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Welcome to the second episode of Reality  Roundtable. Joining me today to discuss ecology   and what an ecological civilization might look  like, are my friends Bill Rees, former Professor   of Ecology at the University of British Columbia  in Vancouver, Nora Bateson, who runs the Bateson  
Institute, as well as Warm Data Labs out of  Stockholm, Sweden. And Rex Weyler, original   co-founder of Greenpeace, activist, journalist. In  a broad and deep discussion, it was fascinating to   see how people agree on deep ecology and the  ecological predicament of human overshoot,  
yet take wildly different perspectives in how  they view it. From bees and apples to overshoot   and population, I hope you enjoy this ecological  round table. Please welcome Bill, Nora and Rex.   Welcome my friends, Nora Bateson, Rex  Weyler, Bill Rees. Good to see you all.   Good morning. It's nice to be here.  
One of the reasons I'm doing this Reality  Roundtable is I'm blessed with a universe of kind   ecologically literate, good humans like yourself,  and I'm not bringing on people I don't know   to have contentious dialogues. We're all  friends, and I think there's something to   be said for that. So today's topic is going to  be ecology, something that all four of us care  
a lot about and know a lot about, but that is  counter to our cultural and educational system.   I studied Chinese and business in undergrad,  finance in graduate school, and I was in my   mid thirties when I got my PhD. I was exposed  to ecology, like an actual class on ecology.   And now it's like everything in the world revolves  around this. Why isn't this a central part of our  
entire social discourse? I would like to give  the mic to each of you in turn to first start   with what is ecology, your own definition or  the lens with which you view ecology? Why is   it really relevant to our world? And maybe  offer a few thoughts on your own particular   flavor of your viewpoint or work on ecology.  Professor Rees, why don't we start with you?  
All right, Nate, thank you very much.  Ecology, I suppose, is a well known term,   but most people have no clue what it really means.  So I'm going to give you the kind of academic   definition first and then tell you what I think  it's really all about. So if you go to a textbook,   ecology is a discipline. It's a scientific  discipline within biology in which people study  
organisms in their habitats, and particularly the  relationships and interactions between organisms   and their habitats, both other organisms and the  biophysical environment. Those relationships or   interactions are basically defined in terms  of energy and material flows, and that gives   every ecosystem a defined structure and function,  which is studyable, quantifiable and all of that.  
So that's basic ecology as it's taught  still in most of our universities.   But to me, there's a great deal more to it than  that. And four terms come to mind that I think   are really important to understand, although  they're completely outside the vocabulary of   our civilization. The first is emergence. Life  is an emergent phenomenon on earth. It emerges  
spontaneously from the primordial soup, as  it were, in the presence of energy gradients,   both chemical energy and ultimately solar energy. The second principle that I think is utterly   essential to understand here is  the concept of self-organization,   that living systems self-organize and self  produce because they can. They're in an  
environment which is filled with gradients of  energy and material, and that enables them to   emerge in a self-organizing way to take advantage  of the energy, that is to say the capacity to do   things, that is in those environments. The third principle is something 99.9% of   even scientists have not heard of, and that's  called a dissipative structure. Ecosystems are  
dissipative structures. That is to say they feed  on gradients of energy, in this case, solar energy   as it's an ecosystem. And they dissipate that  energy as low grade heat into the environment,   but they use it to construct themselves.  This goes back to self- organization and   self production. They use that energy to produce  themselves and a very simple material is extracted  
from their environments. So if you think of green  plants, they use solar energy, they dissipate it,   but in the process they are using water and  essential nutrients extracted from the soil   to self-produce. They produce biomass, plant  biomass, which then becomes the basis for the   energy flows through the entire ecosystems.  All animals are dependent on plants. Animals  
are also dissipative structures. We dissipate  the biomass energy accumulated by plants.   And the fourth principle I think that's  really important to understand here is that   all of this occurs through an evolutionary  process. So natural selection is at work.   So when you put these four things together,  emergence, self production or self-organization,   dissipative structures and evolution, one gets  a picture of the ecosphere as a very thin layer  
of dynamic living, throbbing substance. In  constant self-production, every gradient   becomes an opportunity for evolution to occur. So  an example, animals are made possible, that is to   say animals such as ourselves, mammals, because  of the existence of green plants. Green plants   survive on the gradient of energy represented by  solar energy. But once plants are in the picture,  
they too represent a deposit of energy or a  gradient, which is then taken advantage of   by animals which have evolved to consume plants.  Parasites are the same. They take advantage of an   available gradient of either plant material  or animal material to sustain themselves.   This thin film of life over the surface of  the earth is a dynamic structure in constant  
evolution. People used to talk about the balance  of nature. There's no such thing. What there   is a constant thermodynamic equilibrium within  the ecosphere where the ecosphere is thriving,   but only because of the constant throughput of  solar energy. And that's the way it goes. We are,   as human beings, components of this energy  system. First of all, we live mostly on  
what we call endosomatic energy, energy that we  consumed, primarily green plants or other animals,   part of the energy gradients in which we live. But  more recently, we've tapped into a extrasomatic   source of energy. We can talk about that later,  which makes us somewhat unique in this, but not   exceptional. That sounds like a contradiction,  and I'll explain that a bit later. But that to me,   what ecology is all about is the study of  the emergence, self-organization, dissipative  
nature and evolution of living systems in consort  through the dissipation of available energy over   the earth. And if that energy were to be cut off,  the whole thing disappears. It can't exist.   Bill, thank you for that. That was quite  a extemporaneous ecological mouthful,   especially at 7:30 in the morning, British  Columbia time. Excellent. Who's next? Nora.  
