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Um, within experience, it seems like the identity  of consciousness or awareness appears to be kind   of, as we've said, ever-present and  has always been and always will be.   Um, yet when I approach this understanding, kind  of using a scientific worldview, I typically tend   to find it pretty difficult to convince myself  that consciousness is not this emergent phenomenon   brought upon by biochemical means within our  head. Um, as a fundamental rather than as kind  
of an experience of consciousness, what ways have  you proved to yourself that consciousness isn't,   in fact, not this emergent phenomenon  beyond your own personal experience? If consciousness were an emergent phenomenon of  the brain or of anything, then if we're going  
to be really scientific about this, let's subject  that theory to the scrutiny of experience in order   to validate this theory. We would have to see or  experience consciousness emerging from matter.   Now, have you ever had the experience  of consciousness emerging or arising?
I've never had that. I feel like  you should be able to, okay, yeah,   you've never had the experience of consciousness  emerging. Has anybody or could anybody ever have   the experience of consciousness emerging? Has  the phenomenon ever been observed by anybody? Um, not emerging but being necessary for certain.  No, but that wasn't your question. The question  
was, is consciousness an emergent property  of matter? Let's be rigorously scientific and   philosophical, let's stay on topic and not wriggle  away where the evidence begins to stack up. So,   you have never had the experience of  the emergence of consciousness. Nobody,   no one has ever had the experience  of the emergence of consciousness.  
But no one has ever had the experience  of the disappearance of consciousness.   These are facts of experience that can  be verified by all seven billion people,   everybody, as long as they understand the  question, will come up with the same answer.   So, this is not just about my own personal  experience. This, yeah, testing can be verified by   everybody. Now, given that this is the case, that  nobody, none of the seven billion of us have ever  
had or could ever have the experience of  consciousness emerging from matter, what does   this do to our theory? Any other theory in science  that had so little evidence would be trashed.   That's the scientific process: to come up with a  theory, subject it to the evidence of experience,  
and if it doesn't stand the scrutiny  of experience, you modify your theory.   In an extraordinary departure from the  norm, scientists, in relation to this one   topic, consciousness, they look for the evidence  that consciousness is an emergent property of  
matter. They don't find it, they've never found  it. Normally, scientists would change their theory   in line with the evidence. They don't. They just  stick to their theory and imagine that one day,   somebody will eventually witness consciousness  emerging from matter. That is so unscientific.  
It goes against the very method of science  itself. If your theory doesn't stand up to   the scrutiny of experience, you don't  dig your heels in and just believe your   theory. That's called religion. You change  your theory in line with the evidence. So, I think what the difficulty, in terms of, as  you said, like, can I ever see consciousness be   emergent, but consciousness is the necessity, is  like the piece that's necessary to actually become  
aware of consciousness becoming emergent. So, it  can't be a secondary, it has to be primary, right?   So, I guess, like, what I see is there's a  bridge between people like us that kind of   are able to look at experience and gain these  fundamental understandings about the world, and   those that are kind of using rational, like using  science to try to predict and explain the world.  And there's this kind of disconnect between the  two and one of those is exactly what we're trying  
to talk about - what this consciousness is and if  it's emergent or not. So in my mind, I'm trying to   come up with a way of if I can't prove that it's  an emergent property in my head and the only way   you could prove it is to be the predecessor to  consciousness, and then what is it that would   be aware of the emergence of consciousness? What  is it that would witness consciousness emerging?
Consciousness, because consciousness is that  which is conscious. So the difference is that   which witnesses everything. So in order for  there to be the perception of consciousness   arising or emerging from matter, something which  is conscious would have to be present prior  
to the arising of consciousness. What you're  saying is that consciousness would need to be   present prior to the arising of consciousness.  This doesn't make sense. So why don't we just   start with a model of reality that is so far  removed from our experience of reality and then   try to make them work? I mean, how convoluted  is that? Why not, if we want to build a model  
of reality, why not base our model of reality  on experience and then try to build a model of   reality step by step, building a model of reality  that at every step can be verified by experience?   So if we can't prove that consciousness is  an emergent phenomenon because we can't,   um, the same way we can't prove that it's not and  we can prove that it, like, how do we prove that  
it's this eternal, infinite, um, substance  rather than, like, this moment-to-moment   experience of being aware? It is your experience that you are aware, yes.   So being aware must be your experience. Now,  what is it that is aware of being aware?   What is it that is aware that there is awareness? Simply the experience of the  experience of that or, like,  
the consciousness of that. But when I said,  "It is your ex--yes, it is your experience   that you are aware, yes," well, that it is  your experience that there is awareness,   what is it that knows that or has that experience?  What is it that is aware that there is awareness? Myself, yes. And what self are you referring to?  Try to be more specific. What is it that is aware   that there is awareness? It's not a trick  question, it's a very simple question, yeah.
Through the way I see it is that I myself am  consciousness. Like, that is you. Consciousness,   you, awareness, are aware that there is  awareness. Yes, so the experience of being aware,   I'm trying to establish is that the experience of  being aware is awareness, is experience of itself.   It is awareness that is aware that it is aware.   Yeah, the fact of being aware is not  known by something other than itself.  
