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hi i'm soren bjornstedt welcome to this tour of my settle costume the purpose of this tour is kind of twofold one i want to talk just some about the settle costing system and that method of taking notes
why you would want to use it how you can organize a central cost in and why you would want to organize it that way and then second talk about how we can implement that in tiddlywiki
tiddlywiki is kind of the the focus of a lot of the educational resources i do so that's why i'm doing this video primarily but uh i think just having more resources on subtle costume is also a great thing it's something
that i'm i don't know i was gonna say i'm passionate about i don't know if i would actually go quite that far but i really like the central costume method i think it's very valuable at least if you're the type of person to
be watching this video um if you have a lot of different ideas you like figuring out how to integrate those subtle costing might be for you so the first thing to know about my subtle costume is that most of it is public on
the web here at uh centralcostin.stormbjornstad.com if you can't remember how to spell that you can also go to 562.nz that will just redirect you right out here this doesn't have everything that's in my central custom
but it has a lot of it there is some personal stuff that i like to be able to keep integrated with all the public stuff but not share it with the entire internet so we'll talk a little bit about how i accomplish that in tiblewiki later
but for the time being i'm going to switch over to the private one because there's some tools and stuff in there that we'll want to see during the course of this video that are not available in the public one
so i'll just try to keep away from anything that would not belong out on an instructional video on the internet and i have run through this so i'm pretty sure i will be able to do that so i have an outline out here um i do
intend to publish this i don't think it's up there quite yet and it will probably look a little bit different because i'm going to go through and clean up all the links and make sure they're helpful if you want more information on the stuff in there but we'll
go through this outline during the tour so first off what generally is it central costing i don't want to bore anybody who's already heard about it and there's a whole lot that you can learn about it so i'll just do a brief description essentially uh the
name means a slit box in german as in like a slip of paper a box containing such slips of paper it was invented or at least the modern form was described by a sociologist
named nicholas lumon who wrote an insane number of books i believe it was over 50. he posthumously published more books than most people published during their lifetime and he claims a lot of it was due to this system
so the system is a means of putting ideas together when you don't necessarily know what the ideas will be useful for yet so you create small cards or slips or in
tiddlywiki we make them tiddlers each containing a particular idea broken down as finally as reasonably possible and then you relate those ideas with other similar ideas in the original
implementation this was done in a card file although actually lumon used slips of paper rather than cards uh just normal weight paper just because the cards would have been too voluminous to be able to
read all of them while sitting at one desk now with tiddlywiki we don't have to worry about the format limitations of paper and so there are some differences in terms of how i relate ideas
in the original implementation one of the common ways you would relate ideas to each other was simply by positioning them next to each other in the card file in tillywiki whether something is uh physically close to or distant from
is not really a consideration so in the original central custom there was both that proximity and an explicit link to another location in the subtle custom we just have a link but
otherwise a great deal of the system is preserved most of the differences in my system have to do with format changes rather than with changes in
the underlying principles of the system so as i go through here i hope you'll see some examples of that basically most of the tibblers in here are ideas they describe one specific thing
let me just even see if i can find a good example here um how about this one here so here's a little explanation you know there's a couple paragraphs here
there are a lot of links to other ideas which are the related topics this actually has an unusually low number of related ideas but i could hop into say dystopia we would see some examples
of possible dystopic scenarios and we can move from there and you know by by walking down these links we can find our way down many different trains of thought very quickly
so that kind of mimics the way that your brain operates by allowing you to to go off in a lot of different directions and you don't have to know what the structure is going to be before you do it most traditional note-taking methods kind of require you to
categorize things into particular topics or you know if you try to outline something it's a outlining is nice often but it does kind of force a more linear organization whereas with this you can go off in so
many different directions i think one great a demonstration of this is the link graph view that i have here right so this shows what i've linked to out several levels and you can see obviously that it explodes into many different directions so most people
who use a system like this find that the central casting mimics your thought process much better than most other systems and so it enables you to reproduce some of the creativity that you get from actually having stuff in your head
while being able to put it down on paper which has some significant advantages most obviously you don't risk forgetting it it will stay the way you put it but also you know taking the time to
write out a description of the idea here uh often helps solidify it helps you remember it even and uh makes it just easy to think about in a different way because you're putting it in a different form
so i would say that's basically the central constant you'll see some more examples as we go along certainly i will say this is a work in progress obviously the content of the central costume is always a work in progress but my
implementation of it in titli wiki is also a work in progress i'm sure i'll talk as we go along about some things that i expect will change in the future or that i have changed already that's one of the really nice things
about tiddlywiki is that because the tooling can be customized in the same place and using even the same methods as you write your content you can kind of evolve those together so
as your needs for the content change the the tool kind of comes along with you when you're experienced in tiddlywiki you will notice one obvious thing here is that my names of tillers are all in camelcase which is this
uh kind of there are no spaces between words and each word starts with a new capital letter so that is a kind of wiki thing that's less popular on modern wikis than it used to be i find it
very helpful it makes it very easy to link to things because you can simply write out the word or the title of the title in that format untilly wiki will know it's a title of a tibler and link to it
but it also i find it helps to encourage me to create a concise name for things which serves as an easy way to remember it or think about it in the future so oftentimes i will
you know be able to remember an idea not know exactly where it is but i will remember the title or at least a couple important words in it and so that makes it really easy to search for i have a actual wiki camel case titler
out here that talks about some of the advantages and disadvantages and why i chose to do that out there let's talk about how we actually organize this what is the topology of our ideas in
here how do they link together and what tilly wiki functions do we use to do that so links are the primary method as we saw a minute ago you can click in on a link anywhere in
here and i use links to refer to every related idea that i might have in my central cost in and even some i don't we were in one a moment ago if i can get out there right where there
are some of the links in italics that means that the tiddler doesn't currently exist yet but it's something that would potentially make sense to go out and write about in the future and in this one you see this winner take all one right you can see that there are actually
three other tiddlers where i linked to the idea of a winner take all competition and so i can even though this doesn't actually exist and i haven't explained what it is explicitly i can kind of get an implicit idea of what it is simply by
looking at these other places where i've discussed that and so you know i can see how it's used in many different places much like you might be able to see examples of how a word is used and
know what it means even without looking up the dictionary definition so tiddlywiki makes it really easy to see ideas in the way that your other ideas interact and that will be a principle for some
