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okay so um you know here we're talking about the what's going on between Israel and uh
Palestine or Israel and and the Gaza and uh here in the US we are getting an American view of the situation which is also a human view of
it we are also getting somewhat of a gazen view of it which is also a human view of it okay I've been to Israel I have many many friends there I've taught
there over a period of years and I've also been to the ga to Gaza three times so I have little bit of familiarity with the area but right now what I'm going to um
talk about is some of the uh letters that I've gotten from Dharma friends in these areas and others okay
so we all know there's a con there's a war going on between Russia and Ukraine so we have Dharma friends in Russia we have Dharma friends in Ukraine they're
in touch with each other the Dharma uh links these people even though their countries are at War um we also have Dharma friends in Israel
and okay there's some crossover here so venerable tenzen who I think you know he's he's been here for two three uh two
winter Retreats yeah so he said he's requesting me to give a talk he said since uh the war in Ukraine he's he's Russian by the way
um or I should say not Russian he holds a Russian passport just like we hold the passport of whatever country we hold that doesn't mean you have a fixed identity you just hold that
passport um so since the war in Ukraine started there are many ukrainians who escaped to Israel you might be surprised about that
but before World War War I there were Jews all throughout that whole section Eastern Europe and Western Russia and especially in Ukraine both of my
grandfathers are from Ukraine so um even after World War II not you know the Jews that were still alive not all of them left but a number of them left some came
to America when America let people in um they didn't always after World War II uh and some went to Israel and then uh but
even now I when I when I was in Russia I met people who are half Russian and half Jewish which is really surprising because I know when I was young we were told that you know the Jews in Russia
all well this could be true too that they were all um they didn't have any religious freedom that the government really controlled them and so on uh and
there was a big movement to help them uh leave Russia and get to uh get to Israel so I don't know about Ukraine if they well it was it was a Soviet country then
so probably the same kind of policy okay so there's many ukrainians since the war started with with Russia who escaped to Israel also many Russians moved there
especially since September of 2022 running away from possible conscription and the possibility to be sent to war so there were a lot of Russian young men
who left uh as quickly as they could um you know because they didn't want to be conscripted they didn't want to they didn't feel the war was just or or they
didn't want to fight as good reason so vable ton says we have many Ukrainian and Russian Buddhist friends there many of them consider themselves as venerable
students now when another disastrous tragedy is happening in between Israel and Palestine many of these people who have relocated there feel unsettled and
even shook yeah so you know you leave Russia to flee to Israel thinking that you'll have some security there and Israel has
a policy whereby I think it's if you have one grandparent yeah maybe one grandparent who is Jewish that no not grandparent
great-grandparent one great grandparent who is Jewish then uh you can make Alia which means go go to Israel and become a citizen yeah so people may have done
that so they're fleeing Russia they're fleeing Ukraine because of the war there they go to Israel and then wom this whole attack that happened on
Saturday that nobody expected and it's um it it's shocking everybody because the Israeli uh military has this reputation for incredible intelligence
and you know being prepared and nothing gets you know they're on top of everything and uh they had no it seems like they had no Intelligence on this attack at
all okay so um and then denzen included in his letter a request from support that we received from our dear Ukrainian friend Maria so Maria it seems like
she's in Portugal at the moment but she may be one of these people who Fred fled Ukraine for for Israel so Maria says Hi I come to you for support it's very difficult these
days I'm Ukrainian and half Jewish and the news just blows my mind there is a lot of pain on such overwhelming sadness I continue to practice relying on the
three jewels I have no SAA or friends here in Portugal with whom I can talk about everything happening but we're going to connector with somebody we know in
Portugal um back to my request perhaps there are fresh teachings that reveal something that uh might just be distracting and uplifting I would be very
grateful okay so oh and then he said the Tempa will immediately translate the BBC talk that I give into Russian I hope Ukrainian too
okay now I want to read something from our friend Julia uh who you've seen who made the during the ktina made offer the Rob okay and I've been corresponding with her you
know during all uh the the whole War too she has quite an amazing attitude and uh I wouldn't say that this is what she writes is uplifting but what she's