Yeah. Well, what to add to  what Bill has just said?   And I think given that he's said all that,  what I would like to pile into that is   the study and the attention of what's  happening in these interrelation processes   that are collectively producing life. This  is where I think we are losing a lot of  
understanding and are susceptible to falling prey  into static models of ecological processes. The   hitch is that relationships do not stand still.  And that underneath the idea of relationship is   actually the idea of communication. How are  these different organisms communicating with  
each other? There's a whole sort of field of  study looking at biosemiotics, looking at the   biosphere as a semisphere, looking at the way that  all organisms in all levels are in communication.   So that communication for me is I  think where my studies are focused.   And asking the question in the interest of making  change, we might first start by thinking we could  
change the parts. Then with a little more  refinement of our understanding of ecology,   we could start thinking, well, what we  have to change is the relationships.   But if you go deeper still, what you start to ask  is, well, what's happening in the communication?   Not so much how do we change the communication,  but what was it possible to communicate? Okay,  
so what I'm looking at is the way that  organisms produce limits in their communication,   what it's possible to communicate. So for example,   we talk about dog whistles or things that  are outside of frequencies. There are ways   in which different organisms' sensory processes  cannot receive information. So what is possible  
to communicate is going to create a whole world  into which those relationships can take place.   Now, ecologies never do things one at a  time. Nature doesn't do things one at a time.   If you look at any organism, the way that that  organism is in communication, relationship is  
forming and informing other organisms, you  start to see that this is a mind blowing   world of things changing things, things  shifting things. And things shifting things   in multiple realms at all at the same time is  something that is inconvenient to most of the  
habits of creating strategy, creating plans,  and generally trying to manage or get control.   The bit about that that is extra difficult is  that when there is a shift, that shift does not   take place only at what we would call first order.  Most of what is happening in natural processes is  
taking place at second order or nth order, which  is to say that the thing you're looking at is   both far down the line of relationships and  communication that was made by relationships and   communication that was made by relationships  and communication, and is also producing   relationships that make relationships and  communication that makes communication.   Where we get caught is thinking that  we can identify a static snapshot in  
an ecological process and get control  over it, we can enact something upon it,   and thinking that we can do that toward what  has been perceived as a positive outcome.   Without recognizing that with all of these  different organisms that are changing each   other all the time, we're actually going to make  a mess. Now, I like to share this slide that's  
got these beautiful moths and butterflies that  have eye spots on them that look like predators,   birds of prey eyes. What's interesting about these  organisms is that the predator of the moth is not   the owl or the eagle. The predator of the moth is  something like rodents, bats, stuff that actually  
will be eaten by the bird of prey. What we're  seeing is a physical expression of a second   order relationship. That's, I think, an important  place to start because the impulse, especially in   a society that is so habituated to engineering  type thinking, is to make direct correctives.  
These direct correctives, they're going to be  ecological. That is the issue. For me, one of   the things that I think is most challenging is  this question of how do we think like an ecology?   That means that even in our moments of great  anxiety, when we know so certainly what the answer   must be to all our ecological problems, that  there has to be a significant dose of humility  
and being able to wait to be careful to begin  to practice that thinking that allows for these   multiple orders of relationship. In an ecology, you have   a continuity and you have discontinuity.  You have to have both of those things. In  
order for anything to continue, there must be  discontinuance. All of these organisms in their   continuing vitality are discontinuing various ways  of being, living, communicating, and relating.   But what is continuing is the vitality itself. I've been playing with this sort of new phrase  
that has to do with addressing the habit of  constantly talking about ecologies as though   you could freeze them. So I've been toying  with this phrase of simultaneous implicating,   that the organisms in an ecology are implicating  each other always all the time simultaneously. And   in doing so, they're generating a kind of mutual  learning so that the way that the shark is in  
relationship to the group of fish and the algae  and the way that the algae is in relationship to   the oxygen and later into the forests and  the forest floors, all of these processes   are implicated in each other simultaneously.  That hurts the little human brain a little bit,   mostly because we're not used to it. We  haven't been trained to think like that.  
I'd like to carry on with this idea of how  confusing it is and why we're so slow to make   appropriate responses. I compare ecology to the  so-called Copernicus Revolution 500 years ago,   that humans were finally able, Copernicus,  Kepler and Tycho, to look out beyond  
earth and notice how planets moved   and figured out that the whole universe is  not orbiting Earth, but that Earth is orbiting   the sun and the moon's orbiting the Earth, and  the planets are orbiting the sun and so forth.   Clear, straightforward observation and analysis.  And it took centuries for those ideas to settle  
with humanity. And wars were fought over these  ideas, and people died at the stake and were   burned alive by the churches and so forth. I  think of ecology as kind of imagine Kepler or   Galileo sitting around 50, 100 years after they'd  realized that Earth was orbiting the sun going,  
"What's the problem? Why don't people get it?" And here we are with ecology.   I think it's been 60 years since Rachel  Carson's book, which to me really set off   the ecology movement in the Western world,  and we're still not getting it. We've had   36 climate meetings over 44 years since  1979. 36 climate meetings and the emissions  
have doubled over that time and gone  up every year. So something about our   process is completely wrong. Something about our  understanding of ecology is completely wrong.   But for me, I look back at, for example,  the Daoists. To me, the Daoists understood   very deeply the complexity. Daoism really starts  with just accepting the mystery and the complexity  
of the world and not trying to necessarily  explain it all, and then to pattern behavior   after these natural processes. I think the  Daoist were kind of the first to start figuring   out that understanding ecology had something  important to do with how humans should live.   There's a Daoist concept of Shin  Lin, which is the divine efficacy.  
That's the long, deep  effectiveness that comes from   appropriate action that is non-contrary to the way  the world works. I think that's something that we   have to learn. But for me, ecology involves some  of these ideas is that all living things have,  
if we have value, if we have an idea of value,  which may be a human construct, I don't think   evolution cares necessarily which species live or  dies or which relationships endure and so forth.   But we place value on life. But I think we have  to understand that all forms of life have value,   and that we can't place human value above all  those other values and that the diversity itself  
has value, the complexity has value. So as  humanity expands across the planet and humans   and our livestock now comprise 95 plus percent of  mammal biomass on earth. We are in every habitat   virtually on earth. As humans expand across the  earth, we're destroying that diversity. But that  
diversity has ultimate value. So we're making  a huge mistake not paying attention to that.   If we have a sense of rights, which we  do. It may be another human construct,   but we talk about human rights and we want to  protect our human rights. We have to expand   that sense of human rights to the rest of the  world and understood. We don't have the right to  
destroy that diversity which is critical and which  has inherent value. So of course, our policies   have to change. And I think this is also part of  our sense of who we are as humans, as ourselves,   and the idea of the self, the individual, and  even the humans as this individual species,   these divisions are arbitrary. I don't stop at  my skin. I'm breathing air. I'm drinking the  
water. I'm eating food. I'm eating an apple. When I eat an apple, when do the molecules   of the apple become me? When I'm chewing  it in my mouth, when it's in my stomach,   when my system has broken down the nutrients.  When is that point that nitrogen molecule becomes   me versus the apple? I would propose that  apple is me when it's growing on the tree.  
I think of the blossoms of the tree  and the bees. The blossoms of the tree,   the tree can't reproduce without the bees. So is  the bee part of the tree? The bee is part of the   reproductive system of the tree. So the bee is  part of the tree, the tree is part of the bee.   The bee needs the tree. The tree needs the bee. This is just one simple relationship, but it's  
not simple at all because the bee needs a lot of  other things, and the tree needs a lot of other   things. And the mycelium and the soil. We talk  about a tree and the soil and the atmosphere   and the bee as if they're all separate things.  And that's convenient because our language has   nouns that mean certain things. So we want to talk  about trees. It's nice to have a word for tree,   but we get it in our head that the tree is  separate from the soil, which is separate from  
the atmosphere, which is separate from the bee.  And I'm saying no, those divisions are indeed   somewhat arbitrary, but we use them for  convenience. But the soil's not the soil   without the relationship with the tree and the  tree's not the tree without the relationship with   the soil and the atmosphere. And the atmosphere  is not the atmosphere without the relationship   to the tree, to the bee, to me and the soil. So to me that's the essence of ecology.  
