I guess I'm so like you spoiled it for me you know I mean like I don't I've never had
that happen I mean maybe people do that to each other but I've never had that happen you know and and like again to mirror someone what leave us said I mean there is no such thing as a blank slate
you know I think that when we encourage students to buy into some of these myths you know it they're intensely problematic for lots of reasons but but
mostly that notion that it's somehow spoiled a taxed to know what someone else thinks about it rather than enriches it you know um I mean it's not like a way of
thinking that I share and in fact you again like I think so it to draw another example if you're in a lit class and you're reading you know saw Toni Morrison Song of Solomon but I used to
do what I taught lit is you give like them also some criticism of that work right well again like I'm not familiar with anyone saying well now that you read that criticism right give the novel
spoiled I mean that leak so I think I understand where those notions are coming from but I think they're really mistaken and anything to add
yeah I mean I think it is possible to be distracted by a lot of stuff in the margins and not to be ready to process it as a reader you know it's possible that readers might want to do you know
first read without that but they can choose to do that they have that option right and I think we just need to let them know that as teachers and actually
they have that option more than if they have a used copy that has the annotations right written in which is most of my students and so I think that you know we often emphasize you want to do two reads you want to read your paper
twice once for you know looking for different things and so I think we just have to kind of empower them to make those choices and decide what to look at when because I think that ultimately yes
it's gonna enrich their reading process and of course there are going to be other perspectives that will help shape how they see something and that's not that's inevitable that's not something that we want to take away from the
reading process we might just want to offer it in stages and that's perfectly possible with this tool yeah I'll just add a couple of other things I mean you could you could
offer in stages this is getting down maybe too much on the level of a feature but good offer in stages were say the eyeball that Nima is referring to is sort of automatically on until you post an annotation and then it reveals other
annotations but I think then you still lose the opportunity for discourse that is you know site of production of meaning and I'll just add one other thing that is I think part of the impetus of this which I think you guys
have gone taking the high road to some extent in your criticism of the sort of idea of unbiased reading but the other idea is that well you know Chris if Anna has already annotated that chapter of Song of Solomon like how do I evaluate
you Chris and know that you have some original you know contribution to the thing if you don't have a blank slate to which you're responding to and demonstrating your comprehension or your your analysis so I think it actually
comes from the perspective of evaluation and the need to evaluate folks on a kind of blank slate metric where you know maybe when I'm teaching high school I need to know whatever all 70 of my students think
about the green light but once you advance an education I think it's more important to say well how do you get your voice in there on that symbol from The Great Gatsby how do you build on what others have said before whether they're your classmates or as Chris
mentioned scholars who have said something about this work as well well this is great let me riff on something else that has been said here which is or
this is sort of simple but Anna you you shared a really cool moment as you said from your experience with annotation and I wonder if we could sort of circle back to Nima and just every one of you think
of some very specific moment that something sort of awesome happened that was brought to the fore by the pro you know annotation or made visible by annotation any you know anecdotes from using hypothesis in the classroom that
you can share your really cool moment as Anna turned it your RCM well I'm trying to think give me let me come back to me come back to me I'll think about something I
apologize well I'll broaden it out too and go to you next Chris it can be a really cool moment or share some sort of activity and way that you've you know deployed annotation some you know specific
anecdote or specific activity from the use of annotation in your teaching well I would like I said I would go back to how I've been using it lately I well I
prefer those who don't know me like might sort of problems with platforms like Google and things like that are well documented so so one of the things
I've been using hypotheses for as that I mentioned in the beginning it's just as an example to show students how I read something and
and you know not um not in a way you know and just as I mentioned before in a way to like kind of help them see some of the both strengths of weaknesses for
lack of a better term of a particular document but also to give them some insight into kind of what they might expect when it's time to submit like
what might be termed a final draft and I think that's been really useful especially in you know kind of first-year comp because our first
semester first year comp a lot of those students aren't exactly aware of what what like a evaluation or grading or looks like or even what what strong
feedback looks like you know like so to not only say like here's what works or here's what doesn't or something like that but like how am i how might you improve that which i think is a
essential part of that feedback so yeah that that's what I do and our NEMA you're ready for a really Chris is saying this showing band
expectations we we do that week I know my internet I know my internet lag there for a sec but we show the models we we show them we show them what it is that how it is we do what we do so that it
could be a framework for them to do what what what they need to do one way that I've recently orb last semester used hypothesis was and it was inspired in
conversations with ESL faculty where we were talking about hypothesis and they suggested can we do this and I said oh yeah definitely and that's a great idea
I think I'll do that myself and what they were thinking about was taking say model papers and using them as some kind of hypothesis activity so to actively
