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one of the biggest challenges about building a zetto casten is how can you organize notes and in this video we're going to cover this exact topic we're going to be covering different stages of zidocast and development different types
of nodes different types of links how to link these notes together and in the end show you exactly how to put this in practice to answer the question of how should i organize my little cast in the short answer is to
not organize let me explain organization is about putting things in the right place so that you can find it later on but zero casting is more of a thinking tool it's a tool to help you think better and more deeply about something
so even though in the end after following all the steps in this video your zero casting is going to be more organized but the whole point is not to organize but to develop ideas and to develop your certain casting there are
two stages first is discovery this is when you don't have a lot of information about a topic and you're trying to understand more about it in this stage your focus will be on gathering information and making some initial
notes once you have enough understanding the next phase will be developing your own ideas and insights this is the development phase in these stages we're going to make some notes and connect them together in zettocastin there are
three main kinds of nodes fleeting nodes literature nodes and permanent nodes you can watch another video in the description for more details in niklas lumen system he also has an index which simply a list of keywords related to his
research this index would link to few related notes in his city casting for my needs i adjusted lumen's original system a bit and create a new kind of node called hub node a hub node is a
springboard for useful trains of thoughts examples of hub nodes are empowering questions interesting topics or skills or knowledge i would like to develop in the future the main purpose
of hub node is to act as a starting point in the development phase a similar concept is called map of content or moc which you can learn more in the links in the description now that we understand the stages and we have all the nodes
ready let's link them together and there are two kinds of links that you can create first is outgoing which is the type of link that we all are familiar with for example if in a note a there is a link to node b
then from node a's perspective this link is an outgoing link for node b in most note-taking apps there will be no link at all however in a link based note-taking apps like obsidian or rom
node b also has another link that is automatically generated which is called a backlink backlink is a link that created automatically when note a links to node b and in obsidian you can find
backlinks in the site panel or in local graph outgoing links are higher quality since they are manually placed by us but backlinks are automatically generated so the way you use these links has to be
deliberate let's see how you can use these links backlinks should be used for supporting material or referral which is helpful in giving us more context about a note outgoing links should be used for
an extension of a thought or an idea in discovery phase backlinks are very useful to help us gather information from your literature notes or permanent notes or see references from pleading notes we can link all these notes back
to a hub note once you have enough information you can start trying to make sense out of these notes and develop trains of thoughts using permanent nodes to see these concepts in action let's take a look at my vault so a while ago i
came across this concept called maintaining a beautiful state which is from tony robbins so he said that if you would like to live a fulfilling life you have to maintain a beautiful state and
the question was how can i do that and in order to answer this question i created a hub note and a hub note as we talked about is a springboard to trains of thoughts and let me show you how it
looked like in different stages so in discovery stage what it would look like is that i created a bunch of rigid nodes and permanent nodes and even fleeting nodes i would link everything back
to this particular hub i'm showing you just the incoming links or backlinks you will see that there are many permanent nodes literature notes and also fleeting notes that are coming and are pointing
to to this hub because it's trying to give supporting material or many times in the fleeting notes it will make reference to this hub and that's how i get the information to develop in the next stage once you have enough
information in the development stage what you're gonna do is you have to review the notes and trying to make sense out of these notes for me in this case i came up with four trains of thoughts
once i review all the notes so first is if you would like to maintain a beautiful state first thing first is you have to prioritize yourself because otherwise other people's priority would
take over yours right and second is if you would like to be in a beautiful state you have to be mindful you have to keep your mind like water just like what david allen talked about once you
have your mind calm then what you focus on is the things that are constructive the things that move your situations forward rather than worrying on the things that you don't have control over the last one is you have to be able to
deal with the setbacks and that's really important to maintain a beautiful state because the ability to deal with setbacks really dictates your happiness really dictates how beautiful your state
would be so those are the key four trains of thoughts and when i say trains of thoughts this is what i mean so if i click on make self-care a priority to maintain a beautiful state if we click
there it's going to have some information and it's also going to link to another permanent node that is related to this node so fixed insight first before
fixing outside problem so this is the next one in the train and also it's going to link to another permanent note and this is where the train ends okay so we can go back
and try to see the second train so be mindful to maintain a beautiful state in this train it forks out to different ways right so it has three permanent nodes in the second node and you can
click to follow this train or you can go back and try to follow a different fork and this is the concept of trains of thoughts and this is what i meant that
pub note is a springboard for trains of thoughts and once you understand this concept i think you will be able to see visually if i paste the
the tag so right now i'm experimenting with using tags to track trains of thoughts and also track the hub notes and this is going to be helpful because once you put in this tag you're going to
see all the permanent notes that are started with this hub note and you can see that beautiful state has four permanent nodes that are directly jumped from this hub but if you would
like to track different trains you just put in some number so i use slash to track different trains of thoughts so this is the first train okay so this is making self-care a
priority that's the first string the second train is about mindfulness so you can see that it goes from the hub then it goes to the second permanent node and from second permanent node it
forks out to three permanent nodes so in order to be mindful you of course have to empty your mind and also you shouldn't um and you shouldn't consume too much um junk in
your mind and also you have to set up a really good cognitive environment so that you can operate at the optimum state every single day so this is what i meant by
train sub thoughts you know so this is my current setup in obsidian and this is how i link note together how i do things in the discovery stage and development stage so i hope you find something that you can use and you can
adapt it to your own workflow i hope you find what i show you today useful there's actually no right way to do this so as long as it helps you achieve the goals that should be okay if you have any questions please leave in the
comments down below thank you so much for watching and i'll see you in the next one
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