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hi I'm Robert H I'm from Berlin and I'm using Mac since 1992 or something like that and I make music under my own name and under the name monolake and I'm part
of the development and specification team of Ableton life I'm not a musician so I'm I can't play any instrument and I really like the idea of a machine doing things I
like step sequences I like statistical and stochastic functions for creating clouds of sounds and clouds of events and I see myself more as someone who is writing a structure and the structure
then creates the music and Max is pretty much the Ideal tool for this kind of thinking Max is a language and everyone is using the language in a different way and I'm always amazed
to communicate with other people who are using Mees because we are all using the same tool and we achieve totally different results and that's very
interesting and very inspiring what I what I really like on Max is that it has the potential to to change the way you think about music it did this for me uh it really
freed me from this linear idea of something has a start and an end and this was a total Liberation like I I realized more than than before that what
I'm interested in in music is some kind of constantly changing permutative endless State and Max is the ideal tool for something like that so it's actually
a tool for sculpturing music much more than for recording my first patches were very small because I worked on a Macintosh Plus and um resources were extremely Limited
then my patches became very big because I tried to solve every possible problem with one single big patch and then my patches became very small again and what
I do these days is really I try to come up with a patch which solves 90% of what I want to do and I try to do this within a very short time so that I spent more time actually making music than um
programming machs because it's it's a it's a tricky thing with Max you can spend weeks in refining a patch and afterwards your the idea is so much gone
for yourself that now you have the perfect tool but you're not interested in using it anymore the biggest mistake one can make is trying to come up with the one single patch which does everything uh try make a simple patch
and try to work with the single patch for a period of time because the making a tool is one thing but mastering a tool and working with a tool is another thing and if you're constantly creating a new
tool you will never Master it and that's a danger in Mex that the edit button is so close cycling 74 should should force people to use Mex runtime for for one month a year so they can't make new
patches they just have to use what they already did it's kind of a responsibility of cycling 74 towards the development of Art that's fun
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