other choices i've made in designing this central costume later when we talk about tiddler types i'll come back to that so links are the primary way of joining ideas together they just express arbitrary relationships between things
tags in tilly wiki are somewhat more structured way of doing things they express i would say membership so you can see for instance that this particular titler is a member of the tilley wiki video series which makes sense
currently this is only the second video on tiddlywiki i've ever done but if we had more they would all show up in this list so that's membership i use them for many different kinds of roles all of which are ways of
expressing membership but membership in different things so if we look at our tags list i actually have these color coded by roll to make them easier to identify what does what so we can go
through these the green ones these are actually the default color if i ever change the colors of my wiki it would change with them but these are disciplines or topics you might call
them so we have things like you know dreaming and ethics and psychology and uh learning and so on and so forth these are kind of broad topics these
match up with if you know much central cost in with lumons indexes which is kind of a way of providing jumping off points into the linky nature of the subtle costumes so
if you know you want to look at stuff related to psychology if you have a giant card file or a giant tiddlywiki with a bunch of arbitrarily named tiddlers it might not be obvious where you can start and you've kind of got to find
somewhere to start so that you can follow those links to whatever you're looking for and you know in in the modern system we have a full text search which sometimes helps you get closer but not necessarily
right now i would say these are mostly complete tags so there's actually a lot of things tagged like probably pretty much everything that relates to psychology i have listed here that's a lot of tillers as i end up
having more tiddlers in here i do anticipate needing to strip that down and so what i'll do is much like lumon did remove anything that's not super relevant so you would keep only the things that
are most closely related to to psychology or where you would most want to start a search for things on psychology so you might pick index tiddlers which we'll talk a little bit about in a
minute which kind of gather together ideas on a particular topic you might keep ones that you're currently doing a lot of work on so you can more quickly get to them and maybe just anything that you you particularly like
or find yourself referencing most often and so then the other ones you would still be able to get to you would just have to start with some of the ones that were tagged with that psychology tag and then follow some
links through there and it's generally fairly easy to do as long as you've created enough links between your tiddlers um i have these in the wrong order i'll go back and reorder them just so they show up in the same order they do over
here the black ones are used for that private public switch that i've talked about earlier we'll discuss that a bit later on the blue ones are lists so this
tiddlywicky video series is a demonstration of that you can see there's also this list icon there and so what these do are there's a kind of a set of things like programming languages and so every programming language i have defined in
here is tagged programming language so i can quickly see all the things that are members in that that's kind of the most obvious use of membership i would say there are also red and orange tags which are types and
pseudotypes so types are used to identify whether something is an idea or whether it's kind of an auxiliary topic so things with no tags or ideas so those
are kind of the primary purpose of that central cost and that's why i have one is in order to have ideas but when you're trying to classify ideas and make your way between ideas oftentimes it's helpful to have
various peripheral information there as well so for instance there are sources which describes um where the ideas might have come from or or are mentioned uh whether you
initially learned about them there or not you have people this is pao stands for person animal or organization because it's kind of a slightly broader category than people there are images that kind of go along
with tibblers for instance if there is a person that you want to include an image on or a diagram or something like that and i'll talk a little bit more about the different types later the orange ones have kind of similar
roles but they tend to be a little bit more specific and the wiki doesn't change behavior based on orange tags the wiki will change behavior based on what red tag if any you've applied so for instance if
i apply a place tag to a place it's going to end up with a map of that place showing up on the tiddler the way i've set up the wiki and it will also influence where things show up in the reference explorer at the
bottom of the page you can see that there a lot of these line up with the type names i'll talk a little bit more about the reference explorer later lastly there is the yellow tags which
are just used for identifying things where i would like to provide more attention or change things so stub means i'd like to expand the article needs excision means that it's
kind of a monster tiddler or card and it contains several different ideas that i would like to break out into ideas that can be better referenced on their own and there's needs attention which means that there's some unspecified problem
with it or i just think that i could stand to be reworked or revisited and so these i will just kind of naturally add and remove as i discover that things need work or i clean them up
so those are all of the tags one type of tag is an index tiller so an index tiddler as i briefly mentioned earlier is rather than containing an idea of its own it talks about the relationships
between ideas purely obviously individual ideas also are related to things and they include links in them but sometimes it's good to get a larger overview of that so this index title i've actually split
into a number of different tabs in tilly wiki each of these is its own tidblur and then i can specify which ones i want to list as tabs but you can see this particular one is written in paragraph form others are an outline form or
are automatically generated lists of some kind but all of them have the basic commonality that they consist primarily of
links to other ideas and potentially descriptions of them so these are i understand a particularly important part of your central costume as it gets larger i haven't found them all that necessary
at this time but they are definitely useful already and i expect them to play a larger role in things as the tagging starts to reach its size limits where it becomes implausible to scan through a tag
looking for something that you're finding and it becomes more important to be able to kind of expand that into a multi-level hierarchy right so you know if i click on uh learning here and i've got all the
learning stuff i would like to be able to have one of the learning items just be this and then you know all the critical ideas in learning i can find within this tiddler so that i can instead of trying to pick
something out from a giant list i can kind of answer some questions about what broad type of idea related to learning it is and go from there
another thing kind of related to index tiddlers is um i often use it on index titlers but not necessarily exclusively on index tiddlers that is stretch text and transclusion of descriptions
so i make pretty heavy use of the default field and tiddlywiki called description which is used for a lot of system titlers um this is an example of a place where that is used i use the description field to provide
basically a summary of the item so this is a personality test that we did as a team building exercise at work i threw up some of my results on here so that it specifies like your five greatest strengths is the
basic idea of this uh assessment and so i created one tailor for each of them and you know there's some general information on it but there's also a single sentence summary that i've put here in this
description field and so what i do up here then is i use uh tiddlywiki's functionality to be able to create a dynamic list so it's going to pluck every tailor that's mentioned down here in the list
field and show its title and that summary of it now if you know tilly wiki you may be wondering why didn't you tag them strengthsfinder report that's kind of often the more natural way to produce a list of
things that kind of come underneath strengthsfinder report the basic reason is because i already have like probably over 100 tags i haven't counted uh if i did that every place i had a list of five items i would quickly have
so many tags in here that i wouldn't be able to use the tags anymore so while i do use tags for lists of things where that seems like the best application of the model that's why i've got some blue ones over here
i do also use other methods to create those lists one of them being this just place them in the list field if there's only a couple of them and pull pull back those results via that list field
