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hello and welcome to this webinar launching a new report for the stockholm plus 50 conference taking place in a couple of weeks time
we're really excited to be launching this report which is the outcome of a year or so of collaboration between ceew and sei and with contributions
from researchers at both of these organizations and from the wider scientific community we've also benefited from a scientific advisory panel of 27 international experts
in the field of sustainability and policy this is a scientific report it's been funded by the swedish ministry for the environment but it's been written independently
and it's providing the scientific basis for the stockholm plus 50 international conference taking place on the 2nd and 3rd of june the report
unpacks the intertwined human environmental crises that we face today and it offers some key actions that can lead to transformational change
in three key areas by redefining the relationship between humans and nature ensuring lasting prosperity for all and investing in a better future
it presents recommendations for improving the conditions of change and the lock in progress through improved policy coherence accountability solidarity and renewed multilateralism
the reports messages are firmly based in science and that science is clear act now and act boldly it's my pleasure to be moderating
today's webinar and we have a fantastic set of panelists with us who will discuss in two panel discussions aspects of the report
but before we do that we're going to hear a keynote uh speech from uh uh miss lia narona who is the un assistant secretary general the head of uneps
new york office and after that we will hear a presentation of the key messages of the report uh from orsa parshan and haran abagosh
first of all i'd really like to welcome lorona to provide us with a keynote and set the context for the report that we've produced good morning and thank you very much
robert and hello to osa and toarinova and all our colleagues including nitin uh and sharon and the others and johanna for being here this morning uh i also bring you greetings from inga anderson
who unfortunately could not be here today and um so um i i am here um to speak to you i'm also the focal point for the united nations for this conference and therefore it gives me great pleasure
to uh to welcome this report but also be very much present here at the launch of this report so let me begin by congratulating the stockholm environment institute and the council energy
environment and water on this report and the call to a better future this call is so central to the vision of stockholm safety a vision which speaks to a healthy planet for the prosperity of all and our responsibility and opportunity
and to the principles of engagement which are intergenerational responsibility the interconnectedness and implementation opportunity that we have the notion of responsibility colleagues
was well embedded in the 1972 declaration as maurice strong put it when opening the debate in u.n general assembly it's the first acknowledgement by the community of nations of new principles of behavior and
responsibility which must govern the relationship in the environmental era we see this reference responsibility both corporate and social in the world commission on environment and development in 1987 in the agenda 21
and at the world sustainable at world summit of sustainable development in 2002 a strong statement by kofi annan the secretary general of the united nations and i quote and if there is one word that should be
in everyone's lips at this summit one concept that embodies everything we hope to achieve in china's back it's it is responsibility responsibility for each other but especially the poor the vulnerable and
the oppressed as fellow members of a single human family responsibility for our planet whose bounty is the very basis for human well-being and progress and most of all responsibility for the future for our
children and their children ladies and gentlemen responsibility has been the key defining factor of the way the the stockholm plus 50 has been designed and the open architecture that
is taking it forward which is both with regard to engaging with as many stakeholder groups as possible but especially the youth and especially the scientists as yourselves while the issue of responsibility and
its many manifestations have featured in many environmental and development meetings over the last 50 years it's not been sufficiently central to the way we live consume produce govern look out for the other human or
non-human over the 50 years since 1972 we have moved as the report notes from a situation of over underdevelopment and scarcity to one of over development and
affluence with planetary footprints that will influence our well-being into the future it's already influencing health and well-being different parts of the world as we see the the impacts and the footprints
everywhere environmental injustices abound and this is another aspect of this conference which is very central to our thinking the environmental injustice's current and future have given rise to a growing
trust deficit in our various conversations and consultations towards stock 150 four kinds of trust deficits have manifested themselves between developed and developing countries between states and non-state
actors across generations and with marginalized groups such as indigenous peoples women and local communities with a breakdown of trust and the unfulfilled promises on commitments
there's a growing impatience and sometimes even anger to write the wrongs of years of consumption choices production patterns and finance flows that have resulted in a degrading planet
and growing inequity ill health mistrust and hopelessness for the many and a good life for the few given the impacts that humans are having on the planet our flourishing can no longer be limited just by what we do in
our lifetimes nor our development opportunities of the current and future generations dependent only on the productive capacity that we leave as legacy but it depends on is also on the health
of the underlying natural systems and resources that support our well-being economists and governments have to factor in nature and natural resources as key elements of our production and development possibilities
going beyond gdp as a measure of well-being and progress is a key aspect of the shift that is required which you've noted well in the report the inter-connectedness of the crises we face climate pollution biodiversity and
inequality require our change require a change in our exploitative relationship to our planet to a more holistic and caring one but that can only happen with a change in our behavior our economic
system our unsustainable consumption and production practices and our financial system that is so misaligned with the environmental and social goals in the informal working groups of the leadership dialogues the stockholm plus
50 the regional and the national consultations the stakeholder youth engagements and the preparatory meeting that we had in marches on march 28th we have heard repeated calls for scaling
up actions rather than new commitments moving from promise to delivery and incentivizing and empowering all stakeholders to contribute meaningfully and positively towards a sustainable
prosperous and resilient future that leaves no one behind we hear calls to respond to the urgency to greater agency institutional strengthening and capacity to deliver while many talk of action gaps many more
say we need to go beyond this to address the technology and capacity gaps to deliver on actions to address the triple prices many point to these capacity gaps as being the key reasons for the failure
to implement commitments and the need for incentives to favor actions and implementation of existing commitments over more negotiations the issue of longer-term visioning is a repeated ask especially through a
greater engagement of youth and decision making as they have a greater stake in the future let me share with you the overarching messages we've been hearing in the past in the past year on the road to
stockholm as they it may help frame what you're going to talk about and then i see a very close alignment which is absolutely extraordinary and this arises from this deep sense of urgency that i mentioned in a growing
anxiety that time is running out first message is that the planetary crises are humanitarian and well-being crisis so the planetary crisis undermine and impact the achievement of the sdgs
and limit future development opportunities that collective action is required in that multilateral cooperation is key to accelerate such action that new and additional voices need to be heard and engaged with especially
those of youth women indigenous groups and local communities the need to centre action on the principles of reaching out to the furthest first and leaving no one behind something like gandhian talisman
the need to rebuild trust across the spectrum and for system-wide changes economy-wide in our lifestyles in high impact sectors that science tells us need to be
revisited innovative means of implementation towards a just transition towards just transitions because there are many transitions that are happening there are many calls for transformative action and change on
