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okay we're back on record now uh 2 31 p.m and detective fogg is still testifying uh detective earlier i believe yesterday you
presented uh one of the body camera footage of sergeant brandon hogan yes ma'am i was sergeant and sergeant hogan was
leading the swat team that actually entered the apartment and cleared that's correct yes um and was he subsequently interviewed by the public integrity unit yes ma'am and you reviewed that
interview yes the transcript of it yes was sergeant hogan specifically asked a question by the interviewer regarding
the shooting through the glass door with the blinds and curtains and whether or not uh
that would be something proper yes he was asking that question yes okay would you read the question asked of sergeant hogan and then his response yes this was part of the interview with
sergeant hogan that was taken on march the 20th question and not really specific to this situation but as a swat operator uh given given certain circumstances
if you if you're in a position where you cannot see in into a building or a room because of curtains blinds uh things like that how how as a swat operator uh would you address
that situation um and i know it's kind of open-ended would if you can't see in there as a swat operator would you shoot into a window to where you can't see
or a door sergeant sergeant hogan's response no you're as you all know you're accountable for every round if you do not have good target id identification
an id that they are a threat you cannot shoot um that was just that's basic academy stuff um in regards to shooting through a window and stuff like that we even on like patrol or whatever
whatever position you may be in you still cannot fire into an unknown um you don't know what's behind it you don't know if there's kids there's whatever people that that aren't
even you know that aren't supposed to be there that are friends uh you have to have good target identification and to make sure that they are effect before you can actually
put rounds on that person okay that's all now um you discussed and we listened to the interview yesterday with detective cosgrove that
was conducted back in march and did you yourself conduct an interview with detective cosgrove yes ma'am and when was that that was september the 18th
and was that was that interview recorded yes ma'am would you uh play that interview at this time the one yesterday was the one conducted in march
september the 18th did we listen to another one that you conducted [Music] i'm sorry i'm sorry uh first interview with cosbo was march 25th
the interview i conducted with cosgrove september the 18th you're welcome before you start the interview um detective fog when you you listen to your own
recording of the interview and there's maybe a 30 minute period in there that you determine was about things that were not really
relevant to the actual events of the shooting yes ma'am so it when it reaches that point are you going to summarize yes ma'am at the 40 minute and 30 second mark i'm going to summer out summarize from
that point from that point to the one hour and ten minute mark i was going to summarize what was said that's kind of that's some things that occurred after the main focus of this investigation
okay go ahead it is september the 18 to 15 25 hours we're at 10 principal capital super drive
requirements reception speaking with myles cosgrove also president mrs attorney jared beck and assistant attorney general barbara
um m1 les cosgrove c-o-s g-r-o-v-e and how long have you been from
approximately 15 years okay on march 13th of 2020 what to what you know who you are i'm assigned to the criminal intervention unit or my
college doesn't accomplish uh i'm going to ask you to go over the events that occurred on the morning of march 13th if you would please start
at the location who was there at the meeting right before you did speak what do you mean and i was probably i may have been the last person pulling
the parking lot either behind a liquor store or a church parking lot that's kind of both right there so it's either the church parking lot or liquor store about
you know free performance [Music] correction my camera was already at the entrance he was the uh he had the eye i'm sorry i'm kind of nervous
that's it i'm thinking of just like a test so it's myself uh lieutenant hoover john madley mike doubles tony james haven't we we always have that formal
um so what was your role what was your role going to be everybody excuse me i mean there's no formal word for it my my sign will be is the exterior of doctor building due
to the those gentlemen already having assignments so my assignment yes enough um
i worked with all of these guys for the past three years and i've also worked with them in other aspects so however warrants of all of them i would say probably yes but
have you served a executive warrant with this entire group as one unit where everybody has the same job no absolutely so what's happened to you right now did you did you want to come
back over and follow each other over as best we can okay so [Applause] [Music]
warrant so i'm really just paying attention to when i'm told to go do the job eight points he says i'm not sure if there was a formal order i know there's lots
[Music] [Music] there's a dumpster or recycling box or some kind of big trash can thing which would have been to the right which was i don't know business but it
was a fast walk from that spot to the house or you wouldn't be tired [Music] [Music]
it's a parking space you just kind and you you your situational awareness so you're watching people and then as you walk up to the house you're still watching people making sure
you've got bodies and making sure everybody is supposed to be there um [Music] before you approach you know i so who do you remember
not familiar without you do you remember how the stack was the first personnel in the university no no not that i'm the best i can't tell you the sack i can tell you