Yeah, it is you, awareness, that knows that you  are aware. It's very simple, yeah. Okay, so that,   I think, establishes that you, awareness, know  yourself. Yes, okay, now tell us about yourself. I'm asking you to do your best with  words. I'm asking you, awareness,   to describe your experience of yourself. So, I become... or I... I become...  
say... No, no, not about what you become. Tell  us now. Yeah, the experience of being aware. I'm in a state of knowing of a  variety of different experiences.   You are aware. Tell us more about  yourself, about your awareness. I have no idea. Uh, okay, you have no idea. That's  a good answer. Why do you find it so difficult?  
You're quite right, by the way, to find it  difficult. But why do you find it difficult? Because all that I have is the experience  of knowing specific forms of sensation.   Forms exactly. Exactly. If I asked you to  describe the sensation of the soles of your   feet or the color of your walls or what you're  thinking about or what you had for breakfast,   all of those, you would find it easy  to tell us about them. Why? Because  
they all have form. There's something  objective to them that you can describe.   And I ask you to describe yourself. You look  around, you can't find anything to say. There's   nothing. There's nothing objective there. And yet  you are absolutely certain that you are aware.   Yeah, so there is that. There is being aware. It's  something real. It has no objective qualities,  
no form. And therefore, it cannot have  any limitations because it has no form.   Any limitation would be form. I guess one piece  that kind of, as you know, I want to stay on   track with you. Yeah, I'm asking you a question.  How do you discover that awareness is eternal or   ever-present? That was your question. And I'm  showing you the way to discover this. I want to  
stay on track. Okay, so you've agreed awareness is  your most fundamental experience. It is known by   you when you try to find it. You cannot find it,  but you cannot describe it because it has no form.   Having no form, it has no limit. As in, having no  limit, it cannot be said to be localized anywhere.   Because anything localized would have a form. Nor  can it start or stop because something that starts  
or stops in time has a limit. You've answered your  question, Wesley. You have, without realizing it,   you have discovered that you, awareness, are  without form. And therefore, eternal or infinite. I think the part of it that I get stuck on is that  even though in the present moment it's infinite,   I can't make the jump to say that it's eternally  infinite. In the sense that things can come in and  
out of existence and yet why is this not something  that form can come in and out of existence? Okay, and you have already  agreed that yourself has no form.   Something without form cannot come in  and out of existence or start and stop. You're going the right way. You keep asking  all these questions. Every objection you raise   is going to be met with the not, another not an  idea. It's going to be met with your experience.  
I'm going to push you back and your objections  are very good, by the way. You're asking all   the right questions. But every time you ask a  question, I hold up a mirror of experience to you   so that you discover for yourself that  in your own experience of yourself,   you awareness are infinite. That is  unlimited and eternal, that is ever-present. I'm going to leave the conversation there,  Wesley. You're on the right track. We can  
revisit it again if you like. Keep going the  way you're going, but just, it's beautiful,   the line of investigation you're embarking on.  But be sure that you answer your questions,   that you go deeply into your actual experience,  and that you respond to your questions and your   doubts from the perspective of experience. Do you  feel that any of these questions can't be answered  
directly from experience but have to be almost  logically thought through in a sense of what is? It can be logically thought through, and we are  having a very rational conversation. We are. But   this rational conversation leads to the  experience of understanding. The experience   of understanding can be formulated rationally,  but the actual experience of understanding  
itself is awareness. It is awareness of  itself. It is not a rational experience.   A rational process may precede understanding,  and the experience of understanding can   be expressed rationally. But the actual  experience of understanding itself takes   place behind the mind or beyond the mind,  and it's not itself a rational process.
That's one last quick thing. Okay. In your framework of, let's say, the universe  of everything that is, is it a kind of like   a mutating form of consciousness in which  we all are a piece of, or what is it like? We're not a piece of anything because awareness,  as we have just discovered, is infinite and  
has no form. And therefore, it cannot be divided  because anything that could be divided would have   a dividing line, some form. That  there are no parts in consciousness.   Reality is a single, infinite, and indivisible  whole. There are no parts of reality. There   are only parts from the limited and  localized perspective of a finite mind.  
The finite human mind is a prism that refracts  the unity of being and makes it appear as ten   thousand things, ten thousand parts. So there are  parts from the perspective of an apparent part.   But from the perspective of the whole, which is  the only real perspective because it's all there   really is, there is nothing. There is just its  own infinite, indivisible self. And it knows there  
is in itself. There is nothing other than itself  with which it could be related. And the name for   this absence of otherness is love. Love is the  experience that there are not two, that there   is one. That is why love is another name for  truth or reality. And love is one of the ways,   beauty, love, truth, these are all the same.  Love is love, and beauty are one of the ways  
that reality impresses itself upon us, makes  itself known to us in our lives as human beings. It's a pleasure to talk with you. I wish  you the very best beginning with your line   of investigation. So, in shortly, don't stop  short. Don't stop short of total satisfaction.
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