And that we have to expand this sense of self,  individual self as well as the species of humans.   And this isolated self, I think is a socially  reinforced construct, but we get sucked into it.   And we talk about relationships in ecology and  we talk about the value of all living things,  
but in our actions we come back to the individual  self. Our economic system, as you pointed out, is   geared to the individual self and to growing human  enterprise. And this growth of human error... I've   even had the experience of environmental  group people from environmental groups   complaining if, for example, I use the term homo  sapiens when I'm talking about humans, that this  
is an insult, that we're not just animals. And I mean the, bless their hearts, but the   Sierra Club tried to outlaw the terms, in their  own internal conversation, they tried to outlaw   the terms carrying capacity of the earth as if  it was an insult to suggest that the earth had   limits. They wanted to outlaw the term. They told  their spokespeople, don't use these words, don't  
ever say carrying capacity, don't say overshoot.  And Bill can talk about more about this. But   I believe that this inability of us to  really embrace ecology, it has to do   with this complexity which is just proving to be  really beyond our natural mental abilities.   I wonder if removing the term carrying  capacity and overshoot is itself an  
ecological response to humans acting as a  dissipative structure? We have to remove   barriers to further dissipation. Do  you have any thoughts on that?   Well, I guess I have a couple. First of all, I  think I'm going to make three quick comments. Rex   has put his finger on some very important issues  here when he used the term human construct. Human  
beings don't experience or act out of reality.  We socially construct stories, narratives,   paradigms, if you will. These are, I suppose,  constructed perceptions of the nature of reality,   which may or may not map to the real thing in any  significant way. So you've already mentioned we   have an economic system that seems to defy  ecological systems. Well, of course it does  
because our economic system is a social construct  which includes no useful information whatsoever   about the ecological relationships. Or for that  matter, even the social relationships with which   the economy interacts in the real world. So  here we are, our entire global human enterprise   operating out of a mental model, a construct  which does not make reference in any significant  
way to the real world in which it operates. And this is a reflection of another construct,   which is human exceptionalism. Now we operate  from the perspective that humans are not part of   nature. Now, Rex has just made a very elaborate  and beautiful illustration of how humans are not   only part of nature, but cannot extract themself  in any significant way away from nature. And  
yet again, we operate out of mental models in  which there's no significant connection between   humankind and nature. And these social constructs  are unique to every culture. Every culture has   their own. And we know from neuroscience now that  when an idea or a concept is repeated as we do in   our education systems and our religious systems or  whatever, over and over again, it literally helps  
to form synaptic circuits in the brain, which  then tend to block out counter information.   And we seek out experiences and people  that reinforce these preexisting circuits.   So it's a wonderfully adaptive system if you go  back 100,000 years because it creates a sense of   tribal identity and personal identity, tribal  cohesion, we all share the same stories and  
all the rest of it. And it's not dangerous as  long as it doesn't conflict significantly with   the nature of the reality within which the tribe  is embedded. But we live in a global tribe now,   operating from a mental construct, which is  entirely hostile to the biophysical environment   in which we operate. And then we act surprised  because it's not working. It can't possibly work.   You can't fly a jet engine on water. You can't do  anything where there's complete incompatibilities  
between the major components of the system.  We have created a global culture which is   antithetical to the function and constructs of the  natural world. Why are we in trouble? Goodness.   Yeah. I was reflecting on Rex's comment that the  diversity is itself such an important aspect of  
ecological process. And my reflection was that  here's the problem. If you start to say, well,   what we need is more diversity, then what happens  is there's a kind of engineered thinking that   kicks in and thinks, well then let's create that  diversity. And this is where we go horribly wrong,   thinking that we can actually do the  multiplicitas work that nature does  
and the beginnings and the ends of which we  have no idea. We're just learning about the   microbiome. We're just learning about the mycelia  and the way that trees are communicating. Are you   kidding? We're at the beginning of this adventure  into this understanding of how organisms that   are interdependent are in communication  and are in fact supporting one another.  
This is something that runs exactly contrary  to some of the most basic ideas of evolutionary   theory that started with survival of  the fittest and competitive behaviors.   Of course, I know that that got taken  out of context, but it fitted into, okay,   to your point, Nate, it fitted into an ecology of  ideas that were already there, that were based on  
isolating individuals, that were based on high  levels of production that you could measure and   account for, that were based on this idea that  there's something in it for me, that there's a   point and that there's something in it for me.  And to get it is a linear process. And so these   things are all exactly, no, they are exactly not  the direction that allows for what Charles Sanders  
Pierce called abductive process, which is the  way that the different organisms in an ecology,   if you can just use your imagination and think  about how they become descriptions of each other.   In what way is the tree, that Rex is talking  about, a description of the bacteria in the soil?   In what way is the bacteria in the  soil describing the birds and the  
bees? And Rex as a organism himself  is made up of trillions of organisms.   So this starting with even this idea  of self, of where's the edge of me?   Where's the edge of the apple? Where's the edge  of the soil? I think it is a good beginning   into trying not to get caught in this trap. Not only is Rex composed of trillions of cells,  
but Rex has more bacterial cells cohabiting in  his body than cells of his own stuffness. So   we are completely and intimately related  to even the microbiome in that sense.   Here's the challenge that I see. The ecology  that you guys are describing is an observational   thing that happens over long periods of time, but  we don't have that time given all the things that  
are at risk. So it's almost like there's a Zen  ecological Taoist observation of global ecological   systems, but then there's using our knowledge of  ecology and the oceans and the biosphere and the   species loss. And we are an apex species right  now, and our impacts on the planet are legion.  
So what do we do about it? How do we go towards  more sustainability? Is it possible to have an   ecological civilization or do we just observe and  describe? I mean, these are lots of questions.   Maybe we could head in that direction, but that's  where I was thinking when you were speaking.   We don't have a lot of time if we're  thinking about saving business as usual.  
But what do they say in every first aid manual  when you're first learning first response,   first aid? First lesson in every first  aid manual is, in a crisis, stay calm   and try and help the people around you stay calm.  Panic and freaking out and thinking we have to do   something immediately, I don't believe it's  going to help. Now, yes, there's a call for  
action. I've been involved in environmental  actions for the last 50 years of my life,   all of my adult life. Nothing wrong with that.  But rushing to create solutions, and I think   Nora kind of mentions why this gets problematic,  but rushing to create solutions, we rushed to   create solutions using this engineering system,  the linear thinking that got us into this mess.  
