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all right welcome to reflex onboarding video this whole thing should hopefully take you a bit less than 15 minutes of your time and we'll walk you through everything you need to get started using reflect as well as some of our key
features like our AI Integrations to begin with reflect is a note-taking app that helps you think better and if you think about how our thinking functions for a second it works primarily by making associations these
connections between our thoughts ideas the encounters we have in our day everything is pulled together to generate new thoughts and ideas and fortunately our brains are quite good at doing this but unfortunately our brains
are not great at storing this information and that's where a tool like reflect can come into play and really turn into a bit of a superpower when we Outsource these associations and you'll find when you do it day to day it builds
somewhat of a second brain quite naturally so to begin with if you haven't yet go to reflex.app download and go ahead and download the Mac OS app for whatever processor you have you can go ahead and
download the iPhone and iPad apps if you have them although I won't be discussing them on this video and I will be touching lightly on the Chrome and Safari extensions in just a moment so once you have this downloaded this is
where you will land it's the daily notes page and you can think about this as the home base of your notes you can record pretty much anything in your daily note like a to-do list a running log of what happens in your day including meetings
and whatnot you can record thoughts and ideas that you have pretty much everything and you can see on mine here if I go back to yesterday we've got some Daily Reflections that I've done my to-do list items here that
I can kind of unclass these and you can see how I got it categorized into personal main work and side projects um so again I pretty much record everything in my daily note and if we go
up to the reflection and click into my daily reflection page that is a backlink so this opens up a new note page here where I have the template for my daily reflection and down below here you can see all of the days that I've done my
daily reflection it's got all of them collected going back in time so if I wanted to reference a reflection from a certain day I can quickly do that all right let's run through an example here let's
say that I want to maybe record my daily logs I'll just have a light in here this is daily log and uh then let's see I've got a meeting here because I've got my calendar connected so I'm gonna click on this and
it pulls up this tab I'm gonna clear myself out because I already know I'm on the call and I'm gonna have it create a backlinks note for this meeting and have it add to my daily note so here I have my meeting now and I can
click on this backlink note and you know if this is a regular ongoing meeting with or maybe a one-on-one with this person I might put in the goals that we have I might put in some context about that person pretty much anything but for
this meeting in particular I'm going to go ahead and take notes within the daily note here so uh for this content meeting let's just say maybe we discuss Q2 goals and
brainstorms new content ideas oops awesome so you know you can see how you can just record a meeting in there and then something else happens maybe I'll create another line item that says went
to lunch with Jared who I'm going to backlink because that's a person and let's say we went to black belly one of my favorite restaurants and I'm going
to evacuate that as well and just to give kind of another idea of how these backlinks work so if I click into this you can see here that I've added a tag that it's a restaurant in Boulder Colorado a place but I've also backlinked that and I just put in a
quick note had the prime rib sandwich and it was great so that if I go back or if someone else goes to this restaurant I know what to recommend now the cool thing is that once you start doing all of this you eventually
form a map of all of your ideas and everything that's in your second brain and you can visualize this here on the map you can see all of these things back things together so most of these are my daily notes and you can see them linked
to other entities whether it's company or a person and then if you see all these things floating on the outside unlinked these are all of my past notes that I've imported from past note-taking apps like Evernote and I like to import those into
reflect just so that I can search them and if I need to call on them at any time they're at least there and then I'll just do one more example here maybe if you have a grocery list you can just put that in here and turn
it into a checklist with you know eggs milk whatever um all right so we've gone through explanation of reflect gone through download and installing and an
explanation of the daily note let's now talk about the AI Integrations something fairly new that I'm very very excited about so just to give an example I'm going to write something pretty innocuous uh tomorrow
I'm going to go skiing and we can pull up the AI editor a couple ways you can highlight the text and select the magic Stars here or use command J the shortcut and this will pull up the assistant and
you can ask anything in the open text box and we've also got prompts here below so these custom ones are ones that I have custom written and saved myself and the system ones are the ones that reflect has pre-written for you so let's
go ahead and try one I'll say rephrase my writing and the AI assistant is going to just rephrase it for this one in no particular tone down below this is a pretty simple sentence but what I want
to show you is that you can open up these prompts because we have open sourced all of them and so you can see how exactly we are instructing the AI to work and most of them follow this format where you can just have the input in
between triple quotes and you can edit this however you'd like so maybe we want to say where I want to have it rephrase the writing like a specific person so let's clone it and we can say re-praise the
writing like Levine and for each of these we can say rewrite the text in triple quotes below and let's say in the voice and tone
Levine and I usually like to say something around you know I'm doing large pieces of text I'll say please keep the same information the order the structure of the text um but for this I'll just keep it pretty
simple and I'll save that so then what happens is we can select this again pull up the AI assistant and somewhere down here yep there we go you will see it say rephrase my writing
like Matt Levine so that's just one use case but to go through some examples of the system ones you can have it app as an editor fixing your spelling and grammar it's really great at doing summaries it's great at listing key
takeaways and creating article outlines to speed up your writing you can really do quite a lot of things with this just the AI assistant that uses gpt4 currently at the time of this recording
which is the same technology that open AI uses in chat GPT Plus now reflect has another AI integration which is the whisper voice integration so on the desktop app you can access