another way that i do something very similar is through stretch text so here's another one rather than having that description what i've done is i've used a stretch links macro this is actually a plug-in
for tidy wiki that i've written called tiddly stretch that does this you can specify just a tiddlywiki filter and then what it's going to do is provide these kind of expandable things so if i pick one that i want to see more about then the summary i can click this
plus button and it's going to transclude that whole tiddler right here this is actually customizable i'm not going to be able to think of an example right now but i do have some where instead of translating just the description and text fields it actually
translates the uh tiddler through a template which can display basically anything arbitrary based on the contents of that tiddler templates in tillyweek are extremely powerful if you don't know a lot about
them and so you can customize this stretch text basically to whatever degree you want actually picking the collection is as you can see in this case
done by choosing the members of this tag you know all current tagging but we could have done the same thing where i put it in the list field say if i had chosen to do it that way another method that i use for kind of
lists of things but not exactly is subtitlers the main distinction between when i use a subtitler and i want to use a tag or that listing out method
is that subtitlers are used where the smaller tiddlers can't really stand on their own so an example is a series that i'm working on on card
patterns for spaced repetition so um these are basically if you don't know how to do a good job of asking a particular question on a spaced repetition flash card
if you don't know anything about spaced repetition uh you can learn more by googling spaced repetition or i have a series of popular articles on my blog control backspace.org just look for the memory
series but it's essentially a way of presenting flashcards at intervals carefully calculated to optimize your memory um
so for each of these particular patterns this is a it's kind of an encyclopedic form maybe so there's a formula of you know how exactly you would write the card what goes on the front and back of the flash card
some examples of it some advantages disadvantages cautions usage notes etc and so there's actually barely anything within this tiddler's text there's only this anki pattern template here
and so what it actually does is there are a series of subtitlers these have a are defined as subtitlers in my framework by a naming convention which consists of the base titler name
slash and then the subtitler name and so for instance the contributors here which has a little bit of information about that is actually just coming right out of this overlapping close pattern
contributors and that anki pattern template is just looking through all of those subtillers and making them show up in this accordion under the in the correct order in a standard order that's the same for
all of the patterns so subtitlers are a way if you need to or want to split things out into multiple tiddlers in order to more closely uh keep track of
what the exact role of a piece of information is but you don't really need to reference those subtitlers separately you can put them in subtitlers i i mentioned in this outline right it
is a matter of how tightly they're coupled if you know much about like software architecture or any related subjects there we have things that are many ideas that are loosely coupled where they are related to each other but you
could kind of take one out and and replace it with something else or even not have it at all and it wouldn't really make a huge difference whereas with these tightly coupled ones you know if i took out just the contributors section of that anki card pattern
and put that in its own tiddler and didn't have any of the other information um it wouldn't really be very useful by itself because it would only have you know a couple things to it right this this is not useful by
itself it's only useful as part of the creative pattern bibliographies are another sort of kind of index you can find several of these on the public one let's take a look at the get one as an example
so the way i primarily use this is if somebody comes to me and is like hey soren you know a lot about git i'm learning git what should i read i can send people a link to this bibliography also if i'm just thinking about a great
thing about git that i've read and i don't remember what it's called or where it is i can come out here and look at it so this is actually super easy to create it's just aggregated out of the individual source tiddlers so i mentioned that i
take notes on each source here and i put something in as a source to my subtle cost in if it's either a full book i've read or if it's an article that i think is particularly deep or i'll want to reference again in
the future or you know if there are notes that i've decided go into my central cost in as a result of reading that and so to put it in the bibliography all i have to do is fill in this custom
bibliography field with the name of the bibliography and it magically shows up on the bibliography you'll notice there's also these kind of like annotated summaries for each source and those again come out of this
description field that i use frequently for summarizing things i've actually thought about making that description field show up somewhere you know near the top of the tiddler like maybe underneath the title or something
i haven't done that at this point but it's definitely something i'm thinking about doing in the future i might have to start doing that summary more often but i think it would probably be a useful exercise in determining exactly what that tibbler is
about the right tab so the right tab is a way that if i have 30 minutes and i want to spend some time working my central cost in but i don't necessarily have any ideas jumping out at me
it's a place that i can figure out what i want to work on so stubs are things that i've inserted and decided hey this is something i would like to talk about in the future but uh i don't i haven't actually really
written anything to speak of about it so oftentimes i'll just like copy and paste something in here like here i've pasted in a quotation here and then i added like a little sentence kind of explaining what
the idea is right but this isn't something that if i just sent this to you you would be like wow that's a great idea you'd be like what the heck is that about at least probably if you're if you happen to have read a lot of stuff
that's similar to me on this topic it might make sense to you but it probably won't so a stub is kind of a lower level than a proper settle cost in note because one of the principles of central costing is that you should write as if for
somebody else even if you don't have an audience you want to really describe that idea well because that prevents you from doing a series of uh rhetorical moves that we often use on ourself
and i'm sure you recognize all of these where you say things like uh yeah i don't know exactly how to explain that but i know what it means usually that means you don't actually know what it means because you can't describe it but it's very easy to kind of do that
kind of hand waving in your head but once you try to write it out that doesn't look convincing at all and so you you have to figure it out you have to figure out what other things it relates to so stubs are not intended to be
completed content but they are intended to provide a long list of interesting things that i could talk about in the future the missing tab is just hopped over from the more tab it's tillers that i've linked to
as we described a moment ago i'm trying to remember what uh taylor we were in well here's actually one right so tiddly map i have a link to it but uh the titler hasn't been created yet
so this just uh pulls together a long list of all the things which are which are missing which i've linked to which i haven't created i'm not going to actually go to the missing tab because since we are in the
private settlecast and there's actually a number of titles in there which are private and i discovered that earlier but you can go to the missing tab on the public one or look at it in your own tiddlywiki if you're unsure what's in there
needing attention this is just those things that are tagged with that yellow needs attention tag needing attention is kind of if it's i put that on there if it's obvious what needs to be done with it but i don't feel like describing it in detail
at the time that i apply that tag so it's kind of a catch-all category needing excision as i mentioned uh says there's actually like a lot of different stuff in here it's a mess i'd like to clean it up like here's a good example good shared flashcards it's like
oh gosh what is this there's like a three level outline here and like a quote and then like a horizontal rule and so there's probably like you know three or four different ideas in here that i need to kind of disentangle to clean up my thinking
to do items anywhere that i write the word to do in square brackets so link to the tiddler to do and then write something gets automatically pulled into here so if there's an arbitrary thing that i think i need to do
