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back to the very early times times of speculative concepts of a connected world in the early 60s many years before the first Apple personal computer a
young thinker Ted Nelson had his own ideas about creating a computer network the web as we know it took a different route but Nelson's ideas are
still dormant [Music] it was an experience of water and interconnection I was with my grandparents in a rowboat in Chicago so I must have been 5 years old and I was
trailing my hand in the water and I thought about how the water was moving around my fingers opening on one side and closing on the other and that changing system of relationships
where everything was kind of the similar kind of similar kind of the same and and yet different that was so difficult to visualize and express and just generalizing that to
the entire universe that the world is a system of Ever Changing relationships and structures struck me as a vast truth which it
is and so interconnection and expressing that interconnection has been the center of all of my thinking and all my my computer work has been about expressing
and representing and showing interconnection among writings especially and writing is the process of reducing a tapestry of interconnection to a narrow
sequence and this is in a sense illicit this is this is this is a wrongful compression of what should spread out in today's computers they betrayed that because there's no system for
decent cut and paste and they changed the meaning of the words cut and paste and pretended it was the same thing so a guy named Larry tesler whom I consider to be a good friend nevertheless changed those words and I consider that to be a
crime against humanity and he doesn't understand why because Humanity has no decent writing tools in any case this is the problem of interconnection and representation and sequentialization
all similar to the issue of water so here we we have a parallel presentation that shows a quotation connected to its original context in the beginning God created the Heaven and the Earth and where is that from that is
from the King James Bible so we can step down to the next quotation Adam and Lilith immediately began to fight and that is from the alphabet of benera and so as we pull back we can see successive
Pages coming up to connect with their sources or with their linked content his vision of links never materialized by some he was labeled insane for clinging
on there are two contradictory slogans one is that continuing to do the same thing and expecting a different result is a definition of insanity on the other hand you say if at first you don't succeed try try again I prefer the
latter because I I don't want to be remembered as the guy who didn't now to to us you appear to be the only one around clinically
sane no one has ever said that before usually I hear the the opposite thank you very much for talking with us it was [Laughter]
wonderful marbles what a what a team yes now it's your turn
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