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probably the most important thing for kids growing up today is the love of embracing change [Music] I mean the catch for preparing students
for the 21st century Workforce is how do you get kids that have curiosity and a question this position we've called it in the past the gaming disposition is that if you look into
this position of Hardcore Gamers such as World of Warcraft Mouse and multiplayer games the surprising things you found contrary to what people think is these kids first of all are incredibly bottom
line oriented they want to be measured because they want to see how much they're improving and in fact the most common Mantra of a
real gamer is if I ain't learning it ain't fun and how do they constantly keep learning is because basically they are embracing
change leveling up doing high water tasks or the game itself is changing or they change the game in terms of the strategies they want to experiment with and so on and so forth
and in fact if you think of this questing disposition you end up embracing change not running from change coming from that gaming disposition I
became very intrigued when I landed here in Maui is it turns out to my neighbor uh turns out to be a 20 year old kid
moderately world famous in the surfing world named Dusty Payne and what got interesting to us is it Molly has never produced
a world-class champion before they basically come from Oahu from the North Shore and so on and so forth but all of a sudden four kids
make it big big time here in Maui say well what happened [Music] and it turns out that if you kind of meet these kids they have all come together very much
like a guild in the World of Warcraft and what they do is they compete with each other and they collaborate each other incredibly intensely they pick up a new move they Dash down you know they
try it out they take their video cameras with them they're bittering each other they Dash back up here they start kind of analyzing what worked what didn't work build new ideas Dash down the hill
again try it out and then what they start doing um is they start looking at of course all the other people surfing around the world which they get from YouTube and all this kind of stuff they start picking up new moves like that that's
kind of interesting way that digital media has enhanced the ability of these surfing kids to pick up all kinds of new tricks and I can actually show you how a particular move now on the surfboard
takes about 48 hours to propagate around the world before all the key Surfers in the you know of the top edge trying it out themselves okay and of course anything
changes they're the first to try it out and to appropriate it so these kids live for picking up something new they live for trying out something new and some of this stuff by the way is moderately dangerous
so you know these are high cost mistakes but the passion that they have to do this is is really awesome well guess what the passion that I see um in in the World of Warcraft of the
high-end high performance is is also awesome but it doesn't stop there if you look at the artist if you look at the musicians if you look at the dancers if you look at Athletics in general until the extreme Ed what you have is kids
that are turned on and when they get really turned on in the right context there's almost no stopping any interest that any kid has I am sure there's already existing out
there passionate community of interest group or community of practice that you can uh you know try to join and in fact going back to Gene Lane's classic work and
situated learning maybe the learning has to do with learning how to join or you learn to join and once you join now you marinate in that and learning
isn't something you do consciously it is something you absorb and so there's something that your most serious learning often happens through an osmosis process that once I indwell
in the set of of the experiences things are getting integrated in my head not necessarily consciously because there's a tremendous amount of tacit knowledge that I kind of being exposed to in these
kind of communities and I just start to integrate assimilate let things gel and it's not particularly conscious what makes these ideas so relevant now
is in a world of Rapid change any particular skill that I've learned is out to have a moderately short shelf life so what I really need to do is to know you know how to create context for
myself that I keep scaffolding and learning and accelerating what I know to increase my own performance and so there's a sense of of what I'm
doing becomes a platform for doing something new learning something new and becoming even better and actually moving potentially into quite a different type of feel so it's kind of like suddenly
now I'm looking at trajectories through life space as opposed to fixed points I think the construct that had been most overlooked now on the 21st century and maybe the 20th century as well is the
power and importance of play that's to say how do I take an idea and how do I kind of play with it how do I tinker with it how do I come to make it personal how do I come to own it how do
I indwell in the idea itself and this plays out for example in poetry how do I find that magic combination of now that phrase or that lying of the poem says exactly what I mean deep inside me
likewise how do I you know work with Engineering Systems and kind of see how things couple together how do I do Tinker with these devices simple things as simple as you know radios and stuff
like that or microphones on cameras to kind of really understand what's the way that these systems really worked and how do I kind of learn that by experimenting with the stuff myself
because you kind of learn that not everything works like most things don't work and if the first thing that happens when something doesn't work is it frightens you then you're not going to be very willing
to embrace change but if you realize that when things don't work which is almost always you can get in there and figure out a tinker with these things and just absorb what happens very often when you're tinkering it doesn't make
pure logic sense it's something you begin to feel in your hands as much as your mind tinkering brings thought and action together in some very powerful magical ways
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