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hi my name is walter grange huge fan of scott's anti-net i've been a member of the community now going on three or four months and decided it was time for me to
contribute something and kind of pay it back to the community my background is i was 21 years navy and
primarily do analytics and for both military and commercial do some sports analytics so it's a pretty fun stuff a lot of um
matter of fact i teach analytics online and also have a book coming out here in a few weeks in august uh did not use the anti-net zederl casting for that however because i was going
through the final revisions and everything as i picked up you know started developing developing my uh anti-net zetel casting it really gave me a really good start
uh to my uh anti-net and the other piece of this is that you know as i build my new idea bank this has been an excellent way to
do that so thanks to scott and the community for helping me uh get kick-started on that um with my use case is i love going to conferences i know the last two years
we've been very limited going to conferences due to the covid uh situation worldwide they've just you know really opened up the past year and um my first large
conference was the uh the moore's operational research society which is an analytics conference specifically for you know department of defense in the
united states and with their allies it was actually at the marine corps base up in quantico virginia in june and the use case is that
when you go to these conferences there are lots of tracks it's overwhelming in times and this one had about 30 tracks about 800 attendees
and in many times most people and i'm going to a lot of conferences we'll put off actually planning like what you're going to do at the conference until the very last minute and this was
pretty much the same the conference i was traveling on monday the conference was tuesday to thursday and lo and behold it was saturday before the conference and i hadn't really figured out what i was going to do
then i thought well how can the anti-net help me right in this entire process so i just want to go over kind of my process and i'll put this in the notes also the first off
i said i'm going to have three hours it was saturday i'm going to dedicate three hours to this for two hours like many professional societies morris has a
non-peer-reviewed journal you know magazine called phalanx and i basically this is a quarterly magazine so i took the last four of these and uh scan them right so i gotta add
two hours and i made bib notes so [Music] the bib notes you you could do a bib note per article if you wanted to i only did the
each issue and then i made a page number and then a a bib note entry and then you know if there was an author involved and everything so
that's how i did this now some of these did end up being installed in my anti-net for main notes but the real advantage of doing this was that i was priming myself right
to to do other things that we'll get into in just a second the last hour of the three hours for that saturday sunday morris has webinars and
uh talks and i went and uh reviewed some of those and then again took bib notes and you know made notes about the time the title of the presentation or webinar
uh or you know the podcast or whatever it was and then uh and then again had those bib notes then uh again some of those end up being main
cards after that what i the next step i i did was i reviewed those bib cards and in some instances i knew that there were already you know
cards in my system or branches about that so one example i'd like to use you know for this demonstration is bias bias is a is a large issue when it comes to
ai artificial intelligence machine learning now everybody's heard about you know the bias data sets and such i knew i had a branch on that and so i went to my index uh you know there was an article in one
of the phalanx magazines and sure enough you know if i take a look at my index card which you know does not have near as many entries as probably some of yours for b
uh it was 13 90. so i i have a branch in the bias again here's my entire anti-net it's pretty thin stack at this point uh growing every day
and if i go to 1390 and then just look at the cards around it you know that's where the magic happens so 1390 is its own branch
and uh here it is and it's bias so got that and then 1391 excuse me 1390 uh slash one is the the
uh definition of bias and then 1391 slash one is actually the application you know of a bias in professional sports for coaches
and managers for them not to trust the math and to you know fall back on traditional um ways to to to coach or play a game you know the big uh example this is you know
going forward on fourth downs and and football right even though the statistics may say that that's a good move if coaches do it uh too often they feel like you know they could potentially
lose the trust of fans and owners and such and lose their job that that is a perception uh of course uh with that so that was one of the cards that was around this bias
um that you know was not connected to any kind of military application there were other examples of this and this is something that you could actually put you know
these cards in a smaller deck that you could review i drove to my conference so it would have been a lot harder to review these when i'm driving however if you're flying or taking a train or you