to an article or think about or do research on or whatever i can write that and it will gather it together into here and open questions open questions are kind of like to do's but there are things where i have a
great question but i don't know what the answer to it is so you know if i open one of these up so here's an example like how does one avoid this cognitive problem um you know many of these there may not be
an answer for but they are things where i envision myself possibly having additional insightful ideas in the future as i continue to live my life and explore similar ideas so i kind of create this list so that i
can circle back around later and see if time has provided me with any other answers whether it's something i could write directly in here or whether there are other ideas in the central costume that i could link it to that might help iteratively build that
insight through future exploration all right let's talk about the reference explorer so this is at the bottom of every tiddler i have pointed you at it before but not really talked about
what the function is so a lot of people have these in order to provide backlinks or something you know kind of similar to this a backlink if you are not familiar with these kinds of information systems
is you know in here i link to continuous improvement but perhaps somebody else links here so you know if i'm on continuous improvement the central cost and demo i'm going to
have to go to all here but the central cost in demo video is a backlink of continuous improvement because central cost and demo video linked to continuous improvement so this means that instead of links being a kind of one directional
experience links the list of links and backlinks together provides you with a full accounting of what is related to what even if you don't go and talk about one
talk about both of them in the other idea some people only put back links in the section down here that lists the backlinks i also list the forward links you might say well that's not necessary
because the links are up here already but if i am trying to find something by repeatedly jumping through a bunch of links i don't really want to come out and read a bunch of prose in order to figure out what links are in it
especially if the link is not the title of the titler like here this one says never walks backwards but the tiddler title which you can see in the tooltip far in the lower left of the screen there is the title titled walk backwards
sometimes of course the since this link text is arbitrary they can be even further apart this always lists the tiller title so i find it is much faster to scan and navigate through things when i have both the links and the
backlinks in the case of this tiddler since i just created as an outline uh there's nothing actually back there are no actual backlinks so it is all forward links in this case but most of the time you'll tend to find a mix of links and backlinks
for instance if we hop into that continuous improvement one that i was showing in this case it's mostly backlinks and only a couple of outbound links because continuous improvement i think is a widely applicable idea
whereas there's not all that much to say about what continuous improvement is it's kind of a combination of a couple other ideas you'll notice that here it shows the tags and the date it was last modified
and attempt to give you the a little bit of context about it also if you don't know what something is and you want to just kind of expand it in place you can click right there the contrast is not really great on here but i only do it very briefly to figure
out what the thing is so i don't care that much about it i'm sure it's something that i could fix if i wanted to spend more time fixing it i'm not necessarily sure that the tags in the modified are the best way to use this limited amount of space
i have also thought about doing description like i said i'm kind of working on expanding what that description field can be used for and how often i use it but that's what i have for now now a lot of times
most of these open on the ideas tab so this specifically excludes many of these other things like indexes people places and so on if you do want to
hop into one of these one of the most common ones i come to is sources right so i might have a great idea let's find one that i was looking at recently here if i can remember where it
is um dang i can't remember what it was here i think it was this one notes must link um so you can find all of the places
where the idea of notes must link are referenced so if i write a note and i got the idea from a particular source i will make sure to
write that in the ideas titler but also you can see there's a backlink here right so here's just a place where part of my summary of what the source was uh was pointing out that you know this
one of the central ideas of the source is this notes must link again you'll have to look at that tool tip in the lower left to see exactly what tiddler that points to and so this link backlink thing ensures that
the idea is always related to sources that talk about it also you know people will often show that one didn't but people often show the author of the work and anyone else who is closely related
to that work i would say that people and sources are probably the two of these that i use the most often meta sources are just a way of aggregating sources so if a source is like an article in a newspaper a
magazine the meta source would be the newspaper or magazine that it's stored in and sinks are like sources except they are things that i've written so this is a graph theory terminology where
when you have a graph where different nodes are connected by different edges and there's they're directed edges so the flow of information goes in only one direction if there is no inbound links to an item
or inbound edges that is called a source and if there are no outbound edges that's called a sink and as you may have surmised from that description graph theory is a great way to actually represent links in a subtle constant so
a node is essentially a tiddler in this model whereas an edge is a link so the edge is just the connections between different nodes if you're unfamiliar with graphs there's a lot of great examples it is
one of my favorite branches of mathematics and computer science some you might be familiar with maps like google maps is basically running some complicated graphs to figure out how to take you from place to place
dependencies if you're ever installing software and it has to go grab other software in order to make the first set of software work it uses a algorithm based on this kind of directed graph in order to figure out
what things it needs to download first so many things are very conveniently represented as graphs including this so that's why you'll often find me using that terminology as subtitlers we've already talked about
here indexes we've talked about what those are as well those will show up here and all just lists all of the the other tabs together now link graph i did point at this a little bit earlier but let's just talk about kind of why i added this
sometimes ideas only goes one level deep it's the direct backlinks and the direct links whereas if i go into the link graph i can see three levels out in a total of four levels deep including the current one
and if there's some of these branches that i'm not really interested in you can trim them by clicking the little uh closing uh or the minus sign there and so this kind of lets you if you're trying to see just all of what
might be kind of related to how to take smart notes this will let you see a lot more things at once and it's kind of a cool view to have there this is a plug-in called tid graph if you are interested in it
let's close out of a few of these demos and that was the link graph so types i believe i've basically talked about all the types and
what they do except for perhaps notes which is just if i'm taking notes on a lecture or a phone call or something like that and i think ideas will end up in the central constant as a result i will often take them directly into the
subtle costume just because it's convenient to have them next to it and then you know in my ideas i can link back to those notes in order to provide a source for it there are a few other types which you can find out in the you know the red
tags um including bibliography and conversation and image and so on most of those are not super important to this model but some of them are are kind of handy to have around but let's talk about
why i have types and why i include a lot of the ideas in there because that is something that is definitely different from traditional total costing you know a traditional type of question does not include sources i guess this idea doesn't have any
sources but let's hop out to one or would i just add how about this one but in my case i like to keep the sources in the same wiki unlike in the traditional method where you kind of
have two components a subtle costume and a bibliography manager or a reference manager of some kind and that's because tilly wiki is so great at linking different things together so i showed you that briefly with the
source a little while ago but let's hop out to another one so like let's hop out to alice in wonderland i'm a big lewis carroll fan so um we can start from sources and we have