that here by clicking on the microphone and it will just start recording something and on the mobile app it will happen on the top right hand corner where you can start a voice
transcription and once you do it you'll see the little box that just disappeared down there that just says that it is transcribing as we speak and uh it'll take a little bit depending on how long your voice transcription is but you can
see that mine was quite short so it already added it here to my daily note under audio memos and that's just what I said while I was recording there so the cool thing about this is that it has near human level accuracy and there's a
bunch of different use cases especially when paired with the gpt4 AI assistant in the palette editor that I just showed you so one thing that I like doing is walking down my neighborhood street or
maybe pacing my room rambling about some topic that I know a lot about and then I can have it organize those thoughts for Me Maybe into an article outline if I'm writing an article
or maybe I am having a discussion with someone that I want to record and then I can have it list the key takeaways and whatnot and you can see if you imagine this was a whole meeting or something one of our members actually showed me
this we have an executive assistant command which I'm not going to run right now because this wouldn't work because it's just not grammatically correct sentence down there um but when you run the executive assistant on your meeting notes it will
list all the key takeaways from your meeting and the action items that you need to do uh for the next call so something very very useful and uh again you can have it you know rephrase your writing once you're done you can have it
after the sparring partner providing counter examples and counterpoints to your own thoughts I have it list analogies and historical examples it really is crazy how much this AI
integration can do so highly recommend playing around with it yourself and we have a bunch of YouTube tutorials on our YouTube page that shows you different things you can do with the palette editor as well all right so let's call that good on AI
Integrations I should probably mention shortly you've seen me using a couple keyboard shortcuts but uh you can just pull those up using command slash and it pulls up this menu here and in the beginning you'll probably have to
reference this pretty frequently but soon you will learn it quite quickly and everything will just come naturally really speeds up your note-taking okay so let's talk about the I should
have said Kendall through the Chrome in Safari extensions because we now have Safari but these are one and the same so if you go back to this download page and download the extension when you open the extension page it will ask you to log in
through your Amazon Kindle account that's how you link your Kindle so that you can sync all of your book highlights and whatnot and once you do that I'm going to go to my all notes page here
um you can see you can have categories here so if you click on books these are all the books that I've imported from my Kindle it acts as my library and you can see links people this is a CMS and if we click on custom here these
are all the tags that we've used so I can click on company and these are all of the companies that are in my notes um one that I've been into recently is uh recipes I'm trying to build kind of like a digital cookbook so I've been
trying to record all the recipes I do so that's what happens when you add something with attack but going back to the extension here just to kind of show you an example this is a one of our new blog posts from our new conference
Series where we feature people's physical and digital work setups and so let's say that I'm reading this and um you know I scroll down to the digital tools that Tebow is using and I can just
highlight this and then I can click on the reflect Chrome extension and here it will have the title of the page and this is the text that I've highlighted I'm gonna select my main
graft attitude click add to reflect and then if I go back to all notes you'll see it here at the top we can click into this and it saved it with the original URL if I want to add a
description I can it's already got the type as a link for me and these are my highlights that I saved down below and the cool thing is if I go back to this article and want to highlight something else I can highlight this at the bottom
and it will just add it to this list as a bullet point so this is a great way to capture things that you read and find online and again then you can go back and search all of your links and as a directory
all right we're getting pretty close to the end here so let me go back to my note all right let's talk about preference really quickly preferences if you click on your name here below and go to preferences there's a couple cool things you can do in here one that I'll mention
that I think is really really important to set up first is you can set up templates so the Daily Reflection I was talking about I just have this set up as a template so that I can immediately call on it on my daily note I can just
type slash daily reflection and it holds up this template immediately it makes it super frictionless to do regular things in your notes and I actually think this is pretty critical in developing a daily journaling habit it makes it so easy
that it's something I look forward to if you go down to your graph settings you can download the recovery kit you can change your encryption password uh these are the import and exporters so if
you've used one of these past note taking tools you can import all of your existing notes and if you do do that we recommend doing it into a new test graph here just so that you don't accidentally clutter all of your notes and should you
ever decide to or need to for whatever reason you can export all of your notes because we're big Believers in data portability and I guess one thing I should have mentioned on the recovery kit this should have downloaded when you signed
up but definitely save it somewhere safe it's the easiest way to get back into your account should you ever lose your encryption password all right I'm not going to show you these but do want to mention that we have just a couple of Integrations we
have a zapier integration which lets you connect to the apis of dozens of other applications without inking the code so you can do cool things like set one up where you can like a tweet and it will save that to your reflect notes or
forward an entire email thread or maybe even save a Google doc to your reflect notes and again we've got a lot of demonstrations of this on our YouTube page and finally if you ever need any support you can always email support reflects
dot app and we highly recommend joining our Discord Community which I will include a link to in the notes of this video and in there you can share workflows see how other people are using reflect and get other support and
finally head to reflect.academy where you can learn not only more about reflect but more about note-taking in general and how you can actually become a better thinker through taking notes and become better at note-taking
overall all right I think that is it so thanks for watching this and enjoy your time with reflect
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