So I would say, yeah, the first thing I go  with the Taoist, just relax and stay calm.   Try and see if we can find that  long divine efficacy rather than   create... we think we're going to solve our, for  example, our global warming problem with windmills   and electric cars. And so far we're not doing  it. Emissions keep going up. Like I mentioned, 36  
meetings in 44 years, emissions keep going up. So  what did all that rushing around get for us? Now   we've got more so-called renewable energy, which  is not really renewable, it's replaceable, but   replaceable with a lot of mining and engineering.  So we've developed this alternative energy system,   which is not really an alternative either because  it's just adding more energy on top of the  
hydrocarbon energy that we're already using. And in fact, the renewable energy so-called that   we have developed in the last 20, 30 years has not  kept pace with the increased demand of energy so   that our demand for hydrocarbon energy has gone up  alongside it. So we're not making the progress we   claim to be making with our engineering solutions.  So I think had we taken the approach of slowing  
down and staying calm back in the 1950s and '60s  when Rachel Carson was introducing ecology to the   western world, had we maybe paid a little bit more  attention to what the Taoists were saying and our   indigenous brothers and sisters regarding the  sacredness of all our relations and slowed down   and really thought about our place in the world,  I think maybe we would've been better off.  
I guess I take a slightly deviant view about  all this. I don't think we are making progress   because we don't understand the problem in any  profound sense. Again, we're reacting in this   linear single cause/effect manner. We think of  climate change as the existential issue facing   humanity, but it's only one symptom of a list. I  could give you 20 other symptoms from biodiversity  
loss to ocean acidification that are all linked  to the same issue. And that's the overgrowth   of human society. It's this question of overshoot.  The human system is currently literally devouring,   we talked about this earlier, ecosystems  as well as non-renewable resources and much   faster than nature can regenerate. And we're  polluting ecosystems much more rapidly than  
natural systems can process the degraded  materials. So it's a fatal condition. Now,   let me make an outrageous statement.  Unsustainability, is a natural phenomenon.   Human beings have the potential to be  unsustainable by nature, but so does every other   species. What I mean by this is that we have three  capacities that we share with every other species.  
The first is a tendency to grow exponentially in  favorable environments. Every species exhibits   exponential growth in a favorable environment.  The second is that we tend to expand into all   available habitat. And no species other than  humans occupies the entire surface of the earth,   even habitats that aren't favorable because we  alter them to suit ourselves. And the third thing  
is we tend to use up all accessible resources.  Now if you put those three things together   and add technology, you have a situation which  sets us free to essentially pillage the planet.   But again, there's nothing exceptional about  this. If you think of a plague of locusts or   a plague of mice or frogs or whatever, every  species, when it is situated in an environment  
which for whatever set of juxtapositional  reasons is favorable to the expansion of   that species, it will explode and expand. And humans are no different. With fossil fuel,   we acquired the ability to exploit the planet  and provide all the other resources needed to   grow the human enterprise to realize  for the first time in human history,   our full exponential growth potential. So up until  about the industrial revolution, we were held in  
check by negative feedback. The positive feedback  tendencies of the species shared by all other   species was held back by resource shortages,  disease, war, and all of that stuff. Well,   fossil fuel temporarily relieved us of that, and  we exploded just as a plague of locusts explodes   during a favorable environment. But then what that  explosion does is deplete the resources and it  
crashes. So I think we're on a one-off population  boom/bust cycle, which is completely natural. It   just, it's never happened to humans before on  a global scale has many times before on a local   scale. But this time it's a global thing. It's  natural, it's going to happen, get used to it.   And Rex is right. Don't panic. Start taking care  of what you can in your immediate environments.   So I recently did a podcast with Daniel  Schmachtenberger, and we talked about how  
narrow boundary versus wide boundary goals and a  particular narrow boundary and intelligence would   outcompete a wider boundary wisdom. And so right  now, the market system is a very, very narrow   boundary. Let's maximize profits. Profits are  tethered to energy. Energy is tethered to fossil   carbon and CO2. So all of you, the three of you  are saying that ecology is a wider, more nuanced  
interrelationship and the more relationships  and second to end order things you add, the   less able it is to compete with the dissipative  structure that is the market. So I have a ton of   questions. Let me ask a leading one and then we  can backfill. What would, knowing what we know,   what would an ecological civilization look like?  Or an ecological community, an ecological society,  
what would that look like? And I'd like  each of the three of you to respond.   Well, I'll say there's a danger in that question.  It's a good question and it's a question we should   be asking, but there's a danger, and that  is that we're going to come up with a model   for ecological community and then we're going  to make it happen. And that right away violates   everything that Nora just pointed out. That's  absolutely critically important. That's not the  
way nature works. Nature's not working on any  particular participants plan. Like the bees all   get together and say, this is all screwed up.  We're going to do it this way from now on. It's   not how it happens. So there's danger in that. And that is our engineering brain. That's our   linear thinking. That's our first order  brain. So take my other comments, please,  
with a grain of salt. First of all, we have to ask  what endures. We want to be sustainable. You hear   the term all the time now about something  we did made us more sustainable or we've   no such thing as more sustainable. Just it's like  making the train. It's like you're going to make   the train, you make the train, you don't  make the train. You're not better off if  
you almost make it. So we keep celebrating all  these little victories to feel like victories,   and we want to stay positive. So we  celebrate them and we say that's that's,   we're now more sustainable. But are we more  sustainable, for example, now today in 2023   than we were when Rachel Carson wrote her book  in 1961? No, humanity's not more sustainable.  
After 50 years of environmental activism and  environmental ministers and consultants and   green products and green laundry detergent and  everything else, were not more sustainable. So   I'm trying to answer your question, Nate, about  what would a civilization look like? It would not   look like what we're doing now, that's for sure.  But one of the first things I would suggest that  
an ecological civilization would recognize is  our animal nature. That's the first thing. We're   animals. We tend to overshoot our habitat like  every other animal, as Bill has pointed out,   and we see this in our own gardens. When the  blackberries grow through the apple tree,   the blackberries don't back off and go, oh,  excuse me, go ahead, have that space. No,  
the blackberries just grow through the apple  tree and the apple tree and the blackberries   fight for who's going to survive in that space. Wolves overshoot a watershed. The algae overshoot   the lake normal. But what happens in nature is  that when any species or relationships overshoot   them, overshoot their habitat, what happens? They  contract. They have to contract. Wolves overshoot  
the watershed. They eat too many of the prey. The  prey die off. Then the wolves have to contract.   One plant grows over the other. Someone's going  to have to get smaller, contract, maybe even die.   So we're denying this. So second of all, we  need to admit our animal nature. All animals   tend to overshoot. Then we have to admit  that when an animal overshoots its habitat,  
it has to contract. And this is the catch point  for our economic system, our mental constructs.   We cannot handle this idea that there are limits  to human exceptionalism. We can do anything. We   can solve any problem. We can engineer our  way out of this, but we're not doing it.   We have no examples of us actually succeeding  at doing this, and it's not doable. So  
accept our animal nature and  accept limits and just end   human exceptionalism and start to see ourselves  as a part of this soil, tree, atmosphere, insects,   evolving, living, always changing, always slightly  out of balance, always seeking equilibrium,   moving world and not thinking we're going  to create a method or a structure. Remember,  
a map is not the territory, Korzybski. A map  is not the territory. And the problem that,   one of the problems, we have with our engineering  mind is we try to create these maps and then make   the whole world work that way. It doesn't work. If I can pick up on that, Rex is going back to   something I said a little bit earlier about  unsustainability, or at least unsustainable  
behavior being a natural phenomenon, because  we are far better than any other species   at exploiting our habitats. And we do that  because we've had the one-off abundance of   fossil fuel to enable us to do it. Keep in mind,  again, nature isn't a balance. It's an uneasy   equilibrium. Every species has this capacity to  explode, but they're kept in check by negative  
feedback. So there's this constant balancing  act between negative and positive feedbacks.   And what human beings did with the industrial  revolution, and particularly fossil fuel,   was first of all to increase our life expectancy  by reducing mortality. But at the same time,   and more importantly, we were able to provide all  the resources needed to grow the human enterprise.  