read model papers written by previous scholars and have our scholars see what worked why it worked what didn't work why it didn't work where certain elements within the paper are on a basic
level say thesis and paragraph structure topic sentence how to introduce evidence properly or successfully rather and how to evaluate evidence how to develop
argument how to expand on significance those moves within within argument that we constantly teach would be nice not to just show in a model paper where they
can see these things in actions but actually show it in a interactive format where they can see it and comment on it and maybe ask questions about it and
then see how their peers also respond and tackle those same questions or or moves and then I also decided well if I'm doing it with a model paper let's
with a bee paper and a seed paper and even an F paper to emphasize its look the bee paper why does it get a B and
not an A there are some wonderful things happening here where is it sort of falling short where is it excelling how could it be changed how could it be made better and we continue this process on
on multiple grounds in multiple ways and I think it really does take us away from I don't want to disparage face-to-face instruction I love face-to-face instruction but
face-to-face instruction also sometimes put you on the spot and you have to deliver a response perhaps when you haven't had enough time to digest what
did this others have said what it is you wish to say but when we take it to this level of hypothesis and annotation on this platform we allow more comfort we allow a greater ease of experience where
scholars can can can read each other's comments and read the paper and think about the paper and let it marinate let everything marinate and then develop some kind of input that they'd like to
share or offer a reaction that they think is appropriate or just you know put it put up Jif or a gif I don't know which how to refer to and so I don't know if it's a Jif or a gif so excuse me
if one has a preference over another but yeah it does it does create that kind of environment that otherwise in my opinion may not exist in a face-to-face
classroom because we have we have literally with what would my interaction with hypothesis taking the wonder is the
greatness of a face-to-face experience and transform it into this interactive framework of hypotheses where we can do all of the those things that we would do
in a seminar or a discussion on the page yeah we're deaf we heard also just from and we
definitely heard from users or instructors about how the sort of asynchronous aspect of collaborative annotation has an equity aspect to it to allow students to and different types of
learners to to take the time or formulate their thinking an experience in a different context and any really cool moments to share or a particular way that you've deployed annotation in
the class and you'd like to share before maybe we open it up to any questions that have arisen in the in the chat or the Q&A well I think I did I shared that one moment that I found where two
students were kind of empowered together against the text and I think that it can amplify those moments of you know an emotional reaction or a personal connection because the students are then
they know that the other students are gonna read that and then maybe they'll find out what their reactions are so I think it I think it's empowering and I also noticed that some of my Shire
students are writing more in the annotations and thus they're participating more in in class and having more of a discussion experience and getting their voices in sooner in
the process because they're a lot more comfortable with the annotation format and they're not just writing you know they start out with summary if they're feeling shaky they start out by summarizing with their reading and then
gradually I think they're the students who would just only do summary throughout and their annotations before are seeing the other students reactions they're seeing models of other types of annotations so I think they're more
likely to try those out or to respond to other students who are doing you know making personal connections or connections to other texts or asking questions or answering back or getting mad you know so I think it encourages
the students who are nervous about those kinds of ways of speaking back to try them out as well just add that I remember when I've used this kind of technology in the classroom
that the use of gifts or gifs whatever they may be call the sort of informality the idea that you could respond with a meme as a way to articulate an argument or create a meme if that's your way of expressing yourself
that's sort of another way to think about how one engages with text engages with others develops argument develops an analysis I want to stop here we only have about five minutes left and I don't
know if made or Frannie you've been eyeing the chat or the Q&A to raise some questions and from others I have a lot more to say about here I wish we had an hour and a half because you guys have brought up so many good points so we haven't even picked apart yet but we'll
just have to do a part two at some point we definitely will and yeah thank you thank you all so much for for the interesting conversation so far we were trying to keep this show - half an hour originally and that's just impossible
especially with this many great voices around the table um so a couple of things that have popped up there's a whole constellation of conversation actually that revolves around kind of what you were getting at Jeremy around
the functionality functionality questions about like situations where you might not want anyone you know students to see other annotations and so they themselves have dated annotation or
sometimes how if you if the teacher kind of seeds the text with very particular prompts then those can get in a way of the sort of free flow of reading that sometimes you want students to do and so
maybe there's a whole kind of a constellation of stuff to talk about around that like how do how much functionality should be built in it's a
tough one well I think let me riff on the question a little bit it's it's you know to what extent do we expect functionality to stand in here and I'm not dismissing that idea that there should be certain functionality and to what extent are we laying bare different
processes really difficult and various processes that are involved in comprehension and analysis and argumentation and to what extent do we just need to help to articulate
ourselves and with and for our students you know don't just pay attention to what the teachers saying right if they're 80 it's great for a teacher to seed annotations to model annotations and to add
