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I wanted to if I can just sort of uh try to connect some strands on the uh economic and geopolitical scene that I think are uh connected to or related to
the Israel Palestine conflict and the impending uh demise of Zionism you know one thing that occurs to me uh that pertains to the increasing Pro Palestinian sentiment in the West
is that uh you know I was among uh a handful of writers and analysts back in the N uh the late 1990s in the early 2000s uh who predicted what was referred to then as the third world isation of
the West and of the United States uh specifically uh that being the natural trajectory of neoliberalism and austerity what that referred to is if it isn't obvious is that um the idea was
that the trend of uh Rising corporate power uh and the trend of neoliberalism would inevitably lead to conditions in the west that uh would be akin to the conditions in the so-called
developing World conditions akin to uh the conditions in countries that had been colonized that had been exploited that had been uh ravaged by the West for decades if not for centuries that means
poverty hunger unemployment disease violence crime um General deterioration in the quality of life uh lack of availability or access to uh amenities
and services for the general public crumbling infrastructure uh de-industrialization social turmoil and so on it also means uh increasingly authoritarian control
and oppressive violent law enforcement uh curtailment of civil liberties and so on growing disparities uh in both wealth and power in the society with with fewer and fewer people
possessing more and more power more and more control more and more authority over Society with less and less accountability of power in other words the West Was going to become uh less
like uh what is known as the first world uh stereotypically and more like what is known stereotypically as the third world uh well I think it's fairly obvious that this is in fact what has
happened over the last 20 or 30 years the ascendency of the owners and controllers of global financialized Capital as the unsurpassed power in the society the wholesale
transfer of power to the private sector as I've said many times the creation of an a national Sovereign Authority with no stake uh in the prosperity or the success or the stability of Any Given
country essentially you have created uh an imperial power that is not anchored uh to any geographically defined Center this has meant uh that the Western
countries themselves and Western populations themselves are now eligible for the same type of program of subjugation and uh predatory domination
as Western Imperial Powers historically uh imposed upon the countries of the global South you're turning your own populations in the west uh into neoc colonized oppressed people you're
treating your own people uh the way that you always treated the people of the global South this now has created within those people within your own people uh it has created uh or it is creating in
them a mindset and a mentality uh and a worldview that resembles the people of the global South the mindset and the mentality uh of the oppressed the
mindset and the mentality of the exploited of the colonized and the colonized the exploited and the oppressed uh the people of the global South are and always have been prop
Palestinian as I've said many times everyone in the world uh can recognize what Zionism is uh and that it is just a thinly cloaked form of Western imperialism colonization they know
because they have EXP experienced it themselves they've experienced Western colonization and imperialism well now even the populations in the west are learning what it feels like to be oppressed to be exploited and to be
colonized because they are uh in fact being colonized by corporate imperialism by corporate power the imperialism of the owners and controllers of global financialized capital and this is making
them more and more like the people of the global South in their thinking and in their sentiments and this is at least one factor in my opinion uh that's making more and more people in the west
Pro Palestinian because more and more people in the West can relate to the vicious disregard and dehumanization uh and dispossession that the Palestinians have
suffered for decades in other words the masses in the west uh are finding that they have increasingly more common with the masses in the global South and this
presents a serious problem for the ocfc but it's not a problem that they didn't anticipate on the contrary they have anticipated it and they anticipated it for at least as long uh as any of us uh
anticipated the third world isation of the West which is why the third world isation of the West has included authoritarian control over Society this is why you have had an increasing uh
militarization of the police you've had uh stricter controls and restrictions on public Gatherings and on demonstrations and so on you have uh greater and greater censorship in the media and
social media you have literally uh you've literally had lockdowns during covid it's near martial law conditions Banning of protests Banning of uh various types of dissident speech in the
west and so on what you're seeing in the west uh in terms of the increasingly authoritarian measures is essentially uh a preemptive counterrevolution they're trying to put
down an Insurgency before it happens because it's inevitable that it will happen and they fully anticipate that it will happen if they don't preemptively suppress it and so uh a pro Palestinian
protest to them is nothing but an uh a precursor to an Insurgency it's a precursor uh to an uprising in against neocolonialism in the west because the
Palestinian cause is an exact and acute expression of anti-imperialism and it's an exact and and acute expression of solidarity with the spirit of
anti-imperialism and the spirit of anti-colonialism in the global South and again it is uh highly significant as I've said before that the prop Palestinian movement in the west and
globally is very precisely uh directed against Western corporations uh literally it's directed against the specific institutions that represent and in fact are uh the
institutions of modern imperialism the way the owners and controllers of global financialized Capital expected a protest and resistance to manifest I believe was for it to be directed against governments was for it to be directed
against the state directed uh in other words against the facade of power not against the real entities of power that has been their expectation because that's the way it always was that was their expectation and that was their
hope that people would direct their grievances uh at the formal but fake institutions of power when they direct their grievances against private sector