But in the process, we're eating all the apples,  we're destroying the soils, we're down fishing   the oceans, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.  So we've got this enormous population now,   an eightfold expansion in just the past 200 years  or so, suspended on a fountain of fossil fuel,   which is about to run out, and with it, all  the other resources needed to sustain the  
system up there at that far from equilibrium  displacement that we've reached as a result   of that fossil fuel bounty. So just like every  other species in a plague phase of its growth,   as I say, it's a one-off population boom cycle,  we will contract. Rex put it very gently,   he said that the species has to contract once it  goes up there, but it won't do so voluntarily. And  
all of these desperate efforts that we're making  around the so-called green energy transition and   concepts such as the circular economy, which is  a complete fantasy and biophysical thermodynamic   impossibility, we develop these models as ways of  encouraging ourselves to change in marginal ways   that are really aimed at maintaining the status  quo. Can we keep the growth oriented system of  
humanity going by alternative means, that's what  I call it, business as usual by alternate means.   It will fail, and the longer we pursue these  kinds of fantasies, the harder we're going to   fall. And that to my mind is the real great  tragedy of humankind. We may be selected out   by nature because that's what happens when  species get out of hand. The negative feedback   comes back with a vengeance and slams that  population back down to something that its  
ecosystem can sustain. And we're in for  that kind of shock. I think in the future,   unless we take charge of the situation and aim  for some kind of gentle landing, I don't think   we're going to do that because there's a huge  gap between what is possible. Everybody knows   what we should do. We've known that as Nora  and Rex have emphasized for 50 or 70 years,  
but we don't know how to do it. How do you get  this incredibly diverse human global culture   that can't even agree about whether climate  change is real to respond to this grotesquely   more complex systemic problem called human  overshoot? I don't know, how do we do that?   We're going to get to the what could we  possibly be done, but let me jump to Nora  
on what the question on what would an  ecological civilization look like?   It's, in my lifetime, I've lived in  a lot of different communities and   one was the Esalen community in Big Sur. I lived  at in an another community in Santa Cruz when I   was a little child I lived in the Zen Center  community in San Francisco for a while. I lived  
in a yoga community for a while. My family was  always interested in this question of how might   we live in another way and how do these various  communities begin to construct the premises and   the logic of ways of being together. So  the ideas that make these premises were  
something of interest, okay? They are inside  universities and the academy. They are inside   scientific laboratories. They're inside the tech  community. They're inside religious communities,   they're inside various, all sorts of different  kinds of communities, exist. I can tell you that   my experience is that intentional communities  are not only not fun, but a disaster.  
And one of the reasons they're both not fun and  a disaster is that they have a mission statement.   They already know where they're going and there's  some abstracted map-like idea that everyone thinks   that they're cohering to. But then it turns  out that everyone actually interpreted that   differently and the way they interpreted it  yesterday changed. And so that thing becomes  
the territory on which you are in polarity with  each other and not the thing that you agree about.   The thing you fight about most is the mission  statement. So I think that's one thing that I'm   looking at is how do you nourish unintentional  community? And I think that's a really kind of  
relevant question actually. What is it that  we can actually do together to help provide a   remembering or a mutual learning on actually how  to help each other in need? Just basic things.   I mean, do you know what to do if someone next  to you is having a stroke? Do you know what to   do if something's on fire? Do you know how  to actually create a water catchment system?  
Just basic knowledge of how to be with  somebody who's in a mental health crisis.   So this type of redundancy I think is really  important of learning how to be redundant,   not repetitive. A machine is repetitive but  redundant. And that means that the way I sit with   somebody in mental health crisis is different than  the way you do. It means that the way I respond  
when someone is having a stroke is similar but  not exactly the same as you, and that that's okay.   So we are moving out of this idea of  mechanized response systems into something that   allows for me to be me and you to be you  and us to actually be alive together.   And one of the things that I think is so just  kind of flattening is the plan of how we're  
going to create survival turns into this  party I don't really want to even go to,   right? It's lacking the very thing that makes  life, which is this unintentional possibility.   And so for me, this is the thing that I see  again and again is not... Okay. So I said I   grew up at Esalen and all these crazy new age-ey  sort of places, and I can tell you that I have  
seen every flavor of self-help and personal  development that you could shake a stick at.   And none of them work. They all breed assholes.  I mean, I'm sorry, but if you're an asshole,   there's no way around it. Nothing's going to fix  you. And if you're not an asshole, then everything   is going to make you less of an asshole. So the reason that's important is that there's  
a lot of pressure on how people should live, how  they should think, how they should be, how they   should feel. And this top-down instructional of  telling people how to live, think and feel is,   I think, a completely un-ecological process that  is interrupting the possibilities of who... The  
way to reverse that question instead of  how do I develop, it's this question,   who can you be when you're with me? That's  an ecological shift right there from being,   how do I become a better person to who can you be  when you're with me? Do you see that difference?   And so I think there's a lot right there.  Who can you be when you're with me?  
And how might I learn to be in support of things  that are really basic that we need to do together   in our own way? Yeah, I'll leave it at that. So multiple different answers and perspectives   there. Nora, you're championing the idea  that an ecological society or an ecological  
civilization would have to start from one's  own interaction with others at a ground level.   I don't know, Nora, that you agree  with this. I know Will and Rex do   that contraction of the human enterprise is  inevitable. If we start with that premise,   is there a way that our species,  our culture, our individuals,   and how they respond with others, is there a  way that we can respond with wise decisions?  
Can we, not as individuals, but can we as a  culture be ecologically literate and wise, given   what we face? What are your thoughts on that? Yeah. Okay, I'm glad that you're clarifying this   because I think what I'm saying is basically  that because contraction is inevitable,   the question then is how do we do that best  together? And that the wisdom in that is not  
going to be packaged in a book. The wisdom  of that is going to be in the particular   and a sensitivity to the particular, to the  complexity on the ground instead of reaching   for the manual, which is that engineering  mind popping in again, how do we create   an engineered version of how to go through crisis  together? And this is exactly the wrong question.  