from once they start knocking on the door i can tell you who those two people are [Music] police since that night i've seen the news stuff and seeing that it makes me
super uncomfortable because i don't want to make a mistake here and i understand i always sell the house for that so i will tell you and do the best i can [Music] um
because my initial assignment was to watch this this door before before you remember before the door was breakfast
where were you this way [Music] right here right here so i can see i know what those guys are
doing but my main focus is still this door because i want to be able to see if a light comes up or if someone peeks through the blinds i want to be able to see that okay so how long
is the stack outside the door approximately [Music] on um 90 seconds i i feel that we are out there knocking on this door
way too long due to the other factors that happened while is there anything else that is kind of unusual or distracting so during this knocking and when i'm
saying nothing is this and then a gentleman from the apartment directly above the are you seeing are
[Music] are people talking to this guy i guess the only you're here i just pointed there um so there's this conversation
conversation there's there's this um like hostile yelling back and forth between the guy upstairs and there are words said and i don't know what these words are and i believe i
here so that's okay that's good for us so there's a girl that lives in this park now i need to speculate because i'm because i'm reading stuff in the news so just that that's all i
i just hear right and this guy happened this this verbal conversation back in portland show and then i hear the police knocking that makes us we are
knocking on the door for yelling [Applause] now there is forceful counting on [Music] okay well this is going on you're still standing there looking at the cranberry door can you stand at this
point do you see any movement do you see any lights coming on absolutely and that's still my son that's still my son so there is a command
command given in the door i don't know so now me things step up a little bit things always step up a little bit when you do these these types of movements so obviously when the ram hits the door
your attention no matter how hard you train for this you are going to look at the noise if that makes sense oh we hit the door i'm looking at a door that has nothing
you know your interest kind of goes from one thing to another nobles hits the door once twice maybe three times but noble's hitting the door and that's when i realized that
nobles does not have what i call you know he is physically exerting himself hitting this door and that's when i saved myself i'm subconsciously you know because i've had
training and i've done this a lot that he needs somebody to protect him because he's working right now and that's his job for work so if somebody opens the door or whatever the
whatever knowledge just has this tool in his hand he can't do anything to help himself so obviously there's a mistake here i from from this breezeway area
go to where i know the door is now it's i don't see much of my thoughts on that is you're going to get cover levels security you get there before
the bubbles makes the last slam on the door get there he makes the the door opens he always retreats hits the door [Music]
the position i'm in now is not the correct position because now i'm you know two steps behind where i should have been if that was my son so i'm slightly behind
the eight pawn um meaning that when someone the the number one person if they go in that door they expect that it's me or the person in that assignment to be
right behind them so due to that little gap right there and i'm saying a little and this is a little i perceive this to be a minuscule gap like two-step okay
so the door is open and i don't really see much due to my seat i see john going see the door open see john go in and then um okay
well the door doesn't open the door is open yes okay i'm still here the door's open or whatever means natalie's on looking at the door he's on the left
i have no i yes he is but i don't know if you don't see man with your personality the way this thing works okay so i answer your question
[Music] i'm sorry i'm good yeah what's up just let me answer your question i knew johnny i knew that notice was hitting the door i don't know if
if they had changed assignments i don't know knock on the door and then some other dude i didn't know could be the number one guy i don't know that's
and to me it doesn't matter i need to do an assignment that i that i see i need to fix an assignment that i see is wrong and that's what i did so i don't know who goes i mean i do know who those events but
[Music] a little bit harder than he needs to i think what he's saying is that that moment he wasn't he wasn't absolutely certain right just the ability to meet those
powerful [Music] [Applause] okay so the door is open john goes into the door i am
what i call a second or two behind him as soon as i am at the door the entryway is over i'm at the freshman of the door i am
immediately overwhelmed with bright flesh and darkness and what i describe as a movie reel is doing that ticking where you see white black and white
i know john is now not where he's supposed to be there's nobody in front of me john is now on the ground or gone john is below me and there's still these lashes happening
these light these vivid white black flashes so i know it's a lot of stressful um maybe it is easier if you have something like that
i was reading from him he was having trouble getting just past certain things my questions were to come to yeah
so there are these vivid white lights followed by this darkness and the room and i'm just i don't see her we're going to see this this hall this time
um and this is almost instantaneous that i realized that john is kind of at my feet and knees moving around and i feel at one point i
either step over him or he crops through my legs something like that i know there's somebody below
um and i know that i have i'm fired because i just sense it and i know i earlier told folks that you know if
