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if you're watching this chances are you are among the rapidly growing number of people who are becoming aware of the dire situation our civilization has created for itself with us facing catastrophic and
cascading breakdown of all our systems be they environmental social medical Financial Etc this Myriad of crises is often referred to collectively as the matter crisis
since each of these crises on their own pose an existential threat we need to solve all of them without exception or we might as well solve none of them this means that the entire future of
Life on this planet hinges Upon Us finding a way of overcoming the metacris in order to achieve this we need to find and heal its root cause a first valuable hint is the observation
that this emergency coincides with the emergence of exponential technology meaning we tapped into a type of technological progress that accelerates itself giving rise to an exponential
increase in our capacities AI being the most pure expression of this the capacities we have unlocked through this process are adequately described as the powers of Gods
because of the self-perpetuating nature of our technological progress whether we like it or not there is no way of us stopping this arms race except for the various scenarios of catastrophic resets
that we want to avoid the good news is that us unlocking the power of gods is in of itself not the issue because power is only destructive to the
degree to which it is not met with an equal or greater degree of wisdom and we literally are Gods but for the wisdom so the problem lies not in the presence of our god-like powers but in
the absence of any god-like wisdom or more specifically the mismatch between our power and our wisdom is the very thing that gives rise to the metacris so in order to overcome the meta crisis
we need to find out what gives rise to that mismatch the fact that we have already achieved what to a pre-modern person would seem utterly impossible with us unlocking the powers of gods should give us hope that
we have what it takes to achieve the same in regard to wisdom even if it might seem impossible to most people alive today but as it is widely known a problem cannot be solved with the same kind of
thinking that created it in other words the type of mind that gave rise to the meta crisis in the first place is not capable of overcoming it it has to be superseded by another type
of mind that both transcends and includes its predecessor let us refer to these two types of Mind as domesticated and liminal mind respectively each of us carries the potential for
both of them because within each of us there are two fundamental forces at work that form the very basis of these types of Minds those being fear and love
as such they also form the basis for perceiving the world around us because of this the respective realities that domesticated and liminal mind interact with are as opposite as these
fundamental forces of fear and love since fear is dead which separates domesticated mind will perceive the world through the story of separation seeing itself as separate from the world
threatened by the world and thus seeking control over the world love on the other hand is dead which dissolves all boundaries so liminal mind will perceive the word through the story of inter being
seeing itself as a unique expression of the whole and the world as an extension of itself because of that it fundamentally feels safe and at home and thus has no reason to seek any control
rather it only ever seeks to add to the beauty of reality this difference and attitude most clearly expresses itself in their respective way of relating to story
domesticated mind sees itself as separate from story and thus can only ever perceive it as a tool for it to use lemon in mind on the other hand perceives itself as interconnected with
story and thus encounters it as a living being for it to serve let's refer to these two types of stories as narrative and vision respectively to fully grasp the meaningfulness of
this distinction we need to remind ourselves about the Divine role story plays as the mediator of relationship a classic example of this is our relationship to a tree is it a dead thing for us to be used as
a resource or is it rather a living being worthy of our service and protection our relationship to it will be entirely determined by which of these stories we choose
but there is an even more subtle Dynamic going on hiding in plain sight because in a shredding us cat kind of way both the tree being dead and alive are part of its potentiality
and our story about the tree will determine how we interact with it over time so if we hold it to be a dead thing sooner or later we will cut it down as a resource and convert its potentiality
into this particular actuality if we however hold him to be a living being we will treat him as such and he will remain alive and thrive so what we have here is the most
important relationship that story mediates that being the relationship between potentiality and actuality between what could be and what is
which implies that in this specific way we can literally see the future through story not in the sense of it allowing us to perceive an objective future out there existing separately from us which is
often dismissed as superstition but rather in the sense that we are literally creating the future through our stories in each and every moment in order to distinguish this very real
phenomena from its superstitious counterpart let's refer to it as high Precision instead through high position we can see that stories literally steer the process of
creation itself which renders us as beings capable of consciously interacting with story co-creator of this reality this is at once a tremendous honor and
Duty since as co-creators we cannot not constantly create reality in each and every moment the universe asks us whether we want to go with love which takes courage or whether we go
with fear which happens if there is a lack of Courage the farmer allows us to perceive reality through warm Visions adding to its aliveness and beauty while the latter forces us to perceive reality through
cold narratives thus depleting its aliveness what is important to note is that due through the process of high position the health of the story of the tree precedes
the health of the tree itself or in other words the health of the mimetic organism precedes the health of the genetic organism which by extension means the health of
the new sphere precedes the health of the biosphere and really all other spheres since after all the whole of creation is Guided by story so to the degree to which we desire to be effective custodians of the biosphere
we need to first and foremost become effective custodians of the neurosphere but how exactly does one become a custodian of the neurosphere and perhaps more importantly how do we
do this collectively to search for answers let us take a closer look at how liminal mind and domesticated mind respectively relate to story in the context of collectives
when limiter mind encounters the story it encounters it as a vision proportional to its degree of beauty a vision will inspire or literally incarnate its Spirit into liminal mind