ideas right but then for instance maybe we'll say okay who's the author of this okay lewis carroll all right like what else did lewis carroll write oh uh through the looking glass and so it gives us more different ways
that we can hop through our tiddlers by seeing what other ideas are in a source from the ideas tab and then uh you know the the authors and the sources
in the geographical places and then you know where have i written about this topic right so there's a paper that i wrote in college about alice in wonderland that's in here right so i find that even if
there's not actually all that much information on the nodes you know this is a pretty short article about lewis carroll it's not going to win any wikipedia awards but i'm not trying to be wikipedia you know if i want to know more about lewis carroll i can go to google and type in
lewis carroll i even have many person articles that don't even contain any content they're just tagged person and that's it but that produces that node where you can hop to people
in any tailor where that person was mentioned whether as an author or a person who holds a particular idea or any other relationship that a person might have to an idea or to a source
and then you can find all of the other things that are related to them and that's something that i don't think shows up in the traditional central casting unless you happen to think of those references at the time you create them and because those are all filtered
out in the ideas tab it's very unobtrusive it takes very little time to actually create those once you get into the habit of you know typing the names of authors and sources in a standard format
they pretty much just create themselves if you want them to to show up under the people or sources tabs you do have to actually you know click in on them and create them otherwise they will show up as a missing tiddler
but you know if we're up here writing say orphan note or a person all i have to do is click on it say edit type in pao and close it and now now this is a person
obviously i don't actually want this to be a person so i'm going to delete it but it takes about three seconds to do and then you get all those great connections so that is the functionality of types let's move on to a little more uh
tiddlywiki and technical stuff here i will try to keep this kind of brief because i notice i'm already at 40 minutes which was a little longer than i was hoping to be at here but i do think it is valuable to see some of the custom tilly wiki stuff that
i've done here first let's talk about some of the interesting plugins that i've installed here one thing is codemirror codemirror is a kind of nice text editor that you can include in your browser and there's
official plugins for tiddlywiki there's also an addition of this uh cm plus for a better code mirror plug-in this is pretty new but what that does is when you're out here and you
you know type a header or a bold italic i guess it doesn't work if you nest it nothing ever works during a demo but it will try to actually make the text look kind of like the wiki text markup
so even i'm very familiar with wiki text and i still find this extremely helpful certainly you can always do the side-by-side preview but it's even nicer to have it just in there the other thing code mirror does is you can do for instance searches
within your text editor and you can even i have vi key bindings here if you don't know vi it's a really weird old editor but it has one of the best
keyboard shortcut schemes of any program ever designed it's extremely unintuitive but it lets you do total magic with editing and you get all the buttons on the keyboard to do complicated stuff
so if you are going to spend a lot of time editing text it is worth adding a couple plugins and taking some time to get that editor to work like you want otherwise you're stuck using the browser's
cruddy little text entry thing to write hundreds of thousands of words which is not a lot of fun and in fact it's something that turns people off using tibbly wiki entirely on on many occasions
um another plugin here is the details widget so when i did show those um patterns earlier let's pull up another pattern here these little accordion things these are
generated by the details widget um it's a super useful plugin just to be able to have those expand and contract things very simple you'll find a ton of uses for it once you have it in your wiki relink traditional central custom has
immutable identifiers which means they can never change once you've created them i don't have that uh you know i can come in here and change the title to whatever the heck i want anytime but relink is going to make it so that
the links don't break when i do that so let's take a look at settle cost in here i'm sure i've referred to settle cost in many times in the subtle costing and let's say i decided i want to make the name plural right in german that's
the plural form and so it's going to identify all these things need to be updated and if i use that check mark it's going to go just change it so it will change links it will change custom fields it will change macro
parameters will change transclusions probably change some weirder tilly wiki stuff that i'm not thinking of right now so that's an absolute lifesaver if you have a large wiki um going and updating all those manually would be prohibitive and then if you
decide if you determine that you've created a bad title uh it's almost impossible to change if you don't know that plugin you should definitely check it out it's pretty essential stretch text i showed stretch text a
little bit earlier um there's a plug-in for it you can find it on my github or just by searching tibbly stretch uh let's track where i am here sorry tilly tables that's just a framework for creating tables that
kind of gives you a nice graphical way to create complicated dynamic tables i use it for the reference explorer tin graph does this little link graph thing and
triple click to edit is a handy thing that i added so in tilly wiki classic back in the dark ages you could double click anywhere on a tailor in order to start editing it and that was the primary way that you would
often do that until the wiki five it was determined that a lot of people were getting really confused when they double clicked on something trying to highlight text and it suddenly dumped them into edit mode it was especially a problem for people viewing tilly wikis on the web who
didn't know tiddlywiki and suddenly like the page would uh explode into this mess of wikitech's goo that they didn't know what to do with so that was turned off by default but i do find it quite convenient to be able to click
anywhere in the tiddler in order to start editing it because i switch from view to edit mode quite a lot and so i found this plugin that restored that behavior in tinley wiki 5 and i modified it so that you have to actually triple click so that makes it a little harder to
accidentally double click on it again i do have that out on my github if that's something you're interested in uh which by the way is github.comstead um oh i skipped tiddly remember
which is another plugin that i've done this lets you embed anki notes in your tiddlywiki so the way this works is you know we can actually look at this pattern right these these use tiddly remember
so you can put a question and answer or fill in the blank and it's got this little unique id number here and uh if we were to go out to the flashcards program anki which i'll just toggle out there real fast um if
you have tilly remember installed in anki as well there's an option to sync from your tiddlywiki and you can configure tiddly remember so that you can actually point to your wiki and say you know here's a filter here's exactly uh
what tillers i want to pull the uh the questions from and turn them into flash cards directly in my spaced repetition flash cards reviewer so all i have to do is
drop in this question and answer using the button right on the toolbar or alt r and i write a question and an answer and then as soon as i sync that will show up in my space repetition flash cards
reviewer where as long as i'm studying every day i will start magically remembering this contents so that's pretty nifty is if as you're taking notes you run into things that you would really like to remember and not just have notes on you can very
quickly get those cards into your memory some miscellaneous custom stuff that's not plugins that i built let's talk about the public private switch first because that's something i get a lot of questions on from people
so in titli wiki it's not really possible to do security at least not currently um one of the most common models of distributing a tiddlywiki is to send a single html file that contains the contents
if you're doing that there's not really anything that you can do to prevent people from accessing parts of the tiddlywiki because you just send them the entire contents of the wiki in an html file and even if you implemented some kind of security measure they could just open
the html file in a text editor and go find your secret hidden text it would be possible to encrypt it i suppose but now we're getting pretty complicated and so i actually take a much simpler approach to protecting the private data
