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the spongy bone and tough as nails beaks or woodpeckers are inspiring a new generation of shock absorbers potentially shielding airplane back boxes football players and other valuable materials from the forces of
impact woodpecker hammer the beaks into trees at the astonishing rate of 18 to 22 times per second subjecting their brain to deceleration forces of 1200 g which
each strike this is more than 10 times the g-force you would experience if you were involved in a high-speed car crash sang hee yoon and sumin park of the university california berkeley set out
to learn how woodpeckers can survive such powerful deceleration forces they found the bird's anatomy acts to protect their brains in four ways their beaks are hard but elastic their skull
bones is spongy there's very little room for fluid between the skull and brain cutting down on vibrations and they have a special structure called the hyaloid layer attached to the woodpecker's tongue to
reduce vibration new scientist reports airplane black boxes can survive about 1000 g the researchers came up with mechanical analogues for these capabilities and built a new type of shock absorbing
device involving glass beads embedded in a steel inky cylinder to mimic the beak strength and toughness the researchers started with a steel case to evenly distribute the load and cut down vibration like the hyaluide
they added a rubber layer the thin layer of fluid was represented by a second metal shell this one was made of aluminium and the and inside that they used closely black one millimeter diameter glass beads to simulate the
skull sponginess the electronic device was embedded in the beats now this new technology for shock absorbers is paving the way for innovation across fields
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