governance systems there's there are asked for coherent agile networked and responsive to the needs of all age groups especially youth there are calls to be respectful of indigenous peoples and local communities gender positive by
default hard wired for system systemic localized solutions to our global and existential challenges cognizant of the human right to clean healthy and sustainable environment and a great accountability
and transparency in governance both corporate and state to many of you present here today and to to me very very much so these have been heard before they've been heard many times over the last 50 years but what is different
today is the urgency with which everyone is speaking the clamor of youth to deliver on our duties and our responsibilities to the other and to the future what is different today is that we
actually have the opportunity and the tools and the knowledge and the finance to redress the wrongs and work towards a healthy planet for the prosperity of all if only in closing let me speak to the
opportunity that stockholm facility provides as i know many of you will be there it provides us with an opportunity for collective cause together for raising ambition and call to actions yours is
very central to that in an already unequal world stock complicit is a chance to reshape national and global responses it's a chance to deliver equity to make peace with nature and to amplify a global
movement for a more caring trusting world it's also a chance to reinvigorate multilateralism and turn commitment to action we have no negotiated outcome in this meeting and that frees us to be bold
ideational and demanding so let stockholm be the chance we have to push our boundaries let stockholm be the chance to ask the tough questions let's talk and be the moment when we stand together in determination to take
bold action and make systemic shifts in our economy in our food systems in our energy systems and in our finance systems and uh and above all let stockholm be a chance for us to act in
solidarity to deliver on the principles that are forebears laid out in 1972 and go beyond to address our intergenerational responsibility for the collective well-being of all thank you very much and all the very
best with your report thank you thank you lydia for providing um a grounding for this report and for our discussions today
in the historical context of the 1972 conference but also for providing a remarkable summary of the preparatory working groups uh that will uh then
inform the leadership dialogues at uh stockholm plus 50. uh there is a huge amount there and i think that uh you'll hear from uh orsa and aranaba
as they describe uh how the report tries to tackle the issues of taking us from promise to delivery so now i'm going to invite orsa and aranaba orsa pashon who is the
research director and deputy director of sei uh and aaron abagosh who is the ceo of cew to provide us with an introduction to our new report stockholm plus 50
unlocking a better future thank you robert and on behalf of the council on energy environment and water and our partners in stockholm environment institute let me also extend a warm welcome to all of
you for joining us in this very important uh webinar to launch the report stockholm plus 50 unlocking a better future as dr norona just outlined you know
the words that rang in me in her keynote speech were inequalities not of one kind but of several kinds the responsibility that we all shoulder and only then the trust that we can
build it is evident that the world is at a boiling point whether it is extremes of weather events whether it is conflict rising commodity prices the impact on the vulnerable so
we should ask ourselves how will we be bold in the way dr norana asked us to be stockholm plus 50 is a moment for us to stop
and take stock of what has happened over the last 50 years and i as the father of a nine-year-old wonder what would stockholm plus 100 look like when my daughter would be approaching her retirement age
our report is an attempt to review that progress over the last 50 years but also think of the components that will increase the momentum for change it is a scientific report and therefore
it is full of analysis and proposals we do have a wealth of roadmaps across the world in many scientific reports but what we try to do in this report is to ask ourselves what really will
unlock that better future and therefore going beyond just the sectoral stories we present three systemic shifts and we also acknowledge three structural
barriers that we would have to overcome the report has 52 recommendations but it's not just a long list it is actually an integrated approach towards overcoming the structured barriers you
could move to the next slide please and therefore we should recognize that while 1972 was a watershed moment for many of the youth clamoring for change it was long before they came on this
planet how will we make 2022 a watershed moment we've asked ourselves how will the world change by the actions by the research we are undertaking
and while we will we have some notable successes my colleague osha person will now outline for you where we have failed what are the action gaps and how we are proposing to overcome them
also over to you thank you very much aranaba and thank you to everyone joining us today we need a new watershed moment and because this is a scientific report we
of course start in the data i'm not going to go through all that data here but it's very clear that we do face intertwined crisis planetary and human we are causing unprecedented change to
the planets climate change biodiversity loss resource use and we are at risk of triggering irreversible tipping points we did take a very systematic look at the scientific assessments that have
come out recently and these are very conservative assessments but the messages are very clear we need urgent and transformative actions and also there is more emerging consensus that we
need to focus more even more on rewiring our economic systems consumption production investments to truly address the drivers of the planetary crisis not the symptoms
turning to human development we have of course the spectacular progress in the last 50 years uh poverty life expectancy literacy but like dr naronia outlined we are concerned about inequalities
between countries and societies but also between individuals increasingly and in particular inequality in wealth is increasing rapidly these inequalities are stark as we heard
when we look at the data on the impact of the planetary crisis whether climate induced air pollution soil degradation and also who is causing the planetary crisis at
the ci we have called this the carbon inequality era and there are these dramatic differences in carbon footprints in the among the top emitters in the rich countries and the lower matrix in the
poorer countries as we know stockholm plus 50 is also a good moment to really go a bit deeper into intergenerational equity so we also see these huge inequalities
between current and future generations considering the toll that the current heat waves uh is taking in south asia it is a frightening scenario to to when science says that someone born
today would face seven or even more as many heat waves during their lifetime compared with their grandparents next slide please so looking at the big picture and really trying to capture the key dilemma
no country no single country has yet achieved a development path which achieves human development but not at the expense of transgressing planetary boundaries so how did we end up here
next slide please partly because of the big action gap in global sustainable development governance looking at the tracking of the global environment
and sustainable goals that have been set tracking by unep and others and there are hundreds of goals we saw that only around one tenth of 200 targets had been achieved or seen
significant progress so the problem really is not so much an aspiration gap but an action gap or implementation gap next slide please we also try to take a broader look when
taking stock global governance uh looking at indicators of the elements of the framework for environmental action that was conceived in stockholm 1972 and this
these are the three boxes you see to the upper left corner there in brief we have been successful with environmental assessment in yellow we have 30 times as much environmental research today much more
knowledge we have many scientific assessments as i mentioned we have more data we have also been very productive on setting global goals and also agreeing
international environmental agreements and maybe over a thousand the really weak link here is the supporting measure so this is the the bottom box there in green
which is basically finance technology cooperation strong organizations the measures in these books have been either ineffective or delivery has simply not matched the level of
aspiration or the level needed by the planetary crisis and this is of course primarily hindering progress in the global south and it's also concerning when we consider emerging governance challenges
whether we're talking about the massive increase in climate adaptation that is needed or dealing with environmental displacement but also emerging technologies like geoengineering or
resource extraction from outer space next slide please but we are very clear in the report and we devote uh quite a lot of attention to this that there are many positive