it will do so with many liminal Minds who together will then conspire literally meaning to breathe together into a culture or social organism lastly this culture will come up with a
strategy for manifesting that Vision in reality so liminal mind Source Vision as culture with strategy flowing from inspiration through
conspiration to manifestation fundamentally this is only a mechanistic reflection of the deeper metaphysical principle of hyperstation network since after all it is the vision which
dictates what manifests as reality importantly vision is what a story becomes when perceived on the basis of love so Vision can be said to be infused with
love which in turn will also Infuse reality with love manifesting as an increase in Beauty more love and reality in turn then invites more liminal mind which will
again perceive more story as vision and the cycle continues so in a very real sense we can say that this constitutes the autopoiesis or self-perpetuation of love
which at the end of the day boils down to a vector of healing in the newer sphere which as we have seen constitutes the source of healing in all other spheres domesticated mind on the other hand
starts from a place of fear and fear always without any freedom demands control so domesticated mind will immediately end causally stop thinking about some
strategy for control as part of the strategy it will find the others who are also afraid of the word and seek control over it together they will again conspire but
this time into a cult rather than a culture because the nature of their cooperation lies on a prisoner's dilemma type of basis meaning it consists solely of the functional reason that together they
will be more effective in reaching their common goal for control as a cult they will then engineer a narrative aimed at manipulating whoever holds it into acting out the hidden
agenda of the cult which is always aimed at increasing control of the in-group over the out group this constitutes the heart of the social machine so domesticated mind serves strategy as
cult with narrative again it all boils down to the deeper principle of hyperstation network manifesting story as reality since narrative is what story becomes
when perceived on the basis of fear it is a story Poisoned With Fear which will inevitably manifest as a reality Poisoned With Fear which in turn scares more people into
entering domesticated mind and the cycle continues domesticated Minds domesticating Minds so here we have the metaphysical counterpart to the other pieces of love
which is the other pieces of fear and just like the former constituted a vector of healing in the newer sphere the autopoiesis of fear can be thought of as a wound in the neurosphere
but remember that in each of us lies the potential for both domesticated and liminal mind which means the same is true for our potential to conspire into both Cults and culture and to one degree or another all of us
are more or less subtly engaged in both types of interaction so the right way to think about this is to view the autopoiesis of love and fear expressing itself as both culture and cult as something like the Yin and Yang
or metaphysical engine behind civilization dancing and interacting and unfathomably intricate ways creating the mind-boggling complexity of our contemporary civilization
but what can this understanding of the clarity behind all this complexity teach our civilization about how to overcome the meta crisis it's currently faced with we started with the recognition that the
metacris originates in the mismatch between our power and our wisdom but where do power and wisdom originate from if we look closely we can see that both originate in story
power originates in a story telling you how to achieve a specific goal or said differently power comes from an answer to a how question technology can be thought of as just the
material instantiation of that story for example the story about how to convert mass to energy can be instantiated as the technology of nuclear power wisdom on the other hand originates in a
story telling you what goals are worth achieving in the first place in other words wisdom is an answer to a what question if we go back to the autopoiesis of love
we can see that here these two types of questions are naturally coupled because the strength with which a vision inspires a culture is proportional to how beautiful its answer to the what
question is so the wisdom is provided to the culture from the outside by The Sovereign being that is the vision Guided by this the culture can then
fully engage in the quests of answering the how question by coming up with a strategy so no matter how great the power dwelling in the strategy will become it will always be guided by the wisdom that
motivated it in the first place the inversion of this principle however the other policies of fear totally lacks any sort of guidance of this kind because the word question is blocked by
a false answer before it can even be asked namely fear a priori demands the unbounded pursuit of control without one having any say in choosing that goal
because of this this process is completely isolated from any greater force which could provide the wisdom to guide it it does decouples power from wisdom with this we can make the quite
interesting observation that it is the autoparesis of fear which really is the generator function of the meta crisis to be exact this statement is only correct if we include dystopic 1984 type
scenarios in our definition of the meta crisis not limiting it to just existential risk because as is the case in 1984 there are ways to stabilize the path of fear and
control which are currently being explored with great Passion on our planet they entail using the power of gods to centralize the power of gods in a small Elite culminating in the Perfection of the social machine
in other words the path of fear and control is only stable if pursued in totality so it is really our indecisiveness as a species in this manner that generates
the existential friction between these forces that we experience as the existential threats of the metacrisis with this understanding we can see that what we are really faced with with the
metacrisis is a call for us as a species to make a choice when we go down the path of fear and control for overcoming The Meta crisis resulting in a quite predictable and not very interesting structure of something
like a military dictatorship or will we choose the path of love and vision to guide us through this civilizational rights of Passage both options are valid but we have to
make a conscious choice in order to move forward if we choose the path of love and vision as most people watching this probably already have we now have a very clear road map as to what is ours to do
namely we are given the Divine task of embodying the Eternal archetype of the custodian of the neurosphere in order to heal the wound which is the other paresis of fear
thus at once untying the knot of both the catastrophic and dystopic potentials of the metacrisis as we have already discovered domesticated mind is causally trapped in
