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innovation and curiosity to design and build things has been intrinsic in me since a very young age growing up in london
i was very aware of the pollution all around us we all know tires wear down but never stop to consider where it all goes tire particles are actually the second largest mycoplastic pollutant
in our oceans today half a million tons of tireware particles are produced annually across europe so every time we accelerate brake and corner it enters our waterways the air we breathe and there's nothing to stop it
so it's all around us and i think that in itself was quite overwhelming how do we go about trying to tackle this problem at all at the tire collective we are working on
solutions to save our air from tyre away this is a complex problem and one that we couldn't tackle as individuals so our strength lies in our diversity we have backgrounds in engineering
architecture interaction design and kinesiology and come from all four corners of the globe all of us have a passion to try and design for real social and environmental impact so
that's how we came across tyre wear which is you know a microplastic but also an air pollutant too we found that tyre particles are positively charged due to friction with the road that led
us to the innovation that we could capture directly at the tire while it's being produced and stop it from entering the wider environment we currently capture 60 of all tyre wear
missions as they are produced right at the wheel and by doing so are more effective than other solutions operating at the roadside once collected we can process thai particles to be reused in a variety of
applications from new tyre production to inks and dyes thereby creating a closed closed-loop system if our device was fitted to every vehicle in london
we would have the potential to capture tons of tyre wear particles every year protecting our waterways the air we breathe and adding value to this potential waste stream
during lockdown i think we've all realised that clean cities and clean air is no longer an impossible dream it's not an easy journey to go down but one that we can come to together through innovation and
through perseverance [Music] you
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