annotations that are questions but that should never be considered an end and whether that's a functionality aspect where you don't get to see the teachers annotations until you create one of your own or something like that or whether you just help students understand and
and learn the process of as we've said from the beginning seeing other people's voices acknowledging them and then also you know using your own voice I don't know if others have articulation about
respond I know Chris would probably say you shouldn't just have functionality standing in for process yeah you kind of
read my mind there yeah I mean um yeah I said it a lot more eloquently than I likely would Jeremy you and I was like I was sorry neva I was
gonna say that was a mic drop Chris is out he's like don't let functionality stand in for process boom boom yeah definitely and I think and I'm trying to remember
what I was going to stay but the idea here is we're we're not one thing that we try to instill within our scholars and and to ourselves it's that it's not
about it's not always just about when we're writing what we think because where we're coming from is just one particular perspective one particular idea but we want to be able to
acknowledge and to recognize the conversations that are taking place around this issues so that we are either adding something to the conversation we are either challenging that competition
or expanding on that conversation or completely redesigning and reinventing that conversation very rarely can we do any of those things without having
several ideas about what that conversation is or was or how it developed or where it's come to so that unless we're geniuses we will we will
arguably fail to to be able to achieve that kind of insight and I think I think annotation is one of the essential elements of that kind of insight to
achieve that kind of insight I don't know if you guys are familiar with the sleight-of-hand magician he passed away a couple years ago Ricky Jay and he he's
phenomenal you guys just aren't familiar with him and look him up but this dude whatever money he made he would spend buying these ancient antiquarian books from like four hundred years ago five
hundred years ago they would spend thousands of dollars on and when he would read them he would read them actively and annotate on the margins so he spent $25,000 on the book it brings
it home and turns that $25,000 investment into pretty much bliss investment because he's dabbling and and and riding up in it but he said look
this book is made to be consumed this information is made to be to be communicated with and if I don't communicate with it I'm disrespecting the authors or the books purpose for being so I think that same principle
exists when we have all this information on the net it's there not just for us to consume but it's there for us to interact with to to challenge to reflect
on to annotate that's me Anna did you have any last words on some of the themes that have been discussed over the past few comments thank you muted sorry um I think it's
such a flexible tool I mean I think the foundation of using it as a way to make this sense of reading and writing and as a process of conversation come to life
for students is kind of it's right there in front of us and there are a lot of ways to do it and I think the only thing is that it can sort of get overwhelming to figure out how to start and which
approach to use first so I think that you know I had to keep it simple this spring and you know sometimes I put a whole bunch of my own annotations and discussion questions in there and
sometimes I just said you know once they got used to using the tool I just said annotate three times for credit and that's all I did as a teacher and they started to annotate and that was a great
start and that took me a long way toward seeing what I wanted to do in the zoom discussion and you know and that fed into the writing they were gonna do later and their papers on the same text
and so I think that you can get started really simply and a lot of the benefits are already there with that with that basic approach and then we can all start
experimenting from there hey well unfortunately we have reached the end of our scheduled time I mean there's no there's no you know Giants policing function that's gonna make us stop but we do want to be respectful of
everybody's time and so you know this conversation just really started this liquid margins is now a weekly show we won't always be talking about composition we will always be talking about collaborative annotation and
social reading kind of topics next week I want to plug again that we'll be talking about annotation history discipline so please come to that we we have seen so much interest in the
composition topic we will definitely be coming back to it as a couple of people have mentioned there's a whole bunch of great videos on the hypothesis YouTube channel I'm one that I would particularly draw your attention to around this as Gardner Campbell's
keynote at i annotate the conference that we put on last year where he really spoke to this question of what prompts makes sense to give students for annotation and he has his own take on
that we'll put a link in the chat and we will also be up on the resources page afterward and you'll get an email when the recording and resources are available so I'm gonna bring the show to
an end there and hopefully give our panelists a chance to just say so long and farewell Chris would you like to start yeah thanks everyone thanks for
inviting me Nate and it was wonderful to meet everyone and thank you great to have you Chris how about Anna thank you so much it was it was really a lot of fun and I'm honored to be invited thank
you thank you for coming on and it was so great to have your voice on aneema yes thank you very much thank you I'm honored to participate and I guess final
word is look we can finally more easily communicate with authors because I know hypothesis works online so if you're annotating a text online the author has
immediate access to those annotations as well so you can actually challenge the voice of authority I think you get away with it ah great stuff Jeremy Jeremy left
unfortunately he left he's out okay sorry I didn't have that video all right thanks for that Nima you're doing a better job studious than I am all right well thank you all so much sorry we didn't get to answer all your questions
there's a lot of resources on our website we put links in and you'll be getting a follow-up email with additional resources so thank you all for coming and maybe we'll see you next week on liquid margins episode 3
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