doing is giv giving a Dharma take on what's going on and sharing how uh she deals with it and she has quite a remarkable attitude because she lives in
denpro which has been bombed multiple times she could easily be killed um she stayed there to take care of her mother who was elderly her mother died but not
from the war from I think a heart attack or something I don't know what a fire in the house something yeah um but uh Julia is is
remaining there so she wrote I I wrote her a uh replied to one of her letters and she said I'm so happy to receive your letter and learn that you're well
and safe she's writing to me I know that you and the whole shasti Abby sa and Community are thinking and praying for us and all sentient beings in states of great suffering and violent
conflict sometimes I think that I am still alive today solely because you're praying for me and supporting me with your wisdom and compassion words cannot
even begin to describe how grateful I am and how much I cherish our connection especially now and uh people really do appreciate
this you may uh remember that a few weeks ago venerable tensen wrote to us uh about one friend Olga in Ukraine and her boyfriend Alexi just got um sent to
the front lines so we've been making prayers for him for his safety and I pray not only that that he doesn't get killed but that he doesn't kill anybody yeah
because you don't when you have an when you know about Karma you don't know which is worse you know and it it you know from a karmic Viewpoint killing is
could be far worse than being killed yeah so uh so tensid had written me in another letter uh that I received and
said Alexi is still alive but um and it for me me it was so strange hearing you know somebody say Alexia is alive you know it's like if if I write to to
another friend in America I wouldn't write and say are you still alive you know you just assume that the people you know are alive but to have a
a a letter begin well we're you know that person is still alive or I'm still alive it's rather shocking when you think about about it you know because we just assume
that yeah but uh even though we I mean war zone or no no war zone death could happen at any time but especially in a war zone so she uh Julia continued my heart
is breaking for people in Israel she's in the middle of Deno with bombs being dropped and she's saying my heart is breaking to the people in Israel they've so they've shown themselves good friends
of my country and Jewish people here are so active in various humanitarian projects they are setting such a beautiful example for all of us it is unbelievable what is happening in their
country even if you live next to Violent criminals and terrorists your mind yearns for peace and you're in some kind of denial of what they are capable of of
at any second okay yes that's true and oh and she she says we weren't ready
Israelis uh weren't ready but actually as a country as a state Israel is in constant Readiness for this kind of thing historically and what they did in
these three days to retaliate is mindblowing that that that's a whole other topic and it's very shocking to me that our country is not urging Israel to
have restraint yeah and uh in the past very because the way it is I'm distracting from from this but I
think it's important um the way hamash is very clever so they're in uh and they're the elected government for
uh Gaza Strip Gaza Strip is what did they say 140 square miles 2 million people it's one of the most densely populated places on the earth and uh the
economy is in shatters because uh Israel controls all points of entry and exit and they do that for Israeli safety yeah
but Hamas has a whole Underground system I mean you see right now Hamas is coming out with these very sophisticated weapons and going right into Israeli uh
towns in Kim and just shooting people down where did those weapons come from they weren't made in Gaza you know probably came from Iran from who knows
where else they came but the point is that Hamas had under Gaza which is filled with over 60% of the population lives off of un
Refugee assistance yeah just for food and so on but under and so they live on the land underneath hamash has a total a whole tunnel
system where you know they hold all their weapons all their instruments where they hide and uh conduct their movements and so on so that when Gaza is
being bombed on top Hamas soldiers or whatever you call them underneath are not killed it's the gods and the innocent people the
civilians who are the ones who are getting bombed okay so yeah okay so Julia continues I've been
thinking how come so many people want to live in peace and joy nobody wants to die and yet there are still Wars and escalation of conflict all across the
globe which brings results completely opposite to what we all want why why are as human beings are we doing
things that not don't just kill the quotequote enemy but harm ourselves and get ourselves killed okay Hamas did this attack on
Israel you know over a thousand Israelis have died that's probably about the same number of Gins who have died what's the purpose what's the use
she's asking and I've had that question ever since I was a kid and I heard only one answer which I've heard before which was uh when I
quoted layi and Lama yesi said they means well dear because when llama would talk about the kindness of others somebody would always ask what about ma what about