that is in this private wiki that we're looking at right now i have options to set metadata on all tilders on whether they should be private or public and then every night i run a script which goes through and it actually
builds a new wiki out of only the public stuff and then it uploads that to the web where you can view it so you probably have noticed by now i was even pointing it to to it earlier directly this published
this titler checkbox what this will do if i check or uncheck it is change whether there is a public black tag on here i also will have this in edit mode publish this tiddler public shows up you'll notice there's also a thing up
here which indicates whether you are editing a private or public tiddler you may notice that it didn't change when i did that this is a bug that i haven't fixed yet i know how to fix it i just haven't done it but if i go out and come back in it will say correctly now that i'm editing a
public tiddler so that's kind of nice just if i'm writing something and i'm wondering hey is this public or not on the web i can quickly look up there and see there is another public-private method
that i occasionally use is called the private chunk so the use case for this is if i have something that's uh mostly public and uh you know i've written a bunch of
public stuff and then i have some super secret stuff in the middle of it maybe it's just like one sentence or something that i would like to include but that i don't want to share with everyone on the internet it would be kind of a shame to have to
make the entire thing private just because of that so in tibli wiki a quick way that we can get around that is by creating a separate tiddler for the stuff that we want to use in a different role namely whether
it should be private instead of public so that's exactly what i do i have a naming convention for this it is a subtitler of the public stuff titler so it'll be public stuff and
its name will be p for private and so i'll do this perform excision and then i will make it a transcluded through the private chunk template you'll see that immediately this thing came up saying this private chunk is not tagged private
chunk i'm just going to click that button to fix it now it's going to say here is a little piece that's private and it's going to transclude that tiller if i click on the link i will get out to that individual tiddler where i would be
able to edit it you know super duper secret stuff and then that would show up up there the way this is going to work is let me set this metadata how it would be set
this one would be public but this one would not be public just having that private chunk is enough to exclude it directly so even if i clicked publish this title it wouldn't actually be public and so when this does get published this
public stuff slash p tilder is going to be missing what happens in tiddlywiki if you transclude a title that doesn't exist is just nothing shows up so it would look like there were only these two lines in the tiddler now if in the public site you do come in
and edit it you would see this public stuff slash p transcluded through private chunk but uh because of my naming convention of slash p the title doesn't really divulge any information about its contents so that's
not really a big deal unless you're trying to hide the fact that you didn't want to publish some part of the titler for some reason i don't normally have more than one of these but if i did they're p2 p3 p4 and
so on let's go ahead and delete these test tiddlers here so uh just one more step maybe it would be interesting to look at how this is actually built so if we hop
out to a terminal here and i go into the directory where i keep my tiddlywiki um i have a script in here called publish and there's a tillywiki filter embedded
in here which says exactly what should be included in this new wiki so it's either anything that's a system titler or anything that's public system tillers are always implicitly public because if you didn't do that you have to go through and individually tag
like somewhere around a thousand system titlers public just for it to work correctly otherwise you wouldn't be able to use the wiki at all because a lot of tidy wiki's core content is in uh system tidblers so i just make sure
that i don't put anything that would be private in a system titler since i only use system tailors for storing like kind of plug-in like logic i create i don't know why i would want to keep any of it private anyway so that's not really a big concern it
also goes through and removes a couple plug-ins and stuff that we don't need in there then it just kind of does some initialization stuff here it exports uh all tables that match that filter into a new wiki using the say
wiki folder then it does a thing called the private person replacement table so this checks for the names of anybody who is has that pao tag and uh their person tiller is not marked public and
if it finds them it replaces them with that person's initials so this is just a courtesy to people i mention who aren't public figures and who i'm only mentioning in passing that way their name doesn't show up in google search results for my sizzle
costume where it's presumably not very relevant for them once that is done it's going to externalize the images so it's going to pop those out into a separate folder that just makes the wiki load faster if you're a visitor to the website because
tiddlywiki doesn't try to download those images to the browser until you've actually requested them by opening the tibbler in which they're used and then lastly it's going to compile it to a single html file out of its uh node.js
wiki folder format and actually push it to github and so once this has been completed if we come out to my github and the central cost and sib repository
you will see that uh there's this external images folder and the index file and uh so once that's pushed it is then available on that centralcostin.stormybjornstead.com through github pages if you are
interested in this uh source code here i expect to publish it at some point but in the meantime if you want it uh feel free to email me centralcostin.sauron bjornstedt or teslacastin at sorenbjornsted.com or you can always
just search for me on google i have a very visible contact page so it shouldn't be hard to find that is the private public switch a couple other interesting less complicated things that i've done
i've added a couple buttons up here so this is a copy tiller title button so if i click that it's going to copy this such cost and demo video to the clipboard obviously it's not really that hard to double click on this right click copy
but i do it so often in order to link to it from other tiddlers that i find it's nice to have a one-click button that will copy that similarly this copies a permalink so the permalink in tiddlywicky is
a an anchor added to the end of the url that will take you directly to the current tiddler but i've modified this from the built-in permalink so what this actually does is copy a link to it in the public settle cost in even if i'm looking at it in the private
central constant so if i copy this what we would get if this was the unmodified base tilly wiki uh permalink would be it would be this uh l.562.nz1109 central custom central cost and demo video but if i
actually paste what we're going to see is that it's centralcuston.stormbjornstad.com that and this is useful because most of the time when i copy a permalink it's because i want to share the content with somebody but it doesn't do that much good to have a link
to port 1109 on my local computer rather than my actual publicly accessible website so that just makes it much faster for me to share things gis data so i think this is kind of slick i spent a weekend
messing with it at some point so let's look at a state park in minnesota i've kind of got a project to document my experiences with a lot of these out here so you can see that there's actually a map of where the state park
is and we could also get driving directions by coming in here i'm not going to go in there because i forgot to change it before i started this video so that it doesn't show my home address directly on a webcast
but it would display directions directly to my home address or present a text box where i could type in the location where i currently am and then it would show that this just embeds the google maps api
and you can find that if you are out on the explore tab on my public wiki you can find how all that works in the sib um gis folder and there's kind of five tilders that belong to that
um and the way this works is there's just a latitude longitude and zoom level and uh embeds that google maps api to that so if you want to see how this would start we can do like a place test here when i tag place that is going to
make that template appear but since there's actually no gis information it's asking us to input some so if we hop out to google maps and thinks i'm not really anywhere near where i am
but that's fine um so you know i can scroll around and find anywhere i want let's say i want to show somewhere in chicago here um i don't know how about the art institute of chicago right so i can right click on
anything and it will have an option to copy those gps coordinates then i would just paste those in pick a zoom level i usually like to start with somewhere around 12 to 14 depending on how detailed it is