The question is, who can you be when you're  with me, and what does it feel like to be in   mutual learning together? How do we meet an  unfamiliar and dangerous situation together?   How do we do that? What is it that you can  give your kids that you can give your friends,   that you can give your family right now that  will allow them that possibility of perception  
and of generosity, of integrity, so that in a  moment of crisis there is the possibility of   creating something together that you  cannot imagine right now. All right,   we hop to the what's the solution? And the point  is we don't know. The point is how do we be in   relationships such that whatever comes, we  can be creative together and meet it. And  
that's a second order response. Do you see? It's  preparing for second order, not first order.   I do see that, and I actually think it's maybe  one of the ways that we're doing this four way   conversation is because we all have, I have  relationships built over many years with each   of you. And so we can have this less formal  discussion because we understand and agree on  
a lot of these things. So we're at a place of  vulnerability and curiosity and openness. You   know my story, you all know my story as I think we  have so far acted as a dissipative structure and   that the super-organism will continue to call the  shots until it runs out of low entropy goodies.   And then we're going to have to  see what happens then and respond,  
which is why I'm doing this work, is to pass  the baton, not of solutions to other humans,   but of the context and the game board as it  were, so that there's all kinds of emergent   responses. I don't know what the responses are  other than we're probably going to on average   have to use less. And I hope that we treat the  sacredness of this planet and the life on it and  
the other species more of value than we do now,  and that there's an internal response in each   of us to be wider boundary in our thinking,  our actions, our behaviors. But I don't know.   So where are we? Rex and Will, would you like  to respond to everything that was just said?   Okay, I think we should start putting some  dimensions on what we're talking about here.  
So I think it's fairly clear that we agree there's  going to be contraction. And the question then   becomes ,what are we really talking about? And I  think as a rough way to begin thinking about this,   could the world with 8 billion people live  sustainably in the absence of fossil fuel?   I think right now if we were to omit fossil fuels,  drop them, it would be utterly catastrophe. You'd  
be condemning billions of people to death. So we  need to think creatively about how we can come   down to say about half the energy and material  flows through the planet that we now have,   and that means about 75 or 80% less energy  and material flows through countries like   the United States and Canada on a per capita  basis. Now that sounds horrific, but it just  
takes us back a hundred years or so when people  live perfectly happily without all the gadgets   and stuff that demands so much of the energy  that we're wastefully dissipating right now.   But those are some of the kinds of numbers I think  we should start to play with. I have no doubt that   it's going to be a renewable energy future. It'll  be a future of draft horses and water wheels and  
windmills, mechanical and so on, but not the kind  of renewable energy people are thinking of right   now. And by the way, to provide for all those  oxen and draft horses, which are going to have to   replace mechanical contrivances in agriculture,  you need about a hectare, two acres or so per   capita per animal to sustain and feed them in  addition to the food crops that we're going to  
need to feed ourselves. So we should be breeding  all mass right now, the necessary animals to   displace mechanized agriculture. Nobody subscribes  to this, but that's really, I think, what an   intelligent species would do, confronted with the  fact that we will run out of fossil fuels that   are economically exploitable in this century. And there is no possibility in my humble opinion,  
and I think there's plenty of studies to  sustain or support this, that renewable   energy can quantitatively substitute for  fossil fuels. So get used to these simple   realities and start doing the kinds of policy  development and educational development to get   people used to those new emergent realities.  And if we don't do that, it's going to be  
miserable for a vastly larger number of people  than any of us would care to contemplate.   That's what a sustainable society looks like. We're not going to run out of fossil   fuels for quite some time. No, we're just going to have less   canonically exploitable. But one could argue that there's 10   or 20 or 30 years left of quite a lot of them. So  from an individual standpoint, this might be-  
But if we were sensible about this, we would be  allocating that to the essential uses. So right   now, 90% of our food production is fossil fuel  dependent. Why aren't we reserving the remaining   carbon budget for food production, for example? One of the taboo issues of our culture is to even   address the question of human population. It's so  taboo that even the environmental groups, most of  
them don't want to talk about human population as  a limiting factor. I don't want to talk about it   as a limiting factor, but when Will talks about  making earth sustainable for 8 billion people,   one question arises, it'd be easier if it was  4 billion. And then people start thinking, oh,   what are you going to kill half the  people? No, but there are solutions  
and one for example, contraception should be  universally available, cheap, virtually free,   available to every family on the planet. Women's  rights should be a universal policy that every   modern democratic nation is battling 24/7. And if women had reproduction rights and  
marriage rights worldwide, and if contraception  was available worldwide, we could probably   reduce virtually all unwanted pregnancies.  Make abortions available. Right now,   the human population growth is 1%, approximately  1.1%. So we're adding about 85 million people to   Earth every year. That is the population of  Delhi, Mexico City and Sao Paulo altogether,  
every year added to the planet. Now, once people  are born, of course we support their rights.   Of course, we want human rights for everybody,  but people make the mistake and even including   a lot of environmentalists who will say that,  well, we can't talk about population because   it's racist, or we're violating people's  rights to live. But that's not the point.   The point is that there actually are policies  we could make that would eliminate unwanted  
pregnancies. And all we have to do in the  population issue is instead of growing at   1% per year would be to shrink at 1% per  year, if we were shrinking at 1% per year,   then we'd be having 85 million less people  to feed every year. I mentioned earlier that   humans in our livestock and pets and so forth  now comprise 95% of all mammal biomass on earth.  
Ecologically speaking, that's  not reasonable. It's not fair,   and it's going to crash. So why don't we  make some policies to make that a softer   landing and just gently allow our population  to slide. I think Nora has a comment, but   I wanted to bring up this issue of population  because it's a taboo. And whenever there's a   taboo, something's wrong in our discussions. Yeah, I want to chime in on that one because  
I want to go back to this image of the mother  nursing her child and how to support and nourish   that process right there. How to make sure that  milk that baby is getting, it doesn't full of   plastics and chemicals, and how to be sure that  that mother is strong in her bones and her own  
nutrition enough to be able to give the baby  what is needed and still be strong in herself.   And I think this is so important because like  Rex said, tending to those relationships,   because that's a relationship that's being  tended right there. It's not a statistic.  
And if you tend to these relationships, what  you're going to get is a shift in other places   where you can count the statistics in another  way. But one of the reasons we have the taboo   is that the suggestion of population  control comes in at the wrong level.   It comes in at control. And I think what  we're actually talking about is support  
for the families that are being made and  the people who are doing what they need   to do. And that is not just about making a  population difference. It's a whole way of   life that changes. It's a whole ecological  shift of relationships that are changing.   And so I think it's really important in what Rex  is saying to remember that what's under that is  
not just the changing of how many mothers are  having babies, but an entire epistemological   community. Actually probably physical, spiritual,  agricultural, economic shift is included in that.   It's not just not one category that's getting  changed. So just wanted to bring that in   because I know that Rex is holding a big piece  there, and the taboo is there because eugenics  
was at the beginning of this population control. And the eugenics itself is the thinking, that   is the industrial control thinking that that is  exactly what we have to be very careful of right   now. It is way too easy to slip into eugenics  thinking when you're trying to come up with a   solution and it's happened before. That was the  whole lifeboat exploration. Who do you save? What  
is the criteria? If you're asking those questions,  you're not dealing with an ecological process.   I'm going to kick it back to Rex. I have two  comments. One is building on what you just said,   Nora. We have a population of humans and we also  have a population of refrigerators, airplanes,   air conditioners, televisions, cars and things  like that. So there are two population problems.  