Hitler what about Stalin and L would always say they means well dear and know what yeah but yeah here's here's Julia
again these people who go out to murder others hug their children in the morning and leave their homes thinking that Exterminating other people will make
them eternally happy and they can finally live as they please yeah I mean that's what they think they don't go out thinking you
know I'm going to harm myself and my own family and da D they think you know if I do this I'm protecting my family I'm helping my country we will live in peace
after this in other words what motivates everybody is simply the wish to have happiness and not suffer but in our ignorance
we do actions that bring more suffering in the present and create the karma for future suffering so she Julia continues they don't have access to the Dharma they've
never been taught properly and this alone is heartbreaking in killing and looting and raping they are looking for simple human happiness
validation achievement they are just misguided about which path to follow and this misguidedness this waste of life and opportunities makes my heart weep I
understand their motives I feel sorry that they decided to live their lives like that I feel sorry that they didn't have access to good teachers and good teachings which would set their minds on
the path of love and creativity not death and destruction but I cannot do anything to change their karma I can only change my perspective and replace
shock and anger with compassion and aspiration to practice so that maybe next life I could actually do something about it something physical something
tangible so that's the situation many of us are in sitting on the outskirts of it or even living in Ukraine or Russia or
Gaza or or israa you know what can you do when you're living in a society where people think killing the enemy is a good
deed and where you are revered as a hero a patriotic hero depending on if you kill more people who are enemies you know and people find they're born in
certain places you hear this kind of talk all around you even here in this country and for you that is normal and that is virtuous and you pick up your
weapon and you go out and you kill enemies you know and even people in society who are not in an army but who shoot people people you know the kids
who do the the school shootings and so on what's motivating them inside their hearts they're miserable they're just trying to be happy but they don't know
the causes of happiness and the causes of suffering okay and what can we do about it it's very difficult you know if you know some people maybe you can talk to
them okay but one of my Israeli friends I got an email from her today um when I was visiting there she her uh her uncle and his family they
live in the West Bank in the occupied territories I wanted to go to the West Bank so we had a Shabbat Friday night dinner with her family yeah and she
introduced us to the family the uncle would not look at me yeah um the settlers in the west territory you know
and especially the American settlers because the uh some of the settlers who go there from Russia and so on they're impoverished the Israeli government
sends them to the West Bank to establish settlements the idea being that if you have more Israelis living in the West Bank than if eventually Israel will
Annex it right now it's occupied territory they would love to Annex it so they put settlers there but the American settlers Australian settlers British
settlers the people from um you know countries that are wealthy those people only leave because of this feeling of
this is our holy land and we've got to support the you know our people and and take this back as our land and they these people
are some of the woo I they're heavy duty just um yeah because they go there for an idea not because they're impoverished like
other people move there so she wrote me my my friend who lives in Tel a and you know so what can you do if you know people who have this attitude she said
that she can't get through to her uncle at all and even in family gatherings the last one that happened she had to leave in the middle of it because she said otherwise I would just have
exploded you know dealing with her Uncle because he has you know this attitude This Is Our Land these people are on our land you know when we were having dinner
there there uh there was an alarm you know that they had seen some strangers on the outset of the settlement so her her uncle you know got up he had a gun
in his belt and he went out and looked and made sure everything was safe came back with his family and finished dinner totally normal not for me but you know okay so
who continues but the point here is look how she's dealing with what's going around or going on around her yeah she has compassion she's not taking sides
and hating one side and you know supporting the other she's seeing it as everybody being equal wanting to be alive wanting to be happy and not suffer
and what is happening on both sides is people's afflictions are just going all over the place and running the show and she wants to help but she realizes as an
ordinary being what can she do especially with people's minds like her you know uh yeah El's uh Uncle it would be very difficult to get through to a
