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a human can breathe 12 to 20 times per minute and live for 80 to 100 years whereas a dog that breathes 20 to 30 times per minute only lasts 10 to 12
years on the other hand a tortoise which only breathes 3 to five times per minute can live for 500 600 years this indicates that an organism's lifespan increases with decreasing breath count
the knowledge of this allowed the Ancients to begin developing the science of taking deeper fewer breaths they realize that a person only has a certain amount of breath to live not years and
months and that there is a cap on the number of breaths that can be taken slowing down and taking deeper breaths can help extend life but this process should come organically only three or
four areas of our bodies physically feel the air when we breathe our throat and our heart the air that has entered our lungs is not even something we are conscious of the air that has entered
the respiratory system is also separated into numerous distinct sorts the results are different when we carry out our work in the field we are not even conscious of all of this since it happens so
swiftly all we know is that carbon dioxide and oxygen entered and exited but we don't know much about what's inside or what's done correctly or incorrectly did you know that our bodies
go through some incredible things when we take those deep relaxing breaths it resembles a symphony of Happiness inhaling deeply strengthens our immune system to combat harmful pathogens deep
breathing is like a helpful companion to our bone health indirectly maintaining things in Balance even though there isn't a direct connection waste that has been lingering begins to be pushed out
with that oxygen surge our brains also receive the message and as a result we become more attentive and have better memory it's as though our brains had a switch turned on it's all because of
that infusion of oxygen it activates those neurons turning on the gears of comprehension and thought fresh air brings confidence back into the lungs consider the idea that the forest
awakens and becomes Vigilant Whenever there is a powerful wind gust a single Blow from kayal's body or a full session of Basta pranayama is equivalent to a
strong wind gust few people possess the ability to create a storm inside of themselves it takes constant work when the storm arrives everything is altered
the majority of people in today's world either walk quickly or breathe quickly and shallowly people aren't even aware of their own breathing patterns their breathing alters when they become angry
or feel other emotions the breath Alters as well when lustful feelings appear our breathing fluctuates in tandem with each of our thoughts and moods our lifestyle
and dietary choices also have an impact on it our bodily and mental states are directly correlated with the way we breathe the entire science of yoga is based on breathing in the right way so
if we just learn to take our breaths in the right way our lives will change like magic today through this ancient yoga story we will learn in detail about the
way to breathe properly and the Magical secret of breathing a long time ago a Buddhist monk lived in his ashram the monk used to teach yoga meditation and pranayama
to the students he had spent many years meditating in a cave in the Himalayas where he had deeply understood many subtle human Dimensions now he is using this experience to spread the knowledge
to the masses through disciples one day after supper the most intelligent and the smartest disciple of the ashram came to him seeing the face of the disciple the monk understood that
some questions were arising in his mind as soon as the disciple reached the monk he respectfully used dear monk I want to ask you some questions s the monk said
smilingly I understood it just by looking at your face ask me the questions you have the disciple said you often say that the root of yoga meditation and pranayama is our breath
as soon as we get control over our breath we get control over our minds and thoughts so today I want to learn in detail about the secret of breath and its true science hearing that the monk
gave a light smile and then started saying as is our mood so is the speed of our breaths or as is our breathing so will our mood everything that happens
within us is connected to our breaths as well as what happens outside US every event that happens in our lives has a deep connection with our breaths which means we can control the speed of our
breaths you can control your mind and Thoughts by doing this if you care observe a true Yogi or a Seeker you will see an amazing calmness on his face a
true Yogi can keep himself stable and calm even in the worst situations Yogi does not suppress his emotions but he gains control over his breath by
controlling his breath he gains control over his mind the man whose mind is under his control has the solution to all his problems pointing towards the disciple the monk said you might have
heard about certain yogis who are said to live for 150 200 or even 300 years how do they manage to extend their lifespans they achieve this through the control of
their breathing a practice often referred to as harnessing Prana energy Prana energy is all around us in what quantity it has to be taken and released
a yogi knows very well and he has mastered this work to a great extent you can use the energy as per your need and can make yourself longlived if you want to keep your body healthy have more
capacity than normal and want sharp intelligence then you have to understand your breath they have to be controlled and once you control them everything will be arranged in your life there is
no such thing as fear worry and trouble it is just a product of our minds and emotions the only thing we can control is the emotion in our mind and that is
our breath the anger inside us anxiety jealousy ego feeling of Revenge all this works according to our breath if we have control over our breath then all these
disorders become under our control breath works as a bridge between our body and our mind if we want to reach our mind and understand stand its disorders and remove them then we will
have to walk on the bridge of our breath we will have to reach our minds through our breath and this is the only way if you have ever seen a child sleeping then you must have experienced that when the
child inhales his stomach expands and when he exhales his stomach deflates that is a child moves his stomach from his navl while breathing which is the most natural and correct way of
breathing because of this deep and long breath the mind of children remains excited and light their Body Works more naturally you must have seen that the child is thinking about something in his