and then as this map comes up not sure why it took so long there it will show you this area and if you want to adjust the zoom you can use this button which will actually edit that zoom field for you so it will permanently stay there unlike
this zoom which will disappear as soon as you close the tiller and reopen it so you know i could rename this chicago art institute if i wanted to and i would have that link the ability to get the driving directions
and the map um missing tiller helper so this is something kind of handy that i added um if you are creating a missing tilder so here's the tilde that i know is
missing it's going to inform me that hey this is a missing tiddler there are other tinders that link to it specifically it's just and so as soon as i save it then those links are going to be no longer missing
this is really nice because it helps you get the context for why you linked to this in the first place which is probably going to influence what content you decide to give it it also is helpful to kind of get a head start on finding possible links that you
might want to include in here because they're related to the topic um source pasting so uh thanks to tones on the tillywiki uh forums for showing me this or uh the the
basic idea behind this so if you paste anything into the wiki it's gonna give you the option to import it and so what i've done is made it so that if i just paste a url it'll give me the option to import that
as a tiddler called untitled when i open untitled there's going to be this tillywiki template that shows up here called import options and so i can actually fill out a form and um make it uh into a source very quickly
so i can say this is an article published in 2021 i haven't read it yet import and so now suddenly i have a source with all the metadata right in here this is a much faster way
to add a lot of stuff to my reading list than by manually creating new tilders that point there and have them that metadata this is nice because i am working on a project to manage my reading inbox in
here um this kind of shows you a little bit about how that works um i'm still this is still very much a work in progress but the idea is that it's possible to postpone things that you're not interested in right now and
they will bounce back later so this will show you know i can pick if i'm currently reading it or i haven't read it or i'm part way through it so this makes it uh by integrating the
list of what i'm reading and what i might choose to read next into where i take notes on the reading just makes life easier because everything's all in one place once you get that source in here you don't have
to re-enter the information once you finish the book and want to take notes on it it's just already there analytics so i use simple analytics in here if you're interested in web privacy check out simple analytics they're
really cool they are able to provide information about like who's accessing your website and what on it without actually tracking anybody so they don't use any cookies they don't collect ip addresses they're
basically completely unable to determine what users are accessing the site and they don't keep a record of a user's different browsing habits across visits but they're still able to give you that information
if you check them out they will explain how exactly that works but you can use this tags raw markup in order to embed a you know snippet of script and a tracker into your tiddlywiki
so that when people visit it on the public web you'll get that analytics information tag coloration so you may have noticed when i was showing the list of tags earlier
that this is ordered by color which is not a normal feature of the tags bar normally this would be a kind of a mixed up rainbow rather than the neat rainbow which doesn't follow the colors of the rainbow it follows the
hex order alphabetically in html but it would be kind of all messy and intermixed whereas this separates it neatly into categories so the way i've done that is there's a core filters all tags
shadow tinder here you can override this to provide any filter you want so you know let's say just as an example i wanted to include only tags that start with a right i could actually do that just by doing
that and suddenly only tags that start with a will show up in my tag list and put this back to where it was all i actually did was add this sort color step in my wiki similarly when you're actually editing
something there are five columns here and stuff is also sorted by color and the way i did that is slightly more complicated but in core macros tag picker um let's do a differences
from shadow here i have added a css class called four columns you might notice there were five columns i've just never renamed that since i increased it from four columns to five columns and
i do have a css style sheet in here called four column mode i just copied this from somewhere i don't remember where at this point on the internet but that divides it up into those columns
that is all i'm going to show in terms of tillywiki here if you have questions on anything else that you've done in that settle cost in feel free to email me or even post a comment on this video i will be happy to share more about that
but i think that will target a lot of the stuff that i get asked about and that's most noticeable in here before i finish up i just want to talk a little bit about the philosophy of a subtle cost in project
so just some things that i've put on here about it that i've kind of decided on after working on the project for i guess it's a little more than a year now uh i've taken notes in similar ways to
this in the past so it's not like a year is all the experience i've had with keeping notes on my ideas at all but this is that's about how much experience i have with the central costume in this environment
so one thing is just get started um i think central cost and for good reason talks about making sure that you write out your ideas in full and explain them well and explain them as if you're explaining them to somebody else
but it's also possible for that to prevent you from ever writing ideas in at all so one of the ways i try to manage that difference is by having stubs right so i can include
ideas that i don't really know what to do with yet and haven't written out i also have just some notes on note cards that i have that i haven't had time to put into my central costume yet
so it's okay to not have everything figured out the first time around you don't have to every time you add something uh complete writing it exactly and even if you do write it out in great detail there
might be things missing from that discussion you might be wrong about stuff that's fine that's why we have continuous improvement which is next so no tiddler in your central casting is ever really going to be done
and your there's always more information to learn you might change your mind about something if you've expressed your opinion you might learn that a fact was wrong you're certainly going to learn about other ideas that are related to that idea that you might want to come back
and link together so it's important you know make liberal use of this edit button when you're in here you know if you're linking to a topic while creating a new tiddler and you determine that the
thing you're linking to could use some work go in and edit it if you don't want to do it right away if i don't want to do it right away i'll add a to-do item or a needs attention tag to it you might have your own mechanism if you're doing this
so that's helpful to avoid getting distracted sometimes to be able to add it to that list but still come back to it later another really handy heuristic i've found is three links so uh i've credited the blog post that
this came from originally in here but uh it suggests that you should have at least one of each three types of links in each of your titlers link to a more general idea a link to a more specific idea and a related topic
it's neither more general nor specific just kind of on the same level this is not always possible or practical in my experience but it often is more than you might think it's a good way of making sure that it's really
properly linked into the web of concepts in your wiki and your central constant it's easy if you're not thinking about this to include only more specific ideas or only
related topics and if you do that you know it might be possible in theory to find that title by clicking a bunch of links but there might be only a couple possible entry points whereas if you also include the more general and more specific ideas you're
much more likely to hit it because you're increasing the number of contexts and types of context in which you can reach that idea and having three links is also a kind of nice minimum
for a tiddler sometimes you end up adding an idea that you've never talked about anything really related to at all and so in that case i try to add missing links so you can probably at least identify more
general ideas and more specific ideas or related topics that you have not talked about yet but you know about if it's something really new you might not have that and then okay i guess you just can't put in any links that happens