know something where a passenger seat you could potentially just take these cars make a small deck and carry them with you wouldn't need a computer or anything now that was the priming piece
how did it help next step is i actually went to the agenda into the schedule and looked at it typically when you do that there are some some talks that you're going to want to
go to right and some work groups or tracks that are that have a large application to what you're doing your day job is the other piece is if you're presenting
i i actually did do presentation you have to show up to those too that's kind of mandatory it felt easier this time and again that you know talking about bias i i'm
highly biased because this was the first time i'd ever applied this methodology that it just seemed easier for me to look at talks look at keynote speakers and find things i was interested in
right so the actual creation of my conference schedule i felt was easier that was a conference pre-prep then i attended the conference it was a tuesday through thursday
and i did do bib cards for the uh the conference uh sessions that i did go to so you're only carrying around in index cards and you know a pencil or pin
which is nice it's it's light you don't have carrying around a laptop or an ipad or anything like that that was one advantage of this the other piece of it is that even though
i did take notes with bib cards and some of those did result in main cards when i got home and and installed it in my anti-net i felt like if i you know saw a author
or presenter who was presenting on something that i already reviewed that i had had i had those edge connections in the anti-net that i already reviewed and
whenever i had a discussion with somebody it just seemed to be deeper and again this is a sample size of one however i i really personally felt like i got more
out of the conversations bringing up issues that if i would have just been despair at the moment i may not have known or remembered and so this priming
of reviewing the cards and such just resulted in in what i consider just much deeper conversations or different conversations and i believe that a lot of presenters a lot of the authors really
you know got into this and really enjoyed engaging at at another level or things again that were on the edge of what they were writing about or trying to communicate
and potentially some different angles to take on it uh so that was um pretty much the process again you know i'll just review it real
quick i just reviewed the magazines i reviewed online webinars it did made bib cards did some installation in my into my anti-net from them
and then reviewed some of the topic areas where i did have main cards already or branches uh and just went uh you know
the a few um in front a few behind and got the uh a good overview of what you know in my anti-net where those edges are
right what is what is bias touch or even different use cases of bias then that primed me to do the agenda schedule i attended the conference
and then had deeper i felt were deeper conversations more beneficial conversations with the folks that i engaged with and
also took bib cards of the conference presentations and keynote spit talks and then and some of those were resulted in maintenance
i will say this also that i on the the bib cards for the presentations and keynotes that i did their the presentation title the actual
speaker and any kind of papers or books that they had recommended or referenced in their talk and then that when i got back
home that also resulted in me being able to uh research some of those references and then you know creating biblio or bib cards for those which then resulted in main cards
for my um my antoinette zettle cast and so overall this really worked well for me i i would say if i i have another big conference coming up in october
i'm hoping one improvement i'm going to make and we always make this promise to ourselves is to start earlier i need to spread out the time and get this
entire process started out a few weeks in advance and even if i want to put in a couple of hours spread it out over some time and that way it should give me some time to
to think about reflect and make the system just that much more better right that much better more efficient more beneficial and i i
obviously i don't think you could probably start prepping six months out that may be too far there's probably some magical goldilocks zone of you know seven days
14 days i don't know what the magical zone is where you start your prep you it takes you just a few hours and you can actually retain especially if you're reviewing these
main cards or again you just keep reviewing them uh repetitively until the event and then it then it will prime you to again to really take advantage of that
you know conferences are we would travel in time that's a lot of investment and for many of us it could be you know your funds uh you have to pay for them or your company pays for
them so these things aren't cheap and and i think i really felt like i got my money's worth and time investment out of uh that conference so hopefully this helps if you have any
further ideas you know please share i i am a true believer that this community is awesome at you know sharing new ideas and such and if you
love conferences as much as i do then yeah please i'd love to hear your feedback on any types of improvements or things that you think um you know in this process could be done differently
that may make it more effective so thanks to everybody for listening and i can't wait to for the discussion thanks
End of transcript