you know it's like a surreal thing like if you told me i didn't do something at that time if you told me i didn't do something i probably believed it too so i know john my friend that i've known for 15 years
has been shot in in this confined space and i know this person is down and i and i sense that there's still this these gunshots happen due to these
those bright lights that are just i can't even explain what it is
[Music] so i've asked myself that question a few times because i know i had a flashlight just just prior to uh
i knew i had possibly because i used it too when i say you know i'm trying to illuminate that crack in that door to see if you're trying to slide the sidewalks we're gonna see if i can see you know between the
lines or whatever so i knew at one point i had a question um i know that when i got to that door there there is no place i see nothing it is to me it is it is black the only what i call a
length that i see is from from these flashes that that if you turn the flashlight on you can flash it out carefully and that's what i'm seeing when i see this as i'm
so but do you can you remember he gets shot [Music] when you say you're stepping on him or over him or are you in the doorway are you out in
the breezeway are you accommodating both speakers i'm not a newborn i did not make it
to what i call like the welcome man i'm [Music] [Music] so would you do you think when you were stepping over on or over
you started managing was he here was he here i i i don't know i don't okay i mean i i want to say i know but logically it makes sense to
me but i do not know if you went to the left if you went to the right if you went behind if you did something completely different i do not know
[Music] you [Music] [Music] but normally it would be out so
the last mod that you're having here you see the lights but after you think you've you fired can you speak at all to how many rounds
you think you found so coming back yes i think it's important for me to tell you what that so during this flashing light i am seeing this this
human channel figure i i don't think i've said that so i just want to say that so as down the hall close up to the door large falls and say
it's a it's a it's just a human larger larger than normal human shadow thing um it's wider that you can say what's going on you know
it's like see a tall person [Music] okay that's hard for me to even have this you [Music] they coming from the side of inside the
apartment were they just around you what context would you see in the links those lights to me were encompassing they are there in front of me
it's like it's like you're looking at the sun and you open your eyes and look at the sun it's just this big spot and it sounds i don't know if it sounds
unbelievable but that's what i'm that's what i'm saying your perspective and [Music] this i am not seeing that kind of detail
i'm seeing [Music] yes because it wouldn't and again i say yes i mean i'm trying to make some logic out of this and try and put it together but i would
i would think something is that i believe john is already down when i'm seeing these these flashes now i don't know [Music] [Music] [Music]
so you thank you speak to how many you factored correct i've got some time to analyze it you know after the fact um and there's other things we can talk
about but i am fairly certain i know that i fired a low amount of friends that's how i feel due to something later on the curse i
found maybe that [Music] so the gunfire is over between i i've sensed that everything is i sense that john is no longer right now
that there's this emptiness that john is scooting away i'm not fairly sure that i actually see john scooting away but i feel that there's this emptiness there's there's this time to go the job has
been moved to safety and i'm only at this door for four seconds i mean this very short amount it could be six [Music]
[Music] are your senses start coming are you starting to come out of the lights the so i leave the door so it's over with the
best of the and i uh i see a sea of people public and talking tripping abuse you thank you very sensitive yes they're coming yes they're coming back
but go hey here we go [Music] are you hearing any shots so during this during this event i i have this
this there's this other muteness happening like it is it's like a cave of complete utter silence so i don't hear anything
but when i really when i'm in this room in the freeze way going to the to the parking lot i still see these splashes these they're not in front of me because i can
see people in front of me and i would not run towards flashing light that would be an accident you would think right we're talking about like back toward the apartment you're seeing the vitals these flaps are
coming from and i hate to use direction during this step sure because but they're there there is what i'm fairly certain to be flashes of light from the parking lot
that are gone and i hate to say that because it doesn't make sense to me but that's killing me [Music]
is [Music] good shots there's our bright flashes of light to my left because it's not correct in front of me and this is not and it is definitely not to my
right because i don't remember anything so the only directions i'm sensing is straight ahead no i have no sound until where we're about to go here
so i'm in the i'm in the breezeway going towards the parking lot i'm seeing these flashes to my left i'm seeing i'm seeing [Music] as best you can don't worry about
comparison but i think my camera has been shocked too because he's on the ground
so where did you go the best you can remember in the parking lot those other guys kind of bulldozed over him um and i went
to the right with them because they're team you uh right to get to safety so i go to the right with this pile of men thinking the campbell has been shot and thinking oh
you know there's [Music] [Music] so i am i'm in the i'm in front of this vehicle i'm not i'm not in front of you i'm