But the second thing, Rex, you said something  interesting. You said, ecologically speaking,   that's not fair that we have 96% of the  mammalian biomass, but this is a conversation,   a round table about ecology. Is ecology fair? No fairness, again, is a human construct.  
And I mentioned before, evolution doesn't  care. If a species is going extinct,   evolution doesn't freak out and go, oh, we  got to keep that species. It just happens.   There's no thinking being back there going, well,  should we let them go or not? And let's face it,  
when we eat the blackberries off the vine, that's  their babies. Is that fair that we eat the babies   of the blackberries? I don't know, wouldn't  beef to the blackberries if they had a voice?   In the natural world, everything that  exists eats something else that exists,   and that's how we all get nutrients passing  through our bodies. And there are more gentle ways   to do that. We notice a note, for example, that  
eating less meat and growing food and eating a  vegetarian diet is demonstrably gentler on the   world than our meat cravings. Stephen Gaskin  used to say it's obvious that it's less.   It's obvious that it's less violent to eat  things that aren't trying to get away from you.   But no, nature isn't necessarily fair. There's  not a fairness in nature. When I use the term  
ecologically speaking, it's not fair that we  have 95%. I could also say it's not smart. You   talk about wise decisions, it's not wise  to dominate your habitat the way humans   have done. Bill pointed out it's natural. All  successful species overshoot their habitats.   But if you're an allegedly smart species who's  trying to make wise decisions, you would notice,  
that's not wise. And I would 100% agree with Nora  that we're not going to engineer these solutions,   but we can create the conditions so that they  can happen. We could create the conditions. I   mentioned something like contraception and women's  rights. Those conditions would help gently reduce   human population growth. So why  aren't we doing those things?  
That would be bad for GDP if we did that. Well, yeah. If GDP is our measure, that's   another unwise way to go about the world. And  unfortunately, GDP is our measure for the most   part in our societies today. Economic growth  is our measure. So that's very unwise and it's   leading us to these problems that are going to  be for ourselves in the future and our progeny  
and future generations in the future. And  we can't appear to get out of it because   we're stuck in these economic paradigms. Yeah, I'd like to add a little bit to what   Rex said. We both live in the province of British  Columbia and Canada, which is actually now made   contraception completely free. So I think if not  the first jurisdiction in the world, certainly in  
Canada or North America, in which contraception  is free to anyone who wants to avail themselves,   it's part of the provincial medical Medicare plan.  So that's, I think, a very progressive move.   I think it's also absolutely right in suggesting  that if we made things a whole lot easier on women   in terms of economic independence and their  ability to make choices about these things,  
we would see a very rapid turnaround in  population growth on Earth. But keep in   mind there's a contrary movement afoot here.  Pro-natalists in many governments are lamenting,   and many governments are lamenting the fact that  in certain wealthy countries, Japan, certain   countries in Europe, even Canada and the United  States, natural birth rates have indeed fallen.  
And so we're doing everything we can to encourage  the maintenance of birth rates on purely economic   grounds. People are needed to maintain the growth  trajectory, to keep our pension plans afloat and   so on and so forth. So we have, I think, some  major problems to overcome and they have again   to do with this worldview. The narratives we  live from are contrary to ecological reality,  
ecological common sense, as I think Rex  has put it. It does not make sense for   one species to command most of the energy flow  through the ecosystems of which it is a part.   That's a very destabilizing situation. And  the wise species would do everything possible   to reestablish some kind of balanced energy and  material throughput. If we don't do that, again,  
I keep harping on this, people hate me for it,  but we will go down. There's just no question   that the natural system is one that will take  us out if we don't take ourselves out with a   degree of grace and good judgment. You can have very few people and still   be using way too many resources. A very small  population of the planet is using a very large  
percentage of the resources. So population  is an issue, but the relationship to stuff   and the idea, the identity predicaments  that are wrapped up in what is success?   What is it? What makes you lovable or gives  you credibility? It's mixed up in that.   Yes, but I think we can go back to one of Rex's  points, that it's easier to have fewer people  
living well than a whole lot of people living  poorly. And if I had my druthers and could   snap my fingers, I'd like to see say a billion  or 2 billion people on the planet living at a   reasonably decent material standard than  seven or six or 10 or whatever number of   billion people living at poverty levels,  which is the direction we're headed.   I actually disagree with that. I think it's  easier, ecological speaking, for us to have  
10 billion very impoverished humans. I think  that's the default that we're headed towards.   Well, I agree. I think it's easier, but I said  if you want to plan for something and do it in   a more difficult way, it would be a better life  for 2 billion people than for 10 billion people,   however you got there. So is the field of ecology,   as beautiful as the concept is, is  it always synonymous with these dark,  
doomy, ominous discussions, or is that only  because it's coupled with this late stage   overshoot situation of massive energy  surplus from the carbon pulse? Ecology   and ecological conversations, Nora was having  them when she was a child, she shared with us,   are beautiful and interesting and relevant. But  it's almost like ecologists in the tortoise and  
the hare race are the tortoises and the world  is caught up to this story. But I love ecology,   but this is a round table with three preeminent  ecological thinkers. It's heavy stuff.   It's not for the faint of heart. Well, again, I hate to jump in, but it   is beautiful. The intricacy, the mind-boggling  complexity of overlapping complex systems that  
constitutes the global ecosphere is a marvel to  behold. But that doesn't mean that it doesn't   have internal tensions. I think Rex has made  the point over again that we eat each other.   There has to be some means by which the finite  energy flows created by photosynthesis through   the system are distributed to sustain all of us. That means there are food chains, and that means  
that some species eat other species. It means that  look, each of us is a way station, a temporary   stop off point for the molecules and atoms that  comprise the living fabric of the planet as it   continues to recycle and cycle again through the  system. So it is a beautiful, incredible, amazing   system, but it gets out of whack once in a while  when certain species breakthrough the negative  
feedbacks that normally holds them in check. And that's what humans have done. So it's   perfectly natural that we will be set back and the  system will reboot. And that's the way ecosystems   operate. I don't think there's anything fearful  about it. We just don't realize it. We have this   arrogance to think that we're outside of that  system and it can't happen to us. And right now,   part of the ecological tension on the planet  has to do with war. The Russo-Ukraine war,  
I think is at least remotely connected to the eco  crisis we're talking about. Ukraine is one of the   most resource-rich countries on the planet, and  don't think for a moment that's not in the backs   of the minds of some planners in the Kremlin. So we could extinguish ourselves in a   blink of an eye if that goes out of hand. And  that's one of the dangers of overpopulation  
and overconsumption on a finite planet.  The further we push, the more we come   to reasserting the negative feedback that will  slam us back. And war is one of those negative   feedbacks that would be catastrophic for not  only ourselves, but countless other species.   Especially war today, with the nuclear fallout  and everything else. Rex or Nora, do you have any  
comments to what we just discussed? And after  that I will ask you all a closing question.   Life is beautiful, and   it's also terrible. And I think that  
there's something inside this about  this question of what's the point.   And if you ask that question, what's the  point, you're asking the wrong question.   What's the point of the forest?  The forest is just foresting.   And so the reason for tending to life  is because life. And so I think this  
is really extraordinarily counter indicated  to all of the ways in which we think about   that question. What's the point? What's it for?  How are we going to do it? What's the strategy?   All of that thinking is wound up in  something that's taking us to an end point,   and does not allow for what I perceive as a vast  realm of possibility that's right under our noses,  
that is completely emergent. But if you are  looking to do it to get a result, you are going to   miss that. So my feeling is there's lots and lots  of possibilities that are sitting right with us,   and they are in the ecology of our relationships,  our communication, the ecology of our ideas,  
the ecology of possibilities. There  is an ecology of possibilities.   Well, that's where I was kind of going,  is do each of you have a key thing from   this discussion that you'd like the viewers to  take away? And Nora, you kind of gave one there,   but I'll close with you at the end. Rex and  Bill, do you have any answer to that?  