the cycle of fear and control and fundamentally this boils down to how it unknowingly creates its own nightmare through the process of high position manifesting its engineered narratives
so the Crux is that it cannot help but constantly abuse Story by turning Vision into narrative as custodians of the newer sphere it is our honor and duty to enter liminal mind
thus healing abuse narrative back into vision in order to do this effectively however we need to be able to discern accurately between vision and narrative
surprisingly this is easier done than one might expect the key lies on the ancient understanding that story is made up of three essential qualities
truth goodness and beauty since these concepts are inseparable with beauty being the most fundamental it is helpful to view truth and goodness respectively as simply the cold and warm
expressions of beauty additionally Beauty as it is widely known lies in the eye of the beholder this is often misconstrued however to
mean it is a purely subjective construct what it really points to is that beauty is a form of perception more specifically beauty is the perception of coherence
So within limits these terms can be used interchangeably combined with our previous understanding we can say that truth is what coherence looks like from the outside where
goodness is what coherence feels like from the inside farmer is known through thought where the latter is known through feeling with this vocabulary we can draw a most
precise distinction between the concepts of narrative and vision as many have observed throughout history truth is relative but only few have paid attention to the
fact that this implies that goodness its feminine counterpart has to be absolute then a story manifests as Vision to the degree to which its truth is in service to its goodness
because through its context with goodness relative truth becomes absolute or capital T truth emerging from the right relationship of the masculine and The Feminine
which will always be experienced as a deepening of beauty since so cold beauty is in service to warm Beauty phenomenologically this will translate
into the vision as a whole feeling warm or expressed differently a vision will feel coherent from the inside as much as it looks coherent from the outside a narrative on the other hand
constitutes the inversion of this relationship this is due to the fact that it is always and more or less subtle ways a vehicle for control and in order to control something one
has to make it act relative to one's own will which means narratives inherently need to use herb the absolute reference point of goodness with the relative one of
Truth in order to effectively manipulate as such they always amount to a collection of facts that don't care about feelings subtly constructing a thought prison out of relative truth designed to
domesticate the minds it reaches an illusion built from truth so here the warm goodness is forced to serve the Cold Truth which explains why narratives as a whole feel cold
this illusion will always look coherent from the outside but never feel coherent from the inside with this we now have very clear phenomenological pointers to differentiate precisely between these
two manifestations of story narrative and vision illusion and Truth as custodians of the neurosphere it is our honor and duty to transmute and restore that narrative into living
vision this requires us to recognize and nurture the inherent beingness of story so that it can heal itself through us
which is the essence of liminality project liminality is the perfect instrument for custodians of the newest fear to do this together at scale to see how let us consider an apt
example using the most consequential story defining and permeating our culture today which is our story about story itself so imagine you are an ideologus with
someone who brings up a story that goes something like this stories are tools and information technology we created in order to coordinate more effectively at scale as with every technology they are
double-edged swords they can be used to engineer and optimize societies thus bringing order into a world of chaos but if we're not careful they can also parasitize us as mind viruses by preying
on our childish assumptions that the Universe cares about us the newest sphere is thus a hostile place and we always need to have our Shields up in order to not get infected by a mind virus consequently doubt is
what brings us closer to reality when listening to this we can immediately sense that even though this story might look coherent from the outside it feels utterly incoherent from the
inside revealing its narrative nature this story has suffered from abuse and requires healing importantly it also constitutes the foundational belief structure of domesticated mind
causing a fundamental feeling of alienation from reality giving rise to an insatiable hunger for control it is this primordial belief structure we need to heal in order to hear
everything else since healing literally means to return to wholeness all we as custodians of the newest fear have to do is adding the important parts that have been left out
which might sometimes also include the questioning of implicit assumptions in this case what's missing is the observation that stories have a life of their own and quite literally are their
own Sovereign beings combining these stories dialectically into a sentences that both transcends and includes these pieces might leave us with something like this stories are beings
we don't create them if anything they create us if we use them as narrative they use us as mind viruses
but if we serve them as Vision they serve us with collective intelligence the newest fear is thus our home if we don't poison it with our own fear
the fundamental nature of story strives towards greater Beauty and coherence which they unfold most thoroughly when we trust them from a place of liminality so ironically doubt by itself removes us
from reality because it is Faith what fundamentally cuts through illusion and the right role for doubt is only to help deepen that faith this constitutes the foundational belief
structure of liminal mind and project liminality this shall we say primordial Vision will then be broadcasted to everyone in your Social Circle holding the corresponding narrative
to the degree to which the vision truly resembles healing in the newer sphere it will inspire people to add it to their collection of stories thus extending the beacon through this mechanism the complete
intelligence of the collective can be harvested to heal all the narrative wounds in the newest sphere we're staring them into their original visions and contained in these Visions will be
all the wisdom we need to guide us through these times of great transformation so what we have here are very good news the wisdom of gods is Within Reach
it finds us through the vehicle of vision all we need is Faith and each other this way we will use the meta crisis as a catalyst for creating a world so
breathtakingly beautiful that it will take our entire species in unity to even begin to Fathom it this will be the Greatest Story Ever Told let's write it together
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