behind the vehicles they're parked in the parking lot but in front of this way that makes sense john is closer to the white people that way
as he went to the left or straight behind cover and [Music] [Music] and [Music] and that's why i think i messed up
because you should i should have an administrative reload that's what i felt like that means i should have put that magazine one that had stuff taken out back into my house but
i'm under stress i'm losing you know i feel some stress obviously and i made a small mistake and i it's not even a common mistake i should report that i made this small
i made a [Music] did you did you when you got the magazine did you let it hit the ground on your
train or did you put it in your wrist he's like [Music] like okay now that i'm not going to summarize
the next 30 minutes or so they're working on cosmo says they're working on uh sergeant manager
given the first aid he suggests for them to move sergeant madeline behind that white heart uh once collego uh makes it to the
white car he does not hear any gunshots or seeing flashes at this point he's talking his senses are starting to come back to me it takes his tourniquet out of his vest
his ballistic vest and he throws it manually on the ground and throws it on top of it on top of him kyle's going to stand at the back of that white vehicle still
watching the right side of the building right here at some point cosbos leaves that area goes it's his car from this area here
where he originally parked it he takes it back to the mainland he takes his ar-15 his rightness wife that has no duty out of the trunk of his vehicle
he goes to the glove box and takes some first aid supplies and he gets those edit cards for them at this point tony james is helping
hoover tend to imagine at this time still says he is healthy he's still covered in the building watching the building calzo says at some point
about this time he hears someone on the radio very loud i can't think of what you're saying but they're very loud shortly after here's ruckus what we think the gate then ran patrolling shovels up
to his area they put magnolia on top of cosmos trauma the window to apartment floor go back when you first start out college grove is trying to keep up with the big
time for security reasons but within a couple of steps the car starts going too fast you can't keep up so at this point kyle's back near the area of the white vehicle that he's talking about he's watching
the building again he says yes at this point he has low poor line of socks you can't see you can't see all of this but he's at the corner of one of the vehicles at this point he still believes there's
only one patrolman on scene detective campbell states he's here's someone in the building not necessarily inside the park before but someone in the building at this point detective hankinson begins
attempting to call the personnel cosmonaut had asked campbell to the campbell apparently he couldn't get his wood progress back sometime later he can't go this point he starts understanding there
are more officers around him as the subject as the person coming in the bridgeway a canine officer begins talking to him and trying to call him out college brother was still he's not really watching what's going on
with the sunday because when he's still watching the building after uh the subject comes out with his terminal mr walker after he's taken away uh cosmog at some point talks to
a detective cole gibson on the scene for a few minutes and he leave college state after he leaves the scene about 30 minutes after that then he leaves to go he was taken to the
lmpd's internal affairs office which is piu and they asked for rebecca given start back this we're starting back up about the 110 more minutes yep okay let's depart from that night
let's go back to and we don't know what's happening if we're not gonna play some followers or anything we're trying to figure out because what is how many times
a year does louisville lpd go to the coverage twice follow us pregnant okay do you do you remember when you make this [Music]
to when you were under to the academy but how are we all trained on uh not so much use of course to
like when to discharge your weapon like well i can't give you a definition because that's i i would discharge my weapon
when my life was in imminent danger or when someone that's somebody else's life is in everything those are pretty it's the only times that i'm gonna
correctly so years ago i was thinking thank you my friend by being bold shoot to reassess
and then go to the hotel [Music] [Music] are you all taught to make sure that you know you've got
i'm asking you if please correct me if i'm wrong but you all taught once you feel that you have justified and using deadly force which use of the firm is are you all taught
to make sure you have a target not you said if you think shots are coming from there from anywhere are you all taught make sure you have a target and now you've got to shoot
[Music] [Applause] and a they for [Applause] talking you were trained you thought to shoot to the friend
stopped to reassess well or were you caught fire too reassessed and the fire additional house [Music] [Music]
is are you trained to you discharge you shoot so you think the threat is stopped seriously you taught to go to the lower end of your high ranking reassess
the situation stand for [Music] as of march 13th have you been to the rainfall
this year do you remember [Music] um
[Music] [Music] prior to this additional firearms training whether we long done the shotgun
so the course the only thing that i've done with the department and that would have been um two thousand oh wow at least three to four years five years ago i took the swat basin twice
was yes that's part of it that's helped the swat basics a lot of things of course but again there's no there you know they're issuing these experiences but it's not
it's not um it's not i forget that you know what i'm talking about well you would you would identify a threat i don't like answering that question
because it's it's it's some i mean obviously if someone is pointing at me right like you that is a threat but if somebody has a [Music]