drivers now and the momentum for change is stronger than ever in many ways uh we highlight four factors one is the seeming a steady increase in public support for action uh there is a as a
scientist there's a data problem here but if we look at many international public services recently um there is a strong demand for action from the public of course also we have the rapid
acceleration of clean technologies reaching mass markets and we look at some evidence in the report suggesting that we may be hitting many tipping points for reaching this mass market of key
technologies uh in the next few years next slide please so the challenge is really to increase the pace of change how can we do that uh as our nava outline we propose three
broad shifts as keys to a better future and this is really the meat of the report the shifts are based on the idea of strong sustainability they are cross-sectoral they could have transformative effects
and some of them are not yet strongly featuring on the global policy agenda so first we need to redefine our relationship with nature from one of extraction to one of care we have already discussed at some length
how to value nature how to price nature but we argue in this report uh more based on behavioral science that human nature connected us should also be strengthened in other ways in our everyday lives
next slide please so some of the actions that we look at relate to integrating nature in our cities in our food choices by mainstreaming animal welfare as a
sustainable development issue not just ethical issue investing more in nature education including incorporating indigenous peoples and local communities knowledge and also exploring the concept of rights
of nature more and to give you a flavor of the concrete recommendations we make for example revising school curricula to voluntary action on disclosure of
animal welfare risk from food companies to their investors next slide please and the second shift is to ensure prosperity that lasts for all and here
we come into quite uh classic questions around consumption and production how can we consume and produce in a more resource efficient way in a sufficient way but still have a good life and was doing
this transition in an equitable way globally we argue here and find support in the latest science that this requires a complete rethink of both norms and how we operate in the economy
we need a transformative economics next slide please some of the actions we look at here are enabling sustainable lifestyles at the individual level but not just through information and nudging but really
infrastructure that make these choices the overwhelmingly easy ones uh shifting business models from products to functions raising the level of ambition of supply
chain governance creating green jobs that are not just green but also decent and address youth unemployment and at the macroeconomic scale aligning statistics with genuine prosperity goals
a couple of the concrete recommendations we make here include establishing a regular um forum on sustainable lifestyles to co-develop pathways and using public procurement to
accelerate the shift from product to function next slide please so the third uh big systemic shift we see is well we have already seen a growing
interest from private capital and the finance sector to invest more sustainably but we argue that there is still a strong role for governments to help align financial flows not just to the green investments but also away from the
environmentally harmful investments we also see that sustainable investing today is not really a volume problem so much as an allocation and access problem in particular for low and middle income countries
next slide please and under this shift we identify possible actions like investing even more public funds in innovation and missions co-defined with stakeholders in the international context this
translates into exploring more the idea of co-development of technology as a new paradigm for the so far ineffective technology transfer as a means of implementation we also call for incentivising more
active investing approaches provision of more multilateral grant finance to catalyze domestic credits in developing countries and introducing joint de-risking initiatives
harmonizing the financial frameworks and sustainability taxonomies that are now emerging in many parts of the world but we also say that maybe we need to start considering ways to actually
increase the perceived risk of unsustainable investment portfolios for example by mandates for minimum allocation of lending to sustainable assets so these are the three big systemic
shifts that give us the key to the future as mentioned there are many recommendations in the report and now i will hand over back to arunaba to discuss the virus we need to overcome
thank you if you could have the next slide it is very clear as i was saying at the outset that we have a planetary emergency underway but that emergency unfolds into the
sense of urgency that we're all feeling the the stakeholders that have engaged with the leadership dialogues in stockholm process 50 process have outlined that but how do we shift from emergency to urgency to taking agency
how do we actually be creating the conditions by which we can unlock that better future and that's why we look at three structural barriers if we could move to the next slide please
in improving the the conditions for change we identify three barriers the first is policy incoherence the second is the lack of solidarity and the third is the lack of accountability
we have to ensure that our policies across the board are not just stronger but also integrated and consistent to offer the incentives for action
that means we need to explain and understand those synergies we need more systemic and integrated approaches to policy making but we also need higher trans standards for transparency
and participation in decision making to ensure fair representation including of future generations we have the next slide but this policy coherence at the national level or even at the
international level will not succeed unless we also have a sense of solidarity at a time when multilateralism is under stress we have to rebuild that trust
with a kernel of empathy and solidarity rebuilding the trust with citizens including those who are marginalized but also creating structural changes that
convey the message that we care about the risks they face and therefore the report offers some key ideas around new mechanisms to deal with
the chronic global risks whether it is public health whether it is environmental crises and so forth so we ask for insurance cushions against those chronic risks we also
ask for this new paradigm that shifts away from technology transfer towards an idea of technology co-development so we are talking less about technology
gaps i'm talking more about how communities countries citizens companies across the world are coming together to collectively solve problems rather than wonder who wins the race
we're also looking at new ways in which private finance can have sustainability as a core norm not just as an afterthought but also how we can
nudge in the high income countries to deliver on their promises of climate finance and sustainable finance but as dr narona said next slide please none of this is possible if we don't
take responsibility and if we don't take responsibility are we being held accountable so we need a new culture of accountable promises of systematic tracking of progress made
on various pledges of looking at the indicators that measure that pace of transformation not just incremental transition we've suggested a un climate accountability summit
to hold stakeholders to account for what they have delivered but also what they have not but in all of this we also need to leverage the knowledge of communities
uh to invest more in data and more even evaluation so we now have a new way of dynamically understanding how the world is transforming around us
next slide please as i close out let me also draw your attention to a youth report that we launched as part of this process three weeks ago a youth vision for a just and
sustainable future the reports are available at stockholm 50 dot report but i want to highlight that in preparing that youth report we convened we collected the voices and the
opinions of nearly 1 000 youth across 91 countries across the world so please look at not just what we are saying in terms of how the last 50 years have panned out
please also listen to what the youth of today and the elders of tomorrow are saying of how the world should look like at stockholm plus 100. let me now turn back to
my colleagues to take this conversation forward thank you very much thank you also for uh providing that overview of our report stockholm plus 50
unlocking a better future um it's now great pleasure to be able to introduce the first of our two panels and today we are really spoiled with two fantastic set of panelists as well
on these first on these panels i will be moderating our first discussion and i'd like to introduce you to our wonderful panel and uh our wow includes eric kemp
benedict who has been one of the key uh the lead authors uh from sci from stockholm enrollment institute for uh the report stockholm plus 50 unlocking a better future very proud and happy to be able to
welcome celine chavarriat who has been an advisory panel member for the development of this report and also to welcome cookie tsuyaman
