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okay when it comes to setting health and fitness related goals most of us are entirely focused on the outcome it's usually like a certain amount of weight loss or an increase in muscle mass or an
improvement in performance but here's the problem with that approach the ability to achieve any result is dependent on multiple factors some of which you can control like your habits around exercise nutrition and recovery
but many of which you have less or maybe no control over things like your genetics illness injury history stress or maybe Family Social and work obligations and obviously the more
ambitious the goal the greater the chance of failure and that's not only because lofty goals are surrounded by steeper barriers but also they can encourage the use of aggressive and unsustainable approaches
so even if you have the potential to achieve your goal if your plan is unsustainable you're just not going to get there so instead of setting goals around an outcome that may or may not be within your control to achieve set goals
around the only part of the equation that you can control and that's the process so for health and fitness that means setting goals around sustainable lifestyle practices dietary habits and
training now there's a tendency to set ambitious fitness goals and then adopt an extreme diet or training program to help you achieve it but you have to remember that ambitious goals do not benefit from unsustainable training
programs or diets and you can only get lasting results from what you can sustain so any plan needs to be optimized for sustainability so you do what you can sustain and then you let your body achieve what it can
under the circumstances and that's all you can do so for some people chasing an outcome can work for sure but for a lot of people it results in them trying to lose the same 20 pounds every year it
results in on and off again workouts and injuries and burnout and it also results in the depressing statistics that exist regarding long-term exercise adherence it also results in New Year's resolutions which are just the annual
renewal of the commitment to achieve a particular result often without any attention given to the sustainability of the approach needed to actually achieve it so forget about the outcome set goals around the sustainability of the
behaviors that are going to drive the adaptations you want things like training consistently going to bed at a decent hour eating more protein going for an evening walk reducing your intake of alcohol and processed foods you get
the idea so set goals around the sustainability of habits and behaviors and that's going to unlock some incredible change over time so if you guys have any questions let me know thanks for watching and I'll see you next time
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