a knife is that a threat against it but is it a different threat yes so yes there are ways there um you know but yes they teach you to perceive
friends during the training or in the police either or and i know from what you said earlier i don't know about the anthropology
are you aware that not making conversations later were you aware of any actions taken by detective hankinson
after starting the matter because he called up to the big brother between time that started manly shot
in the town that hankinson was uh come on come on mr [Applause] is john the petroleum tony james with the gloves
and hoover putting hoover put the tourniquet on helping you put him on the trunk and and mike on over with [Music] now that you think that that's um
so later on later it would have been that that night no it would have been that [Music] yes i knew that there was gun play
in that doorway in that apartment and it would make sense because i'm not sure and there's gunfire happening when do you think that started
after the shots fired when you started approaching i know his approach is relative and i keep saying as soon as i turn that turn as soon as i turn into the doorway
that is immediately what i see is is this blinding flashing immediate it's not that i'm standing at the doorway and i can see that anything else this is the four or five
seconds i'm glad you do because i can't blame it so is there anything else from that 10 to 15 seconds
this of the incident the door been rammed the shooting shots fired here with god is there anything else that you may have asked
as it's not relevant to you it's relevant to me because it takes me tony james walks up to the best of your heart james is in the
breezeway with that tactical ballistic shield which which i've never heard of we've not discovered a ballistic shield is a complex piece it's simple
first i think it is simple it is a very complex tool to use it's not a tool that one person can use it's it's and that irritates me that tony james had a tool
while we walked that thing but irritated or the irritating fact that he went up front it irritated me that i didn't know that we were taking the shield up there well apparently you weren't the only one that was surprised about
not getting any specifics but other people say that you're not the first person which makes a lot of sense to me because as you know it's complicated now most shows i've seen uh like i've been on fire i was in front
of 20 years this is a horizontal type shield hold it like this ours are tall and they're going to carries they're longer than this
this was a that hold this one carried this way so i was unusual i saw it i was imagining going you're talking
about this that's right did you did you know [Music]
like i was kind of able to decompress it and whatnot and maybe by seeing some of the things i've seen on the news it's influenced my thought process so i think that i fired a very low round count
of four or less and that is why i think i felt that urge that i made a mistake in life [Music] that's not like the first moment you
thought to yourself okay maybe i've only shot so many times you know i still had a lot of friends here i didn't need everybody like did that become the first time you really thought about it
i've done that [Music] and there are other things that i can beat myself [Music]
is but that night i had no idea because of those flashes that that was directly in front of me and i analyzed this a hundred times
i freaking dream about it and i'm thinking to myself that i'm seeing that makes sense i'm seeing
boom it's not i'm not seeing the flash down here flashing over here and a little flash over here i'm seeing the sun followed by darkness followed by the sun oh my darkness it's quite a
problem just encompassing it and then i think i said there you think i think you use the word tunnel vision that's what i'm
seeing i'm seeing this confined space of the flash you know you're pretty sure of course it's all happening really quick right i mean you you know you're trying to remember as best you can but we're talking what
mostly five seconds i mean really that you're in the doorway i guess yes okay and you're aware of the challenge shooting
returning power he says right yes i know there i know that i know there are gunshots from from the person in front of me you know someone has fired
right and john's in front of him yes and he's going down i don't know i know that but i knew that a second later i know that someone is down
from my sensory and that's when you that's what you were about that's what you thought right correct and you're doing that you're going to drop that down and affect okay this is our interview with miles
cothroe it is 1657. after hearing that uh interview are there any questions for detective fog
yes yes sir uh it was established that there was no burden no the interior lighting of that question though but i told the doctor that's what he said was there lighting in the general area
of the apartment such as the parking lot or the lighting on the intensive sidewalk we didn't address that in the interview but his feet then all of a sudden he sees
four flashes pow pow pow pow when he doesn't say four when he sees flashes he sees what he thinks is a shadow at the far end of something and then he opens
that fire entered his clip the first time this time he says he is blinded he only shoots what he thinks is a few times then he gets out of there because he
feels randomly there's no longer in his retreats out of there and gains out a breezeway but now you can see from the left side of his eye somebody firing into the window which is
uh brett i believe he sees he sees lights right let's hope i'm glad you said it the whole time i'm hearing him say is that he's blinded he's blinded as soon as he makes that
turn into the doorway and he sees those lights either he sees the shadow of a person or he does it he mentions the shadow both times but