power uh this is exactly what the uh ocfc have always wanted to avoid this is exactly what they always wanted to deflect and they wanted to deflect uh this type of protest and resistance and
opposition by uh maintaining the illusion of democratic processes and state Authority they want you uh to focus on the Effigies and the puppets
who hold political office because those people are powerless and uh they're Expendable politicians are disposable and replaceable that's their function they never wanted you to focus on uh
private sector power they never wanted you to focus on the entities of the uh Empire of capital so this poses a serious challenge to their power and to their control and to their agenda you
know no one was ever supposed to even know about Black Rock no one was ever supposed to know about Vanguard and State Street and so on but all of this is becoming common knowledge now and the strategy uh the pro Palestinian strategy
of boycott and public pressure against Western corporations Western companies uh that uh do support or are perceived to support Zionism uh is I think permanently
changing uh the way that people all around the world uh and in the west how they confront power the Palestinian issue is refining the recognition that
real power resides in the private sector now this in my opinion uh presents also and most importantly uh a really historic opportunity for actual
solidarity between the uh masses of the West and the masses of the global South and in fact between the masses of the West and in the Muslim world you know Muslims across the globe have always
been or have always made a distinction between the common people of the West and those in power even though uh the West has been responsible for tremendous destruction tremendous
violence uh and tremendous suffering in the Muslim World nevertheless despite all of this Muslims have maintained a feeling of Good Will towards the common people of the West now this Goodwill was
not always reciprocated if we're being honest and it has often seemed to me anyway to be misplaced however the average American the average uh British Citizen and the average European as I
said is now feeling or starting to feel more and more like someone who's living under imperialism who's living under colonization and so now I think that there's a greater chance for a reciprocation of Good Will and the
establishment of real solidarity between uh the the the average people of the West and and the Muslim world and in the global South and this can manifest inshallah through coordinated strategies
I've said for a long time uh that westerners are misguided if they felt or if they feel any sense of loyalty or any sense of fty or any sense of nationalism on the basis of being westerners because
the truth is the West never cared about them most of them uh generation after generation going back from today all the way back for centuries most of them and
their ancestors were surfs and they're surfs today most of them were poor most of them were exploited and most of them never had uh any sort of power in their societies and they're powerless now and
they're exploited today their so-called civilization uh never respected them and it doesn't respect them now so I think that they should align themselves with us they should align themselves with the
Muslims they should align themselves uh with the global South they should align themselves with the global oppressed with the global colonized and they should align themselves with the global resistance the global resistance to
imperialism the imperialism of the owners and controllers of global financialized Capital they should align themselves with the middle Nation the people of the Muslim world and the people of the global South uh who are
trying to sculpt out a uh different future uh than what is being pursued by the new feudal masters of the private sector the new feudal Masters uh of
private sector power the ocfc the global economic and political order is pivoting right now as I've talked about many times and when something is pivoting uh when something is turning or shifting it
means it's in a delicate State it's not fixed it's like that brief moment in a fight uh when your opponent is Shifting his balance from one foot to the other that's your opportunity things can turn
in any direction right now and the deciding factor is going to be what the people do what the uh what the masses do what the populations do and it's happening right now it's happening right
now at this moment with Gaza with the Palestinian issue and with the global response to the Palestinian issue as I've said before Gaza is symbolic Palestine is symbolic it's symbolic of a
larger uh worldwide struggle a worldwide resistance to Western Imperial domination and that resistance is already helping uh local businesses in the global South and in the Muslim world
to flourish it's already having results as more and more people shun Western companies and brands and it's already establishing a new approach to conflict uh in the region and internationally with a greater
emphasis on uh diplomacy and international coordination particularly among the brics Nations and among the Muslim countries and it's already accelerating uh the liberation of
international trade from the US dollar which has never been anything but a Shakedown and it's already exposing uh the hypocrisy of the colonizing powers and their institutions like the
blatantly rigged system of the United Nations and the ICC and it's already uh destroying the lies and the propaganda of the uh mainstream media narratives
and that Global resistance movement is wrestling away control over public opinion the control over public opinion of the mainstream media and it's already delivering a powerful message to the owners and controllers of global
financialized Capital that unaccountable private sector power can be and will be and is is being held accountable it's sending a message that corporate power can no longer act like um aoral actors
on the global stage and that the people of the world are ultimately more powerful and more important than their shareholders whether they like it or not I'm telling you we're living through a watershed moment a transformative moment
I've said it many times Western Civilization never civilized but if the common people of the West uh align themselves with the Civilized world with
the Muslims and with the global South and if they have solidarity with us in our resistance to Zionism and to Western imperialism why the West May yet become
civilized and together inshallah we can bring an end to their long brutal reign of greed subjugation violence and the mindset of profit before people of
profit before morality and of profit before Justice
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