who is the executive director from the indonesia research institute for decarbonization and finally also dr agnes calibata who is the president of agra a very warm
welcome to you all thank you very much for joining us um our panel is really going to focus on those uh keys for unlocking change um that you heard presented by orsa pachan just now just
to remind you of of the three there for you the first is about redefining the relationship between humans and nature the second is about ensuring lasting prosperity for all
and the third is about investing in a better future what i'd like to start off with is just trying to get some initial perhaps quite quite concise ideas from you about
what you see as being the sort of social norms and value systems perhaps even the enabling infrastructure that are going to enable us to take these make the our lifestyles sustainable and
make them that preferred and easy choice that also talked about and i'd like to ask that question first of all to celine thank you so much robert and
huge congratulations to sei as you said i was on the advisory board and i i saw how difficult it was and how you made it to finally write one report with clear recommendations so really
congratulations so my thoughts on this i'll just pick one or two examples first in terms of building norms i sit in a country belgium that is about to
discuss a law to criminalize ecocide and when we talk about the relationship between man and nature i think this could be one of the watershed moments that start nationally and that eventually
gets translated into the international level we need to put an end to impunity for those who are destroying you know in an irreversible way uh ecosystems
so norms are very important and some of the norms you know is about still law or at least soft law the the second element and this is mentioned in the report is the critical
importance of education and it seems to me that right now yes we need to change school curriculum but we also need to be very creative uh using arts using fiction
uh using life experiences getting children into nature and i would put this under the concept of nature archie you know let's go from patriarchy to nature archie and you know propose this
new set of norms and values to children and youth and many you know for instance indigenous peoples have already those those values and they can teach us you know how to especially values because at
the end of the day nature can do without us whereas we cannot do without nature and one last element you talked about again the importance of going beyond gdp
i think we need to you know we are in this incredibly theoretical debate about this tomorrow governments can start tracking alongside gdp using proxy indicators you
don't need new indicators whether they are regenerating or not natural capital um and so let's start doing this tomorrow and some countries for for instance the countries that are part of the well-being economy alliance are
already using those those indicators so that will be for what i would say to begin with thank you thank you celine um some great ideas there and i'd be very interested to hear
the reactions of of other panelists uh to to your your your ideas here um perhaps i can turn to to eric eric you were involved in in pulling this report together and in writing the report are
there particular things that you feel that you'd like to highlight in terms of perhaps addressing uh what was what was called you know we live in a world of sort of affluence and over consumption
how do we shift ourselves to being in a world of sufficiency you know are there particular things that you would highlight there there are although i want to highlight
a kind of a big question that's going to make it seem extremely challenging because what we have to do is move to systems of ways of living um
that we have no models for right now if you look at um the the countries that are providing a decent life for all
the ways that they are doing that cannot be scaled to the entire world we can't live within the limits of the planet and provide a decent life using what we have now
we have to change and the change is going to be tremendous but that doesn't mean it's going to be unpleasant to live in if you're in a world where where the norms have already been
established where it's there is a notion of sufficiency and beyond sufficiency you can have a great life you're just it's just very low material intensity
great but between here and there it will disrupt people's livelihoods just ordinary people's livelihoods it will disrupt
social arrangements and crucially it's going to threaten the the wealth and influence of powerful people and so the problem is you can identify
norms for living that can make a sustainable world work and that's step one can you make a sustainable world work and i i believe firmly that that is
possible but the transition from here to there is going to be bumping up against real constraints just from ordinary people trying to make it through life
and those vulnerable people we have to pay attention to them and also from people who feel like they have a very strong position that will be threatened and they can push back so the
that's i think we have to tackle those as two separate things what are the norms that will allow us to live sustainably and what kind of transformation do we need to get there thank you
thanks eric um perhaps i can tell the cookie and and if you'd like to build on on what eric is saying because essentially we need to have some idea of how we're actually going to ensure equity um through the transformation
that eric is is describing are there other particular um examples or ideas that you'd like to share about how we ensure that equity and uh uh protect the most vulnerable as eric was saying
thank you uh thanks robert for for the questions and also uh first i would like to thank the organizer for inviting me and to share my views here as well so i think robert to respond to your questions uh
i don't have any specific examples but i think i would like to offer a uh an idea that what we need is basically to have a
great paradigm shift so to allow all these things to happen so i think what i meant is that shifting from if i can say materialism that we have
now and basically focusing on economic development uh to a a state where we are more uh like uh for value uh well-being
and maybe welfare so that that will include you know like not only the economy side of it but also the social and of course uh the environmental uh uh element of of
those things also and i think uh how how can we we go there and we have been i think mentioned also earlier about all this just transition issue right and and i
think just transition is in a way uh to also to reflect the to how how to to fill the gap of this inequality and i think uh when we are
talking about just transition then it's not only the transition process itself that has to be just but it's also like where we are heading to is something that that is uh you know
like uh addressing the inequality is is there right so i think uh that that would be uh the things that that i would like to offer here uh
and i would like also to hear from from others because i think uh and it's already mentioned earlier also and also in the report about the financing uh everyone uh mentioned that that
basically uh it's not about the that we don't have the money we do have the money but then how the money will be used is is another story
and right now for example i'm like most of the time i'm working in the climate issue so we have all this climate financing issue uh uh and a number of countries already put the pledge uh
to to support any climate actions but with the current situation i think uh it is i mean something that that we don't want to see
but something that we have to understand with the current situation with what happened with the geopolitic and so on then there will be you know again
shifting of financing from supposedly to support the to basically to to how do you call it to to delete the inequality and then it may come to
even you know broaden the gap so that that would be that the first thing and and i think if we are talking about support uh and uh already mentioned earlier as well in the in the opening in
um that it's not only money it's not only cleansing because you know like uh giving
to those that need it is in [Music] cookie i i think we may be losing you but if
oh sorry okay can you hear me now yes yes okay yeah yeah somehow it was job so it's like inequality i think
inequality in internet connection sorry for that no but uh i would like to say also if you are talking about uh means of implementation then then we
cannot just think about the finance part of it but what is more important and i think has been uh touched also by not only uh the report but earlier by
itselin as well as eric that um you know like uh the quality of the the human resources right so we need to develop uh human capacity
and and i think uh one of the biggest challenges would be for the education and knowledge system how how we shift all this this uh paradigm uh because i think uh
i i can say it's it's very human right if we already live in a very nice uh situation uh you are uh you know more more than sufficient then
then it will be difficult for you to shift uh the way you you see things and looking from from others perspective so i'll just stop there robert thank you thank you very much cookie um
