Auto Scroll
Select text to annotate, Click play in YouTube to begin
hi i'm erin i'm a customer success specialist with hypothesis and today we're going to talk about how to ocr a pdf you would like to use with hypothesis in your learning management system such
as canvas or blackboard or moodle or even d2l every pdf you use with hypothesis needs to have what we call an ocr layer
if you've saved an article or something from the web or even something from word or google drive as a pdf to your device there already is an ocr layer added however if by chance you scan something let's
say a book you like to teach and into your computer from a copy machine or from a scanner then it's likely that that text does not have an ocr layer ocr or optical character recognition
means that the system is able to read the text in your article as text and not as one big image this is important because when you're using hypothesis you must be able to highlight individual items of text or pieces of
text to be able to annotate fortunately here at hypothesis we have created a tool to help you ocr the text that you have scanned into your computer or you know maybe you've got an old text
that you had saved from ages ago and it does need an ocr layer i'm going to go ahead and share my screen and we'll take a look at what i'm talking about
if you look at the text on your screen this is a scanned newspaper article i believe it's from 2016. as you can see the text is kind of bent and curved it does not have an ocr layer maybe i
want to use this with hypothesis i mean likely not because it's not really a good article but it's a good example all i need to do is go over to the tool that we here at hypothesis have created it's called docdrop.org
backslash ocr and it looks like this now i'm going to go ahead and select my file from my device so the article that you or the reading that you
need to ocr or add an ocr layer to must live on your device for this to occur find my article here i'm going to go ahead and hit open it's going to upload
i'm going to now choose run ocr we're going to give it a minute and now i can download my newly ocr article so i'm going to go ahead and
download it and it should appear i'm going to test this to see if i'm able to select individual text and as you can see i am now my article has an ocr layer and i
can add it to my lms using hypothesis i can annotate this article with my students selecting individual text as i go of course if you have any questions
please contact us over here at hypothesis we are always happy to help
End of transcript