to me occasionally but not very often but thinking about this three links idea i find is a very useful starting point social classes never walks backwards so this is a quote probably apocryphally attributed to
abraham lincoln so he says i might be a slow walker but i never walk back so this is one of the prime benefits of the settlecasting is that once you get something in there it's in a form that you can easily think
about and unlike your brain it doesn't lose fidelity so if you haven't thought about a topic for a year but you have all the important ideas in that topic in your subtle question as soon as you go
hit that cluster notes you'll probably be right back where you were when you were thinking about it before certainly the relevance of notes can decay depending on what the notes are about you know if you're talking primarily
about cutting-edge technologies in a couple years they might not be super useful to you they probably won't be wrong but you might not particularly care to work with them but a lot of the stuff that's in central costume is longer lasting ideas in most
cases for most people so that's not necessarily that much of a concern and so the other lesson that i take from this is that it's not super important to be consistent with how you work in your subtle custom
if one day you write 50 notes and then the next week you don't write anything that might not be the best way to motivate yourself but if you have times where you have a lot of time to write in the central casting and times where you
only put the very most important things in there that's totally fine you might be getting fewer ideas in there than you would otherwise but presumably your central costing is not your primary deliverable that you're working on
you're probably trying to produce other writing or work and your central casting is just a means to that end so if the ends prevent you from working on the central casting as much
as you might like that's okay your central custom is not going to lose anything if you don't provided attention for a while default to open so this is a big thing for me most of my central constant as
i've mentioned before is public on the web that might be kind of unusual for notes it's certainly not something that anybody did before the internet in general but i think it has a number of advantages one of them is that it
encourages you to write well because other people might come in and see your work so that's kind of a very basic thing another one is that sometimes ideas prove to be useful in ways that you didn't anticipate
there are a lot of people in the world there are certainly billions that have internet access even if it's not all of the people in the world and uh it may be possible that somebody you don't know is doing something kind of similar to
you and might find your ideas useful and when they do that it's not just that they get benefit from your ideas which is often great by itself it's also that oftentimes if they find something really interesting or useful they will take the
time to email you and share some of what they're working on and share related ideas and so basically for free just by putting it out there you can get advice and additional leads on your research
so you know when you write in a more uh obviously publicly accessible format such as a blog you get more of those benefits but you can also still get them through the central costing and essentially for me it comes down to
the cost of putting something online is very minimal compared to the benefits that you can get and oftentimes those benefits can be unexpectedly large whereas the costs rarely get unexpectedly large it is still valuable to consider what
you're writing you know if you are writing something that is very politically charged and could get you in trouble or is liable to be misunderstood or is extremely personal then you probably don't want to make that one public that's fine i do really like having this
public private switch um oh i don't know of anybody else who has that option to switch who does public subtle costing uh there may be somebody that i just don't know about but um
i think if you have a public central cost and you don't have that switch you're often going to end up censoring yourself and while that's not necessarily the end of the world i do think you have a better central custom if you are able to have all of your thoughts in it
linked together into one system you can read more about the idea of default open which is very entwined with uh the open source uh free software culture in general and everything related to that
um in that tiddler on my public central costume fancy that probably specialize so this is a career planning methodology i don't know if it's really a
methodology it's a career planning idea um which says that instead of trying to become like the world's greatest expert in one topic you try to be pretty good at a num a number of different topics
and really good at a couple of topics so i think this is a useful philosophy for for your settle casting as well there are probably a couple areas that you're going to be particularly interested in maybe ones that have to do with your job
or your research or even just your hobbies but uh most people who have central kestin i think probably are interested in a wide variety of things they probably have a lot of ideas
i doubt that people who don't have a lot of ideas and aren't interested in ideas are likely to want to spend a great deal of time writing about them and relating them to each other maybe i'm wrong but that's just me if you are that kind of
person i think it is very valuable to include a wide variety of topics in your central custom so you you see that i have a lot of green tags which i define as topics um covering a wide range of things it's
in fact it's something that people often comment on when they run into my subtle custom um had one person tell me i had an impressively well-rounded second brain at one point uh i think this really does increase the value of your total cost and
the the connections between different disciplines are often the most valuable ones and they're also often the hardest to find in the modern world because everything has become so hyper-specialized and there are benefits to that we've
certainly gone deeper on fields than we have ever been able to do before because people spend their whole lives working on those little subfields but it also means that it's possible to miss the forest for the trees and
miss easy solutions that somebody has already come up with elsewhere just because it was in a slightly different context so putting in many different topics and having the ability to interrelate all
those different topics in one subtle custom is definitely a powerful weapon in terms of thinking and producing new creative ideas last but not least at all you're not
going to have time to record most of your ideas and that's okay again maybe there are some people who don't have more ideas than they can write out in great detail but i doubt you're one of them i'm certainly not one of them
even if you don't think you have too many ideas now once you start writing about your ideas in detail i think you will probably find that you end up with even more ideas the more you write and so even in that
even to that extent i think there is a degree in which your ideas will inherently explode as you start writing about them so prioritize you know instead of feeling like you can't read a book
because there are so many good ideas in it like pick the top five most important ideas you can use a filtering process too you can write down everything that looks interesting on a note card this is what i often do and then once you've finished the book
you can look at your note card or you know seven note cards this may sometimes happen with particularly good books and you can decide which of those ideas are the top five or top however many you don't have to use a
quota but i think in many cases it's a nice way to force yourself to decide on the most important ones and then you can write about those in your settle constant don't worry so much about the rest if they're really important you'll probably
come across them again at some point i think that is everything for the central cost in again if you have questions about my process or anything i would be happy to answer them and if you have ideas for other stuff you would like me to show
including um at some point we might talk about some tiddlywiki implementation questions related to the subtle custom there are a lot of different ways you could do it some people use pre-made tilly wiki editions such as
stroll that have some of the features such as you know backlinks and stuff built in already but um you know probably the the most defining feature
of tibby wiki or characteristic of tiddlywiki is that you can make it do pretty much whatever you want so figure out what subtle custom features and ideas you want to use and then from there you can work to make
tiddlywiki work for you to do that and you can continue evolving it like i mentioned you know the description is a relatively new thing i'm now using it in many different places certainly my tags and my links change
all the time and it is very easy to add additional tools to tillywiki once you've learned it in order to improve your workflow slightly
so we will end it there thank you
End of transcript