agnes you are the president of the alliance for a green revolution in africa you work very closely with small holders um i'm wondering whether you wanted to address perhaps the idea of of
redefining the relationship with nature and perhaps even get into some of these issues around shifting diets and also uh questions around animal welfare are these issues that you feel that
are sort of top of mind for for the institute where you're working thank you and thank you so much for having me i really appreciate this report having
just come from the food system summit with you all only i go this really speaks to some of the things that um that we are all concerned about so i want to call out and on my way to your question
i really want to call out two things uh the the the fact that was called out on gap in action and the fact that was called out on compressing timelines
in decision making i call this out because stockholm 50 plus or plus 50 is going to be about governments making decisions and taking
timely action it has taken us 50 years to do 10 percent of what we set out to do we have eight years to come through an sdgs if we are going to do this work we
definitely have a lot of running to do and a lot of compressing timelines to do so i i really think that the the food system summit did provide a huge opportunity in terms of
shifting the paradigm you also how much anxiety exists in the system i don't think we can see that level of anxiety the interest the coming forward the stepping forward the
commitments the arguing all that was because of the anxiety that is being built in our system because we are not taking action enough so for me it's really really going to be important that we we address that
challenge now in terms of speaking to the question you raised with smallholder farmers and other people uh the the food system summit was very clear around the inequities that are developing in our
system many of them driven by climate change many of them driven by coveted 19 and many of them driven by quite a number of other things but let's do recognize that to be able to address those
inequities we have to start asking ourselves what will it take to transform different societies what do we need to be doing whatever we do here on the equator will not amount to anything unless people
start shifting towards mitigation towards reducing climate change because the the farmers that are experiencing climate change the most don't even know how it happens so we really are depending on some of the
things you called out here the solidarity the need for solidarity they need to come through for all of us because i don't know for how long some of us will come through while many of us don't come through and it's going to
catch up with us right so i really want to appeal to people to understand that the time has come for us to start thinking remembering that exploiting in nature at any cost driving down the coast of food for example at any cost is
not an answer to our problems we need to think about the cost to the environment which we showed in the true cost of food and we need to think about the cost people as we as we make it very difficult for
more people to feed themselves as they start thinking about the fact that they can't put the right nutrition on the table because they can't afford it everything is being rotted but this is my last point my last point is about
how you call out investments and need for adaptation which i upload and agree with it has to be that we are thinking about investments and making it context specific so i know we are all anxious
but when we start talking about reducing the use of fertilizers for example we need to to step back and then who said we need to reduce the whole need the whole thing of driving cost
down at any cost we need to reduce how much we put in our environment but here in africa the damage to environment comes from minimal use of nutrients we are more farmers up to 70 percent are
cutting down environments so that they can get food so we need to find what type of context do we do what and start really supporting systems based on where they are at with people at the heart of what we are doing so that's number one
sustainability has to be at the center and protecting the environment has to be at the center but number two you talked about solidarity and the dealing with the challenges that we're
having animal terrorism and coming through for each other i really love the fact that we have put in place an adaptation fund and we are going to have to come through we are millions of years behind on that
adaptation point but here is the catch we cannot have adaptation where the people that are being supported from adaptation perspective are getting those resources as loans
we cannot have adaptation in dating our children for something that they are not benefiting for something they don't even know what's happening adaptation resources like you called out earlier one of you i think it was saying
we'll call it out has to be grant resources to support communities that are struggling not loans to in debt communities that are already indebted so that's what i wanted to call out but
then the last thing is let's facilitate investments our own countries in here in africa one countries have a responsibility to create a conducive environment that will allow a shift in investments get investments
closer to what africans need what indonesians need in indonesia so that some of them some of this challenge can can stop but lastly let's use science and evidence let's uncover all this
stuff in cells and evidence what you're producing here is giving us a lot of information it's giving us a lot of evidence just because we are getting anxious just because we
are running out of time does not mean we want to anchor our actions in sales and evidence because then we'll create more problems so i just wanted to draw those out of some of the things i'm learning from this thank you
thank you very much agnes uh unfortunately we're running out of time for this panel um and we need to move on i i really appreciated this some examples of how norms can be
shifted and norms can obviously take a long time and we've also talked about the urgency for action and we've also heard about the need for governments to sort of shorten their decision horizons in order to actually make greater progress and
how science needs to be an integrated part of that so thank you very much everybody who's participated in this panel thank you eric celine cookie and agnes for this
before i hand over to the next panel um we've been uh we think it's really important and this has been touched upon by a number of our guests um not only to think about the science and the hard
policies but to think about how we can recover from the pandemic how we can rebuild from war how we can reconnect with nature and it's not only the policies it's not only the infrastructure in the investments
it's also through culture and it's also by igniting emotions and so we've been working together with a artist to create a film
um and this film is an interpretation of our report um and we've done it together with the performance poet seymour singh who has produced a film called portrait of a silver lining
and here it is [Applause] [Music] ralph emerson once said a house is made with walls and beams but a home is built
with love and dreams the earth is not just a house built with walls and beams and skyscrapers and malls and roads the earth
is our home full of breathtaking forests and waterfalls vast blue oceans and also malls but with people and all kinds of different beings
the earth is filled with love and dreams but our home is crumbling our dreams are breaking we have changed ecosystems made our home
sick then we ignored the symptoms waited for it to get tragic in a world where nature is worshipped actions don't match the words of the leadership rising
emissions is a call for urgency and now now is the time for us to take agency because families of our own swept away in floods yet we don't see pain till we
see blood while our forests shrink in front of our eyes we renovate our home to where we cannot recognize but 50 years ago at stockholm an effort was made to save
our home 50 years later there is no accountability but it is time for us to take responsibility let's craft a key to unlock a better
future and redefine our relationship with nature our home isn't perfect but it doesn't need renovating it needs compassion our home needs healing it is already 20 22
but there is hope i see hope in the eyes of our generation as we are learning how to cope young voices young voices are becoming an inspiration how dare you
continue to look away our home doesn't need heroes and capes or superheroes who change shapes our home needs people like you and me people who
act and people who make policies we need to invest in a better future reform finance and technology we need to heal nature build a world where all get
prosperity as this may be our last chance this decade our last window despite the clouds and the storm there still can be a rainbow
[Music] [Music] well i'll just give you a few seconds to
let that sink in um i i want to just take a moment to thank all my colleagues who worked uh incredibly hard in producing that video and of course simmer the the performance poet who brought this
report alive with his lyrics uh i want to start the next panel by just highlighting how my as i mentioned i have a nine-year-old daughter i showed her a preview of this video a couple a couple of days ago