person like that so then the then the thought comes well if I practice now and my practice is strong now then in future lives I can I'll have a rebirth such
that I can continue practicing on the path and as I gain more uh wisdom and more compassion yeah and then of course as
you go up the five bodh Safa boomies and you attain powers to manifest in different forms and go to different places and understand people's past
karmas so on then you can really be of a whole lot more benefit so she's saying you know maybe I can't I can't do so much now except keep a calm mind which
is actually doing quite a lot and keep keeping the people around you calm um but if I practice now then in future lives I'll be able to really do
something yeah and this reminds me I saw a video clip of Mother Teresa once um it was during one time when Israel and
Lebanon were fighting or I sh say I should say Israel and Hezbollah because that's the the terrorist group in Lebanon but
um Mother Teresa would Went to went to De beut she's talking to these people trying to help them come to some agreement to stop the violence
she's sitting there and you hear balms exploding all around you know and she went there voluntarily to try and do something and I thought
wow would I go to a place where there were Bombs all around yeah I can certainly visualize it in my meditation that's not hard but would I actually go there
of my own choice knowing that I may not come back but bodh satas have do they do do that you know if they can be of benefit they
go so seeing all this this is jul again seeing all this death and destruction which just grows worse but day by day makes me feel very fortunate to have met
the Dharma and you who open my eyes and changed my perspective on life if not for you and for the Shashi Abby sa I too could have been at the front lines now
killing or torturing people who knows yeah I just wish more and more people listened to the teachings and reflected on transforming their
minds okay and what she says there you know it's true we don't know if we hadn't met the teachings where we would be and what we would be
doing yeah we we don't know and so we can't be arrogant saying oh I would never act like that because if you're in that situation and your friend your
family or friends are getting killed or there's the danger of being taken hostage what would you do you know you know so we can't be arrogant and say oh
I have so much bodic cheetah and compassion because we've never really been in that situation have we yeah so we don't really know we can practice in our
meditation you know as and meditate as if that were in that kind of scene and practice generating bodh cheetah and compassion and a willingness to do
whatever we can even if we have to give up our body in the process we can meditate like that and we should meditate like that but going there how at our level of practice or I should say
at my level practice what would happen yeah and I know for me at one point when I uh because I was going to Israel I went several times sometimes
several years in a row this was in The Late '90s Late '90s early 2000s and the the uh it was quite different at that time and rabine was
prime minister and he was quite good he really wanted the the two-state solution and there were so many israelies who wanted that okay but then there were
Hamas attacks and um rabine was assassinated and you know the Israelis
the you know many of them turned became much more conservative much more protective of their own country after that but I know when I was there and
Buddhism was really you know growing and and all I I considered you know oh I could go there there and teach what an amazing thing that would be you know to
live in there and and go with the movement that's encouraging a peaceful two-state solution so I thought of it but then some other things happened and uh you
know it wasn't a serious thought but it did go through my mind but you know if I had gone there then what would be going on in my mind now yeah I I can't see myself ever picking
up a weapon I don't want to ever go near one but you never know what an Afflicted mind will do
yeah so um the way hulia is using you know this situation I mean the war in Ukraine is now over a year and a half uh
she's really using it to motivate her practice and that's what we can all do and to try and keep our minds steady I think it's really wonderful the way the
Russians and ukrainians and now the Israelis you know people are all in touch with each other there is um somebody in Israel every uh evening
apparently at 8:00 which is 10:00 our time there doing a taraa and people can join online um I think venerable sadra where
is she Home Depot huh she's at Home Depot she's at Home Depot oh good um yeah then uh she has the the link you know but it might be a nice way to to
show some support uh because I'm sure these people are are not getting their guns and going out but are distressed yeah like the rest of
us okay so um you know that's my suggestions for what we can actually do in this lifetime and uh and of course we
see that making prayers is really helping people you know just I don't know how much the prayers help but I do know that people knowing that other
people are praying for them helps a lot yeah just knowing that other people care about you is something um really
meaningful for everybody yeah
End of transcript