mind he does not keep it for a long time nor can he remain angry with anyone for a long time if he is scolded or hit for any mistake then after some time he
forgets it and gets engrossed in his game this is why children seem so simple they naturally breathe from their Naval area a child's body undergo rapid
development which requires more energy to meet this energy demand longer breaths are necessary therefore Nature has bestowed upon them the gift of extended breath however it's important
to note that this longer breath is essential for every human being it is a natural gift however over time humans have altered their natural breathing
patterns many now breathe from their chests rather than their diaphragms the shorter our breaths the more susceptible we become to worries and trivial matters on the contrary longer and deeper
breaths lead to increased happiness and inner peace the monk went on to explain that on average a person takes 12 to 20 breaths in a minute it's important to
understand that our breathing is intimately connected to our mental state and physical well-being when the number of breaths per minute drops below 11 we become more
attuned to the many subtle occurrences in our surroundings by controlling our breath we can develop an extraordinary sensitivity to the world around us including the sounds and feelings of
animals you may have heard stories of even fearsome creatures like lions and tigers appearing docile in the presence of certain yogis this transformation is believed to occur
because these yogis have mastered breath control they establish a deep connection with the sounds emotions and energies of animals when our breath rate drops to around nine breaths per minute we can
gain insights into the activities of trees and plant life reducing our breathing to less than six breaths per minute allows us to comprehend the workings of inanimate objects the
vibrations they Emit and their interconnectedness with the world in essence we can tune into the very essence of the universe yogis and sages who reach such a state are said to have
the ability to unlock the universe's Mysteries and foresee the events within it the more stable our body is the slower our breath becomes maintaining a consistent level of stability throughout
the body while avoiding rapid breathing can lead to heightened awareness according to the teachings of yoga breath control empowers a Seeker to achieve extraordinary Feats that
transcend the experiences of an ordinary person in the yogic tradition It is believed that by mastering breathholding for extended periods an individual can
unlock new dimensions of human existence additionally certain life-threatening diseases for which there is no known cure may find relief through the disciplined control of the mind and
brain achieved by breath control one can reach a mental state where the ups and downs in life will not be able to disturb him a yogi who has gained control over his breath can stop his
breath whenever he wants the monk further said that when the breath is Disturbed then the mind also becomes unstable but when the breath is calm
then the mind also becomes stable and the Y oi becomes long lived hence we should learn to control our health have you even considered the length of your
breath during inhalation compared to exhalation in normal circumstances we typically inhale for a span of about 10 fingers length while our exhalation extends to about 12 fingers this creates
a difference of one finger in thickness throughout our daily activities there are instances where the duration of inhalation far exceeds that of exhalation for example during meals
inhalation May reach a length of 16 to 17 fingers and fast-paced walking can extend it to 22 to 24 fingers when engaged in running the length of
exhalation can extend to 45 to 50 fingers and during intimate moments it may reach 50 to 60 fingers even while sleeping exhalation can span 60 to 70
fing fingers in our Scriptures it is advised to control lust and anger because they can deplete our life force breath is often referred to as the life force of a human being when a
200-year-old man was asked about the secret to his long life he shared just two simple practices taking full breaths down to the naval and maintaining an upright posture these seemingly
straightforward practices hold great significance in the Realms of yoga and pranayama as sexual desire diminishes within the Seeker experiences change reducing it by two fingers leads to
pleasure decreasing it by three fingers enhances writing abilities and reducing it by four fingers can result in improved speech a reduction of five fingers can grant a person farsighted
Vision by reducing it by six to seven fingers the Seeker gains the power of Rapid movement enabling them to reach distant places in mere moments however these dormant
Powers awaken only when there is a desire and a mental path to awaken them the physical manifestation of this mental path is the breath thus breath
control is the initial step in this journey with these final remarks the Buddhist monk wrapped up his lessons setting the pupil on a path of profound self-discovery it's a road full of
transformational potential and ancient Mysteries Guided by the wisdom of breath control as we conclude our enlightening journey into the ancient secrets of breath control we've uncovered the
profound connection between the rhythm of our breath and the very essence of life the Ancients with their deep understanding embarked on a quest to harness the power of breath to extend
life and attain spirit spiritual enlightenment if you've resonated with the wisdom shared in this ancient yoga video and if the transformative potential of breath control has sparked
a flame of curiosity within you I encourage you to become a part of our everwing community subscribe to wisdom in words and be a fellow traveler on this path of
self-discovery to our cherished subscribers I extend my deepest gratitude your ongoing support is the Cornerstone of our mission to share the Timeless teachings that can bring about
positive change thank you for being an integral part of the wisdom in words family before we part ways I invite you to like this video if you found it valuable and share it with those you
believe can benefit from its insights your engagement helps us reach more Seekers on their journey to understanding the profound mysteries of Life As We navigate the intricate
tapestry of ancient wisdom remember to breathe deeply live consciously and let the wisdom of breath guide you towards a more enriched existence stay tuned for our upcoming Explorations into the
depths of knowledge that wisdom in words seeks to unravel until then may your breath be your guide and may the Journey of self-discovery bring you unparalleled
joy and fulfillment thank you for being a vital part of the wisdom in words commun [Music] un
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