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okay great and then the four p's just to get the full full number in play oh so that's me trying to do a synoptic integration of all of the four e-cognitive science and trying to get it
into a form that i think would help make make sense to people of the of cognition and also in a form that's helpful to get them to see what's what we're talking about when i'm talking about the meaning
that's at stake in the meaning crisis because it's not sort of just semantic meaning okay okay so but i mean um okay so the me i see so it's it's the four ps i think of is like how we know anything really yes
and it's a how we know it in some way so it's different forms of how yes it's not based on the content of it so there's different ways you can do taxonomies and people often want to monkey with the taxonomy they said no no like you can make a
taxonomy however you want like if you make the taxonomy on the basis of content you're going to have like you're going to have like you know knowledge about australia knowledge about the solar system and right right now that you're right this is much more about the
manner and the mechanisms of knowing than it is about the content but i mean so the moment to bring it to the present you know the news cycle is about russia and ukraine yeah there are propositional things there about what's the capital of
russia what's the capital of ukraine where's the border then you have sort of procedural um how how do you discuss this matter or or how do we make decisions about this what are the things in play and then you have
um question perspective like how does it look in moscow how does it look in kiev how does it look at the u.n yes and then you have something about participation what's it like to be at the border in the east of ukraine for example yeah
yeah what identities are you assigning what identities are you are are you assuming what roles right yeah yeah i mean it's not nothing immediately politicized i just mean to bring it to bear that in any given context there are
always these multiple ways of knowing that are a big thing
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