and i was expecting her to say oh how lovely what a nice video nice music etc and she said uh without me giving any content she said you've already wasted 50 years
that was her first reaction and it's incredible uh because uh you know uh we go through all these motions and all the research and then uh
we forget that uh we have not held ourselves accountable and the clarity of thought that a nine-year-old can bring to this actually gets us over the goosebumps and gets us back onto the
road of delivery so i want to welcome the stellar panel we have right now is sharon burrow the general secretary of the international trade union confederation the world's largest trade union confederation she's
been in that position since 2010 known for her international advocacy on labor standards and corporate responsibility we also have with us a stalwart of sustainable development mr nathan desai senior economist
environmentalist he was the former u.n secretary general u.n under secretary general for economic and social affairs but also served as the secretary and the chief economic advisor in india's ministry of finance and the deputy
secretary general of the 1992 united nations conference on environment and development we have with us professor frank biermann professor of global sustainability governance at utrecht university
director of the erc global goals project and founder of the earth system governance project and the editor of the earth system governance journal and finally we have with us soha xiaowu an
associate scientist at the stockholm environment institute focused on their equitable transitions program her work includes projects on policy coherence the issues we were highlighting earlier
and explore synergies and conflicts between climate goals and sdgs thank you so much to all of you sharon if i could request you to switch on a video i hope you can hear us um terrific thank you so much for
joining us we have only 20 minutes with us i'm going to dive straight in i'm going to ask you about these three structural barriers that we have the policy incoherence the lack of
solidarity the lack of accountability so if i may start with um with mr desai actually because you've had such a long innings in in seeing
promises made some delivered and a lot left undelivered i'm going to start with you because i want to get to this heart of coherence in policy where multiple signals come from within national
governments and then at an international level how do you think we can bring coherence back in to make sure that all these ideas and actions we are saying have a consistent direction of travel
and so this is how your uh microphone is off if you could switch it on please thank you coherence and policy will only come if you have a coherence in the economy as long as the economy is driven by a
traditional system of market capitalism etc you're not going to get coherence because policy there will always be policies to be influenced by short-term considerations arising about some market considerations
this is happening again and again so we must look for coherence in the economy and that means that the key problem of the absence of responsibility and solidarity
which is what you have highlighted in the discussions so far is reflected in the way the economy works so for instance you have the notion of
social democracy at the national level but there is no notion of social democracy at the global level there is no such sense of the requirements of
some form of solidarity you have laws at the national level which can impose responsibility for liability you have none at the global level which will impose some i'm not saying
that what you have at the national level is perfect but the absence of the global level in an area where you cannot just rely on national action because if the ecosystem
does not respect national boundaries the climate is the most extreme example of this so we must find ways of changing the way the global economy functions and
by implication the way it was move the national economies beyond the traditional systems of social democracy and the
issues about liability for the actions that my actions that cause damage to others so let me stop at this point i can come back later if you wish sure so coherence through the economy
with a social democratic um social democratic foundation both nationally but internationally as well but sharon barrow let me turn to you then you know you represent
uh workers of the world um and how do we bring in that uh sense of both that social democratic contract between you know state citizen
uh society corporations but also how do we ensure that we as economic agents ourselves also understand our responsibility and our accountability uh towards
the planet which we are in a way reshaping with our hands so for us we totally accept that we have a convergence of crisis that
we're running out of time and that we have to put people and the planet on an equal footing in terms of shaping the future that brings with it both rights and
responsibility when you come to the side of the social contract where people need to feel security we call it just transition
but whether it's peace climate massive inequalities health shocks whatever it is if we don't have a social contract where people can see themselves with the
security of a job a good job a climate friendly job in this environment with with rights with social protection with some form of equality and satisfaction that there's shared
prosperity and a development that will you know assist their children and their grandchildren to were to do better all those things that we grew up with then we can't have an inclusive future
but more importantly for the climate we can't scale up the rapid change we need to make in all sectors the transitions we need to make everywhere
so the social contract has to sit at the heart of both a contract with the citizens but a sense of security and trust but on the climate side we don't fear this what we
feel is anger towards governments and corporations who are not making the changes you know i'm very angry about fossil fuel companies i defended them we all did from deep divestment saying no no
demand they change they have the assets the technology the skilled workforce you know whatever it is to make the transition to maintain
and guarantee jobs the same with our heavy industries you can transition to hydrogen there are more jobs in clean steel in the hydrogen end than there are in traditional uh processing
areas where you will lose a few some industries there won't be the jobs cut you know coal is the most painful but we don't have a choice and actually younger workers see themselves as energy workers or
construction workers or transport workers all these industries agriculture services whatever it is they exist so the solutions are possible it's whether
or not we want to invest in the social contract and the climate actions in alignment that give people hope and therefore allow them to support the rapid scaling up of change
i'm biermann one more aspect of the social contract is actually the inequality between or to overcome the inequality between nations when it comes to the access to technology and we've spent 50 years looking for technology
transfer in this report we've talked about technology co-development um so we are no longer thinking of just bridging a gap is saying now the next generation of technologies we develop together what do you think should be the sort of
institutional structures or the reforms or the governance reforms again at a national or international level so that that part of the solidarity matrix can be can be put front and center
so when i was on the new climate economy commission we we said i said that in fact two things one you couldn't discount industry because it was such a vital part but it had to change
and two we needed to change the ip model the intellectual uh um property model because if we didn't share technology with production capacity and so on we would not
indeed make the scale and the time frame necessary now you've seen it the vaccine nationalism has brought out the ugly opposition to sharing technology at a
time of the worst crisis right here and now most of us think the climate crisis is here and now because we see the devastation of lives and livelihoods
and property damage and so on in various parts of the world but if you don't live in somewhere like australia or you don't live in in the changing seasons of sub-saharan africa you don't see it
but you see the client the virus and you know if everybody's not vaccinated others everyone else is at risk that ugliness has to shift
and what we need is the global architecture to understand that okay if we have to buy out patents to make it fair let's play the market game if that's what it takes to get people's
confidence a little bit like the market contract on the side of the social contract but whatever it takes if we have to have technology pools we buy our patents let's make sure that people have access to both the technology the
production capacity and therefore adjust development just development is possible sure let me bring in frank biermann and zoro chavo you know we've talked about the coherence we've talked about the
solidarity uh but really what is still missing is accountability is frank if i could start with you first in terms of you you look at earth systems governance and that is one one part of it is the