he i think he is in general from both interviews he is consistent about when the whatever the television or whatever so i've never experienced that so i can't speak specifics all i can tell you
is what he said you know you hear me asking him multiple times or a sense he's coming back you know he he talks about when he's leaving to go toward the parking lot he talks about seeing those flashing
lights doesn't hear anything right but he describes those shots when he's leaving as gun shots yeah at some point does mention that they are they think they may be gunshots too
that's correct i'm sorry does he have history i'm sorry does he have a history of panic attacks these type of situations whatever happened that night everybody responds to a different way so
yeah yes how how often how how many interviews have you heard during police where they they really can't describe what was going on you know
been i haven't investigated any other police shootings where an officer is shot but i've interviewed i don't see hundreds but a lot of people who've just charged a firearm and it's not
uncommon to that them not to be able to give you a complete recollection from the time they drew the gun to the time they shot stopped firing now sometimes they're just playing
or trying to be invasive sometimes they're being a truth and it's difficult to tell but i will say it's not common for people to experience that it's definitely not uncommon to say from my past if someone shot another
human being four or five times even more that they may think they just shot once so that's that's common yes i noticed that we've gotten flashing lights multiple times i noticed
that her body rang before that her phone was right next to her could there be any way that she could use her phone flashing lights camera camera
well you know we can't speak we can we can like speculate what happened down the hall you know what we do know from people talking about interviews we've heard you they
open the door the doc the lights the hallway starts everybody says always dark mr walker talks about the tv being on in the bedroom
but he says that's the only light on the house so we can't speculate on is any of that stuff included in your investigation because i would assume that someone had to do a clean sweep and an investigation of
that scene so they would have seen whether the t ozone made that account they would have gotten her phone to see if any actions have been taken on it his phone like so is it is that any of
that stuff included [Music] i can't speak to because what we are doing we're presenting information that was accumulated by multiple people
i can't speak specifically now the singles process we do know that i don't have that report to say whether the tv was on if you remember the photo
but you can't come back [Music] you will hear more about the evidence collection the bullets and all that from another detective
who will be tomorrow so you all only included what was provided to you now we did independent interviews but as far as like people who um
process the scene it's just what they gave you as far as the same processing yes we've been we became the most say that again i'm sorry it was just the
information they would have given you from that is all you know yes
yes initially when we first started yesterday uh we were told that crossbow shot 16 records how was that determined
you'll hear more about that later all right tomorrow i said tomorrow that'll be you'll have detective will be addressing that specification tomorrow yeah all the ballistic stuff evidence
collected documented and analyzed will be presented tomorrow by detectives yes i noticed when you said that when you went to the academy i worked you know i had a training that shoot
a couple of times this you know does the louisville police department have some sort of training like that also well and i also added on to that interview that our training changed somewhere in the mid-90s later
on you were taught to discharge a firearm until it stopped then we assessed i was trying to get out of this new training record
i was trying to get out of uh detective cosgrove how he was trained he just didn't want to address that or could not address this but they do have something sometime back in the late 90s louisville
started having their own academy when i went to the academy in louisville's police department still went to richmond robin sometime in that time frame they started training their own officers but it was to the standards
set up a dlc too yes yes ma'am but you said at some point it did change too you shoot until the thread's gone then recess yes until you proceed the
thread is stopped that's correct [Music] upstairs department when did he finally ever leave my understanding takes an uber somewhere oh he did oh so the car didn't go
anywhere that's probably the same so he would never have been released yes you know when the detective was walking around and showing cases
he showed something on the side of the uh i guess you step up on it to step into the car or something was that like a shot or was there uh some that would be for detective wolf
tomorrow yeah any type of ballistic stuff but there was around that the stuff they were working on sergeant man there was the tourniquet stuff okay
there was that was about that issue i don't know exactly what you were talking about any fire bullets or casings the texas wolf will address there yes it does match up when you said he came
out and he was still seeing flashes of white and they were to his left that would have been in accordance with hankinson being on that side in front of
the window and door right it could have been right good we can't sparse whether it was his what he'd like to see in or if he seemed to be taking handkerchiefs
but the placement would have been as forward yes there's the crime scene video that you saw
that's the television in her bedroom okay so we are ready for the next anything we don't have anything else that we are completed
uh with detective fogg's testimony and we're ready for the next witness we'll stop the record we'll go off
record right now [Applause]
End of transcript