First of all, accepting our animal  nature, and end this human exceptionalism,   which blinds us to our animal nature, just  for starters. If we have a meeting about   climate or biodiversity, in our minds we need  to invite all other creatures to those meetings.   And I'm not just trying to be foolish or silly  here. I'm serious, I'm dead serious about it. We  
need to be sitting at the table with the elephants  and the jaguars and the wolves and the algae and   the apple trees and the bees and allowing  those voices somehow into our conversation.   So that's one thing I would ask people  to take away is accept our animal nature   and ecologically, we also have to accept that  
resources are limited and accept  limits. And if people think that's dark,   there's a harsh edge to nature, there's a harsh  edge to staying alive on this planet. We can   soften that harshness, but we can't eliminate it.  And accepting limits is one way to get us on that   path. I'm 100% with Nora on the idea of creating  the context for these changes and not necessarily  
trying to rush to a linear solution. Well, I agree utterly with both Nora and Rex,   and particularly as an ecologist on the notion  that we are animals and we are bound by the same   natural laws and physical forces that every other  species is bound by, and particularly the laws of   thermodynamics. There are no exceptions to the  second law of thermodynamics. What's putting  
us off here is this human exceptionalism. There's a phrase or a book I guess called The   Arrogance of Humanism. And as long as we maintain  this egocentric anthropocentric perspective   on ourselves as a species different from all  the others, then we're finished. Nature will   show us how wrong we really are. So the  real question to me is whether debates and  
discussions of this kind are able in time  to overthrow the arrogance of humanism,   the arrogance of anthropocentrism, and get us  to the point where some of the multiple options   and opportunities and possible outcomes that  Nora talks about could actually be realized.   They will not be realized as long as we are a  self-referencing system that insists on finding  
solutions from within the same set of beliefs,  values, assumptions, and attitudes that have   created the problem. So I think things will unfold  exactly as nature requires that they do. There   will be, unless humans actively and intelligently  implement our own process of negative feedbacks so   that we withdraw our dominance from the ecosystems  of which we are apart, then nature will do it for  
us. And that is the way of the world. That is  the natural cycle through which we shall go.   As you're all speaking, a thought comes to mind  that this last hour and a half of conversation,   this couldn't be at a plenary in an IPCC  or UN meeting, not yet. And if there's one  
person in a thousand saying these things that  are ecologically honest and literate and that   grows to one in a hundred and that grows to one  in 10, who knows what might emerge from that?   I certainly don't. But the whole effort of all  of our work is to change the initial conditions   of the future in a way that is more  interconnected in service, as Nora said,  
of life. At least that's how I like to think about  it. Nora, I'm going to give you the last word.   Okay. I'm going to give you a word then.  Because it's a word that doesn't come up in   these conversations. And Bill just said that  if we don't stop with this self-referencing   process that can only find a solution from  within the existing systems of thinking,  
then we aren't going to make it. There is a  word for that thing. It's called a tautology,   and tautology is a word we don't use very often.  It doesn't come up in relationship to ecological   processes as often, I think, as it should. I think  it's an important word because of exactly what  
Bill just said and what we've been talking about,  basically this whole hour and a half, of why can't   we get out of the hoop? We keep trying to get out  of the hoop and we can't get out of the hoop.   And part of this has to do with the constructs of  what's real is real because we said it was real,   and what's researched is researched because the  research proves the research. And the monetary  
system is where the buck stops because the buck  stops at the monetary system, and we're caught   in these loops. Now the thing is, there's  something very ecological about these loops.   Part of the problem of the ecological thinking  conundrum is that we are in an ecology of thinking   that is adverse to ecological thinking. I  know that sounds tricksy, but I'm actually  
quite serious. We are living in a context that's  allergic to context. And so there's something I   think very important about just recognizing  that. Those moments when you are perceiving   how you perceive, just take a look at how we're  talking. Pay attention. What is happening here?   That is an opening. That's where something  new can get in, that moment of being a little  
bit confused, of not knowing exactly what  someone said or a cultural confusion or some   moment when there's been a moiré effect of some  pattern crossing your pattern that just, woo,   that's super important. Those are the moments  when the new information can come in, and   that's exactly what a tautology does not allow.  A tautology is adverse to new information coming  
in. So there's a way in which we have to, with our  animal claws, rip a little hole in the tautology   so that we can start to actually have some new  information moving and new rhythms of movement.   I think this happens because it's ecological.  It happens in poetry, it happens in podcasts,   it happens in the way mothers treat their babies.  It happens in how you make dinner. It happens in  
how you are with your partner. It happens in  courtship. It happens in spiritual practices.   It has to happen everywhere because that's how  ecologies are. They work from lots of different   directions. It's a trans-contextual process. Thank you, Nora, Rex and Bill.   I'm going to be thinking about the content in  this for a while. I had no expectations how  
this would go other than we're all friends and  you all have a lot to say and I may likely be   asking each of you back again to contribute your  thoughts to this fascinating and perilous moment   that we are living on this planet. Thank you all.  To be continued, and I will talk with you soon.  
Thanks. Thanks, Nate. Thanks, Rex.   Thanks, all of you guys. Thanks, Bill.   If you enjoyed or learned from this  episode of the Great Simplification,   please subscribe to us on your  favorite podcast platform and   visit thegreatsimplification.com for  more information on future releases.
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