natural aspect of the earth system but then there is the political aspect of the earth system which has major governance gaps how would you recommend that we look at
this reform of governance to overcome that structural barrier that we have of holding ourselves and each other accountable yeah thank you so much i mean first of all also congratulations from my side
for this report this really fantastic report i really enjoyed reading it a lot i mean it's very challenging the manifesto to enable change um i think i it could have been at some points even more radical than something something i think but it's i think it's
a great great start and a great basis for for this conference also like also very much this idea uh answering the question also about a global social democracy i think that is i think an important part of what we are missing
what has been achieved in some countries at the national level needs to be transported at the global level but i think one important part of the discussion should also be what has been done in the past so some of the discussions we are just
having here about coherence about solidarity we had already ten years ago at the rio conference and one of the outcomes of that process for example where the sustained development calls
the sdgs and they were really meant to address coherence they were meant to address solidarity so one question i think we have to also answer is whether anything has changed because of this
central outcome 10 years ago of the sdgs and here i note for example that your report doesn't mention them that often actually which is not a criticism i think it's rather telling that it is not that central in your report the sdgs as
they have been agreed upon in 2015 and i can add that we have analyzed this in a major international research effort now we brought together 61 experts
looking at 3 000 scientific studies all about the sdgs and our we wanted to know whether anything has changed because of the sdgs and the finding is quite um distressing in a way that we didn't find
we didn't find a transformative change because of the sdgs we found some discussive change actors are changing the way how they are talking about these issues but we didn't find institutional
changes in many countries we didn't find substantial normative changes so the sdgs didn't really evolve into a normative and into a transformative force to achieve this and i think that's
an important question to say why did it happen and that comes to your question what is wrong with the sdgs what is wrong with the global government system and what should be changed to move forward and here i believe and i think
this is also in the direction of needing desire that we have to have much stronger efforts in developing global governance in a variety of fields i mean this is not new we discussed this already in 2012 when we discussed this
in 2002 but i think the need to develop a stronger system of multilateralism is extremely fundamental i think it's very important and picking up of your report one of your concrete proposals as a un
forum on lifestyles sustainable lifestyles i think this is a fundamentally important uh proposal it won't change the entire world of course the u.n forum but it will change the schools it will change the way how
people understand this issue i think that's a very important proposal and i fully support this one zoho just just picking up on what professor biermann said you know this changing of discourse is also something that the
youth have been pushing for a long time but with greater gusto in recent years please reflect for us you know um how do we change the discourse to increase that
accountability that we're looking for uh you're a mute so if you could unmute yourself thank you you know i think i think the way that we can change the discourse is by making sure that we are
centering and focusing on the root cause of the problem the root cause of the climate crisis and the root cause really what i feel is this um idea of endless economic growth and capitalist exploitation that we are seeing that is
the root cause of the climate crisis we've seen you know through the pandemic how large corporations have only made money off of the pandemic have only made money out of this crisis um and
that is the reason why people are all vulnerable to climate impacts you know we see that through this capitalist exploitation through neocolonial imperialism in these countries and through a legacy of colonialism that is
what has left a lot of these populations in developing countries much more vulnerable to climate impacts people are not vulnerable by mistake people are vulnerable because of these legacies of colonialism and continued imperialism
and people continue to stay vulnerable because the system benefits from that vulnerability and because it depends on people being vulnerable and so i think the need to change discourse comes from
focusing on and pointing that out as the root cause of the climate crisis um and the other thing i want to highlight in terms of tackling that vulnerability is the need for finance we are seeing um through the heat waves in in south asia
that climate impacts are already a reality and vulnerable communities are already facing losses and damages as a result of climate impacts so the need for finance not only for mitigation adaptation but to enable
these populations to recover from climate impacts is a historical responsibility not only for carbon emissions that the developed countries have caused but for a legacy of colonialism and imperialism
professor desai i want to bring come and bring you back in this issue of sort of the legacy of the structural damages that many societies have faced and the vulnerability that persists
and the counteractive role of finance in the report we've talked about de-risking about making sure that we have the conditions by which investment go uh investments go to where it is needed the most
you've advised this report you've led multiple international processes could you reflect for us are the structural ideas we're talking about in terms of de-risking and increasing the flows of finance um
enough in terms of what we say in the report or is are we missing on something i would say basically it's it's happening to some extent the key is we must increase the voice of those who are really going to carry the
consequences of our failure to implement our programs that is why i'm so happy that we've had the youth report as part of stockholm plus 50 because there are people who are going to be more effective than
an 80 year old guy like me so i'm glad that they are speaking up and uh and i think our choice is to make them more involved in decision making similarly at the country level now what is happening
in the finance side is that it has been dominated basically by the considerations of a market-oriented uh economy but that's slowly changing because the people whose money is being
handled by pension funds venture points etc are becoming a little more conscious and we can increase the voice of those who are more effective in the activities of these financial
intermediaries then i think we will be able to get some of the greater transition towards the sustainable financing which is happening listen very fair that for instance the total absence
of financing for gold that has come up now is partly because of this so this is not a that the situation is not entirely very sad but we have to strengthen it by
increasing the voice of those who are most likely to be african and i'm glad that we have somebody from the state union confederation because in many ways uh if we can increase the voice
of workers which has been going on in politics for some time that would certainly help to bring much of much more sustainability into the way financial systems operate but i think it's basically the
whole challenge is increasing the voice of those who are most effective fair enough we have one minute left in this panel and i want to come back to every one of you
let's assume the report didn't exist let's assume even stockholm plus 50 as a conference doesn't didn't exist let's have a blank canvas and what would you think will change
over the next 50 or what would you yes what would you think will change not what do you think you would like to change what do you think will change over the next 50 years uh maybe 15 to 20 seconds for each of
you and let me start with sharon oh the challenge of refugees i mean if we can't accommodate people in an inclusive fashion today
then imagine what it's going to be like when one degree temperature equals you know 700 000 to a billion refugees humanity has to think about each other and their common
home differently thank you professor frank biermann well i believe i'm an optimist i believe in the power of youth i believe in the strengths that i can see from my students for example the energy the
enthusiasm the motivation they bring to the table so i'm very optimistic on that level that a lot of change is happening from the next generation from the young people and i think that's kind of gives us a lot of hope and i'm looking forward to see you
change professor desai you're on mute again you're a new producer as you learn from our corvid experience you'd not be terribly good in preventive healthcare but the world did show
significant amounts of cooperation in curative healthcare and you're going to need a lot of support help cooperation ensuring the errors that we have created in the way
