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[Music] the built environment generates a lot of waste and a lot of pollution and a way to avoid this is to gradually move from edit normal built environment to the circular build environment the idea with
the circular economy is that you can make things in a way that it's it also it generates this little waste as possible so you can use the same principles for the kitchen which means
it's detachable it's adaptable you can use the same ideas for pretty much any building component the circular kitchen is the kitchen for life that means that it adapts to all the phases of life and
therefore lasts a lifetime the main difference is that this is a modular plug-and-play kitchen so the first difference is that there is a docking station and we have kitchen modules and these cajun modules consist
out of a module frame an infill and the style package and you can imagine that some parts of the kitchen last longer than others so the module frame can last for maybe 80 years it doesn't need to
change while the style package can change every 10 20 years the circular kitchen is basically designed for everybody it's very adaptable so whether you want a huge kitchen with a lot of appliances in a
kitchen island or you want a very small kitchen it doesn't matter it doesn't matter which color you want because it's extremely adaptable so it's basically fit for anyone we're going to start we've now made a first two outside and
we are going to fully develop this prototype into big samplers and we're going to place those in 5200 dwellings and from that point on we're going to
develop further and in three years from now it's going to be a market ready product [Music]
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