in which we have handled uh human nature in our activities so let's hope we learn from our covered experience and strengthen our cooperative bring adaptation as a international issue not
just as a nationalism and final word to the representative of the youth so to speak silhouette i think what gives me hope i guess is continued conversations on the relationship between climate change and
inequality and framing climate change fundamentally as a justice issue and making sure that our responses to climate change also center those who are being affected by it and ensure a just an equitable
change well and thank you so much i want to sincerely thank all four of you for very sharp and bold answers to close off um if i have to respond to my daughter
uh of how we don't waste the next 50 years i think what will change is that we will bring sustainability from the margin to the mainstream of our conscience thank you very much over two minutes
thank you thank you and now it gives me great pleasure to bring in ambassador johanna listen joe paitz who is the ambassador for stockholm plus 50 and the senior advisor
at the ministry of the environment of the government of sweden he was the eu lead negotiator on climate finance during 2015-2018 and also the top president for the seventh conference of the parties of
the stockholm convention as well as the third ministerial meeting of the integrated chemicals policy uh ambassador listen jeffy has been a real champion of the work that we've
been attending has advised us through this process but also allowed us to remain independent in our scientific endeavor uh uh johanna listen over to you for your thoughts on how the
report shapes in part the discourse that you will be leading in the coming weeks thank you thank you so very much uh and let me also start with i think thanking
both doctor also person and you doctor abnormal gosh and your institutes that you're represented for representing for all of the work with putting together this report um
and i think it comes also at a very timely occasion this launch uh with just two weeks left to go to to stockholm plus 50. uh i unfortunately did not have the opportunity to listen
in from the start but i think for having listening into the last two panels this has been an extremely interesting discussion and i did say to some of you the other day that i find it also very interesting to
see how what is coming across in this scientific report is also very much aligned with what is coming across in the informal working groups
in the new york preparatory meeting in all of the stakeholder consultations um from ahead of succumb to 15. and i think also what listening to the
discussion i was kind of reflecting over the um expectations of stockholm plus 50 that is laid out in the concept note to the upcoming
meeting and the concept note of the compass 50 speaks of the expectation of this meeting in sense of rebuilding the relationship with trust
it speaks about accelerating system-wide actions it speaks about connecting and build bridges across the agendas it speaks about rethink conceptions and
measures of well-being and i think again having listening to today but also looking at the report and the keys to unlock a better future in the sense of the
mentioning of the redefining of relationships between human and nature ensure prosperity that last and invest in a better future if we can together
feed those messages and the call of actions into stockholm 50 and work with those i also think we have set ourselves up for a very strong outcome that is also corresponding to
those expectations the same when i went and i made the same reflection and was thinking about what my um what my minister annika stronghold spoke about at the preparatory meeting
in new york when she was talking about areas where we hope that stockholm can contribute um to the multilateral process to the transition
and she too spoke very much about the systematic actions for a healthy planet and human well-being that bridges agendas on silos and looking beyond growth she spoke about hoping to use stockholm
plus 50 on closing the implementation gap and strengthen the partnerships financing scaled up etc and and again i think what much of what has been discussed here today
but also what's in the report is very much speaking to that she also spoke about the importance of the variety of voices and i think seeing
your your panels and listening to the different voices also seeing some very good friends that i haven't seen for quite some time on the panels is again strengthening very much that narrative
um so i think with that uh the report on the discussion today and the areas of change is very much supporting
the ambition and expectations from stockholm 50. but i would also like to underline that i think to succeed in that we as co-hosts are also very much dependent
on you as scientists as representing um i think different voices to bring those course of action to bring the voices into the meeting in stockholm
and i was also thinking of of dr nova what you spoke about your your daughter uh and her reaction i think that is a reaction that we often hear from
not just nine years old but from the younger generation and in a way i also feel that the division for stockholm which is the longer title of a healthy planet for the prosperity
of all our responsibility our opportunity if we based on this report and of course of the stakeholder consultations informal working groups can work together to
actually find those keys and say you know what can the different organizations if you are a minister policymaker a youth organization science how do we now
take from what we have with the report from discussions on the leadership dialogues in stockholm to make sure that we are really um unlocking those keys for a healthy
and prosperous planet for all and i think we have succeeded and stockholm let me also kind of end with that and kind of reminding us of of the task stockholm is not about creating
those new commitments it is a meeting with a strong mandate on focusing on accelerating actions and i think what has been provided here today and through the report is really
identifying the key issues that we need to focus on and take action on if we are to accelerate our implementation to what we have already committed to and if we are to
meet um the kind of very clear signal that science is sending on biodiversity on pollution and of course on climate and putting
that and i thought that was very interested interesting in many of the interventions here today and putting that in of course the wider context of development of someone i think spoke of of the green
jobs of the governance issues etc and and of course i think in in in these times uh we have spent some time looking at the speeches by
late prime minister olof palmer and of course indira gandhi and looking at their speeches and they are fantastic speeches that was very timely 50 years ago unfortunately
if you read them today they are still very timely so i think we have also the task now to make sure that when we look back at those speeches not in 50 years but at 2030
we actually can say that we have uh achieved what we were said to do and what was challenges 50 years ago and today and that stockholm was kind of planting the seeds for doing things
um together so doing things faster and also to create that dialogue of having a conversation around the nexus of different issues that we so often miss but that is very
much in that nexus of different disciplines of different stakeholders where the solution lies so with those words um i just want to thank you so much for
um for this report for also the the youth uh report that i also had the opportunity to listen to when that was launched and i think that was a fantastic and dynamic discussion also
and and we look very much forward to also welcome you in stockholm in i think uh two weeks from now thank you thank you uh so very much ambassador lissinger pites for
that reflection and um scene setting uh for the meeting in in only two weeks time we need to wrap up unfortunately time has uh passed very quickly and i think
uh this was an excellent um event in our view the two panels were supremely engaging and inspiring and really used the report as a springboard to
further refine critique socialize some of these ideas and maybe ultimately we can together influence policy in an evidence-based way at stockholm plus 50 but i think as
we all know change needs to happen also at many levels in many contexts this meeting is one of those occasions if we use this as a springboard maybe we can make high jumps and big leaps
at stockholm plus 50 both in terms of closing that action gap or accelerating implementation but also thinking new and we heard some really interesting ideas there on the new norms that we need to
start socializing so i want to guide all the the participants today to the reward website stockholm 50. report where you will find the scientific report the used report 18
background papers and i hope also the link to the beautiful and very emotional and engaging film so without the thank you to dr naranja ambassador jessica python
all the brilliant panelists joining us today to the cew and sei teams of authors project leaders communication staff you've done a fantastic job
and thank you everyone for listening today we hope to see you in stockholm or elsewhere very soon thank you
End of transcript